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Chapter 12 Shipping

Take a long exhale to expel the turbid air from your body, and inhale deeply to supply oxygen to your body.

Kewen walked among the corpses everywhere, looking around to see if there were any surviving monsters.

After walking around to make sure there were no missed monsters, Kewen looked towards the entrance of the passage.

I thought that the slow-moving zombies would also follow, but half a day had passed and there was no movement on the other side of the passage.

Although I don’t know why this is, but if you can’t figure it out, don’t think about it for now. After all, your understanding of this world is still too one-sided. If you don’t understand anything, just go out and ask together later.

After looking around at the corpses everywhere again and frowning slightly, Ke Wen gave up searching the corpses. He didn't know how long it would take to search the nearly two hundred corpses. He didn't have that much time to waste now.

After sorting out the equipment on my body and checking it, I found that the spear was no longer so sharp.

I tried it with the corpse at my feet and found that it was no longer as easy as inserting a hot knife into butter, but that it required a little effort to break through the skin and muscles of the fallen demon.

Looking at the tip of the spear, it was obvious that it had become slightly blunted.

Then, Kewen checked the quiver again and found that there were less than three hundred arrows left.

Walking forward some distance, he pulled out the arrow from a corpse that had been shot by a bow and arrow. After taking a look, he found that the arrow could no longer be recycled and reused.

Throwing away the arrow, Kewen thought for a while, then put his hand into his pocket again, fiddled with it for a while, and took out the box containing the 'Mandrake' and the earmuffs again.

Hanging the earmuffs around his neck first, holding the flower plate in his left hand and holding the spear in his right hand, Ke Wen entered the passage again.

After walking past corpses all over the place, we cautiously turned two corners and came to the "two-story cave" again.

The probe looked into the cave and found that there were only some ordinary zombies left on the next floor, still stumbling slowly in the cave.

But there are still many monsters on the upper floor. Near the entrance of the stairs, there are more than ten fallen monsters constantly observing the entrance of the passage.

Different from the previous monsters, the fallen demons in front not only had scimitars in their hands, but also held a somewhat weak metal shield in their other hand.

Seeing this, Ke Wen only hesitated for a moment, then immediately put on his earmuffs again, then leaned out, opened his bow and set an arrow to attack the zombies.

The sound of "whooshing" broke through the air continuously, and zombies were shot through the head by Kewen and fell to the ground. At the same time, the fallen demons on the stairs also discovered Kewen, the intruder.

After shouting for a while, they all rushed towards Ke Wen's position with scimitars and shields. At the same time, more fallen demons appeared on the second floor stairs, densely packed like a small red wave.

Ke Wen was very calm, and did not shoot the arrows at the fallen demons, but kept destroying the zombies.

It wasn't until the Sinking Demon was still about ten meters away from him that Kewen quickly leaned over and pulled the 'Mandrake' out of the flowerpot.

A fatal scream suddenly sounded, and all the Sinking Demons within ten meters of Kewen suddenly fell to the ground. The influence of those Sinking Demons a little further away was weakened, but their bodies began to shake like drunkenness.

Ke Wen calmly hung the 'Mandrake' on his body, then picked up the bow and arrow, reached out and picked up the spear and started to move forward.

Stepping on the soft and slippery corpse, they continued to move forward. Amidst the fatal screams of the 'Mandrake', the fallen demons fell in pieces.

It wasn't until the number of Sinking Demons died that they exceeded a hundred, and the remaining Sinking Demons turned around and retreated in fear, escaping towards the second floor while pushing and shoving.

Ke Wen kept walking and directly caught up to the second layer of cave space. After broadening his view, he found that this layer of space was wider than the one below.

There are three Sinking Demon Wizards, two are normal red, and one is completely black.

After seeing the intruder Kewen, the three Sinking Demon wizards immediately gave up roaring at the escaping Sinking Demons and started casting spells almost in unison.

Seeing this, Ke Wen almost instantly threw the spear in his hand at the black fallen demon wizard.

Then, he quickly pulled out the only two short spears from his back, and equally quickly threw the short spears at the two red fallen demon wizards.

The next moment, Ke Wen suddenly flipped backwards, causing his body to fall under the stone steps.

Almost at the same time, three large fireballs roared past Ke Wen's head.

After somersaulting, Kewen landed on all fours and stabilized his body, then turned his head to look at the three fireballs behind him.

Soon, three fireballs hit the stone wall of the cave and exploded suddenly, blasting three shallow craters into the stone wall and sending rubble flying.

No longer paying attention to the power of the fireball, Kewen climbed up the stone steps again and looked into the cave.

The result was not so ideal.

The attack just now was too hasty, so only one red Sinking Demon Wizard was hit in the head by a short spear, while the other two were pierced through the chest by long spears and short spears. At this time, they were barely standing there, opening their mouths and howling.


Because he was wearing earmuffs, Kewen couldn't hear any sound, and could only see the two fallen wizards opening their mouths.

Seeing this, he immediately climbed up the stone steps, took off the long bow from his body, and while moving forward quickly, he kept shooting arrows at the black fallen magic wizard.

After all, the opponent's body color is too special, so it's better to be the first target to eliminate.

Several arrows shot through the air one after another, but the reaction of the black Sinking Demon wizard was unusual. He actually pulled a Sinking Demon next to him in front of him and blocked the arrows for it.

This made Ke Wen slightly stunned, but his actions did not stop. Instead, he shot two arrows at another red Sinking Demon Wizard, and then set the target on the black wizard again.

The red fallen demon wizard was not that smart, and he also had a short spear that pierced his chest, so he had no time to react when he was in pain, and was directly shot through two eye sockets by two arrows.

At this moment, I don't know if the black wizard gave some order, but the fallen demons that had escaped once again rushed towards Ke Wen with their swords and shields raised.

Ke Wen ignored it, just reduced the frequency of shooting arrows, and continued to move towards the black wizard.

Arrows were fired one after another, so that the black fallen demon wizard had no time to put down the corpse in his hands, and could only still hold the corpse in front of him.

Moreover, it couldn't even move because there were spears running through its body. No matter how strong its vitality was, it couldn't endure the severe pain.

As Ke Wen advanced, the fallen demons fell in pieces again. Not long after, Ke Wen stepped on the corpses on the ground and came to the black fallen demon wizard.

At this time, there was only this one monster left in the cave, and all the other fallen monsters had died under the fatal scream of the 'Mandrake'.

And here's the weird thing.

The other Sinking Demons have fallen to the ground, but this black Sinking Demon Wizard still has not fallen to the ground. Even if Kewen is standing three meters in front of him, the opponent is still not affected by the cry of 'Mandrake'.

And influence.

Seeing this, Covin immediately lowered his head and looked at the 'Mandrake' hanging on his body. When he saw it, he was stunned.

It turned out that the 'Mandrake' stopped screaming at some point. It seemed that he was tired of shouting, and the 'mouth' on the humanoid rhizome no longer opened, but closed together.

Ke Wen was a little speechless, and then he looked up at the fallen demon wizard in front of him. At this time, the other party was putting down the body that was used as a shield in his hand.

The next moment, one person and one demon met their eyes.

In the daze of the Sinking Demon Wizard, Kewen bared his teeth, stepped forward suddenly, and stretched out his hand at the same time.

With his right hand, he grabbed the huge horn on the opponent's head, and then jerked his arm downwards with an inch of strength.

A slight resistance is transmitted to the hand, and then the resistance suddenly disappears.

Following Ke Wen's actions, the Sinking Demon Wizard's neck was broken directly by him.

Without the support of his neck, the Sinking Demon Wizard's head suddenly drooped, but even with this kind of injury, the opponent still did not die immediately.

The body fell to the ground, the Sinking Demon Wizard's eyes popped out, and his mouth opened and closed slightly, and he didn't know if he was screaming or something.

Ke Wen looked down at the opponent, sighing at its powerful vitality, while reaching out and pulling out the spear that had penetrated the opponent's body.

With a little force on his arm, the spear thrust straight down, instantly piercing the head of the Sinking Demon Wizard.

At this time, the Sinking Demon Wizard no longer struggled and died instantly.

Just when Ke Wen was preparing to scan the battlefield as usual, looking for any missing monsters, something unexpected happened.

Centered on the body of the black fallen demon wizard, slight ripples suddenly appeared in the air.

Seeing this, Kewen jumped back with all his strength without even thinking about it. He jumped out nearly five meters away in an instant, and then kept jumping back like a kangaroo until he was nearly twenty meters away. Then he leaned over and stopped slightly.

Come down.

Looking at the body of the black fallen demon wizard, he saw some black mist suddenly appearing from the air around the body, and then quickly gathering under the body.

There were no other changes after that. After about three breaths, all the black mist shrank away and got under the wizard's body.

Standing in the distance, Ke Wen frowned and looked over there, and then suddenly threw the spear out again.

In an instant, he crossed a distance of twenty meters, and the spear penetrated the wizard's body again.

After a while, there was still no change.

Seeing this, Kewen stepped forward again with confidence and came to the body.

He reached out and pulled out the spear, and used the tip of the spear to push the corpse aside, revealing the scene underneath him.

A magic wand lay quietly on the ground.

A black staff about thirty centimeters long, with a dark green gem inlaid on the top...

This chapter has been completed!
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