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Chapter 132 Attack

When Harry Potter saw Quirrell rushing toward him, he couldn't help but turn around and run away.

But Quirrell seemed to have read through Harry's thoughts. As he advanced, he suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers, causing a large wall of fire to suddenly rise at the end of the retreat steps.

This situation brought Harry's escape to a sudden halt.

Seeing this, Quirrell continued to move forward with a disdainful expression.

At this time, all of Professor Quirrell's attention was on Harry Potter, so Corwin wouldn't be polite.

Just when Quirrell walked up to Harry and raised his arm, about to catch Harry who was stunned, Coven shook his hand and grabbed the wand that quickly slipped from his sleeve.

Then he quickly waved the wand from bottom to top, and a silent 'Shen Feng Wu Ying' blade was suddenly launched.

The speed of the sharp blade was very fast, and it cut through Quirrell's shoulder almost instantly. Before the other party could feel the pain, Quirrell's raised arm suddenly disappeared, flipped in the air and fell on Harry's chest.


Harry subconsciously raised his hand and caught the thing that touched his chest. When he looked down, he suddenly let go and took a step back in horror.

It was only then that Quirrell began to feel pain, and he couldn't help but scream.

Kewen's attack is not over yet.

When Voldemort ordered Quirrell to kill him just now, he saw clearly where Quirrell's wand was hidden.

Therefore, in order to avoid making mistakes, Ke Wen recited the magic spell in a low voice to enhance the effect of the spell. Almost at the moment Quirrell screamed, he fired another 'Expelliarmus'.

With a 'swish' sound, the wand originally inserted into Quirrell's waist suddenly spun out and was blown to pieces in the air by Coven's successive 'shattering spells'.

Ke Wen's careful handling did not attract the attention of the other two people.

At this time, Professor Quirrell was holding his broken arm and screaming, while Harry Potter lowered his head in shock and looked at the arm he had thrown away on the ground.

The arm was undergoing drastic changes, as if it suddenly lost its moisture, became dry and shattered, and soon turned into dust and exploded.

Ke Wen was accustomed to seeing six directions during battles, so he also saw the changes in that arm.

An idea came to his mind, and then he pointed the wand again, hitting Quirrell who was screaming and turning to look at him.

The spell was just a simple 'repelling spell'. After hitting it, Quirrell couldn't help but tilted sideways and bumped into Harry Potter.

Harry almost subconsciously raised his hand and pushed Quirrell's head as it hit him.

The moment Harry's hands came into contact with Quirrell's skin, Quirrell's screams suddenly became more heartbreaking.

Like the arms on the ground, Harry's hands seemed to have turned into irons or something. The moment they came into contact with Quirrell's skin, the other person's face began to dry and crack.

This dry cracking effect spread very quickly, causing Professor Quirrell's screams to suddenly disappear, his body to lose resistance, and Harry pushed him staggering backwards.

But just taking a few steps back, the effects of dryness and cracking had already spread throughout Professor Quirrell's body.

The next moment, as Professor Quirrell took another step back inertia, his body suddenly collapsed, leaving only his clothes scattered on the ground, and his entire flesh and blood body collapsed into a pile of dust.

Harry was completely stunned by the sight before him. He widened his eyes in confusion, looked at the ashes left by Professor Quirrell, and then looked down at his hands.

"You damn-"

Voldemort's voice suddenly emerged from the pile of clothes left by Professor Quirrell.

Ke Wen's attack was too abrupt and too smooth.

The next series of changes also made Voldemort completely unable to react.

It wasn't until Quirrell turned into ashes that Voldemort finally came to his senses.

Along with the roar of anger, a whirlwind suddenly rose from the pile of clothes. Black mist emerged from the pile of clothes and began to gather into the whirlwind.

Ke Wen, who was standing near the magic mirror, squinted his eyes slightly, glanced quickly at Harry, who was still confused, and another idea appeared in his mind.

Through the verification just now, combined with the memory data, Kewen came up with a result.

Harry has the protective magic left behind by his mother's 'love', and that kind of 'love' seems to be just enough to restrain Voldemort's remnant soul.

The yin and yang of all things are in opposition. Compared with the theory of relativity or the theory of opposition, the ancestors of China have already clearly studied the yin and yang of all things.

Now, the protection on Harry symbolizes masculinity, so the remnant soul of Voldemort is the corresponding feminine.

If Voldemort's soul was intact, he might be able to compete with Harry's protective measures, but his soul was incomplete, so he could only be restrained by Harry.

Based on the same speculation, can a curse with [Yang] properties also be able to restrain the remnant soul of Voldemort?

Judging from the situation in the original plot where Voldemort could only escape in embarrassment, it seems that Voldemort's remnant soul is now unable to exert any abilities.

So, Kewen decided to experiment with this.

Just do it if you think of it.

Just when the whirlwind gathered the black mist and formed an evil spirit-like shadow, Ke Wen suddenly swung his wand and at the same time chanted: "Calling God to Guard!"

Mobilizing almost all the positive emotions, the magic guard that Ke Wen condensed this time was very huge. A flying bird with a diameter of nearly two meters and shining with silver light suddenly emerged from the tip of the wand.


With a cry of joy, the magical bird quickly circled around Kewen, and then rushed towards Voldemort's remnant soul.

Lowering his head, the magic bird's sharp beak was like a sharp arrow, breaking through the black mist of Voldemort's remnant soul without any hindrance, and then the entire huge bird body passed through the remnant soul.


Voldemort let out a scream that was no less shrill than Quirrell just now.

The black mist of remnant souls exploded, but quickly and diligently regrouped.

However, Kewen would not give the opponent a chance and immediately controlled the magic bird to swoop in and attack again.

Next, screams continued to resound in the room, and each time the magical bird penetrated the room, the gathering speed of Voldemort's remnant soul became slower.

During this period, Kewen also took the opportunity to release many other attack-type spells.

But the unabated screams symbolized that Voldemort's remnant soul was only in pain but had not been successfully eliminated.

Seeing this, Ke Wen couldn't help but frown a little.

Command the magic birds to penetrate Voldemort's remnant soul again, slowing down the opponent's re-condensation speed again.

Taking this opportunity, Ke Wen's eyes flashed with a cold light.

No longer controlling the magical bird, Coven pointed his wand towards the gathering remnants of Voldemort, and a slight green light emerged from the tip of the wand.

Although the use of black magic is prohibited in the wizarding world, the funny thing is that almost everyone knows the three unforgivable curses.

The greenery at the tip of the wand gradually becomes richer.

Ke Wen's eyes were cold, his voice was indifferent, and he chanted softly: "Avada——"


A loud shout caused Kewen to suddenly stop casting the spell.

The green on the tip of the wand dissipated, and Coven and Harry turned their heads at the same time, looking in the direction of the sound...

This chapter has been completed!
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