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Chapter 51 Offering suggestions

There are spies in Stormwind City, but those people are more appropriately called assassins.

Whether they are thieves in the 'Brotherhood of the Iron Horse' or thieves in the 'MI7', what they are better at is mostly the intelligence investigation of all human forces.

They are good at detecting various secrets or carrying out assassination operations, but they have never paid attention to the information about monsters in the wild.

Of course, they could also start the investigation from scratch, but that would take too much time and energy.

For this reason, Anduin Lothar seemed a little ignorant, as if he had never conducted any investigation and could only obtain information from Garken.

At this time, after listening to Galken's explanation, Anduin Lothar held his chin and thought for a moment, then said: "In other words, in the entire 'Western Fertile Wilds', there are three largest 'Gnoll tribes', and the northern one is

One place, two places in the south, right?"

"Yes, sir." Galken nodded and said, "Of course, there are some scattered gnolls in other areas, but they are basically wanderers, and the number of each group will not exceed ten."

"Well, is there anything else?" Anduin Lothar asked.

"There is another situation." Galken then replied: "Every time after a rainy day, there will be some jackals looking for water in the depression between Sentinel Ridge and Yuexi Town."

"Depression?" Anduin Lothar was confused: "What is that place?"

Galken replied: "It is said that there used to be a Stirden farm over there, but it was later abandoned, and the depression was once dug by the farmer to raise fish. After it was abandoned, it became a pond with water on rainy days.

We adventurers call it 'Sternden's Pond.'"

After hearing this, Anduin Lothar turned around, looked down at the attendant and shouted: "Throw me a map of the 'Fertile Wilderness of the West'."

Soon a pocket bag was thrown up, and Anduin Lothar took out the map from it, spread it out, gestured to Garken and said, "Where is the location? Point it out to me."


Garken was at a loss because he couldn't understand the map at all.

Even Natalie was scratching her head. She could understand the map, but it was not a military map, so she couldn't find the location of the 'Stern Pond' either.

Not to mention Tagle.

In the end, Kewen glanced at the map, and then according to the memory in the game, he used his fingertips to create a faint light in a location on the map.

Anduin Lothar was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at Coven and didn't say anything. After all, he was dealing with business.

Looking back at the map, Anduin Lothar took out the pen and ink from his pocket, then used the quill to draw circles in three places, and then drew a small circle in the depression.

After looking at the map again, he asked habitually: "Do you think, if the gnolls are reunited, which route will they start their plundering operation?"

"This..." Galken scratched his head in confusion, without any idea in his mind.

Anduin Lothar looked up and suddenly realized that the people beside him were not his subordinates and attendants. He had asked the wrong person.

But being idle is also idle, so he asked again: "It's okay, we just have a casual chat."

The three of Galken looked at each other, shook their heads, and then looked at Kewen at the same time.

Anduin Lothar also turned his head and focused on Ke Wen.

Seeing this, Ke Wen shook his head slightly in amusement, and then said: "You are still a marshal of the army. Are you confused in the war?"

"Hey! The man who chants the spell." Anduin Lothar was a little dissatisfied and frowned slightly and said, "What are you trying to argue with me about?"

Ke Wen pretended to sigh and raised his hand to point to the map: "Do you treat the 'Jackals' as humans? With their brains, how can they still play tactics with you?"

Anduin Lothar was stunned and suddenly came to his senses.

Ke Wen is right. How can the Jackal have any tactical arrangements?

From this, Anduin Lothar couldn't help shaking his head and laughing at himself: "It's true... I haven't fought for so long, my brain is confused."

Hearing this, the three of Galken could only laugh in apology.

Anduin Lothar sighed, looked at the map, and then asked Xiang Kewen directly: "This makes it difficult for me to prepare an interception plan. They may launch plunder operations from every route, so boy, are you still

Any ideas?"

"Make it easier." Ke Wen said casually with a 'You're so stupid' look: "When all the 'Jackals' are gathered together, you just need to throw some food in one place to let the surrounding ones

It would be great if the 'Jackal' found out."

The three of Galken looked completely confused.

Anduin Lothar frowned and thought for a moment, and soon, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"good idea!"

Anduin Lothar clapped his hands in joy, but he ignored the map in his hand. With this clap, the map immediately cracked.

But he didn't care about the map. After throwing it aside, he said slightly excitedly: "What a good idea! Throw some food as bait and let the 'Jackals' on the periphery find it. When it can't carry too much food on its own,

Will definitely inform the 'United Tribes'!"

"And the 'Jackals' are brainless, so their subsequent course of action will definitely be guided by bait like me!"

"In the end! Whichever route I want them to take, they will inevitably take that route under the temptation of food!"

After Anduin Lothar finished speaking, he couldn't help but reveal a completely relaxed smile. He felt that this operation was completely stable and there was no longer any need to worry.

glutinous rice

Ke Wen curled his lips in disdain, then squinted at the other person and said, "It seems that you are not as stupid as you thought."

Anduin Lothar was in a good mood, so he just smiled, raised his hand, and tapped Coven with his finger in the air, as if he would argue with you later.

Seeing that the atmosphere had improved, Natalie immediately began to entertain and served Anduin Lothar wine and dinner again.

After marching for more than three hours, the army finally arrived at "Sentinel Ridge" located in the "Fertile Wilderness of the West".

Of course, Anduin Lothar was 'hitching a ride' all the way, so when he arrived at the guard post, he didn't have any fatigue left on him from the rush.

He asked the legion to rest where they were, and then began to exchange intelligence with the sheriff stationed at the guard post.

Not long after, Anduin Lothar walked back to Covin and the others. He said with a satisfied expression: "You are very good. The information you provided is much more detailed than what the sentries know."

Galken immediately bowed slightly and said with a smile: "It's an honor to be able to help you."


Anduin Lothar didn't like Galken's false humble attitude. He waved his hand and then said: "Next, I will send it to you..."

He glanced at the four people of Ke Wen and thought for a while, then said: "Send eighty soldiers to you. You should go to each 'Jackal Tribe' as soon as possible to investigate and report back to me the progress of their joint efforts."

"No problem!" Galken assured, patting his chest: "Just leave this task to us!"

"Go ahead."

Anduin Lothar nodded calmly, and after finishing speaking, he quickly glanced at Coven.

Because Anduin Lothar feels a little awkward.

He felt that putting Ke Wen in this team of adventurers was too overqualified.

Whether it was Kewen's magic, magic items, or even his war wisdom, everything made Anduin Lothar's eyes shine.

In addition, he felt that Ke Wen's character matched his temper, so he would always subconsciously put Ke Wen on an equal footing with him.

In this way, Anduin Lothar couldn't help but feel more and more uncomfortable when comparing the three of Coven and Galken.

No one understands Anduin Lothar's mood.

After receiving the mission, Kewen and others joined the soldiers assigned to them.

The four of them discussed it and decided to split up to save time.

In the end, Galken and Tager formed a team and led thirty soldiers to investigate the 'Gnoll Tribe' in the north.

Coven teamed up with Natalie and led the remaining fifty soldiers to investigate the two tribes in the south.

After telling everyone to be careful, everyone started taking action.

Ke Wen actually had many ways to quickly investigate and get results, but he didn't do that.

After all, this is the team's mission.

If he was asked to finish everything neatly by himself, then the three of Galken and the others would be too useless and too redundant.

After all, after spending so long together, Kewen and everyone have established a good friendship.

If he were to let the three of them go directly after using them, he would never be able to do it with his upbringing.

Therefore, Kewen is happy to continue this kind of "adventurer game", is happy to integrate into the three of Galken, and is also happy to continue to get along with the three of them.

Therefore, Kewen will take care of the face of Galken and the three of them. As long as it is a task, he will not act alone. Instead, he will let everyone in the team work hard to participate, so that everyone can realize their own value.

Therefore, this is what Kewen is doing now.

He did not continue to use the magic flying carpet. Instead, after Natalie summoned the war horse, the two of them rode together, leading several cavalry and dozens of infantry behind them, all the way towards the "Yuexi Town"

Go in the direction.

After all, the fertile western areas are coastal areas, so rainfall is very frequent.

By the time the team reached the 'Stern Pond', a pool had formed in the depression.

There were many animals looking for water around, and in a small forest not far away, the figure of a 'jackal' appeared vaguely.

Ke Wen stopped the team, stood upright on his horse, and observed the surrounding situation from his height.

Then, he issued the order for combat.

The fifty soldiers behind him had no objections and immediately rushed towards the wild boars by the pool...

This chapter has been completed!
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