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Chapter 236 Backlash


Miss Fortune's scream suddenly sounded: "Fuck me——"

Amid the shouting, two guns were pointed at Gangplank, and as Miss Fortune pulled the trigger, a large fan-shaped barrage erupted instantly!!

Planck's reaction speed is very fast!

He immediately blocked the metal prosthesis on his left arm in front of him!

The first wave of barrages arrived, and the kinetic energy of the large number of bullets caused Gangplank's body to become unbalanced and fall back!

Then came the follow-up of the second wave of barrages!

A large number of bullets were blocked by the metal prosthetic limbs, but a small number of bullets landed on Plank's body!

However, there was a layer of death force wrapped around Gangplank's body, and that force blocked the attack for him, so that the bullet only slightly embedded itself in Gangplank's skin!

But the third and fourth waves of barrages followed closely!

The continuous kinetic energy of the bullet made Gangplank no longer able to maintain his body's balance!

Feeling the pain that appeared on his body one after another, he could only let out an angry roar!

Planck no longer insisted, he leaned back and carried himself into the sea with a 'pop'!

Another two rounds of fan-shaped bullets swept across, but Gangplank had long since disappeared from the platform. Those bullets only shattered the bodies of a large number of undead.

In response, Miss Fortune immediately put away her tricks and rushed to the edge of the platform to pursue him!

But a thick arm suddenly stretched out and grabbed Miss Fortune's arm to stop her!


Bronn shouted loudly: "Don't be impulsive! Illaoi's injury is serious!!"

The deafening shout made Miss Fortune finally regain her senses.

She reluctantly glanced at the sea where Plank disappeared, then raised the muzzle of the gun and gritted her teeth and fired!

She didn't shoot at the sea, but kept shooting at the undead that continued to rush towards her!

At the same time, Miss Fortune shouted: "Get her on board!!"

Seeing Miss Fortune calm down, Bronn breathed a sigh of relief.

He nodded and let go, but did not immediately go to rescue the sea beast priest.

The door shield in his hand was raised high by Bronn, and with a shout, he smashed the shield to his feet!


The huge roaring sound spread instantly!

Countless icicles appeared out of thin air on the energy platform and spread rapidly towards the front of the platform!

This time, Bronn spread the ice range to nearly fifty meters in one breath!

After clearing a large area of ​​undead, he put away his tricks!

A huge feeling of weakness arose, but Bronn gritted his teeth and mustered up strength. He quickly rushed to the place where the sea beast priest fell to the ground, and held him under his arm with one hand!


He shouted to Miss Fortune: "Retreat together! Return to the ship and defend!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bron bent his legs to accumulate strength, and then jumped onto the deck of the Kunpeng!

Without the protection of the two front rows, Miss Fortune did not persist!

She once again glanced at the sea surface where Gangplank escaped, then turned around and jumped out of anger!

As soon as her feet touched the deck, Miss Fortune was about to take care of the injuries of the Sea Beast Priest, but several sailors suddenly let out cheers.

The irritable Miss Fortune is about to start spraying!

However, one of the sailors pointed in the direction of the island and shouted: "Captain! Raven and the others are back!!"

This caused Miss Fortune's evil fire to recede slightly.

She immediately looked towards the shore!

Sure enough, the group of sailors led by his confidant Raven was escorting and urging hundreds of islanders to run towards the port.


The furious Miss Fortune finally found a target to vent her anger on, and she cursed loudly.

Of course, she finally felt at ease.

Although still very angry, Miss Fortune has calmed down a lot.

She immediately rushed to the side of the sea beast priest who was still screaming, and asked Bronn who was squatting on the ground to support him: "How is she?!"

"I don't know what happened!"

Bronn looked a little confused: "There are no wounds on her body!"

Hearing this, Miss Fortune frowned and looked at Sea Beast Priest, who was curled up and holding his head.

There were some guesses in her mind.

Without time to verify, Miss Fortune immediately reached into her pocket.

After taking out the last blue potion, Miss Fortune squatted down and reminded Bronn: "Hold her!"

Bronn immediately did so!

He threw aside the shield in his left hand, stretched out his strong arms, and hugged the body of the sea beast priest tightly to death.

Miss Fortune uncorked the test tube and held the test tube toward the sea creature's mouth.

At the same time, she shouted loudly: "Illaoi! If you are still conscious, cooperate with me! Drink the potion!"

After saying that, Miss Fortune held the Sea Beast Priest's chin with her left hand, and carefully poured the potion into his mouth with her right hand.

The sea beast priest does still retain a trace of consciousness.

She heard Miss Fortune's reminder and tried her best to cooperate.

But it hurts so much!

Not only did my internal organs hurt, but my head also seemed to be violently stirred by something!

This makes it difficult for the Sea Beast Priest to control his body.

After the liquid entered her mouth, she could not swallow at all and could only wait for the liquid to flow into her throat naturally.

Fortunately, she finally drank the potion.

The effect of the medicinal liquid came into effect quickly, and a refreshing feeling came to the sea beast priest's mind.

This sobered her up a lot!

However, the medicine had no effect on the pain that the Sea Beast Priest was suffering.

While his consciousness had recovered a lot, the sea beast priest immediately said with difficulty: "I used my divine power and suffered a backlash! Knock me out!"


Miss Fortune shouted angrily.

Fortunately, she still had sense and did not criticize the gods worshiped by the sea beast priests by name.

Then she chose to do so, but did not choose to take action herself.

"Bron! Come on!"

Miss Fortune said something as she stood up, and then she started to give orders!


She shouted loudly: "Don't worry about the damage! Turn on the overload mode of the battleship's shield! Kill the undead for me, and then protect the civilians on the shore! Then notify the three guarding the stern to come back!"

"Command execution."

The Kunpeng responded and immediately controlled the shield around the battleship to start deforming!

Countless sharp energy extended out from the shield, scattering a large number of undead and ghosts that had rushed to the shield!

At the same time, a closed boarding channel extended from the shield and quickly connected to the coast!

Lei Wen had already led the victims to the shore. After seeing the passage, he immediately urged everyone to board the boat along the passage!

Naturally, they were targeted by the undead. Some ghosts bypassed the Kunpeng and rushed to the coast, but the Kunpeng activated the Hex energy cannon on the other side of the ship!

More than twenty energy beams erupted into the air, and were staggered and stirred to eliminate all ghosts!

When all the victims boarded the ship, a huge tornado suddenly appeared at the stern of the ship!

Countless undead souls were involved and were gradually torn apart by the strong wind!

Afterwards, Yasuo and Ahri jumped back on the ship, followed closely by Pyke!

More and more undead have fallen on the battleship's shield, and the battleship's energy is being consumed rapidly.

Miss Fortune faced the sea and hesitated for a moment. Finally, she gave up chasing the enemy and chose to retreat...

This chapter has been completed!
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