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Chapter 121 Malice

Because of the release of the 'Fairy's Shine', the magic power in Kewen's body was rapidly decreasing.

Whether it is President Makarov or Hades, they all perceive this situation clearly.

However, everything changed after Ke Wen spoke aloud in an unfamiliar language.

In the perception of President Makarov and Hades, the magic power deficit in Kewen's body was instantly filled.

Subsequently, the nature of the magic power in Ke Wen's body changed again. After a short time, they could no longer perceive the level of magic power in Ke Wen's body. It seemed to have become empty and infinite, completely beyond the scope of their perception.

The two of them were stunned at the same time, and then their expressions turned into shock.

Because the aura on Ke Wen's body was very familiar to the two generations of presidents, they almost simultaneously exclaimed in confusion: "The first generation!?"


Ke Wen didn't have the energy to respond. He was immersed in the sudden powerful feeling, and his body was so full that he couldn't help but gasp.

The arms that were originally shaking due to maintaining the magic became very stable and strong at this moment.

The magic that had been losing its magic power rapidly and became increasingly difficult to control now became extremely easy in an instant.

Because of the increase in magic power, the strength and toughness of the body are also gradually increasing.

At this moment, Kewen felt as if he could control everything in the entire world.

However, Ke Wen was still rational. After enjoying this false illusion for a moment, he immediately adjusted his mentality and regained his concentration.

Exhaling a long breath of turbid air full of magical power, Kewen slowly opened his eyes, and then chuckled to Hades opposite him: "Okay, don't you have the confidence to continue spending time with me? Then let's do it



Hades stared angrily and said in a shocked tone: "You can actually extract magic power from Mavis!!!"

"Ah." Ke Wen responded calmly: "After all, it took me nearly two years to research the results."

"Kewen! You..."

President Makarov looked very hesitant, and he didn't know whether he should say something or not.

Ke Wen could guess what the other party was thinking, and couldn't help but smile at President Makarov: "Don't worry, old man, this is just a trump card I left to the guild. I understand better than anyone else that if it's not mine, it won't be mine after all.


"That's good!" President Makarov smiled happily and proudly, and gave a pointer on the spot: "There are absolutely no shortcuts on the road to magic!"

"We must overcome all difficulties step by step with training!"

"Anything that can be crossed by a shortcut will definitely lead to a crooked road away from the truth!"

"Come on, old man." Ke Wen responded amusingly: "Instead of teaching me, you might as well work hard and make progress. Think about what you have been taught before."

"Uh ha ha..." President Makarov scratched his head guiltily and said with a sneer: "Definitely, after this time he will definitely ha ha..."

At this time, Hades finally recovered from the severe blow.

He kept shaking his head in disbelief and yelling to escape: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! It took me decades to finally...how on earth did you do it!!!"

"Because times have changed and we are always making progress."

Coven slightly pressed down the right fist aimed at Hades, and the huge magic power made the imprisonment aura around Hades become more powerful.

The halo shrank slightly, making Hades' bones creak.

Hades roared loudly and unleashed all his magic power to compete with the aura around him.

Ke Wen shook his head slightly, now the outcome was decided.

Hades's biggest mistake was his arrogance. During the battle, he kept talking endlessly, allowing Coven to seize many opportunities to take action, and finally successfully imprisoned him there with the 'Glory of the Fairy'.

Otherwise, with Hades's strength, Kewen would really have to spend a lot of hard work to win over the opponent.

Now Kewen just needs to wait, waiting for the message he just sent to take effect.

The next time is the time between President Makarov and Hades.

The two presidents debated issues of faith.

But the result made President Makarov very disappointed. Hades had completely changed, and there was no longer any shadow of the respect he once had.

Not long after, the communication link application appeared.

Kewen summoned the 'magic screen' to connect it, and Ulrudiya's figure appeared on the screen.

Hades was stunned by this, and quickly figured everything out. His whole face turned red quickly, and his veins bulged out.

Ulrudiya also discovered Hades's situation at this time. After a moment of complex expression, she sighed to Kewen and said: "I have reached the position, do you want to do it now?"

"Urudia!!!" Hades roared.

Kewen ignored the other party, but nodded to Ulrudiya on the screen and said: "Go ahead, please."

"Nothing, but..."

Ulrutiya looked a little embarrassed and said hesitantly: "Kevin, can you please spare President Hades' life?"

Ke Wen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Is it the grace of raising and teaching?"

"Yeah." Ulrudiya nodded lowly.

Ke Wen glanced at Hades, who showed no appreciation, and then agreed: "Okay."

"Thank you." Ulrudiya's expression turned relaxed, and then she smiled and said, "Then I'll do it right away."

As Ulutia hung up the communication, President Makarov couldn't help but asked blankly: "What are you talking about?"

"Talking about why Hades is so powerful."

Kewen looked at Hades, who seemed to be going crazy and was constantly bursting out magic power to break free from his imprisonment.

Later, he explained to President Makarov: "Hades borrowed elements from the first generation, got a devil's heart from somewhere, and made it into a core similar to that of the first generation."

"As a result, he gained a long lifespan and a magical power as powerful as the abyss."

President Makarov looked shocked. He looked at Hades and couldn't help but sigh: "His path is wrong after all..."

Ke Wen nodded and continued: "So, I asked Ulrudiya to destroy the demon's heart. Once the heart is destroyed..."

Before Ke Wen could finish his words, Ulrudiya had already started taking action.

Because Hades suddenly experienced huge changes.

The magic power that seemed to have no limit at first suddenly became traceable in the next moment.

The dark magic that made people's souls tremble suddenly disappeared, leaving only a very mixed magic reaction on Hades.

In the perception of both Ke Wen and President Makarov, Hades's breath of life was like an epiphyllum after blooming, rapidly weakening.


At this moment, Hades, who had lost his magic power, suddenly screamed.

The magic power in his body is no longer able to compete with the 'glow of the fairies', and the aura imprisoning him is shrinking rapidly.

The sound of broken bones continued to sound. Seeing that Hades was about to be completely crushed by the halo, Coven suddenly opened his clenched right hand and raised his arm to the sky again.


The halo imprisoned on Hades suddenly stretched out and turned into a huge aperture again, and gradually faded until it disappeared.

Looking at Hades again, he had completely collapsed to the ground. He was unable to move and could only gasp and moan with difficulty.

President Makarov showed a sad look, but in the end he did not take any action. He just shook his head and sighed deeply.

Coven stepped forward and stood next to Hades.

After looking down and checking, and seeing that Hades's life was not in danger, he said calmly: "First, because of your achievements as the second generation president; second, to repay Ulrudia.

The grace of your teaching.”

"Hades." Ke Wen said in a declarative tone: "Today I will let you go, take your people, and get out of 'Sirius Island'!"


Hades coughed up a mouthful of blood and weakly raised his eyelids to stare at Coven.

He smiled.

The smile was full of arrogance and malice, and he said intermittently: "I didn't expect...Urudiya actually betrayed me..."

"But...others will take revenge...for me..."

"They...will kill...other members of your island!"


As if to verify Hades's curse, the next moment, a figure suddenly smashed a large number of branches and landed heavily in this small open space.

Ke Wen turned around and saw a very embarrassed Natsu.

Before he and President Makarov could speak, another figure rushed out of the woods.

It's the arrogant young man who uses the 'God-Destroying Fire Magic'.

After he rushed out of the woods, he couldn't help but be stunned. He glanced around and took in the situation at the scene.

At this time, Hades suddenly laughed.

The broken bones in his chest were injured, and he coughed out a mouthful of blood again, and then shouted forcefully: "Zancrow! Get out of here! Go kill other members of Fairy Tail!"

However, the arrogant young man named Zancrow did not obey the order. Instead, he showed great malice on his face, stared at Hades and laughed: "Hahaha! Old man! You also have such an embarrassing day.



With jet-black flames rising all over his body, Zancrow quickly rushed towards Kewen, while continuing to shout loudly: "You taught me! Useless garbage! You are not qualified to live in this world at all! You are useless now

Got it!"

"Asshole!" President Makarov roared in shock.

"Damn it!" Natsu stood up and shouted angrily: "Are you going to kill your guildmates again!!!"

However, Zancro turned a deaf ear and rushed to Kewen's side with a ferocious smile, about to throw the flame in his hand at Hades.


The next moment, Ke Wen suddenly stretched out his left hand, and instantly pinched the opponent's neck with his palm, looking at the black 'God-Destroying Fire' as if it were nothing.

Lifting up Zancro's body, Kewen showed no expression on his face and grabbed it in the air with his right hand.

After a 'bang' sound, the staff that had not been used for a long time was summoned by him using 'disguise magic' and touched Zancrow's chest.

With an extremely calm tone, Ke Wen recited the spell with indifference.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green glow skyrocketed...


My grades have dropped drastically, please support me from my friends!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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