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Chapter 8 Shopping

The operator of the food stall is a fish man, who is as fat and strong as a shark.

The stall sells teppanyaki pan-fried fish, which is the kind of fish that looks indistinguishable from a slug. It is simply pan-fried until it is half-cooked and then you can eat it. The texture in your mouth is similar to that of abalone, but it is smoother.

Ke Wen once strongly rejected this kind of fish.

Later, unable to resist Wei's coaxing, he tried to taste it.

As for what happens next...

Steamed, minced garlic, braised...

The method at the food stall in front of me is to fry it on an iron plate and then mix it into a thick condiment soup.

It seems a bit off topic...

Back to business.

What caught Ke Wen's attention was not the food stall or the food sold, but a small pendant hanging on the waist of the fishman boss.

The pendant was made of wood and was carved into the shape of a wind bird that lives near the coast, but the color was cyan.

Although the craftsmanship of the pendant was poor, Kewen felt something magical about it.

He looked at the pendant for a long time, and finally he resisted and did not use his strength to sense it.

Because he has already guessed something.

Blue Bird Talisman, this is Zuan.

In this way, behind the talisman is the incarnation of wind - Janna!

And the reason why he noticed something strange must be that the amulet contained the power of faith in Janna.

This made Kewen interested.

Even a new patch appeared in the series of plans in his mind.

Kewen couldn't help but stepped towards the food stall.

However, after taking a few steps, he stopped again.

Because Kewen discovered that the mysterious feeling on the pendant suddenly disappeared.

This made him slightly stunned.

Could it be that Janna noticed something and avoided it?

But that's not right.

He didn't do anything...

Just as Ke Wen was thinking about it, something surprising happened to him.

There was a mysterious feeling on the pendant again, but the feeling transmitted to him was very slight.


At this moment, the stall owner spotted Ke Wen standing in front of the stall, and the fish-man suddenly showed a smile that looked ferocious but felt very honest.

The fishman grinned his mouth full of fangs and spoke a string of fishman language to Coven.

Kewen's own supernatural power allowed him to understand the other party's meaning without using any power.

The fish man was inviting him to try his craft.

In response, Kewen turned his attention from the pendant to the fish-man's face.

He thought for a moment, then nodded with a smile, and stepped forward to sit on the chair.

There was another murloc chatter, and the boss was asking what he wanted to try.

Coven glanced at the box of fresh ingredients, then pointed to a squid and then to a boneless fish, the kind of slug-like fish.

The fishman smiled and said, "Wait a moment." Then he quickly picked out the largest squid from the box, and then opened his hand to grab a handful of boneless fish.

"Naga bless you." The fishman prayed in a low voice while handling the squids expertly: "Bless me for making a lot of money on this ignorant fool, so that I can go back and feed the pile of fish babies at home."

The muscles on Ke Wen's face twitched, causing the corners of his mouth to curl up.

He glanced at the Blue Bird Pendant, whose strange feeling increased again, then looked at the back of the fish-man boss and said with a smile: "I understand your language."


The blade of the knife was embedded in the cutting board, and the fishman's movements paused in astonishment.

He opened his mouth in surprise and turned his head, looked at Ke Wen and asked: "Can you understand?"

"I understand." Ke Wen smiled and nodded.

"Oh haha...it's so rare..."

The fishman boss showed a troubled look. After hesitation, he reluctantly said: "Okay! Then I will charge you two less copper teeth, and you can give me thirty-three copper teeth!"

After struggling to say these preferential words, the fish-man boss quickly turned back and continued working, as if he was afraid that Ke Wen would try to get in touch with him and ask for some preferential treatment.

Ke Wen was very happy to see it.

After a while, he stopped smiling and said to the fishman boss's back: "A silver gear, as long as you answer my question."


The cartilaginous fish was slapped on the cutting board by the boss. He quickly turned around and wiped his hands with the torn apron around his waist and asked: "What does the guest want to ask?"

"Well." Ke Wen pointed at the blue bird pendant: "Tell me the story about it."

The fishman boss looked down at his waist, and carefully picked up the blue bird pendant with his big hands: "This?"

"Yes." Kewen responded.

"No problem!" The fish-man showed a ferocious yet honest smile again.

He didn't hesitate and said directly: "This is passed down from our family, along with an ancestral precept."

"My great-great-great-grandfather was the first to run snacks here. At that time, people believed in Mingjana, the god of wind. My great-great-great-grandfather discovered that as long as he brought this, people would be more willing to come to his food stall.


"So this tradition has been passed down, and it has been passed down to me."

Scratching the back of his head in a naive manner, the fish-man grinned and said, "I will continue to pass it on, and I have discovered more than my great-great-grandfather."

"what have you found?"

Ke Wen took out a silver gear from his pocket, pressed it on the table with a click, pressed the silver coin with his fingers and pushed it to the other party.

When he retracted his fingers, the fishman immediately pinched the silver coin carefully with two sharp nails.

He treasured the silver coins in his pocket and then smiled and said: "Thank you boss, I found that I can pray to the God of Wind more. Every time there is a gray warning in the lower city, I will pray to Janna."

"And every time I pray, a breeze will appear around me, blowing away the haze around me and allowing me to breathe well."

"I also prayed a lot to Janna, which made my business here more and more prosperous. In addition to running snacks, I also ran some information-selling jobs."

"Guest, you might as well give it a try." The fishman boss sincerely suggested: "The next gray warning will be in these few days, and the visibility of the poisonous haze will only be at arm's length. You can try praying, and Janna will probably help.

You blew away the poisonous haze, really! The Zaun people do not lie to the Zaun people! My guests, please join me in believing in Janna!"

Hearing this, Kewen looked at the blue bird pendant again.

He felt that the supernatural power on it had increased slightly.

Thinking of something, Ke Wen once again took out a silver gear from his pocket and pushed it to the other party along the table.

"What else does the boss want to know?" The fish man quickly collected the silver coins and said more enthusiastically: "Are you interested in various information about the city? I can tell you everything I know."

"Need not."

Ke Wen shook his head slightly and pointed to the blue bird pendant: "I need you to pray sincerely until I say stop. Pay attention, you are praying sincerely."

"Pray?" The fishman boss was stunned.

He looked down at the pendant, and then nodded his neckless head vigorously without any reluctance.

"Okay!" He said with a silly smile: "The money paid by the boss is enough for me to earn for a month! I just pray that I won't receive other customers today!"

After saying that, the fishman boss made a gesture of putting his hands together and clamped the blue bird pendant between his palms.

He began to pray in the fish-man language in a jittery voice.

The first few prayers did not come from the sincerity, so Kewen did not feel that the supernatural power on the pendant increased.

But after a while, the fishman boss followed the inertia and entered a state of concentration.

He really began to pray with all his heart.

From this moment on, the supernatural power on the pendant has increased again!

Ke Wen remained silent and did not disturb.

After a quarter of an hour, the supernatural power on the pendant suddenly disappeared again.

Ke Wen immediately raised his head and looked around.

Finally, he noticed some changes in the sky above the Rift Valley.

Boundless winds blew from the top of the rift valley, dispersing a little of the black smoke that blocked the sky and the sun, causing the concentration of the smoke to lighten.

But it seemed like a wasted effort, because the thinned smoke was quickly polluted by new black haze and returned to its original concentration.

But Coven smiled.

"Okay." He called out to wake up the fishman boss, stretched out his hand and said, "Can you lend me the pendant?"

The fishman boss hesitated a little, but still handed over the pendant.

Kewen took the pendant, turned it over and looked around, noted the style and returned it.

Looking at the seafood ingredients that had not yet been cooked on the cutting board, he stood up and said: "Thank you for your cooperation, continue to believe, Janna will continue to protect you."

After saying this, Kewen turned around with a smile and walked towards the place where the books were sold.

The fishman boss stared at Ke Wen's back and scratched his head.

He couldn't understand what Coven was thinking.

But he didn't care at all.

Daringly, he hung the blue bird pendant around his waist again, and the fishman boss hummed a strange ditty, secretly chuckling in his heart while putting away the ingredients.

He secretly continued to pray, praying to Janna to protect him and prevent him from meeting more fools like Ke Wen.

the other side.

Kewen moved forward while supplementing the plan in his mind.

After he determined his future plans, he had already arrived at the bookstore where books were sold.

He stepped through the open door and entered the bookstore, which was empty of any other customers.

"Welcome." The boss sitting at the long cashier table didn't even raise his head. He asked while reading: "Do you want to buy books or news?"

"Buy books."

Ke Wen stepped forward and knocked on the table with his fingers: "Alchemy technology, mechanical technology, gear technology, formal and illegal, I want them all."

These words made the bookstore owner finally raise his head.

He looked at Ke Wen with wide eyes, and after seeing Ke Wen's flawless downtown attire, he took out a piece of white paper from under the table.

Miserably tearing the white paper in half, the bookstore owner pushed half of the paper and a marker from the table to Ke Wen.

Pointing to the back door, the boss said quietly: "Go to the library at the back and pick it out yourself, and then give me the number."

Ke Wen turned his head and looked at the back door, then picked up a pen and paper and walked over.

When I opened the back door, a musty smell hit my face.

Ke Wen walked in nonchalantly.

In front of you is a library of about 100 square meters, with many books arranged on shabby wooden and iron shelves.

Ke Wen stepped forward to check and pulled out a book labeled "Introduction to Gear Power" from the bookshelf.

Opening the book, Kewen only saw two pages, namely an introduction and a table of contents.

This made him laugh a little. This book seller actually did a good job in preventing free prostitution.

Shaking his head, he put the book back on the shelf.

Then he began to walk slowly along the bookshelf.

After walking around all the bookshelves, Kewen began to write.

He wrote all the book numbers he had written down on that half of the paper, and finally filled both sides of the paper.

Back in the front hall, Coven put the pen and paper on the table and tapped the table with his fingers again.

The bookstore owner raised his eyes from the books.

He glanced at Ke Wen, and then looked at the paper filled with numbers.

As soon as he saw it, he was stunned.

The bookstore owner began to look unkind, and he threatened in a deep voice: "Boy, are you having fun with me?! I don't mind having one more corpse floating in the alchemy wastewater pool!"


Ke Wen pressed a gold coin on the table like a Go piece.

He said quietly: "Check out."

The boss who discovered the gold coin changed his face instantly, showed a warm smile, and quickly grabbed the half piece of paper.

After a long day of adding calculations, the boss finally managed to settle all the book money with the help of a wooden bar covered with a metal ring.

However, he did not report the number immediately, but started the second addition operation.

This time, every time the price reaches a hundred gold gears, the bookstore owner will play with the metal rings on the wooden bars.

After a moment, he looked at Ke Wen suspiciously: "Guest, knowledge is the most expensive, are you sure you can afford the price of these books?"

Ke Wen doesn’t say much.

He immediately started taking out gold coins.

More than eight hundred gold coins were piled in a pile on the table.

When Kewen dropped the last gold coin and blocked the door with his back, the boss ran back quickly.

He counted each gold coin with a greedy look on his face.

After a while, all the gold coins were collected.

"Guest, please wait a moment!"

The boss hunched over and rubbed his hands, he said flatteringly: "I'll call a few people to help you with the transportation. Don't worry, I'll pay for the hiring for you!"

With a very human expression, the bookstore owner immediately ran to the door and opened the door again after receiving Ke Wen's nod.

He stood at the door and glanced around, then put his fingers into his mouth and whistled twice.

After raising his hand to summon eight teenagers, the bookstore owner took the child workers to the warehouse to pick up books.

After more than half an hour, Ke Wen left the bookstore with the employees carrying backpacks full of backpacks.

He dropped a gold coin in a shop not far away and got a cart in exchange.

He asked the employees to put the books into the car, and then he continued to browse the black market.

Next, Kewen bought a lot of building materials and hired more than a dozen workers to help him carry them.

It was already evening when I got home.

He directed the workers to unload the goods, and then Kewen distributed ten copper gears to the workers and sent them away.

You will have to rely on yourself for the rest of the work.

However, Wei and three friends came to help.

But the four little beans misjudged their own strength, and after less than half an hour of interfering, they ran out of energy.

Ke Wen humorously paused the moving work and prepared a dinner for the four little pods.

He moved the remaining books and building materials that had not been moved into the house by himself after the meal.

Although it was troublesome, he had to do it.

Otherwise, if you leave it outside the door, many pickpockets may steal it overnight...

This chapter has been completed!
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