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Chapter 85 Exile

Coven was already very greedy for the magic books in Karazhan.

Now after seeing the magic released by Medivh, he became even more greedy.

Because of Medivh's magic, its autonomy is really too strong.

The magic circle that links the void to extract evil energy can actually close on its own; and the current 'Thunder Barrier' magic can also maintain itself on its own.

No, when everyone reached the top of the mountain and followed the source of magic to find Medivh, he was already unconscious on the ground.

However, even if there is no caster to maintain it, the two 'thunder barriers' are still operating independently.

The magic circle under Medivh is absorbing lightning from the dark clouds high in the sky, while maintaining two 'thunder barriers' towards the canyon below.

And among all the magics in Kewen, only the 'Sacred Fire' and 'Fire Fire' series have such autonomy.

Therefore, when Cowen looked at Medivh who was unconscious on the ground, he really wanted to go to Karazhan immediately and collect those numerous magic books.

Taking a deep breath, Coven suppressed the desire in his heart, and just then Anduin Lothar asked: "What's wrong with him?"

"This state..."

Khadgar squatted down to check, and then said in confusion: "Why is there so little magic in the guardian?"

"So is it too much consumption?" King Wrynn asked.

"No, it should be the backlash of magic power." Khadgar immediately shook his head: "To control such a powerful magic with such a small amount of magic power, the guardian was hit by the magic power!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded in understanding.

Kewen frowned.

He looked at the unconscious Medivh and felt that the magic power in his body was much less than before.

It seems that Medivh finally discovered the situation inside his body and used his magic power to fight against Sargeras in his body.

But in this case, Medivh may also suffer a real counterattack from Sargeras.

In short, the false peace between Medivh and 'Sargeras' is finally over, and the real confrontation has begun, leaving Medivh with not much time left...

"The Guardian is too weak!"

At this time, Khadgar hurriedly said to everyone: "I must send him back to Karazhan! Use the 'magic pool' in the tower to help the guardian recover!"

King Wrynn was very concerned about Medivh, so he immediately asked: "How do you go back? Is it possible to go overland in time?"

Khadgar shook his head: "It's too late!"

"Then I'll send a signal to summon the griffon!" King Wrynn said as he took it out of his arms, "Then you ride the griffon and take him back!"

"Okay!" Khadgar nodded quickly.

"I said……"

Anduin Lothar interrupted, frowned and said to Khadgar: "Don't you know how to use the 'teleportation array'?"

Khadgar was stunned for a moment, then said with some shame: "I, I haven't started learning yet."

Anduin Lothar rolled his eyes, then looked at Cowen: "You give them a ride?"

"It can't be done."

Ke Wen spread his hands: "I have sensed the side of the 'Karazhan' tower, but the 'magic nodes' there are too confusing. Unless you know the correct coordinates, if you use the 'teleportation array' randomly, you will teleport people."

Go into some void."

Hearing this, King Wrynn no longer delayed and immediately activated the signal rod he took out, launching the signal high into the sky.

In less than five minutes, a griffon flew from the direction of Redridge Mountain. The griffon that had been left behind in Lakeside Town followed the signal and came over.

Without further ado, Khadgar and Garona mounted the gryphon together, with Khadgar driving the car and Garona holding Medivh. Then the gryphon took off and headed away in the direction of the Deadwind Pass.

"Let's go back too."

King Wrynn watched the griffon go away, and then said to Coven: "Please, we need to go back to Stormwind City as soon as possible to mobilize our troops!"

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Ke Wen nodded in agreement, then found a flat place on the top of the mountain and cast a spell to summon a teleportation circle.

King Wrynn still did not go back first, but asked Corwin to teleport the soldiers first.

However, one casting of the spell can only teleport ten soldiers.

This is already the limit of how many people can be transferred.

After Kewen learned this magic, he also tried to research and improve it.

But in the end, he discovered that the 'teleportation circle' in this world had too many restrictions.

If too many people are teleported, the chaotic atmosphere will interfere with the magic circle, causing magic accidents.

This made Ke Wen give up research, since he knew a lot of 'teleportation magic' anyway.

Five minutes later, Coven and Anduin Lothar finally disappeared on the top of the mountain and returned to Stormwind City through the 'teleportation circle'.

Tonight is not a peaceful night for many people.

Valley collapse

Durotan took the tribesmen who followed the negotiations back to the 'Black Marsh'.

He sent most of his men back to the clan camp for security, and then took four clan members and quietly climbed up the mountain next to the 'Dark Door'.

Masked by the sound of construction, Durotan led people on the mountain to use weapons to hit the rocks. In the end, they succeeded in causing a landslide.

Many large and small rolling stones fell along the mountain, successfully damaging a corner of the 'Dark Door' that was about to be completed, delaying the completion time.

Afterwards, Durotan quickly returned to the clan camp and gathered about 600 clan members.

However, before Durotan could leave the camp with his clan members, the great chief Blackhand returned with the remaining soldiers and blocked everyone from the Frostwolf Clan at the entrance of the camp.

The tense confrontation brought all the orcs in the camp to come, and Gul'dan also appeared at the same time.

"what happened?"

Gul'dan's body was hunched, and particles of 'evil energy' were scattered in his eyes. He looked at the confrontation and asked: "What are you doing!? Civil war!?"

Everyone was silent.

Durotan felt wrong and hesitated to speak, while Blackhand was hesitant.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Previously, Blackhand's left hand was shattered by Anduin Lothar. As a punishment for failure, Gul'dan once asked him to commit suicide.

Blackhand followed tradition and thrust his severed wrist into the 'Fel Flame'.

However, he was saved by Durotan.

Durotan cut off Black Hand's arm that was eroded by the "Fel Flame", so that Black Hand saved his life and was not burned to ashes by the "Fel Flame".

Therefore, Black Hand actually remembers that life-saving grace.

Facing Gul'dan's questioning at this time, Blackhand hesitated in his heart, wondering if he should take the opportunity to return the kindness to Durotan.

But the black hand didn't speak, but some people didn't care.

Immediately, a 'Fel Orc' beside him immediately told Durotan's betrayal.


After Gul'dan heard this, he became furious. The evil energy in his body surged violently. Not only did the flames of 'evil energy' burst out of his eyes, but the evil energy in his body almost came out of his body.

"Durotan!" Gul'dan roared with a man-eating look: "How dare you cooperate with humans!?"

"I just want to find a land where my people can survive!"

Durotan had an idea and immediately responded loudly: "We came to this world! Isn't this why we came to this world!?"

He puffed up his chest, looked around at the orcs and said: "Humans are too weak! War with them! We won't get any glory! Instead of that, why can't we just ask for a piece of land from them?"

"Shut up!" Gul'dan shouted: "We can get everything we want through war! We accepted the enhancement of 'evil energy'! It's for war!"

"But your evil power will only make us die!!!"

Durotan roared back with a higher voice, and then he looked at Blackhand and Orgrim.

His eyes briefly stayed on Orgrim, and Durotan showed a hint of disappointment and sadness. Then he looked at Black Hand: "That time in the forest! And today! You saw it twice with your own eyes! All the things that were strengthened by 'evil energy'

Warrior! How was he easily killed by the opponent’s spell caster! How was he targeted by the opponent’s spell!!!”

"shut up--"

Gul'dan roared again. He did not allow Durotan to continue speaking, so while roaring, he immediately made a move to cast a spell.

However, the warriors of the 'Frost Wolf Clan' had already been on guard. Seeing this, all the warriors made a posture to prepare for an attack, and they roared again and again.


Durotan had no fear. He raised his hand to stop the clansmen, and then said loudly: "Do you want us to have a real civil war!? Look around!"

Durotan raised his hand and pointed at all the orcs: "Today! We have lost nearly two thousand warriors! Do you want the remaining three thousand warriors to be exhausted in the civil war!?"

"Black Hand!?"

Gul'dan yelled at Blackhand: "You failed again today!? You also lost two thousand men!?"

Black Hand was speechless, he felt ashamed.

However, Orgrim next to him responded.

He glanced at Durotan apologetically, and then said loudly: "That's right! We did lose two thousand compatriots today! But just like Durotan said! Those compatriots who have been strengthened by 'evil energy' are...

Spellcasters use spells to kill those who are easily killed! Human spellcasters have special spells against 'evil energy'!"

The orcs around suddenly started making a noise.

The fel orcs are worried, while the primitive orcs are on guard.

Gul'dan was furious. He quickly looked around at all the orcs, and then he no longer cared about the debate. He immediately pointed at Durotan with a staff with many skulls hanging on it: "It's because of your cowardice! If there are enough sacrifices! There will be no more."

Spells can target evil!"

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Gul'dan did not dare to let Durotan stay in the camp anymore. He was afraid that because of Durotan, more orcs would refuse evil energy.

At this time, Gul'dan was unable to get off his horse. He was "generalized" by Durotan and could not really destroy the "Frostwolf Clan", which caused internal strife.

Therefore, Gul'dan could only choose to let Durotan take the "Frostwolf Clan" to leave the camp as soon as possible.

He pointed his staff at Durotan, and then at all the Frostwolf Orcs, and roared loudly: "You have no glory! This will be your shame! You! You are not worthy of being an Orc! I! Announce that you, the Frostwolf Clan, will be


The surrounding uproar sounded again...

This chapter has been completed!
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