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Chapter 144

Galen’s eating style is so heroic!

Even Ke Wen couldn't hold back and ordered a snack under the warm greeting of the fishman boss.

But others can't.

Looking at the Demon Swamp Frog, which had its limbs chopped off by the fish-man boss and was covered in sticky and numb body, Laxana covered her mouth and almost vomited.

But the little girl is also tough!

Quan Yinkewen said: Eating snacks is the fastest way to integrate into the atmosphere of Zaun.

As a result, after Laxana felt nauseous for a moment, she also planned to try the method Coven said.

Galen was very encouraging.

Although his sister should be protected by him, the family tradition of their Crown Guard family does not allow their children to be too pretentious.


Under the old housekeeper's loud and loud voice to stop her, Laxana closed her eyes tightly and pinched her nose. Encouraged by Galen's laughter, she swallowed the frog meat covered in sticky seasoning in one gulp!


After swallowing the meal in one gulp, Laxana opened her eyes unexpectedly.

After licking her tongue around the inside of her mouth, the little girl discovered that the flavor of the seasoning was surprisingly good!

After a brief hesitation, she summoned up the courage to reach out to the second piece of frog meat on the simple iron plate.

This time she didn't swallow it whole, but tried to take a bite.



She suddenly showed a look of surprise!

While chewing faster, she patted Galen's arm with her other hand and praised: "Brother! This! This is delicious! So tender and smooth!"

"Ha ha!"

Galen laughed, and then asked the boss to order more.

The fishman boss also laughed.

While chopping the frog meat skillfully, he complimented Galen: "This guest! Janna will definitely bless you!"

"Well, is this the God of Wind here?"

Galen's cheeks were bulging after eating, and he said vaguely: "I heard that your wind god really appeared a few years ago?"

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp]

"Of course!"

The fishman boss was extremely proud: "Janna is the patron saint of our Zaun! She will protect every Zaunian!"

Galen nodded.

He doesn't have much interest in Janna, that's not what he should care about.

So he took the initiative to end the topic and discussed snacks with Laxana.

More than an hour later, Kewen took everyone around the entire black market and finally brought them back to the entrance of the black market.

"Thank you Mr. Quinn."

Standing at the entrance, Galen extended his hand to a guard while thanking him.

The guard handed over a money bag.

Galen casually grabbed it and handed over twenty gold coins to Kewen.

"This is a reward." He said with a smile: "Thank you for being our tour guide, and thank you for helping me get rid of the onlookers."

Coven smiled.

He took a gold coin from Galen's hand with his right hand and raised his left hand to signal.

Dangling a few food bags in his left hand, Ke Wen smiled and said: "One gold coin is enough, just think that I am giving you a tour guide, and you treat me to a dinner."

"How is this possible?"

Laxana stepped forward, as if she wanted to persuade Kewen to accept all revenge.

However, Kewen refused again before the other party could continue to speak.

"So be it."

He shook his head slightly: "Welcome to Zaun, and thank you to Player Galen for making the gladiatorial event more exciting, so that's it."

After saying that, he waved his hand as a goodbye gesture, and then walked quickly to the front street.

Laxana didn't have time to save her.

After Ke Wen's figure disappeared in the crowd, she sighed: "Mr. Quinn is such a good person, and Za'an is also very nice here. I actually had the idea of ​​​​wanting to live here."

"younger sister……"

Galen was a little dull.

His eyes froze, and then he smiled helplessly: "The question now is, how should we go back? Without Mr. Quinn's help, I'm afraid I will be surrounded by fans again on the way."

Laxana was amused.

She called the guard and rummaged through the shopping.

Not long after, the little girl pulled out a cloth pendant with the Zaun logo printed on it.


Laxana handed the cloth to her brother: "Wrap your head with this. No one will be able to recognize you from your appearance. Brother, you are not that popular in Zaun yet."

Galen looked deeply shocked.

But there was no way to refuse his sister, so he had to take the thing and wrap it around his head several times.

Amidst Laxana's unstoppable laughter, the group walked out of the black market and returned to the upper level of the rift valley along the road.

On the other side, Ke Wen quickly returned to the repair shop with quick steps.

Ryze was still dressed in that particularly mysterious way, standing at the door of the store, waiting quietly.

His image is too mysterious, which makes him the center of attention.

The shop owners around him were wary of him.

The security guards of the bar also moved a little away from the entrance of the bar. They wandered back to the center of the square, planning to be the first to rush forward if necessary.

There are people in the sky watching Ryze closely.

The law enforcement officers, who were originally working in teams of two, called for help. At this time, a total of six law enforcement officers were patrolling around the repair shop on flying skateboards.

When Kewen returned to the small square, he saw such a scene.

He laughed a little.

He waved to those who spotted him, and then he stepped forward and said to Ritz: "You are disturbing the public order, why didn't you go in directly?"

"I will not break into private homes."

Ryze replied warmly: "As for my image... Believe me, without this cover, my image will cause even greater confusion."

Coven smiled.

He first thanked the people around him who helped take care of him, then opened the store door and brought Ritz into the house.

"follow me."

Coven did not invite Ritz to sit down in the front hall of the store, but went straight to the kitchen in the back.

Entering the kitchen, Ke Wen slightly raised his left arm carrying the ingredients.

"catch me."

He said: "Let's change the place where we talk. The privacy of the store is not enough."

Ryze, a talented and bold person, did not refuse.

He stretched out his pale purple hand from under his cloak and gently grasped Corwin's arm.

The next moment, the two figures disappeared out of thin air!

Ryze was stunned when he reappeared in the parliament hall.

He even forgot to let go, and just grabbed Ke Wen's arm and started looking around.

After discovering that the environment had changed, Ryze suddenly asked in shock: "Teleportation magic?! But what about the magic circle?! Where is the magic power?! Where is the channel for spatial transfer?!"

Kewen raised his hand slightly.

Ruici realized it later and immediately let go.

"Come with me first."

Coven walked towards the door of the parliament: "We still have a lot to talk about."

Thousands of years of experience allowed Ruiz to immediately control his emotions.

He temporarily put aside the too many curiosities and questions in his heart, and followed Ke Wen's footsteps out of the parliament hall...

This chapter has been completed!
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