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Chapter 100 Persuasion

Kewen felt his hair standing on end!

Facing the two figures, large and small, in front of him, Kewen felt that the magic power in his body was stagnant.

His perception was too sensitive, so he sensed the magic power in these two people.

It can no longer be described as huge.

Kewen even felt like he was facing the whole world!

The people with the most profound magic power that he has ever seen in the past are nothing more than the "First Generation Remains" and "Black Dragon Acnologia" in the world of "Fairy Tail".

But compared with the two people in front of me, whether it is the 'Fairy Heart' of the first generation corpse or Acnologia as the world-destroying dragon, their magic power seems too small!

Ke Wen's pupils contracted, and his heart was like a cylinder, "dong dong" shaking violently inside his chest.

He looked at the tall elderly night elf, and then moved his gaze downward to look at the dwarf Loli who was less than one meter tall and looked like an elf with a cute appearance.

For a moment, Ke Wen had a guess in his mind.

The bronze time dragon he had been guarding for a long time finally appeared...

The three views follow the five senses, which is an instinct engraved in human genes.

Therefore, compared to the senile night elf, Kewen naturally turned his attention subconsciously to the dwarf little loli.

With her silver-white hair and big eyes, she looks like a character from a comic book.

She has a tall nose, a pretty face, and a well-proportioned figure, slender but not delicate at all.

The most important thing! The little loli has the proportions of a "four-headed body", but it does not ruin her body shape at all.


Although he has the transformed form of a dwarf lolita, he is actually a direct descendant of the Bronze Dragon King and a powerful adult dragon.

As for the other old night elf, he must also be a powerful bronze time dragon.

But Kewen couldn't guess who the other party was.

Although he had a guess in his mind, he was not sure.

However, someone soon gave the real hint.


Little Loli Cromie spoke.

He looked up at the old night elf and asked angrily: "Haven't you always forbidden me to come into contact with this guy!? Why did you bring me to see him again this time?"

Kewen's heart skipped a beat again.

He looked at the old night elf and completely confirmed his identity - the king of the 'Bronze Time Dragon', Nozdormu!!!

Because he was too nervous, Ke Wen's acting skills had already failed, and his mentality was directly displayed on his face.

But Nozdormu didn't say anything. Instead, he lowered his head and looked at Chromie, and then sighed slightly.

"Because I have to."

Nozdormu's tone was very gentle, with a hint of helplessness in it.

"I have observed the future countless times. If I meet him alone, the future of fighting accounts for more than 90%, but the result is only one, he will leave our world."

"Oh, I get it."

Chromie looked at Coven and made a cute gesture of gnashing his teeth and baring his claws: "If we work together, we can keep this hateful guy here, right?"

"of course not."

Nozdormu laughed out loud and continued to speak warmly: "Among the countless futures in which you have appeared, combat situations have only occurred in less than 10% of them."

"So he is a lolicon?"

Chromie seemed to have discovered some new world, his eyes were looking at Ke Wen playfully: "This bad guy has become even worse."

Nozdormu smiled and shook his head, finally looking at Corwin.

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Excellency."

By observing the other party's attitude, Ke Wen had already suppressed the tension in his heart, so he greeted him politely: "I wonder what the Lord Dragon King 'Nozdormu' ordered me to come here?"

"Hey! Bad guy!"

Chromie jumped, pinched his waist cutely and raised his head and asked, "What about me? Aren't you honored to see me!?"


Kewen lowered his head and responded with a smile: "It's an honor to meet you, Lord Chromie."


Chromie turned to look at Nozdormu: "Father, he is indeed a lolicon."

Ke Wen was speechless and smiled bitterly in his heart.

Nozdormu chuckled again, and then said to Coven: "Don't be nervous, human, we have no ill intentions."

"I have!"

Chromie sang the opposite tune and raised his fist at Coven angrily: "You bad guy! Do you know! How much have you destroyed the timeline! Do you know! The mess you made

, how long have I been working hard! Do you know! How hard it is to repair the 'time and space cracks' between the worlds!!!"

"Uh, this..." Ke Wen was speechless.

"OK OK."

Nozdormu intervened softly, comforting Chromie: "Let me speak first."


Chromie squeezed his nose and made a face at Ke Wen, then turned his face away proudly and glanced at Ke Wen from the corner of his eye.

"Alien humans."

Nozdormu's words immediately made Coven's heart beat again.

Seemingly sensing Coven's nervousness, Nozdormu showed a more kind expression and said warmly: "I summoned you to the Cave of Time this time because there are some things I need to explain to you."

"Please tell me." Ke Wen responded honestly.

"Human." Nozdormu said with a little helplessness: "You are very special, and the 'Azeroth' you are in is also very special, so I can allow you to do something that changes the line of fate."

"Why are you so generous to him!?"

Chromie intervened again and complained angrily: "Father! He makes me work hard for him to eliminate the crises that have the potential to destroy the world! Why don't we punish him!?"

Nozdormu smiled and bent down, reaching out and pressing Chromie's head.

After getting up again, Nozdormu did not answer his dragon girl, but continued to say to Coven: "Listen well, humans, among all the parallel worlds, there are, and only three, worlds that are the most special."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "One is the world you are in now, the other is a special digital world, and the last is the origin universe, or you can say,

These three worlds are origin universes."

"Among these three worlds, the fate line can be changed to a limited extent, but..."

At this point, Nozdormu's expression changed and he said solemnly: "Human beings, even in these three parallel worlds, have certain destinies that absolutely cannot be changed!"

"I..." Ke Wen asked tentatively: "Can I know?"

Nozdormu nodded: "This is the main purpose of why we recruited you here. Listen, humans, in the world you live in, there are two fates that cannot be changed."

"The first is the destruction of 'Stormwind City'."

"The second is the death of 'Sylvanas Windrunner'."

"Once these two fates are changed, then the ultimate fate of the parallel world you are in will be... destruction!"

Ke Wen was stunned.

He was very smart and immediately deduced from the results.

He deduced what would have happened if 'Stormwind City' had not been destroyed.

It didn't take long for him to deduce the result.

Unless Stormwind City is destroyed, humans and orcs will have no choice but to continue fighting each other endlessly.

The orcs continue to increase their troops from Draenor, and Stormwind City continues to increase its troops from other kingdoms. As a result, the two races can only completely decline. In serious cases, both races may even become extinct.

In that case, who else can resist the invasion of the Burning Legion in the future?

Not to mention the many disasters that will follow. I am afraid that I will not be able to pass the 'Burning Legion' alone, and Azeroth will be completely destroyed...

Thinking of this, Ke Wen couldn't help but look a little heavy, and he began to deduce the second fate.

If ‘Sylvanas Windrunner’ does not die, there will be no ‘Forgotten Undead’ Queen Xi in the future.

If Queen Xi had not defeated the three-headed Dread Demon King and seriously injured Arthas, the Lich King, then the humans in this world would probably not be a match for the Scourge of the Undead.

Once there is no obstacle to the 'Scate of the Undead' and the invasion of the 'Burning Legion', then the world of 'Azeroth' will once again inevitably be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Ke Wen couldn't help but look even heavier.

However, he was suddenly stunned again. Just as he was about to say something, he held back his words again.

"Have you thought of it?"

Nozdormu's voice sounded at the right time: "You can change these two fates and supplement your combat power with yourself, but...how long can you stay in our world? You will eventually leave."

Ke Wen was speechless.

Nozdormu's voice continued: "Chromie, listen carefully to the next words. This is a secret that no one can know except me."

"Father?" Chromie was stunned, suddenly curious, and immediately asked: "What's the secret!?"

"Our people, even our opposites."

Nozdormu said in a deep voice: "Everyone thinks that the ultimate fate of our world is destruction, but in fact it is not."

"No!?" Chromie almost screamed: "Father! You mean! Our world can still be saved!?"


Nozdormu nodded slowly: "I said that among all parallel worlds, there are three special universes, and as long as these three universes are not destroyed, it doesn't matter even if all other universes are destroyed."

Coven and Chromie were stunned at the same time.

Nozdormu continued without pausing: "Parallel universes are infinite. Among these three special universes, every choice made by everyone will create a new parallel universe."

"So, as long as these three universes will not be destroyed, then parallel universes will continue to be born."

Nozdormu paused for a moment and looked at Covin, who looked astonished: "So, human, do you understand?"

Kewen nodded.

No wonder he was summoned to the Cave of Time, no wonder Nozdormu finally showed up to stop him from changing the plot.

If he goes to save Stormwind City according to his original plan, then the number of the three remaining "origin universes" may be reduced by one...

This chapter has been completed!
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