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Chapter 50 Judgment

Dumbledore gasped for breath and stopped mid-sentence. It was not until everyone looked at him with bated breath that he continued to pronounce the verdict.

"The behavior of the new students in Slytherin is bad, so everyone will be deducted five points." Dumbledore first looked at the group of losers on the ground and gave the penalty.

Then, Dumbledore looked at Corwin, who had an expression on his face that he had done something wrong. He stared at Corwin in silence for a moment, and then continued: "Corvin Quinn, beautiful curse defense,

One hundred points to Gryffindor."



I had never heard that so many points could be added at one time. A group of Gryffindor quails suddenly evolved into ducks and cheered.

"But-" Dumbledore suddenly raised his voice, causing the scene to quiet down.

"However, Corvin Quinn's defensive behavior also caused injuries to his classmates." Dumbledore said in a fair tone: "Therefore, I have decided that for every injured student, Corvin Quinn will be injured."

Five points deducted.”

Everyone was stunned. Many Gryffindors immediately turned their heads in unison, looked at the group of Slytherins still lying on the ground, and began to count.

After counting the heads, the Gryffindors breathed a sigh of relief one after another, because in addition to the two surviving Slytherins, there were a total of fourteen wounded people on the ground. After calculation, Coven was only deducted seventy points.

, and earned thirty points.

"Severus, is this okay?" Dumbledore turned his head and looked at Professor Snape, who had a lawsuit on his face.

"I think every injured student should deduct ten points from Mr. Quinn!" Snape made no secret of his partiality: "After all, it is obvious that only the ordinary use of the 'Iron Armor Curse' can defend against attacks, but Quinn

Mr. Yin deliberately counterattacked the curse."

Snape stared at Cowan with an evil look, and said slowly in his unique tone: "So I think Mr. Quinn is suspected of intentionally hurting his classmates."

"Snape!" Professor McGonagall was so angry that she actually called Snape by his last name: "How can you say that!"

"Oh, okay, Severus, Minerva." Professor Dumbledore smiled and reassured the two of them: "Just settle it as I said."

"Hmph!" Professor McGonagall snorted, then looked at Principal Dumbledore, and had no choice but to stop worrying about it in order to save face. After all, Coven still earned 30 points, and he did not receive any other punishment.

Snape also knew that his opinion was unlikely to be adopted. He just said a little bit of anger, so he didn't continue to hold on to it after hearing this.

As for Professor Flitwick, he had no position to get involved. After all, none of the people involved in the brawl were his Ravenclaw students.

"Okay everyone." Dumbledore spoke again and commanded: "Let's take the injured students to the infirmary together first."

"Minerva, please go to the greenhouse behind the castle and see if Pomona is there." Dumbledore continued: "Inform her to bring the herbs to the infirmary to help. There are too many injured students.

I'm afraid the infirmary will be too busy."

"Okay." Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement.

"Then let's take action." Dumbledore said, taking out his wand and pointing to the ground.

The next moment, the lawn on the ground suddenly began to change shape and texture, and the patches of lawn quickly turned into stretchers.

Several professors worked together to transfer the injured Slytherin students to the stretcher, and then the stretcher was controlled by the professors to float up.

"Oh, by the way..." Dumbledore paused as he turned to leave, then turned back, glanced at the remaining students, and said calmly: "Don't stay here anymore, go back to the castle dormitory."

"Okay principal."

"Yes, Mr. Principal."

Everyone responded one after another.

Seeing this, Dumbledore glanced at Coven again, then turned around, controlled the stretcher and left with the professors.

It wasn't until the professors disappeared that the two surviving Slytherin students lowered their heads and left quickly with a look of defeat.

Seeing this, the only remaining Gryffindor students in the field suddenly cheered.

A swarm of swarms surrounded Kewen, stretching out their arms and hands like 'Cthulhu Tentacles', surrounding the space above, below, left, and right of Kewen.

Then, the Gryffindors worked together, grabbing Corwin's clothes and lifting him off the ground.


Kewen only had time to whisper before he was thrown up by the students around him...

During dinner time, Kewen's 'great deeds' were naturally gossiped about, and all the students in the entire college knew about Kewen's feats.

After dinner, Ke Wen barely had a chance to eat. He was surrounded by students from all grades at any time. Congratulations, praises and other words were constantly bombarding his ears.

Can you believe that there are even expressions of love?

As a last resort, Kewen had to end his dinner early and ran back to his dormitory to isolate himself from others...

Evening, principal's office.

Principal Dumbledore and the four deans gathered in the office, and the atmosphere in the entire office was a bit gloomy.

"You have all seen the 'Memory Basin'." Dumbledore sounded serious, looked around the four deans, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me what you think."

"He is very dangerous!" Professor Snape was no longer expressionless at this time, his expression was the same as that of a normal person, and he shouted solemnly: "He is almost like a replica of that person!"

"Oh! Severus..." Pomona Sprout, professor of Herbology and dean of Hufflepuff, heard this and immediately said with some shock: "You shouldn't evaluate the kid Corvin like that.

It’s a bit too much.”

"That's right Severus." Professor Flitwick also added: "Little Corwin is just too smart."

Because it involved students from his own college, Professor McGonagall did not express his opinion.

"Did you only see his intelligence?" Professor Snape sounded a little excited: "I do admit that he is a genius, but I don't believe you didn't see other things! Especially after the principal's reminder!"

Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick both fell silent upon hearing this.

"Genius! Resourceful! Attracting everyone's attention! Duplicity! And disregard for regulations!" Snape growled slightly through gritted teeth: "He is almost a replica of that person! Am I wrong?"

"Calm down, Severus," Dumbledore said to reassure him.

"Perhaps..." Dumbledore recalled the two memories of Ke Wen, recalling the details of Ke Wen's demeanor in them, and said with a somewhat uncertain tone: "Maybe he just likes to hide his true emotions."

Obviously, Coven's acting skills have been seen through by Dumbledore...

This chapter has been completed!
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