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Chapter 60 Shots

The seven protagonists all had sleepy looks on their faces, as if they hadn't had a good rest.

Seeing this, Kasha simply interrupted the meal, drank the food in the esophagus and moved it into the stomach with wine, and then greeted the protagonists in a friendly manner: "Why did you only rest for such a short time? What's the matter with you coming here?"


The protagonists nodded to Kewen one after another, and then Cassia said: "First, I'm here to tell you about the results of our adventures these days, and second, I want to get some information from you."

"Oh? Tell me." After Kasha finished speaking, he said to Kewen: "Help me."

Ke Wen nodded and waved his hand, causing several seats to rise from behind the protagonists.

Everyone politely sat down one after another. This time, Isandra unexpectedly did not say anything. Her face was full of fatigue and lack of energy, which made her lose interest in speaking.

After sitting down, Cassia said very directly: "We have successfully conquered the 'Modern Highlands' area and almost eliminated all the monsters there."

"What!?" Kasha suddenly raised her voice and confirmed with an unexpected look: "Really!? Where is the monastery? I mean, didn't the monsters there come out to surround you?"

"No." Cassia shook her head: "Of course, we didn't approach the monastery, we just eliminated the monsters in the wild. As for the monastery, we just scouted it from a distance and did not advance inward this time."

"I see." Kasha nodded suddenly.

After a moment of silence, Kasha said with a sincere face: "Thank you. Your clearance of the 'Modern Highlands' has been of great help to the camp's upcoming counterattack. Thank you."

"This is what we should do." Cassia did not mean to take credit, and continued: "When we come here this time, we also want to get some information from you about the inside of the monastery."

Kasha frowned slightly: "Why are you asking about this?"

"We received a commission from Qiaxi." Cassia replied.

"Entrustment? Oh..." Kasha quickly came to his senses: "Qiaxi must be asking you to help her find the hammer, right?"

"That's right." The barbarian said in an honest voice: "I have quite a lot of energy. After I came back, I didn't rest long before I went to Qiaxi's place to repair the equipment. After a brief chat, she gave me this commission."

Kasha's face became embarrassed when he heard this.

"What?" Cassia saw this and asked, "Is there any difficulty?"

Kasha raised his head and looked around at the protagonists, thought for a moment and said, "I'm just a little worried. Once you enter the monastery, I'm afraid you will alert Andariel."

"That's why we came to you for help." Cassia said seriously without any intention of backing down: "We need terrain information about the interior of the monastery."

Kasha fell silent again. Thinking of the achievements of this seven-member team in recent days, she finally sighed and gave up the idea of ​​stopping it in her heart.

"Okay." Kasha stood up, walked to the corner and pulled out a piece of parchment from a bundle.

When he came back to Kasia and others, he handed the parchment to the other party. Kasia solemnly said: "This is the overall environment map of the monastery."

The protagonists stood up one after another and gathered around Cassia to look at the map. However, after reading it, everyone had a slightly disappointed look on their faces because the map was too simple and could not give them a clear cognitive effect.

Kasha also knew this, so he began to explain carefully, pointing to the map and explaining one by one: "This location is the gate of the monastery. After entering, there is a garden square, also known as the 'outer cloister', and further inward, there is

A large military camp area.”

After pointing along the map, Kasha finally pointed to an area in the military camp: "This is the forging area. If nothing happens, Qiaxi's forging hammer will be left here."

Everyone looked at the map location pointed by Kasha, but at the same time they showed a slightly distressed look. Again, their recognition was too vague.

Ke Wen watched quietly until he noticed everyone's embarrassment, then he stood up and walked forward, taking a look at the map.

No wonder everyone looked at a loss, because the lines on the map were too crude. Large areas were expanded by large square circles, and small rooms were replaced by circles. That's it. Who can use this to have a clear understanding of the environment?

Seeing this, Ke Wen secretly sighed, it seemed that he had to take action.

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Kasha: "Okay, leave it to me."

"Leave it to you?" Kasha was stunned and said in surprise: "Do you know the internal topography of the monastery?"

Ke Wen did not answer, but put his hand into his pocket, first took out a small ornate crystal bottle, and then took out the staff.

The action of taking out the 'treasure bag' made Isandra finally regain some energy, and quickly stepped in and said: "That's right! The magic tent!"

Seeing Kewen looking over, Isandra continued: "We have gained something again in the past few days, which should be enough to buy a tent from you."

"Okay, we'll talk about it later." Ke Wen responded, then looked at Kasha again: "Next, you will help me complete a magic."

"What should I do?" Kasha asked curiously.

"Just follow my instructions and concentrate."

Kasha trusted Kewen, so he immediately followed his instructions and concentrated his energy.

"Now, imagine a picture and think back to the monastery gate and the surrounding scene."

Kasha was stunned for a moment and glanced at Kewen. After seeing Kewen's encouraging eyes, she immediately stopped her mind and began to recall the memory scenes in her mind.

Seeing this, Kewen slowly raised his right hand, brought the tip of the staff closer to Kasha's temple, then recited a mantra silently, and pulled out a magic filament from Kasha's temple.

At the same time, Kewen continued to guide with words: "Now, you have entered the gate, returned to the garden, and looked at the surrounding scenery."

Kasha gradually closed her eyes and continued to recall the corresponding scene in accordance with Kewen's instructions.

Next, Kewen continued to guide Kasha's memories, asking her to recall all the scenes in the 'outer corridor' and inside the military camp.

It wasn't until Kasha finished guiding Kasha to recall the scene in the forging area that Kewen stopped talking and retracted the staff back.

As he moved, the magic thread emerging from Kasha's temple began to break, and finally condensed into a ball of light the size of a finger bone, which was sent into the crystal bottle by Ke Wen.

"What kind of magic is this!?"

Seeing Ke Wen's "call it a day" action, Isandra finally couldn't hold back her curiosity and quickly asked.

The others came back to their senses and looked at Kewen one after another, waiting for the answer. Kasha also opened his eyes.

Not too lazy to explain, Ke Wen put away his staff and took out the suitcase from his pocket. After opening it, he opened his hand and struck into the suitcase: "The Pensieve is coming."

Soon, a metal basin slowly flew out of the suitcase, and Ke Wen reached out to hold it and put it on the table.

Isandra was the first to come over, lowered her head to observe the pensieve, and then pointed to the 'runes' carved on the edge and asked: "What does this arrangement of runes represent?"

"Now is not the time to discuss this." Coven shook his head and did not explain, but poured the memory thread in the crystal bottle into the pensieve.

He drew several circles with his fingers in the pensieve, causing the viscous liquid in the basin to start to rotate and melt the memory threads. Then, Ke Wen said to the people gathered around him: "Now, everyone holds hands."

Everyone was stunned, because too many questions appeared in a short period of time, so they did not react for a while.

Kasha had complete trust in Kewen, and was not too curious about magic or anything else, so he was the first to make a move, raised his arms, and grabbed Kewen and Kasia on the other side.

Seeing this, others followed suit and raised their hands to hold the people on the left and right.

"Okay, follow my command." Ke Wen looked around the crowd and said, "I'll count to three. Let's all lean over and look into the pensieve."

Everyone suppressed their doubts and made preparations.

Seeing this, Kewen began to count. After counting three, he and others leaned forward and looked into the pensieve.

The next moment, everything was spinning.

Amidst the long and short exclamations, everyone seemed to have suddenly entered the transmission channel. After a brief feeling of falling from high altitude, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

A series of "Peng Peng" sounds were heard, and everyone fell on the lawn one after another.

Except for Ke Wen, everyone nervously felt their own condition to see if they were injured. After they didn't feel any pain, they all stood up in surprise and began to look around.

"The magic is on!"

"The ancestors are on top!"

"The blind eye is on top!"


Shocked exclamations sounded out one after another. After seeing the surroundings clearly, Kasha whispered in disbelief: "This is the monastery gate!? Why are we here!?"

After saying that, Kasha quickly shouted to everyone: "No! Be careful of the monsters inside! Everyone, hurry up and be on guard!"

"Peace of mind."

Ke Wen's words sounded louder, and at the same time, an 'emotional magic' was silently released by him.

Under the magic effect, everyone regained their composure.

Facing everyone's gaze, Ke Wen explained in a soft tone: "Don't be nervous, we are in an illusion now."

"Illusion?" Isandra knelt down and reached out to grab a handful on the lawn at her feet.

Standing up in shock, Isandra raised a handful of weeds in her hand and confirmed to Ke Wen in disbelief: "You told me this was an illusion!?"

"Of course it's an illusion. It was constructed by me based on Kasha's memory. Look."

As he spoke, Kewen waved his hand towards the monastery door, causing it to open, revealing the scene inside.

The spring is full of flowers, the buildings are intact and clean, and there is no trace of being stained by the devil.

When everyone saw this, their eyes widened again...

This chapter has been completed!
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