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Chapter 41 Ceremony

At this time, Kewen was imagining a series of equipment production matters in his mind, intending to use this to upgrade all his costumes and props.

After a while, I came back from my thoughts and finally noticed Deckard Cain's confused look.

Therefore, Ke Wen immediately explained: "My idea is, can we prepare a good quality item in advance, and then when destroying the monster, put that item on the monster to let it absorb the extraordinary power?

Thereby transforming it into the magic equipment we want."

Deckard Cain was stunned again. Neither he nor the many predecessors in this world had ever had such an idea.

After thinking for a moment, Deckard Cain felt that this guess seemed feasible. Then, he couldn't help but admire Coven's "unconstrained" idea.

However, Deckard Cain was not sure about this matter, so he did not give a definite answer to Coven, but suggested: "Maybe if you have a chance, you can give it a try."

After saying that, Deckard Cain became energetic and said with a slightly excited tone: "Once it is completely feasible, this will be a huge leap-forward improvement for the strength of the entire human race! This will make all human beings

Extraordinary professionals will no longer be limited by the shortage of equipment!"

Ke Wen nodded and said, "I'll go out and experiment on this in two days."

"Sorry to trouble you." Deckard Cain quickly thanked him. This time, he began to feel a little urgent.

Ke Wen waved his hand and said it was nothing, then sorted out the questions in his mind and asked the third question.

"Mr. Kane, the next question is about magic."

"Please say."

"Can magic skills be upgraded?" Ke Wen asked while recalling the situation of 'adding points to upgrade' skills in the game.

"Skill upgrades..." Deckard Cain pondered for a moment, then asked in confirmation: "You mean enhancing the power of magic?"

"Well, you can say that." Ke Wen confirmed.

Deckard Cain thought for a moment again, and then said: "I don't know about the magic system on your body. The professional systems I know will make the extraordinary power of their respective professions into 'sources'.

And integrate it into your own 'magic source'."

Deckard Cain's statement was a bit vague. Coven failed to grasp the precise sentiment, so he immediately asked: "Mr. Cain, can you elaborate on it?"

"Of course." Deckard Cain naturally wouldn't reserve it, so he thought about it and said, "Let's use a metaphor."

"Based on the 'magician system' that I am familiar with, after activating the 'magic source', the magicians will make the most basic magic into a 'source', such as fire magic. First, they must master the most basic skill of 'controlling flames'.

The basic magic is then made into a 'source' using rituals, and then integrated into the 'magic source' in the body."

"In this way, as the monsters are killed and the extraordinary power is absorbed, the 'source' of 'Dominating Flame' will also be strengthened, and the fire magic released will naturally increase in power."

Kewen understood somewhat and asked: "What about other systems?"

"They are all the same." Deckard Cain continued to explain: "The ice system's 'Domination of Ice', the air system's 'Domination of Lightning' and 'Domination of Storm', the arcane system's 'Domination of Energy'."

"No, no, I didn't make it clear." Ke Wen shook his head and interrupted: "I mean other professions, professions other than magicians."

Deckard Cain was stunned and said doubtfully: "But aren't you a wizard?"

"I was thinking about whether I could pursue other professions at the same time."

After Kewen finished speaking, he explained his idea of ​​​​liking the "summoning" magic and wanting to work part-time in more professional systems.

After listening, Deckard Cain pondered deeply, and after a while he said uncertainly: "This situation has never happened before. Do you plan to master the summoning of the 'Druid' or the 'Necromancer' at the same time?"

"Can't you study both?" Ke Wen's answer seemed very greedy.

Deckard Cain was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, shook his head and said: "This question really stumps me, because no one in history has ever had this idea. They all chose a profession and kept exploring to become stronger.


Ke Wen wonders, don't people in this world have the spirit of exploration?

Therefore, he asked his doubts directly.

After listening to this, Deckard Cain shook his head with a slight smile: "You know, a person's energy is limited. Let's not talk about whether he can master so many different systems at the same time. There are also conflicts between various systems."

"For example, in the summoning system you mentioned, 'Druid' symbolizes life, while 'Necromancer' symbolizes death. Their 'extraordinary nature' represents the most direct polarization. If these two systems are included,

I'm afraid the 'skill source' will cause serious conflict in the 'magic source'."

"So that's it." Ke Wen frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he murmured: "It seems that we can only give up the call of the 'Druid'."

Deckard Cain heard the murmur and found that Ke Wen still stubbornly did not change his mind. He couldn't help shaking his head with some laughter and tears, and reminded again: "You must also consider energy issues and whether you have that much energy to study more.

Many systems.”

"Furthermore, the more 'skill sources' you have, the more extraordinary power you need to absorb. In this case, it will slow down the improvement of your strength."

Hearing this, Coven began to think deeply again. Seeing this, Deckard Cain stopped making any sound and sat there quietly waiting.

Ke Wen was recalling information about related games. His "Goldfinger" contained information about the skill tree of the wizard character in the game.

Among the three skill trees of ice, fire, and electricity, Kewen did not master any 'ice' magic, but he mastered two electric magics. One was to summon thunder from dark clouds, and the other was a simple discharge.

As for the final fire skill, Ke Wen has quite a lot of skills, because just the 'Sacred Fire Series' allows him to use fire magic in various ways.

From this point of view, it seems that he no longer needs to spend time learning fire magic. After all, the power of divine fire is more powerful than the fire magic in the current world.

In this way, he only needs to make three 'skill sources': ice, electric, and necromantic.

Thinking of this, Kewen finally came back from his thoughts and explained his choice to Deckard Cain.

After listening, Deckard Cain asked with a smile: "What about the 'Arcane Department'?"

While Ke Wen was stunned, Deckard Cain said: "You must know that arcana is the source of all extraordinary magic. The extraordinary powers of other departments are all studied and developed from arcana."

Hearing this, Ke Wen did not hesitate and immediately said firmly: "Then add another 'arcane'!"

Deckard Cain dutifully reminded: "That will hinder the improvement of your strength."

"That's it!" Ke Wen stubbornly made the final decision, and then a confident smile appeared on his face: "I am confident in my talent!"

"Okay, as you wish." Deckard Cain nodded helplessly, and then said: "I will help you create the corresponding 'skill source'."

"But the 'Magician' series is okay. The 'Skill Source' of the necromancy system, I'm afraid I have to look up the information first."

"Also, I don't know if I have the 'Rune Stone' with the corresponding serial number here."

There was nothing Kewen could do about this situation. Fortunately, Deckard Cain told him that the 'skill sources' of all professions did not require too high-numbered 'rune stones'.

This made it easier for Ke Wen. Even if the 'Rune Stone' was not complete, he could still try to eliminate the 'Countess'.

In the game, there is a ‘Countess mini-boss’ in this map, which is designed to explode ‘Rune Stones’ for players.

Once Deckard Cain really lacks the 'Rune Stone', Coven plans to try his luck with the Countess...

At this time, Coven had solved most of the doubts from Deckard Cain, and the only remaining puzzle was the attribute of the magic equipment.

Next, Ke Wen asked this last doubt.

Deckard Cain also gave the perfect answer. He knows a kind of 'identification magic', which is inherited from the 'Hradirim Brotherhood', and can more clearly identify the properties and effects of magic equipment.

At this point, all of Ke Wen's doubts have been solved by Deckard Cain...

Before I knew it, the morning passed.

The conversation between Corwin and Deckard Cain was interrupted by Kasha, but it was Kasha who came to get the wine that Corwin promised to her because of her greed.

The communication was paused, and Kewen first packed Kasha with ten boxes of wine in a ‘space bag’, and then left Kasha with a lunch.

Kasha, who was used to having two meals a day, was extremely envious of Coven's luxurious living habits. Even Deckard Cain shook his head in sigh, unable to make any appropriate comments.

After the meal, Kasha left holding the 'space bag' with a satisfied look on his face, while Deckard Cain showed some signs of fatigue and was advised by Ke Wen to take a nap for more than an hour.

In the afternoon, the two got into the box again and started making a 'skill source' for Kewen.

Deckard Cain didn't have a golden finger like Coven, so he couldn't memorize vast knowledge on his own. Therefore, in terms of making the 'skill source', he could only temporarily browse books.

After spending some time, Deckard Cain finally found the target among many books, and then started searching for information in four more books.

Deckard Cain's books are very rich, or in other words, the inherited knowledge of the 'Hradirim Brotherhood' is very rich.

Among the books passed down, there were not only records related to 'magician'. Ke Wen took a rough look at it and found that even other professions could also find relevant information in these books.

This is no wonder that Deckard Cain is confident that he can make the "skill source" of the "Necromancer" series.

Next, the two came to the plain in the small world again.

Squatting down together and comparing the contents in the book, Coven helped Deckard Cain start to draw the magic circle.

After more than an hour of modifications, the magic circle was finally completed. It was more complicated than the magic circle of the 'Magic Source'.

After preparations were completed, Deckard Cain asked Coven: "Are you sure? You can only choose one of the two, arcane and undead. The 'Rune Stone' I have here is only enough to activate one 'source'.


Ke Wen nodded: "Activate the 'Arcane'. As for the 'Necromancer', please wait. I will use the 'Necromantic Staff' instead for the time being, and then I will look for the 'Rune Stone'."

"Okay." Deckard Kane took a step back and then instructed: "Then let's start with the 'ice skill source'. Have you mastered the magic spell?"

"No problem." Coven said as he stepped into the center of the magic circle, then turned around and stood still facing Deckard Cain.

Seeing this, Deckard Cain reminded: "Then let's start now. You stay focused and recite the incantation, and I will activate the ritual."

Kewen said 'hmm', then concentrated his mind and began to silently recite the newly learned spell of 'Control the Cold' in his heart.

At the same time, Deckard Cain slowly knelt on the ground, pressed his hands down to hold the ground, moved his lips and began to recite the incantation to activate the ritual.

Soon, the magic circle under Ke Wen's feet lit up with magic light, lines were lit up one after another, and the 'rune stones' were filled with magic elements.

At this moment, an ice storm suddenly rose from Ke Wen's feet, forming a whirlwind that spread from Ke Wen's feet to his body.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, causing the two people to ventilate into a white mist.

Ke Wen was okay, after all, the clothes on his body had been enchanted with constant temperature. However, Deckard Cain seemed to be having a hard time.

In the cold wind, Deckard Cain's thin body trembled a little, but he did not terminate the ceremony, but forced himself to stand firm.

Two minutes later, the cold whirlwind quickly began to shrink from above Ke Wen's head, and finally condensed into a cyan light group, suspended above Ke Wen's head.

The temperature gradually increased, and Deckard Cain finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then slumped on the ground helplessly.

Seeing this, Kewen was about to step out of the magic circle to show concern, but his movement was stopped by Deckard Cain raising his hand.

"While I haven't developed cold symptoms yet, let's continue the other two rituals." Deckard Kane said with a smile: "Otherwise, if I start coughing, I'm afraid the ritual will be interrupted by interrupting the spell, which will waste the power of the runes.


Hearing this, Kewen stepped forward again and said as he walked out of the magic circle: "I didn't think carefully. I didn't expect that the magic circle would cause changes in the outside world. The problem of colds can be easily solved. Wait a minute, I have a magic potion to treat colds."


After saying that, Ke Wen raised his hand and made a move towards the herbal medicine room.

Not long after, a bottle of magic potion flew quickly, and Ke Wen caught it.

Walking to Deckard Cain, Coven squatted down, opened the medicine bottle, handed it to him and said: "Drink it quickly, the medicine is very effective."

Deckard Cain looked surprised. After receiving the potion, he did not drink it immediately. Instead, he sighed: "Is there any potion that can cure diseases? I thought there were only 'holy water potions' and 'mana potions'

There are two magic potions."

Seeing the other party's thirst for knowledge, Ke Wen said with a smile: "Drink the medicine first, and I will introduce the relevant knowledge to you in detail during the subsequent communication."

"Thank you." Deckard Cain got his wish, kept a smile on his face, raised his head and drank the potion.

A sound like a train whistle sounded, and a few streams of mist suddenly emerged from Deckard Cain's nostrils and ears.

This turn of events made Deckard Cain a little dumbfounded, and he was at a loss as to whether he should cover it up or not.

Seeing this, Ke Wen chuckled and explained: "Don't worry, that's the effect of the potion. Once the gas stops coming, the disease will be cured."

Deckard Cain was speechless. In the end, he could only smile bitterly, shook his head and sighed again: "What a magical potion..."

Two minutes passed, and there was no more steam coming out of Deckard Cain's orifice, and there was even a thin layer of sweat on the old man's forehead.

While wiping his sweat, Deckard Cain moved his body. After feeling it, he happily nodded to Ke Wen: "It's really good. My body feels very relaxed now, and I don't have the heavy feeling before."

"Then shall we continue?" Kewen took the medicine bottle and put it away, and asked: "Will the next two rituals also cause environmental changes?"

"Almost." Deckard Cain responded: "But it's not as unbearable as the ice type."

Ke Wen nodded silently, and then waved to the distance again.

Soon, a wizard robe from the Harry Potter world flew over.

Passing the robe to Deckard Cain, Coven said: "Wear this first. Although the size is not suitable, this robe has a lot of magic added to it, which can effectively resist the influence of harsh environments."

Deckard Cain did not refuse, reached out to take the robe, and changed it on the spot.

Taking off his dark gray robe, even though he was covered by a layer of underwear, Deckard Cain still revealed his thin, rib-like figure.

Carefully putting the robe on his body, Deckard Cain suddenly noticed a different feeling. His body actually felt the most suitable temperature.

Unable to help but sigh at Ke Wen's things again, Deckard Cain pointed towards the magic circle and reminded: "Go and put that 'ice skill source' into your body."

"Okay." Ke Wen turned around and walked towards the magic circle, and confirmed at the same time: "Is it okay to do it like the 'Magic Source'?"


After receiving a response, Ke Wen also stepped into the magic circle again, then reached out and took off the 'skill source' suspended in the air, then closed his hand and pressed it into his lower abdomen.

A cold feeling suddenly appeared in his lower abdomen, which made Kewen tremble all over and even felt the urge to urinate.

Knowing that this was an illusion, Kewen quickly suppressed this conditioned reflex.

After about a minute, the cold feeling disappeared.

After jumping around in place and not feeling anything unusual, Ke Wen turned to look at Deckard Cain.

Seeing this, Deckard Kane walked towards the magic circle and said: "Then let's continue, this time it's the 'air element'."

Subsequently, Deckard Cain began to replace the 'rune stones' in the magic circle.

A few minutes later, Kewen stepped into the center of the magic circle, then concentrated his mind again and began to recite the corresponding magic spell.

Just like before, the magic circle lit up again and the whirlwind appeared again.

There was no cold air in this cyclone, but it was replaced by some weak lightning.

Those subtle electric lights did not have any impact on Kewen. About three minutes later, the 'skill source' was produced again.

Ke Wen directly raised his hand, took off the 'skill source' above his head, and then pressed it into his lower abdomen.

This time I felt abdominal distension and numbness, which was also accompanied by an illusion of urination.

Not long after, all the strange feelings disappeared, and Ke Wen couldn't help but raise his hand to touch his lower abdomen, and then looked at Deckard Cain again.

Because of the protection of the magic robe, Deckard Cain was not affected by the environment at all this time. Although he seemed a little tired from the continuous casting of spells, he quickly recovered after drinking a bottle of 'mana potion'.

"Go on, the last one."

With that said, Deckard Cain took out the 'Rune Stone' and rearranged the magic circle.

In the last ceremony, the rising whirlwind was completely composed of magic elements. The process was uneventful, and finally it gathered into a 'skill source' the size of a fingernail.

Pressing the last 'skill source' into the lower abdomen, this time there was no other feeling except the urge to urinate.

When the urge to urinate disappeared, Ke Wen walked out of the magic circle and thanked Deckard Kane who stood up slowly: "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Kane."

"It's nothing." Deckard Cain responded lovingly: "It's all what I should do."

While changing the magic robe that didn't fit the size of his body, Deckard Cain suggested: "Why don't you try magic? Although the skill source has not yet absorbed extraordinary power, it should have an enhanced effect."

"Okay." Kewen responded, and then took out his wand.

After thinking for a while, he pointed the wand towards the ground in the distance and simply released a 'discharge spell'.


Amidst the crisp sound, a bolt of electric light suddenly shot out and instantly hit the ground in the distance. Moreover, the electric light did not stay at the target point, but spread out on the ground, forming a small electric snake on the ground.

It winds up and rushes around.

Kewen opened his eyes slightly in surprise, and then stopped the magic output.

Deckard Cain walked over with a magic robe hanging on his arm. While returning the robe, he asked: "How do you feel?"

"Indeed!" Ke Wen nodded heavily: "The power of magic has increased a lot, I should say a lot!"

Deckard Cain smiled and reminded: "In the future, if you absorb extraordinary power, your magic will be improved even more."

"It's amazing." Ke Wen said honestly.

"No." Deckard Cain shook his head instead, looked at Coven with searching eyes and said, "For me, your magic system can be called magical."

"So, are you tired?" Ke Wen said with a smile, "How about we start exchanging knowledge next?"

"It's what I asked for." Deckard Cain's eyes were slightly bright, and his face looked a little excited.

"bring it on."

Kewen said hello, peeled off the ritual magic circle from the ground, shrank it and put it away, then turned around and led Deckard Kane towards the study area.

There is a large bookshelf in the study room, which is full of magic spells translated by Ke Wen using "rune script".

Seeing this, Deckard Cain also took out all his inheritance books and filled another bookshelf.

Subsequently, the two began to exchange and discuss knowledge on both sides...

This chapter has been completed!
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