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Chapter 19 Teleportation

This world makes Kewen feel extremely relaxed and comfortable.

There is no intrigue or any depressing atmosphere.

Kewen truly felt what it means to be a partner, the kind of feeling that is superior to friends.

Of course, it would be nice if those little beanies could make him worry less...

Another month has passed in the blink of an eye, and the season has just entered autumn and entered the rainy season.

During this month, Kewen's life was spent constantly going out to do missions. Because he had a 'Rune Stone' teleportation station at home, it saved him a lot of time on the road.

In just one month, Kewen completed nearly fifteen bounty tasks.

Of course, the tasks he took on were all quests to conquer Warcraft. After all, they were relatively simple and straightforward, and not as time-consuming as other types of tasks...

In a wilderness of gravel, Ke Wen's small body jumped from a giant lizard that was prone over two meters high.

He took out his suitcase from his pocket, went in and selected it in the equipment collection room, and finally jumped out of the box holding a scimitar with a sharp attribute.

After a lot of effort, Ke Wen peeled off the scales of the giant lizard and chopped off its four sharp claws.

"Another job well done!"

Ke Wen put away the scimitar and mission items, and murmured with satisfaction: "If you do five more missions like this, you can increase your points authority by one level, and you can exchange books in the library."

Turning his head and looking around, he looked at the various beasts hiding in the distance, ready to pick up and enjoy a feast. Ke Wen smiled slightly and stopped handling the corpse of the giant lizard in front of him.

Stab the staff into the air, and the next moment, a portal quickly opens.

Stepping into the portal, the scene in front of me changed instantly, and I appeared in the front yard of my house.

"Brother Kewen?"

Lisanna's surprised voice made Ke Wen turn around and see that the three brothers and sisters had just walked out of the door.

"Hey Lisanna, here's Mira and Elfman."

Ke Wen greeted with a smile, then waved his staff to disperse the portal.

"Brother Kewen, what was that just now?" Lisanna pointed to the place where the portal disappeared in surprise and asked in a very curious tone.

"That one is a portal."

Lisanna and the others were not told about the teleportation station, because for a long period of time, the three brothers and sisters could only do tasks in the town.

So Ke Wen planned to talk to them about the teleportation station after they were allowed to go out in the future.

But I didn't expect that by such a coincidence today, they would discover the teleportation scene.

At this time, Lisanna asked curiously again: "What is the portal, Brother Kewen?"

"It's the magic that can bring me back from other towns instantly."

Without a detailed explanation, Kewen just gave a simple metaphor. After all, Lisanna and the others were still too young and did not have such a high level of understanding.

This metaphor was understood, so Lisanna immediately showed her starry eyes and said in admiration: "Brother Kewen is so amazing, he has mastered so many magics!"

"Yes, yes." Elfman echoed enviously: "It would be great if I could be as powerful as Brother Kewen in the future!"

"Tch, what's the matter..." Mira curled her lips arrogantly: "We will be so powerful in the future! Don't forget, our 'receiving magic' can receive all kinds of creatures. What we will learn in the future

It must be no less than Kewen!”

Hearing this, Ke Wen smiled and planned to end the topic and asked: "Where are you three going? To the guild?"

"Yes, Brother Coven." Elfman answered honestly: "Sister Mira said that Erza should have returned from completing her mission, and she is going to find Erza to decide the outcome."

"Shut up!" Mira hid her guilt towards Ke Wen and raised her foot to lightly kick Elfman on the calf.

Elfman showed an aggrieved and frightened expression, shrinking his neck and not daring to speak.

"Don't bully your brother." Ke Wen said with a smile, and then said: "Let's go, it just so happens that I have to go to the guild elder to hand over a task, let's go together."


Lisanna jumped over happily, raised her hand to hold Ke Wen's arm, and walked towards the guild together.

The courtyard was only a hundred meters away from the guild, and not long after, the four of them entered the guild hall.

In response to the greetings of the members, Ke Wen walked directly to the bar, took out the space bag from his pocket and threw it to President Makarov.

Before Ke Wen could speak, Mira immediately asked: "President! Is Erza back!?"

"No, thick, not yet."

"Tch, that stupid girl is so slow." Mira said in disgust, then she took her younger siblings to the high chair next to her and sat down.

President Makarov looked away with a smile and expressed concern to Ke Wen: "Is the mission going smoothly?"

"It's okay." Ke Wen raised his hand and pointed at the space bag in the opponent's hand: "It's just that the process of looking for this chameleon wasted a long time."

"Of course, otherwise this mission wouldn't have a reward of half a million gold." President Makarov said with a smile: "So, how did you find it?"

"I used large-scale illusion magic." Ke Wen explained: "I covered the gravel wasteland with large-scale illusion partitions, and it was difficult to find it among the disturbance of the illusion."

"Well, that's a smart way to deal with it." President Makarov smiled and turned around, reaching out and taking out two books from under the bar.

One is a task registration book and the other is an information book.

After registering Kewen's solution to this mission in the information book, President Makarov said with a smile: "Write down your ideas so that if someone receives a similar mission in the future, they can follow your lead.

This kind of thinking is used to find solutions.”

With Ke Wen nodding indifferently, President Makarov settled and registered the task again.

After everyone was registered, he asked curiously: "Speaking of which, Xiao Kewen, your efficiency in completing tasks recently has been a bit too high. Do you have any special way to get on the road?"

"I know this!"

Lisanna, who was not far away, immediately raised her right hand high.

Seeing President Makarov look over, she immediately gestured with her hands excitedly and said, "Brother Kewen used the 'portal' to swish - he returned to the yard in one fell swoop!"

Ke Wen burst out laughing. Unexpectedly, Lisanna actually added sound effects to his teleportation magic, and even made a 'swish' sound...

At this time, President Makarov showed a surprised expression, looked back at Ke Wen, and asked in surprise: "How much space magic have you mastered?"

"Actually there aren't many."

Ke Wen shook his head slightly, and then elaborated: "Teleport, remotely open the teleportation gate, and build a teleportation platform between the two places."

"By the way, there is another system, which should also belong to the space magic system."

Immediately, Coven talked about the performance and effects of the three magic spells of 'Apparition', 'Floo Powder' and 'Portkey' in the world of 'Harry Potter'.

After hearing this, President Makarov sighed and said: "It's already very powerful, but it's a pity that the guild doesn't have any magic that can be exchanged with you."

Hearing this, Kewen's heart suddenly moved, and he immediately asked for instructions: "Old man, how about I arrange a teleportation platform for the guild? In that case, everyone will not need to rush back again after completing the task, but can come back instantly!"

"No, no, no!" President Makarov shook his head quickly: "As I said, the guild can't take advantage of you in vain, and can't let you reveal the teleportation magic to everyone in vain."

"Old man, you misunderstood." Ke Wen explained with a smile: "The teleportation platform only serves as a beacon for positioning."

"What I mean is, set up a beacon in the guild, and then I will make some 'teleportation scrolls'."

"I've seen the map, so as long as you're within the realm of the kingdom, you can form a 'portal' by tearing apart the 'teleportation scroll'."

"Teleportation scroll?" President Makarov was surprised again: "Can anyone use it without mastering teleportation magic?"

"That's right." Kewen nodded and confirmed.

"Hmm..." President Makarov thought for a moment and then asked: "So, what about the production cost? Also, how easy is it to make the scroll?"

"You can rest assured about this." Ke Wen showed a confident smile: "Although I have been working out during this period, I have not neglected my study of magic."

"I can already combine 'letter magic' and 'alchemy'. I will make a mold and then use magic crystal as the energy source. In that case, it should be easy to make 'teleportation scrolls' in batches."


"Well, it's amazing, it's amazing." President Makarov was very happy, his eyes were like 'an old father sees his very promising son'.

"Then it's settled?" Ke Wen suggested with a smile.

"Well, okay." President Makarov nodded with a smile: "I would like to thank you for everyone first, but you can't give it in vain. How about this, you can calculate the production cost later, and then we can discuss a price

, let everyone spend money to buy from you."

"There is no need for such an old man."

Ke Wen didn't want to make more money, so he waved his hand and refused: "Anyway, it's just a matter of making molds for me, so I just charge the cost price of some magic paper and ink."

"That won't work."

President Makarov also rejected Coven's proposal.

Immediately, the two began to argue about this, giving each other profits and money for their own reasons.

After a while, we finally came up with a final result.

Kewen calculated the cost of the 'Teleportation Scroll' and sold it at double the price, earning two cents in profit.

Because the association provides a platform for buyers and sellers, it charges 20% of the net profit, and the rest belongs to Kewen.

It was really impossible to push out more profits, so Kewen could only accept this sharing method.

At this moment, the guild door was kicked open with a bang, and a figure quickly rushed into the hall...

This chapter has been completed!
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