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Chapter 184 Coming to Help

The Journey to the Cube Heavens Begins Chapter 184: Coming to the Rescue Although Graves is always stupid because of his personality, at the same time, he is also the most reassuring comrade-in-arms!

Otherwise, with Drizzt's shrewdness, he wouldn't have been a close partner with Graves for so many years!

At this time, Graves showed his reliable side!

In Graves' mind, he is much larger than the others, making it easier to block the power of the explosion!

And Wei just said that she would protect the little girl named Laxana even if he died.

Although he and Wei were not familiar with each other, at this time we were all comrades-in-arms.

Then! Fulfilling his combat duties and protecting his comrades is Graves’ mission in this battle!

Therefore, Graves did not think about whether he would sacrifice at all!

He activated his body shape almost reflexively!

During the charge, Graves threw Drizzt, who in his eyes was no more than a skinny bamboo pole, away.

At the same time, he secretly cursed idiot in his heart!

"What can you do with the few ounces of meat you have?"

Graves thought so.

Then, in this disdainful thought, he pounced on the clown!

But Graves was a step too late!

Galen charged ahead of him!

Galen held the Storm Sword upside down in front of him and roared with all his strength!


With a muffled sound, Galen bumped into the clown who was about to explode and rushed out of the crowd!

Graves was stunned for a moment.

But he didn't think much, and immediately fell to the ground again, covering the remaining scare box with his body!

The next moment, an explosion suddenly broke out not far from everyone!

And the Joker's Scary Box also released fear magic under Graves!

"elder brother--"


Laxana and Xin Zhao screamed with tears in their eyes at the same time!

But at the next moment, the explosion shock wave and the fear magic of the Scare Box affected everyone at the same time!

The shock wave of the explosion made everyone stagger!

Then came the fear magic!

How can the physical body block that kind of spiritual method?

So Graves has done a useless job!

Magic broke out in the middle of everyone's defense circle, and except for Laxana and Drizzt, who were further behind, everyone else was hit!

Wei was stunned!

She immediately stopped moving and stood there with her eyes unfocused, no longer trying to resist the attack in front of her!

Vi seemed to be transported back to the day she was eleven years old! Back to the day she and Jinx lost their parents!

The bloody scene on the bridge replayed before Wei's eyes!

But the picture is even more terrifying!

All the dead people got up again!

Including Wei's parents, everyone kept their death expressions and attacked and bit her!

Wei panicked!

She could only wave her hands to resist, and screamed for her parents!

In reality, Wei's random waving failed to hit the mark, and she actually blocked the attacks of three clowns!

Of course, Xin Zhao also takes credit for this!

Xin Zhao also fell into a fantasy of fear, as if he had returned to the most dangerous battle in his life!

Like Vi, he also started attacking randomly!

As the front row of the battle formation, Wei and Xin Zhao have completely lost their role!

The glove and the spear collided from time to time! Sometimes the attack was directed towards the opponent's body!

Fortunately, they still have Laxana's glow shield on them, which prevents them from killing each other!

And Vayne!

Vayne is also shooting randomly!

Her face was full of hatred, and she kept shooting arrows at Wei and Xin Zhao!

Including the attacks of the three clowns, numerous attacks caused the glow shields on Wei and Xin Zhao to change in brightness!

But Laxana keeps trying!

As the princess of the Crown Guard family, Laxana has been influenced by her since she was a child. Although she usually looks like a weak and frail young lady, she has already been born as a warrior!

At this time, her brother's life or death was uncertain, but Laxana did not yell!

She just shed tears, gritted her teeth and continued to work hard to mobilize the magic power in her body!

Laxana aimed her palms at Vi and Xin Zhao from a distance, and she kept replenishing the stability of the glow shield for the two of them!

She is close to her limit at this time!

After all, she had never used magic before today! The Glow Shield trick was just an idea she had just now!

So Laxana doesn't know how to use magic correctly at all, she can only constantly replenish magic power into the shield!

Fortunately, the shield and the attacks falling on it were barely balanced.

Fortunately, Graves did not have a weapon in his hand.

Graves is tricked deeper!

He had already stood up and was holding a gun in his hand, flexing his fingers continuously!

He cursed loudly and kept firing at enemies in the air with his air gun.

If Graves really had a weapon in his hands, then the glow shields on Vi and Xin Zhao would have been broken long ago!

But this doesn’t mean the crisis is over!

Because several more clowns rushed towards everyone!

Just as two new clowns were about to attack Wei and Xin Zhao, a gunshot suddenly appeared from the distance!

A stream of bullets arrived instantly! And accurately penetrated the temple of a clown!

The mutation stopped the clowns' movements! It also saved Vi and Xin Zhao!

Before anyone could figure out the situation, two ziplines arrived instantly!

The flying rope wrapped around the necks of the two clowns and quickly contracted to drag the two clowns away.

At the same time, Camille's figure also flew from a distance!

After a short moment, Camille's body passed by the two clowns!

Camille kicked up the leg blade, causing cold light to flash past the two clowns!

When Camille entered the battlefield, the two clowns also fell into four pieces and fell to the ground!


Another gunshot appeared!

But it didn’t come from the same direction as the gunfire just now!

On the roof of another building in the distance, Grayson squatted on the ground holding a rifle. After firing, he shouted to the people downstairs: "Inject the shimmer! Rush up and subdue all the criminals dressed as clowns!!"

More than thirty law enforcement officers shouted in response!

Everyone activated the mechanism of the armor at the same time, causing the atomized shimmering potion to appear in the mask!

The next moment, the law enforcement officers' charge suddenly accelerated!

The other side of the street!

A ball of light blue light quickly flew into the battlefield!

The figure of Jace Tallis appears from a distance!

He activated the long-handled war hammer in his hand into the form of the 'Mercury Cannon', and fired an energy cannonball to help Jinx escape the siege!

The energy shell instantly hit a clown, and the power of the explosion affected two clowns next to it!

Behind the scenes of Jess Tallis.

Victor, who was out of breath from running, pointed towards the battlefield: "Blitzcrank! Go and kill all the clowns!!"

"Command confirmed! Destroy the clowns!"

The steam robot Bliss responded and activated the overload state with a 'chi' sound, and it strode towards the battlefield...

Thanks to our friend ‘Desperate Little Mumu’ for supporting us with 10 monthly tickets!

Thanks to our ‘Book Friends’ friends for their monthly support!

This chapter has been completed!
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