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Chapter 73 Suggestions

On the surface, all kingdoms respect the Guardians, but in fact, except for the 'Kingdom of Stormwind', no one takes the 'Guardians' seriously.

But who made Medivh get too close to the Kingdom of Stormwind?

The high elves are too proud. They even taught magic to humans, so the high elves are not interested in the 'Guardians'.

As for other human kingdoms, because of Medivh's origin, they have reservations about the 'Guardian'.

Normally, if something small happens, everyone will give me a little face and cooperate.

But when it comes to national affairs, no kingdom is willing to listen to the instructions of the 'Guardian'.

Each kingdom was split from the 'Kingdom of Arathor', and now, their selfishness has been demonstrated to the fullest.

Therefore, Kewen was completely unfavorable about King Wrynn's delusional attempt to unite other kingdoms.

He did not think that other kingdoms would abide by the alliance agreement and send troops to each other to help solve problems.

Only like the original plot, until 'Stormwind City' is captured by the orcs, will other kingdoms truly realize the seriousness of the situation.

But even then, Anduin Lothar in the plot had to waste a lot of effort before finally convincing other kingdoms to send troops to join forces and form an alliance to fight the orcs.

Thinking of this, Ke Wen secretly shook his head, but didn't say anything else.

At this time, King Wrynn took off the gemstone ring that represented his identity, handed it to Anduin Lothar and said, "When was the last time you went to Karazhan?"

"That time with you."

Anduin Lothar had been asked by Coven before, so he answered quickly this time. He took the ring and said: "That time six years ago."

"What happens after that?" King Wrynn continued to ask: "You and Medivh have no contact anymore?"

"I haven't been able to contact him." Anduin Lothar showed a hint of alienation from the name Medivh: "What about you? Have you contacted me?"


King Wrynn sighed slightly, and then said: "We can't let him continue to live in seclusion. This time I summoned him in the name of the king and summoned the guardian, so..."

Anduin Lothar nodded indifferently: "Okay, then I will go there myself."

"Your Majesty." Ke Wen suddenly said.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Kewen, and King Wrynn nodded: "Kewen, please speak."

Ke Wen said with a serious look: "During the ancient war, the elves tried their best to resist the invasion of the Burning Legion. Later, they united with the Aspect Dragon and finally drove the Burning Legion away from us.


"What do you mean?" King Wrynn wondered.

"Your Majesty." Ke Wen said: "Although it is unfounded to say this, if the 'evil energy' this time is really the 'Burning Legion', then we as a kingdom will not be able to stop it."

"Ah, I know." King Wrynn nodded: "So I summoned the guardian and asked him to lobby other kingdoms to assist us."

"Your Majesty." Ke Wen shook his head: "Even you have only communicated with the guardian twice in six years. What about other kingdoms?"

Under King Wrynn's frown, Coven continued: "I'm afraid that other kingdoms don't care much about the Guardian, so we must make all arrangements in advance."

"Arrangement?" King Wrynn asked: "What arrangement? Just tell me what you have in mind."

"Transfer civilians."

Ke Wen said in a deep voice: "Once other kingdoms are unable to support us, and once 'Stormwind City' is in danger of being destroyed, we must consider moving the civilians away."

"Hey, hey." Anduin Lothar couldn't stand listening anymore: "Kevin, how little confidence do you have in the kingdom's army?"

"That's not the case." Ke Wen said as an excuse: "It's just a precaution. After all, for major war matters, we must first consider everything thoroughly. We should not only consider the victory, but also consider the unfavorable situations."

"What you said makes sense." Anduin Lothar accepted this statement.

At this time, King Wrynn, who had accepted Kewen's statement earlier, spoke: "So Kewen, what kind of preparations do you think we should make?"

"Lease warships and merchant ships." Corwin replied: "Anduin boasted to me that he has a very good relationship with the leader of the 'Kul Tiras City State', Daelin Proudmoore."

"Uh, we have a relationship!" Anduin Lothar quickly interjected and said with some embarrassment: "I have had several good exchanges with Proudmoore."

Everyone gave Anduin Lothar a funny look.

The corner of Ke Wen's mouth curled up slightly, and then he continued to say to King Wrynn: "We can rent ships from Kul Tiras, or purchase warships to prepare for war."

"Warships can enhance the country's maritime strength, and if war is really unfavorable, civilians can be relocated in advance."

"Firstly, it is to avoid civilian casualties. Secondly, it is also to prevent civilians from interfering with the war because they may be afraid of war."

After Corwin finished speaking, King Wrynn and Anduin Lothar began to think at the same time.

Gu Sui

After a while, King Wrynn nodded: "It's a very thoughtful suggestion, but..."

"The kingdom has no money." Anduin Lothar spoke on his behalf. He said helplessly: "For the time being, the kingdom's finances are not enough to implement your plan. Let's wait. When the war officially starts, the kingdom can ask for help.

The nobles raised funds."

As soon as these words came out, it was hard for Ke Wen to continue.

He wouldn't be so generous as to pay for it out of his own pocket.

Therefore, he had no choice but to say: "Then, I will first ask my three teammates to go to 'Kurtisas' for inspection in advance, or they can also communicate with the people in power there in advance.

In case they really need to rent or buy ships in the future, they won’t be able to come up with too much at one time.”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Okay." King Wrynn nodded: "I will send a team of envoys to Kul Tiras later with a formal diplomatic letter."

"His Majesty."

Anduin Lothar understood what Kowen meant, so he helped: "The people in Kul Tiras are fierce. If we only send a formal envoy team, we may fall into the inferior position, so let Kowen

Let’s go with Wen’s three adventurer teammates.”

"Let the envoy carry out diplomacy with the 'Proudmoore' family at the national level, and let Coven and his three teammates carry out diplomacy with the civil forces over there."

King Wrynn thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "Okay, I will issue a kingdom certificate to the three adventurers later, and allocate them 10,000 gold coins to use as operational funds."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Coven thanked King Wrynn on behalf of his teammates.

King Wrynn waved his hand and said kindly: "I want to thank you. Without your investigation and explanation, the kingdom may not pay enough attention to this incident, which will make us fail first.


"That's where the responsibility lies." Ke Wen said politely.

This secret conversation ended, and everyone walked out of the room and returned to the command hall on the first floor.

Anduin Lothar asked Cowen to help open a "portal", and then took Khadgar back to "Stormwind City" to get the griffon.

They were going to Karazhan to look for Medivh together, and Khadgar, the magician, would professionally retell Kovin's investigation results and explanations.

After Anduin Lothar disappeared with Khadgar, King Wrynn was also prepared to temporarily give up investigating the destroyed outpost.

He left a full legion at the barracks in Goldshire, and then returned to Stormwind City with the remaining soldiers.

Ke Wen peers.

After returning to Stormwind City two hours later, King Wrynn directly signed the diplomatic letter and issued a diplomatic certificate to the three of Galken.

Soon after, Kewen teleported back to 'Golden Gold Town' with a certificate and 10,000 gold coins.

"That's just the way it is."

Ke Wen pushed the three certificates along the table to the three Galkans: "So your mission this time is to take advantage of your identity as an adventurer and negotiate with the civil forces in Kul Tiras.

Pre-rent a boat.”

"Can we do this?"

Galken looked totally unconfident. He picked up the certificate and took a look at it before putting it down again. After all, he was not very literate.

"Don't take this mission too seriously." Ke Wen reminded with a smile: "As long as it's the same as usual, the civil forces over there are just more organized adventurers. Among the adventurers,

You won’t become bad at communication between people, right?”

"That's okay." Galken showed a slightly relieved attitude and said with a smile: "I thought I was asked to recite some diplomatic rhetoric."

"no problem!"

At this time, Natalie interjected with a serious face: "Leave this task to us. I will try my best to cooperate with as many forces as possible to "pre-lease ships"!"


Ke Wen nodded and handed the purse containing gold coins to Natalie: "Here is an advance payment of 10,000 yuan. If it is not enough, you can ask for it from the official messenger team."

"Okay!" Natalie responded and took the money bag.

"Then let's all take care of ourselves today."

Ke Wen said with a smile: "Tomorrow morning, I will take you to Stormwind City to join the official messenger team."

Galken looked at the sky outside the house, and then suggested: "I may not be able to drink happily in the next period of time. Guys, let's have a carnival first?"

"no problem.".

Ke Wen readily agreed and turned to greet the bar owner.

After the carnival dinner, Natalie was very wild in the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night and the next morning, she became completely docile, not daring to tease Coven for fear of losing the energy to do serious things.

After breakfast the next day, the three of Galken put on their equipment, and then teleported to "Stormwind City" with Ke Wen to join the envoy team...

This chapter has been completed!
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