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Chapter 168 Draw lots

As the principal of the host college, Dumbledore certainly knew what the competition items were. After a little thought, he determined which competition was the best time to capture Harry.

Immediately, Dumbledore ignored the leaks of any competition events and revealed the details of the third game.

However, even if they guessed the time and place where Harry would face the crisis, Dumbledore and Sirius had nothing to do about it.

They couldn't stop Harry from participating in the competition, and they couldn't let Harry withdraw from the competition midway. Therefore, the two of them could only look at Ke Wen at the same time.

Ke Wen found out what the final trap was in the memory data. It was the final trophy of the competition, and someone made it into a 'portkey'.

When Harry touched the trophy, he was teleported back to Voldemort.

As for the previous series of games, Harry was not in any danger. Even if there was danger, the fake Professor Moody would find a way to help Harry solve it.

After all, Voldemort wanted a living Harry, not a corpse.

Thinking of this, Ke Wen faced the expectant looks of Dumbledore and Sirius, nodded and said: "Don't worry, leave it to me, I will take good care of Mr. Potter."

"Thank you Ke Wen!" Sirius was very grateful, stretched out his hands and grabbed Ke Wen's right hand, lifted Ke Wen's hand as if on a pilgrimage, and placed it on his forehead.

"I wish I could go on the field to protect Harry in person, but I can't do that!" Sirius said emotionally: "Anyway, I'm begging you!"

Feeling the strength of the other person's handshake, Kewen knew that these words came from Sirius' sincerity.

After the other party let go of his hand, Ke Wen comforted him: "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to Harry."

Next, the three of them discussed in the principal's office for a while, and then Sirius took his leave first and left the college through the fireplace.

Corwin chatted with Dumbledore for a while before returning to the dormitory.

Nowadays, there are too many "admirers" outside. Apart from the dormitory, Kewen rarely has free space to move around, so he can only get a moment of peace in the dormitory.

Now he needs a quiet environment to continue thinking about some plans.

What Penello said reminded him that since he was leaving this world, why not leave some valuable memories for himself?

With the Triwizard Tournament being like this, there are still some things worth doing for Kewen.

But that requires perfect planning.

He had thought about it before when he was in the principal's office, but his thinking was interrupted by Dumbledore. Now that he was back in the dormitory, Ke Wen naturally wanted to continue his plan.

Time has passed by slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it has been nearly two months since school started. On November 24th, the first game of the Triwizard Tournament will begin.

The competition venue was established not far from the castle, on a cliff in the mountains. It is worth mentioning that it is right in the middle of the 'Wonder House' and 'Hogwarts'.

If you stand at the top of the arena, you can see the tower of the Academy Castle on one side, and the riverside open space where the 'Wonder House' is located on the other side.

After breakfast time, teachers and students from the entire college arrived at the competition venue, which was a huge building that looked like an arena.

In the middle is an unorganized field with rugged rocks, surrounded by stands one after another. The audience is not only the teachers and students of the college, but also some parents of the students who have free time come to watch the game.

In the player resting tent, Ke Wen sat on a chair with a calm expression, twirling his wand with his fingers in boredom.

The other three contestants were not so calm, and kept pacing around the room with deep thoughts.

At this time, Harry paused, leaned against the curtain at the edge of the tent, and spoke quietly to the outside through the curtain.

With his sensitive hearing, Coven heard Hermione's voice outside the curtain, and couldn't help but turn his head and glance in Harry's direction.

Before he could turn around, the curtain was suddenly lifted, and Hermione entered the tent emotionally and hugged Harry hard.

Almost at the same time, someone lifted the curtain at the main entrance of the tent, and a female reporter dressed in a coquettish way walked in with her photographer partner.

After seeing Harry and Hermione hugging each other, the photographer almost subconsciously raised his camera and took a picture of Harry and the others with a bang.

The magnesium powder flash exploded into a large plume of white smoke, and a pungent smell spread in the lounge.

Ke Wen frowned slightly, took hold of the wand spinning on his fingertips, and gently swung it to disperse all the smells around him.

"Wow~wow~wow..." The female reporter named Rita Skeeter exclaimed loudly with an exaggerated expression: "It's my first love, it's really... memorable and touching."


Ke Wen suddenly spoke up, glanced up at Rita Skeeter with a somewhat cold tone, and then said: "Please stay aside quietly."

Rita Skeeter's expression froze for a moment, but after seeing that it was Coven, she immediately showed a flattering smile with a guilty conscience, and then walked aside obediently.

The reason for this is because Ke Wen threatened her.

The day after the warriors were selected, Rita Skeeter came to the academy for an interview.

There was no explanation from the other party in Kewen's memory data, so at first he thought it was just a normal interview.

As a result, during the interview, he discovered that this woman named Rita Skeeter had no limits.

Not only are the questions raised basically not related to the Triwizard Tournament, but they also like to ask some embarrassing questions.

Not only that, Rita Skeeter also likes to make up nonsense on her own, making up lies out of thin air, and will not record Coven's answers at all.

After discovering these situations, Ke Wen was a little annoyed, so he used 'Ingestion of Divine Mind' to read his mind.

Unexpectedly, Kewen discovered that the other party was an illegal "Animagus" just like him. After the other party mastered the "Animal Transfiguration", he did not go to the Ministry of Magic to register.

Having caught Rita Skeeter's pain, Coven immediately made the situation clear and successfully blackmailed the other party.

Since then, Rita Skeeter has become a little afraid of Covin. Her reports on Covin are completely factual and do not make nonsense like the reports on other warriors.

Now more than a month later, Rita Skeeter still didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Cowen when she saw him again...

The conversation and performance between Coven and Rita Skeeter surprised everyone in the lounge, but they were not familiar with each other, so no one asked anything.

They were just observing Rita Skeeter's embarrassed expression, occasionally glancing at Covin secretly.

At this time, the door curtain was opened again, and headed by Dumbledore, the other two principals and Director Crouch walked in.

"Hello warriors."

Dumbledore looked at the four warriors in the room with a smile, but when he saw Hermione, he was slightly startled and said in surprise: "Miss Granger, why are you here?"

"Ah, I'm... sorry." Hermione shyly avoided everyone's attention and said quickly: "I'm just here to cheer Harry on, I'm disturbing you! I'll leave now!"

After saying that, Hermione immediately buried her head and left the lounge.

Dumbledore didn't pay attention and continued to smile and said to Coven and other contestants: "Okay, the moment you have been anxiously waiting for has finally arrived. I would like to wish you good results."

"Now, let's start drawing lots." After finishing speaking, Dumbledore called to the side: "Barty, please."

Director Crouch immediately stepped forward, called for Covin and the other four to gather around him, then lifted up a black cloth bag and opened the mouth of the bag.

"Okay warriors, next, please extract the difficulties you are going to face from this bag." Director Crouch said while handing the bag to Fleur: "Then, Miss Delacour, you

first come."

Fu Rong seemed a little nervous, staring at the green smoke coming out of the mouth of the bag, listening to the 'hissing' sound inside the bag, taking a deep breath, raising her hand and slowly reaching into the bag.

"Oh! It bit me!"

With a soft cry, Fleur retracted her hand from her pocket. In her hand, a green dragon the size of a gecko was constantly observing the surrounding environment.

Seeing this, Director Crouch announced: "Welsh Green Dragon!"

Then, he handed the bag to Viktor Krum: "It's your turn, Mr. Klum."

Krum pulled out the 'Chinese Fireball Dragon' from his pocket.

Then came Kewen. When he retracted his hand from his pocket, the dragon model kept struggling in his fist, causing a low cry to be heard all around.

Seeing this, Director Crouch said with some pity in his eyes: "Okay, Mr. Quinn, you have chosen the largest 'Ukrainian Iron-bellied Dragon' in the world."

Ke Wen was slightly startled. If his memory was correct, shouldn't it be the 'Swedish Brachysaurus' in the original plot?

However, after Harry finished smoking the 'Hungarian Tree Peak Dragon', Coven discovered that there was still a sound in the pocket in Director Crouch's hand.

He immediately understood. Obviously, there should be other types of dragons inside, not just four types of dragon models.

At this time, Director Crouch put away his pocket, then took out another pocket and asked the contestants to draw the order of entry.

This time there was another change from the original plot. Kewen actually got the fourth place in the finale.

After the drawing of lots is completed, the next step is to check the wand.

Amid Dumbledore's greeting, Ollivander lifted the curtain and walked into the lounge with a smile.

He looked at Kewen with pride in his eyes, and then greeted all the players: "Come here, kids, let me check the wands for you."

The four people from Kewen came forward, and Ollivander inspected the wands one by one. After experimenting with small magic spells, he called out the materials and production characteristics of everyone's wands.

Finally, it was Coven's turn. After Ollivander experienced the little magic spell, he handed the wand back, and then asked kindly: "How are you, kid? Does the wand still work?"

"As always." Ke Wen responded with a smile...

This chapter has been completed!
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