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Chapter 165 Invitation

In the entire box, only Vi and Caitlin were shouting and cheering.

Others either can't let go or are reserved, and there are also people like Kewen and Ryze who are uneasy in their hearts.

However, Coven and Ryze were not calm at this time.

They were a little dazed and looked at each other.

After checking their eyes, they found that they had not perceived anything wrong, so they simultaneously turned to look at the mountains to the north of Pilvoorv.

"I'll go take a look."

Amid the deafening sound that filled the venue, Ryze used magic to transmit his words into Kewen's ears.

At the same time, he stood up and made a gesture of leaving the table.

Ke Wen also stood up and said through the same message: "Let's go together, it may be the one who monitored me a few days ago. I'll go see who it is."

Ryze nodded and said no more.

The actions of the two attracted everyone's attention.

Heimerdinger had to ask loudly: "Where are you going?"

"We discovered magic waves!"

Kewen didn't hide anything and explained the situation loudly to everyone: "Riz and I will go see what's going on!"

"Then be careful!"

Heimerdinger reminded him casually.

No one has to worry about Coven and Ryze's safety.

Ke Wen's strength is so limitless that people can't see it, and Ryze is a magician who has been wandering in the world for thousands of years. If he was not very capable, how could he be alive today?

Therefore, when two people went out together, no one believed that there would be any danger that could stump them.

Not long after, Coven and Ryze left the arena.

Because it was not an important matter, Coven did not take Ryze on the road, but let Ryze cast spells and move on his own.

The two teleported all the way and soon left the city limits of Pilvoorv.

Heading north, the two of them completely released their speed after entering the mountains.

After a while, Ryze suddenly slowed down his speed and stopped teleporting, instead switching to walking.

He began to regain the magic power in his body.

With caution, even if there is almost no loss of magic power in his body, Ryze must keep himself in the most perfect condition to face the unknown.

Kewen also changed to walking.

In order to maintain the sense of surprise, he did not sense who the magic wave that was being released came from.

He wanted to let himself enjoy this sense of anticipation a little more.

In this way, the two of them spent about ten minutes and finally walked through the jungle and came to a forest clearing.

Without any cover to hide, Coven and Ryze stepped directly into the open space.

And in the middle of the open space, there was a female magician wearing a hood and cloak standing there.

The other party deliberately stirred up the magic power in his body, and spread the magic power into the world in a form that could be called a waste.

When Coven and Ryze appeared, the mysterious woman immediately looked over and slowly restrained the magic power in her body.

This obvious change made Ke Wen smile with interest.

"It seems that your target is us, or rather me."

He looked at the other person with the eyes of an ordinary person and said curiously: "A few days ago, that line of sight that was watching me was also yours, right? It gave me exactly the same feeling."

"it's me."

A cold and indifferent voice sounded.

The mysterious female mage nodded slightly and mocked in a calm tone: "My expectations for you are too high. Unexpectedly, it took nearly ten days for you to find out about my invitation."


Her eyes were fixed on Ke Wen: "In order for you to find out earlier, I went to follow and monitor you once. How slow do you have to be to not be aware of the magic power I deliberately leaked at that time?"

Hearing this, Ke Wen couldn't help but said with a smile: "I'm sorry, there are too many things with magical aura in the black market, so I won't pay attention to any magical aura when I'm in the dark alley."

"What about here?"

The woman was not satisfied with Ke Wen's answer. She simply used a sarcastic tone: "For more than ten days, every day after the gladiatorial competition starts, I will release my magic here to issue invitations. Why didn't you come until now?"

These words made Coven and Ruiz look at each other, and they both smiled bitterly.

And this time it was Ryze who answered.

He shook his head and explained: "It's because I missed it. Every time a gladiatorial event starts, we are in a place where the magic atmosphere is isolated. Today is the first time we appear in the gladiatorial arena."

The woman was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect this to be the case. Doesn't this mean that his invitations for more than ten days were just for his own entertainment?

This makes women feel embarrassed and angry.

But controlling emotions is a basic skill for magicians, so the woman immediately sorted out her mentality.

She picked up the previous topic, then looked at Ryze and asked, "Who are you? In my investigation, Zaun and Piervotv don't seem to have any information about you."

"I can answer your question."

Ruiz said calmly: "But on the other hand, the lady should also take off her cover, right? I need to know that you are not the weirdo I guessed."

"What do you mean by alien?"

The woman made no move, but asked curiously.

"For example, you have that demonic aura that seems to be there but not there."

Ryze pointed at the other person: "I know and have even seen some demons, and I also know that some of them are not very harmful, but aliens are aliens and must be vigilant."

With that said, Ruiz looked at the woman again, and then said: "I can feel that the devilish aura in you does not come from your essence, but is contaminated by contact. I need to know if you

Became their puppet."

The woman was silent.

After a moment, she suddenly raised her hands, grabbed the edge of the hood and pulled it behind her head.

A woman's face is not the most attractive.

When the hood was taken off, Coven and Ryze's eyes were almost at the same time on the long black hair.

Very strange.

The long hair is obviously black, but it looks like it is lavender.

Kewen resisted his desire to find out!

He didn't use his senses to understand the secret of that long hair.

Ryze also came back to his senses in an instant. He moved his eyes away from the long hair and looked at the face of the female mage.

There are no deformities or special rune marks.

The skin on the woman's face is very clean, but her makeup is a little special, with black tear-stained eye shadow and black lipstick.

Ryze secretly let go of part of his vigilance.

He looked at the other person and said, "It's nice to see you still human."


The woman looked at her raised right hand.

Turning her slender fingers over, she couldn't tell whether it was self-mockery or a chuckle of shock: "Which human being can live for hundreds of years?"

"This is not surprising."

Ryze pointed at his skin: "The world is vast and mysterious. Just like me, haven't I also gained a long life for some reasons?"

The woman looked at Ritz again in slight surprise.

But she quickly looked away, after all, her real target was not Ryze.

So she looked at Ke Wen and said softly with a charming smile: "You can call me LeBlanc. I invited you here because I want to talk about cooperation with you."

"You can make the decision, right?"

She tilted her head slightly at Corwin and chuckled: "The real controller of Zu Anhe and Piervotf is Mr. Corwin Quinn."

Coven didn't deny anything.

The first time he saw the woman's appearance, he suddenly understood her identity.


The leader of the Black Rose Organization!

At the same time, Kewen had almost guessed what the other party meant by cooperation.

In the original world scenario, the opponent joined other forces after being driven out of Noxus, or cooperated with them, and secretly wanted to occupy the magpie's nest.

So obviously, the opponent has chosen Shuangcheng as one of the fallback options.

As for the other party being able to investigate Ke Wen's identity, it's not surprising.

Even Noxus can be sucked by their "Black Rose" organization and controlled behind the scenes for hundreds of years, let alone the Twin Cities that have just been established?

The Twin Cities have no ability to stop Black Rose's infiltration and investigation.

However, even knowing this, Coven should still warn.

So he smiled slightly and nodded to LeBlanc: "Thank you in advance for not disturbing anyone. This gives us a basis for conversation."

LeBlanc understood what Kewen meant. Kewen put himself on the home court advantage and on the stronger side.

In this regard, LeBlanc is not willing to be outdone.

Who doesn’t have a strong mentality? She has controlled the ‘Black Rose Organization’ for hundreds of years, and has also controlled Noxus behind the scenes for hundreds of years!

And her so-called cooperation this time is not just asking for help.

Therefore, LeBlanc also needs to show its strong side!

The method is not a verbal confrontation.

Then, LeBlanc suddenly smiled softly and raised her hand to condense a ball of magic power.

She looked at Ke Wen, who was unsuspecting, and then at Ryze, who looked calm but whose magic power began to surge in his body.

"Let's discuss it."

Leflaming said: "You and I can deepen our understanding through discussion. Moreover, this is also the best way to increase the bargaining chips between both parties, isn't it?"


Without waiting for Kewen to respond, Ruiz immediately agreed.

Than magic?

Except for Coven and Ryze, he has never cared about any magician.

At the same time, Ryze did not forget to accuse Ke Wen: "I'm sorry Ke Wen, I overstepped a bit."


Ke Wen shook his head: "You are also one of us now, and you have the same rights to handle matters in the Twin Cities."

Hearing this, Ruiz stopped being polite.

We are all immortals, so there is no need to play the same tricks as ordinary people.

So he slowly walked to the center of the open space and said to LeBlanc: "Madam, you can take action now."

"Are you sure you can?"

Instead, LeBlanc dissipated the magic power in her hand.

She looked at Ritz, then looked past him to Coven: "I will not give you a second chance to use your bargaining chips."

She said: "You can work together. I am quite confident in my abilities."

"Don't bother Kewen."

Ryze continued: "I am the magic consultant of the Twin Cities. I have the right to decide the negotiations with you. Ms. LeBlanc, you can take action!"

"In that case..."

LeBlanc said and suddenly took action!

She suddenly raised her right hand that she had just put down, and pointed her index finger away from Ryze.

A meteor-like golden magic seal shot towards Ryze at high speed.

The move seems to be just a tentative attack, and the magic fluctuations contained in it are not large.

In response, Ryze just raised his hand and grabbed it.

Based on the perceived magic power fluctuations, Ryze adhered to the mentality of saving magic power, and only wrapped a layer of magic power similar to the incoming attack around his hand.

With a 'pop' sound, Ryze easily caught the magic seal launched by LeBlanc in his hand.

Then he looked down at the object in his hand and commented: "It's a very insidious trick."

He said: "This kind of magic mark seems to have no power, but if left alone, it will penetrate into the human body and cause subsequent effects, right?"

"That's right."

LeBlanc admitted.

Because at this time, they were discussing to increase the bargaining chips of both parties, LeBlanc did not hide it.

She is even more inclined to let people know how extraordinary her methods are!

So she seemed to be kind-hearted and reminded: "Be careful of this gentleman, the follow-up is coming."

"My name is Ritz."

Ryze raised his head and glanced at LeBlanc, maintaining his awareness and preparing to see what the so-called follow-up was.

At this moment, the golden magic seal in his hand lit up slightly.

The next moment, the magic power between heaven and earth gathered on its own.

A magic light bullet appeared out of thin air above Ryze's head and suddenly descended on him.

Ryze did not panic, and everything that happened around him did not escape his perception.

Facing the attack above his head, Ryze instantly sensed it thoroughly.

So he didn't dodge, he just released his magic power and put up a magic barrier above his head.


There was a muffled sound, and the light bullet suddenly exploded after hitting the barrier.

The explosion formed a ball of magical flames the size of a human head, and also set off a shock wave similar to that of a grenade explosion.

But neither the flames nor the shock wave could break through the barrier that Ryze had casually laid out.

Ryze didn't care about the situation above his head, but watched as the bright magic seal appeared in his hand again.


He said: "Are the outbreaks chain-linked?"

Just as he was speaking, the magic power between heaven and earth once again gathered a magic light bullet on its own, and continued to hit Ryze's head.

At this time, Ryze also understood the principle of the magic seal in his hand, so he directly closed his five fingers.


Two soft sounds merged into one!

The light bomb above his head exploded, and the magic seal in his hand was easily crushed by Ryze.

When the magic seal explodes, there will no longer be a third light bomb.

Ryze looked up at LeBlanc opposite: "You can continue to attack."

"Don't talk so easily."

LeBlanc's tone was teasing, and she raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, the explosive magic power escaping around Ryze quickly gathered again!

The magic power quickly gathered into the magic seal, and it could be said that it was gathered directly on Ryze's body!

Therefore, after the magic mark appeared, it disappeared directly into Ryze's body...

This chapter has been completed!
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