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Chapter 317 Poro

Calista twisted.

After letting Jinx's action fail, she stared at Jinx indifferently, the resistance in her expression was very obvious.

Jinx still respects her friends' habits and ideas, and basically won't make fun of them.

She no longer insisted on touching those energy spears, she just scratched the back of her head and apologized.

But Jinx just couldn't be honest, and she continued to ask Calista questions like a chatterbox.

Although Kalista prefers Jinx, she is undead after all.

It was difficult for her to adapt to Jinx's enthusiasm, and she gradually developed an evasive feeling of boredom.

After Calista answered two questions, she stopped talking and started chasing people away again.


With a slightly serious tone, Kalista looked down at Jinx and said in a deep voice: "Leave this island, this is not a place where living people like you should come!"

"But we are friends."

Jinx tilted his head and said, "Friends should play together."

"Do you mean companionship?"

Calista said softly: "In the future, when you feel that your life span has come to an end, you can come to this island again. When you become like us, you can even be with me forever."

Jinx was a little confused.

Because Calista rarely spoke for such a long time in one breath.

This surprised Jinx so much that she couldn't react for a while and was savoring what Callista meant.

Kalista, on the other hand, did not wait for Jinx to come to her senses.

She stepped into the undead team and turned her head slightly to glance at a tall undead.

The undead immediately stopped following.

Jinx was awakened by the undead team starting off again.

She already figured out what Callista meant.

But it’s not easy to let her become an undead and accompany her friends!

After learning advanced magic from Kewen, Jinx has completely entered the extraordinary realm.

Her lifespan has broken the limits of mortals!

Now, although Jinx doesn't know how long he can live, at least a few hundred years will be fine.

And as she goes further on the path of magic, her lifespan will be further extended.

Not to mention, Coven also provided League of Legends with something that can make people immortal.

In this case, the conditions mentioned by Callista are completely meaningless.

For Jinx, if she has to wait until she is about to die of old age before she can come to the Shadow Island to find him again, doesn't that mean she will never see her new friend Calista?

This is not okay!

Therefore, Jinx, who came back to his senses, immediately decided not to obey.

She laughed again and jumped up and down to chase the undead team.

But she was stopped.

The undead that received Callista's signal suddenly stretched out its hand.

The undead, twice as tall as Jinx, easily pinched the back of Jinx's neck with one hand.

He lifted Jinx up so that they were eye level.

Under Jinx's stupor, the undead spirit lost all its energy for a long time, and then finally uttered one word: "Leave!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the undead swung his arm and threw Jinx more than ten meters away.

By the time Jinx regained his balance and landed on the ground, the undead had already joined the team.

Jinx stared at the opponent's towering size, and she smiled as if she had found a new toy.

"Another one is conscious!"

She whispered softly, and then started to catch up again. She wanted her new friends to experience the power of sticky candies!

However, Kalista seems to be afraid of Jinx.

After Calista roared with unknown meaning, a whirlpool of black mist suddenly appeared out of thin air around the marching team!

When the whirlpool of black mist dissipates, the undead team disappears at any time!

Jinx, who was chasing, had to stop.

She stood there in a daze, never expecting that she would be abandoned by her new friend.

Jinx immediately speeded up and ran around.

But after exploring an area with a radius of one kilometer, no trace of Calista's team was found at all.

"what to do?"

Jinx stopped and scratched his head: "My new friend has disappeared."

As she finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something.

Jinx immediately took out the teleportation terminal, clicked on the display screen and started searching on it.

But the result disappointed her.

First, Jinx had no idea which of the light spots on the display screen was Calista.

Secondly, she tried to distinguish whether the light spots were dense or not, but she also failed.

Because the light spots on the screen are so densely packed!

She couldn't find Callista's team at all!

Jinx randomly selected some light spots and experimented with them.

For the first time, she teleported into a group of ordinary undead.

Jinx did not linger to eliminate the undead, but directly started the second teleportation.

This time, she appeared in a dense forest with a black tone.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, countless large spiders about half a meter high rushed towards her!

Jinx can only continue teleporting.

The third and fourth times, she was teleported to ordinary undead and ghosts.

So she gave up.

Jinx had no choice but to return first!

After simply kicking away a few undead that rushed towards him, Jinx pointed his finger at the display screen of the teleportation terminal again.

The teleportation position appeared directly on Jinx's body and disappeared instantly with her.

Seeing Ichika, Jinx appeared in a room.

She turned her head and looked around, and immediately met several surprised eyes.


Jinx suddenly laughed: "I actually teleported to you?"

"Chi chi chi chi——"

Before anyone could respond, a childish cry suddenly sounded.

Jinx looked in the direction of the voice, and then said with a bad smile: "It's you little thing, if you scream again, I will pluck all the hair on your body!"


Heimerdinger's voice sounded, and he said helplessly: "Don't always bully it."

Jinx didn't respond, she just grinned and suddenly made a face at the Poro who hid under the chair.

Heimerdinger's Poro was startled.

With a scream of "ji", the Poro suddenly jumped up like a cat with explosive hair!

His head hit the chair with a bang, and then he let out a burst of pain.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Jinx laughed heartily after the successful prank.

"Okay, okay, Jinx, stop teasing my poor Poro."

While Heimerdinger persuaded, he and the other yordles in the room gathered around Jinx.

Coming closer, Heimerdinger looked at Jinx and said, "Why are you here? Is there something wrong? Moreover, the way you appear this time seems a little different? It doesn't seem like the effect of your flickering magic.


"it is this!"

Jinx is like a kid showing off a new toy.

She showed the teleportation terminal in her hand and said proudly: "This is a new gift Kewen made for me. It allows me to teleport around the world regardless of distance and conditions!"


Heimerdinger's eyes sparkled, revealing a great desire for knowledge.

"Can you show it to me?" he asked urgently: "Also, what is the principle? I mean, is it magic? Or is it Hex technology?"

"It's technology~"

Jinx reached out and handed over the teleportation terminal.

Heimerdinger immediately took it and carefully turned it over for inspection.

After a brief look, Heimerdinger continued to ask: "Then do you know the structure of this thing?"

"have no idea."

Jinx shook his head: "I only provided the idea and did not participate in the production this time."

"Really? It's a pity..."

Heimerdinger sighed slightly, and then said: "Then if I want to know the principle of this thing, I can only take it apart and take a look, but forget it, it will be bad if it gets damaged."

Raising his head, Heimerdinger asked Jinx: "Did you make any special discoveries when using it?"

"Did not notice."

Jinx hesitated and lost patience with Heimerdinger's questions.

She didn't want to be questioned any more, so she immediately changed the subject.

Jinx suddenly smiled excitedly and said: "Big Head! You will never guess! I just used it to teleport to Shadow Island! And I met a new person there..."

"Shadow Island——?!"

Heimerdinger suddenly screamed.

While looking again at Jinx's body for any injuries, he shouted urgently: "How could you act so recklessly! That's the world of the dead! How dare you run there alone?!"

"Oh, don't worry~"

Jinx waved his hand carelessly: "It's not as dangerous over there as you said, they are just weak undead."

At this moment, a short hand suddenly stretched out in front of Heimerdinger and snatched the teleportation terminal away while he was not prepared.

Heimerdinger, who was about to continue talking, was stunned.

After reacting, he immediately screamed at the robber who was running away laughing: "Timo! Give the thing back! That thing is dangerous to you! It's not a toy you can mess with!"

"Haha! Then come and grab it!"

Teemo, who ran to the corner, responded mischievously: "There are Rambo and Gix! You guys come too! I now announce that the toy grabbing battle has officially begun!"


Rambo, who has black and gray hair, is very stable.

He did not join in the nonsense, but warned: "If you dare to cause trouble again, I will go back to Bandle City and tell Tristana all your deeds."

"I'm not afraid of her!"

Teemo's clamor obviously lacks confidence.

Then he continued, seemingly magnanimously: "It's really boring. It's just a game. If you don't play it, forget it."

With that said, Teemo raised his arm and threw the teleportation terminal out.

Giggs caught the flying terminal.

He looked down, but he didn't seem interested.

Giggs also raised his hand and threw the teleportation terminal towards Jinx.

Just when Jinx wanted to reach out and catch it, a white shadow suddenly flashed in mid-air!

Everyone was stunned.

Several eyes were fixed on Poro who was holding the teleportation terminal in his mouth and quickly twisting his butt. After a brief moment of shock, Heimerdinger and Jinx exclaimed at the same time!

"not good!"

Heimerdinger rushed towards his Poro and said in panic: "Spit it out quickly! Don't swallow it!"

Jinx moves faster!

She jumped directly at Poro and yelled angrily: "You bastard little thing! That device is not turned off yet!"

Poro was frightened.

Before, he thought everyone was playing a game, so he couldn't resist his instinct and joined in, and intercepted the teleportation device in mid-air.

It was asking for credit from its owner, but it found that the owner's expression suddenly changed.

If there were no unexpected circumstances, the Poro might still stand still and obediently return the object in its mouth to its owner.

But an accident happened, and its name was Jinx!

This Poro and Jinx had an indescribable love-hate relationship before.

To put it simply, the two had a good relationship when they first met, until Jinx got a Poro pet from Coven and raised the Poro to death.

Heimerdinger's Poro watched with his own eyes how its fellow Poro died in pain!

Since then, Poro has become fearful and wary of Jinx!

The intimacy between them is broken!

And Poro's vigilance was not in vain.

Sure enough, after Jinx killed his pet, he immediately turned his attention back to Poro.

In this way, it became a chase and an escape between the two.

The more Jinx pursues him, the more Poro becomes afraid of Jinx.

Gradually, the previous relationship between the two parties became worse and worse, until all friendship was exhausted.

After that, Jinx and Poro became full of hostility!

Jinx always pranks and bullies Poro, but as the weaker side, Poro can only fight back against Jinx with disgust and yelling.

In short, Jinx is now a big devil in the eyes of Poro!

At this point, if there was only Heimerdinger, it would be fine, but Jinx also pounced on him!

This made Poro's hair instantly explode again!

The little guy ran away in fear. He no longer cared about his master's orders and immediately turned around and jumped out.

It successfully dodged Jinx's attack!

But how can Jinx be so easy to deal with?

After missing the target with one blow, Jinx immediately followed up with a second attack!

This time, Poro was unable to hide anymore, and he was successfully held in Jinx's arms!

"little bastard!"

Jinx was lying on the ground. She lifted the Poro up and said with a proud smile: "You still want to escape with your little skills? Hurry! Spit it out!"

Poro was so frightened that he trembled all over.

Looking at Jinx who was smiling evilly at him, Poro subconsciously closed his mouth.


A prompt sound came from the transmission terminal.

Jinx was stunned, and immediately widened his eyes in anticipation of something bad.

However, before she could say anything, the next moment, a teleportation stance instantly enveloped her and the Poro in her hand at the same time!

After a 'buzz' sound!

Nothing happened.

Or rather it happened.

In the eyes of several yordles nearby, the figures of Jinx and Poro suddenly faltered.

There should have been a teleportation process, but Jinx and Poro still stayed in place.

But Jinx knew exactly what happened.

Although the teleportation process just now was short, Jinx's dynamic vision was very strong, and she saw the brilliance of the teleportation channel at that moment... End of this chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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