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Chapter 60 Memory

Hearing that Ollivander was going to teach him a new spell, Coven looked forward to it, but also noticed Ollivander's hesitation during the chat.

From this point of view, this magic spell may be very precious and should belong to the level of the wizard family's heritage.

Therefore, Ke Wen couldn't help but look serious and asked with a serious expression: "Is it okay? If you have any difficulties, sir, you don't need to teach me. In the past three months of school, I have also learned a lot about the rules of the wizarding world. I know

Every family has its own curse that will never be spread."

Ollivander was slightly stunned, not expecting that Coven would know this, but he still smiled slightly and said kindly: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, kid, you deserve what I do."

"Then can I know what the curse is?" Ke Wen continued to say seriously: "Maybe there is one in the college's library. In that case, I will go to the professors and they will allow me to borrow the books. This will not disturb Mr.

You are in trouble."

"No, there is no record of that curse in the academy." Ollivander explained with great relief: "It sounds simple, it is just a memory spell, but as far as I know, in the entire British wizarding world, there is only the librarian of your academy.

The curse of the committee is indeed, as you said, a secret passed down by some families and never revealed to the outside world."

"Then I..." Ke Wen was surprised. He didn't expect that the 'memory spell' Ollivander wanted to teach him was such a precious thing.

"I said it doesn't matter." Ollivander smiled and shook his head slightly: "I also said that I hope you can treat me as a family member. Since I am a family member, there is no problem in passing this curse on to you."

"Thank you, Mr. Ollivander!" Coven stood up solemnly and bowed sincerely to Ollivander.

"Haha, get up, kid." Ollivander smiled and stretched out his hand to help Ke Wen up. Then he patted Ke Wen on the shoulder and said, "With your talent, what you can achieve in the future will definitely be great."

Great. I firmly believe this, and apart from this 'memory spell', I'm afraid I can't give you any more help."

"No, sir." Kewen shook his head in disapproval and said, "You have given me a lot of help and care. Without you, I probably wouldn't have the life I have now, let alone any achievements in the future.


"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Ollivander said, and couldn't help but look at Kewen with more admiration and relief, and sighed: "Your character is much better now than the month before school started, when you were submissive,

I'm really afraid that you will live in self-danger all your life."

"Look at how good your character is now. This far exceeds my original expectations. You are more mature and sensible than any other child of your age."

"This is all Mr. Ollivander..."

"Okay, okay, you said it again." Ollivander interrupted Kewen with a smile, then showed a look of surprise and said to Kewen: "By the way, if you want to learn the 'Memory Curse'

, you must also learn another spell."

"What other magic spells should I learn?" Ke Wen asked as he didn't understand.

"A spell that prevents the 'Memory Curse' from being leaked." Ollivander explained: "Although the 'Secretary Curse' can also prevent the leakage of the spell, the 'Secretary Curse' is not completely safe. If others know about the 'Secret Keeper'

'If you cast some evil spells, there is also a risk of leakage."

Coven frowned slightly, because Ollivander's words about the 'Secret Spell' and 'Secret Keeper' touched upon his knowledge blind spots.

Seemingly understanding Coven's expression, Ollivander said: "Don't worry about that, you will understand it later, let's talk about the magic spell I want to teach you."

"Okay sir." Kewen obediently stopped thinking about 'reading comprehension'.

"The insurance charm I'm going to teach you is called the 'Brain Protection Curse', also known as 'Occlumency'." Ollivander continued to explain: "This spell can prevent others from reading your thoughts and memories, and mastering them.

Once you have mastered this spell, you will no longer be afraid of others stealing the 'memory spell' from your brain."

"Occlumency..." Ke Wen muttered thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?" Ollivander asked upon seeing this.

"No, it's nothing." Ke Wen came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "It's just that I heard it somewhere and can't remember it."

That's what he said, but Kewen tried his best to remember and remembered that he had seen this word when he was looking up information.

Ollivander didn't take it seriously after hearing Coven's answer. He only thought that Coven had heard of 'Occlumency' when he was in school.

Therefore, Ollivander said: "We will discuss the issue of 'Occlumency' later. Let's learn the 'Memory Spell' first. You follow me."

After saying hello, Ollivander walked towards the second floor, and Coven immediately followed.

Soon, the two came to Ollivander's bedroom. Ollivander asked Coven to wait. Then he walked to the locker, opened the door, and used his wand to open a hidden compartment.

There is only one item in the secret compartment, which is a bottle of magic potion.

Ollivander carefully took out the magic potion from the secret compartment, and while walking towards Coven, he explained: "The Memory Curse is just an ordinary magic spell in the outside world, but like most magic spells, it has advanced uses.

Likewise, memory spells also have more advanced uses."

Arriving in front of Ke Wen, Ollivander held the potion bottle in his palm and continued to explain: "However, the advanced use of the 'Memory Curse' requires the use of this bottle of potion."

"Sir." Ke Wen was now hungry for magic knowledge, so he couldn't help but ask: "What is the effect of the ordinary memory spell? What is the effect of the advanced one?"

Ollivander didn't expect that Cowen was still caring about knowledge at this time. After being stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but secretly thought that Cowen should indeed belong to Ravenclaw, and couldn't help laughing.

While smiling, Ollivander also satisfied Ke Wen's thirst for knowledge and patiently explained: "Common usage can allow you to remember a memory you want to remember. The memory will become very profound and will not be forgotten randomly.

As time goes by, this memory will be completely forgotten.”

"For example, if you recite a poem, under normal circumstances, your memory of this poem will naturally be blurred after a long time, but if you use the 'memory spell', this memory will never be blurred."

Hearing this, the text couldn't help but couldn't wait to ask: "What about the advanced effects of the 'Memory Curse'?"

"The advanced effects are amazing." Ollivander said with a hint of pride: "The advanced effects can turn your brain into a library, and your memory is like the various books in the library."

"So that's it!" Ke Wen said suddenly, slightly excitedly: "It's like you can remember every wand you sell!"

"Haha!" Ollivander smiled...

This chapter has been completed!
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