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Chapter 151 Memory

Compared with the people who are still arriving, the hospital's space finally seems a little insufficient.

So Coven asked Mephisto to go down and take a walk.

Not long after, it suddenly became quiet downstairs.

In the end, Mephisto only brought one general with a qualified military rank.

But judging from the trembling look on the general's legs, it was estimated that the general was preoccupied with fear of Mephisto at this time, and the question of asking the giant had probably been forgotten long ago.

Coven glanced at the general, and then he began to wait silently. He wanted to see if anyone would arrive.

After staring at the idiots from the Guardians of the Galaxy for a moment, Coven was finally ready to speak.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he closed it again.

A pair of eyeballs rolled up, and Ke Wen looked up helplessly and looked out the window.

A saucer-shaped spaceship was hovering in the air. Bruce Banner, who had regained his "Smart Hulk" posture, was lying on the observation window of the spacecraft, stretching his neck and looking through the window into the living room.

"Who else hasn't arrived?"

Ke Wen complained unbearably.


Colonel Rhodes was like a primary school student asking questions. He raised his right hand in a very obedient manner: "Sir, I have also contacted Clint, Scott Lang and Hope, and have sent fighter planes to pick them up. As for Peter,

Son, I didn’t notify him because of Tony…”

"Is there anything else?" Ke Wen looked at the others.

"There are also Princess Shuri and the Guard Commander of Wakanda, but I haven't contacted Wanda." Natasha added.

"Oh, I do!"

Thor said with a shy beer belly: "I contacted Valkyrie and asked her to organize our Asgardian warriors to be ready to fight at any time. She may be thinking of a way to come over..."


Ke Wen raised his hand to his forehead, feeling increasingly speechless.

He looked at the crowded living room and immediately raised his hand to summon a portal.

He walked in first, then stood in the lobby of the Avengers Base and turned around to greet everyone: "I think it's more spacious here."

Natasha couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, and was the first to follow through the portal.

Soon, everyone came to the Avengers Base.

After closing the portal, Kewen said: "Let's wait for the others first. I don't want to tell it a second time."

Everyone was very hesitant. They eagerly wanted to ask, but some did not dare to speak.

Natasha discovered this, so she gently held Ke Wen's hand and asked: "Then at least tell everyone first, is this thing a crisis?"

"Crisis?" Ke Wen shook his head: "No, the crisis has been solved by me, so now the world is at peace."

"That's good."

Natasha finally stopped hiding her smile.

Others also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The atmosphere became more relaxed and everyone finally started to greet each other.

However, there is not much to say about things on Earth, so Thor became the center of the topic.

Everyone was curious about his life in the universe and kept asking questions.

This gave the idiots in "Guardians of the Galaxy" a chance to shine.

Star-Lord boasted loudly, and then Drax was beside him to make trouble without knowing it. This group of idiots left everyone speechless and bursting into laughter.

This filled the hall with laughter and laughter.

Nearly an hour later, Wakanda's fighter planes and the fighter planes that went to pick up Clint and others returned one after another.

After another round of greetings, everyone looked at Ke Wen.

"Let's all find a place to sit."

Ke Wen pointed to the surrounding sofas and seats and said: "I will transfer the memory directly into your minds. It is too troublesome to tell the story."

"Passed into your mind?"

Drax asked Star-Lord in confusion: "Is he going to split my brain?"


Star-Lord was also very ignorant, but he pretended to understand and said confidently: "We may also get some quantum data lines, and then connect some device to everyone's brain to transmit the picture."

Not far away, Strange opened his mouth and took a breath, while at the same time his eyes rolled up.

However, the performance of these idiots is not over yet.

Mantis took up the conversation. She raised her hand and pointed to the pair of tentacles above her head and said, "Maybe it's this kind of tentacles? And..."

She looked at Smurfette Nebula, who was hugging her shoulders coldly: "Nebula, what method did you use to transmit the memory? Is it the data line that Star-Lord mentioned?"

"Shut up!"

Xingyun spoke in a depressed and disgusted voice, her voice hoarse and said: "Don't listen to that idiot pretending to understand, just watch it honestly!"


Mantis woman shrank back in grievance, and stood there obediently, closing her mouth.

This made Nebula also roll her eyes and point to a chair: "Sit over there!"


Mantis woman flattened her mouth and walked over with small steps and sat down obediently.

It didn't take long for everyone to find their seats and sit down.

Seeing this, Kewen raised his hand to his temple and pulled out a memory thread.

Next, he made multiple copies of the memory threads on his fingertips, and waved his hand to throw the memory threads into everyone's minds.

The hall fell into silence for an instant.

Everyone was immersed in memories with all their hearts.

The content of this memory is not too much, because Kewen deleted many unnecessary scenes.

For example, scenes of the Eternals falling in love.

The beginning of the memory is the introduction of the Celestial God Group, their responsibilities, abilities, and the matter of releasing human seeds to the living planet.

Then the seeds matured and the gods descended to destroy the planet.

Then there is the story of what Kewen has experienced these days.

I met the Eternals and Mutants in London, and then started to meet other Eternals.

The dialogue between each Eternal’s attitude towards the earth and humanity, until the scene where they succeeded in petrifying ‘Tiam’.

The memory after that was like a turning point in a movie scene, suddenly switching to the time period when Arissum came.

There is not much deletion in the following content, because the time before and after is short, so Kewen simply did not hide anything.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This allowed everyone to see his threat to Alitham and his battle with Alitham.

That kind of battle scene that destroyed the planet casually made everyone's eyes tremble as they were caught in the memories, and most of them subconsciously held their breath.

Until they feel suffocated, they will reflexively take a breath of air.

But even so, everyone's breathing movements seemed very cautious, as if they were afraid of making any sound.

The battle scene between Coven and Alitham was too horrifying.

Everyone who watched the memory felt like they were experiencing it themselves.

This caused everyone to have a severe surge of adrenaline, their faces turned red, and their expressions were too excited and looked a little ferocious.

It wasn't until everyone saw Ke Wen pressing the 'Big Bang' on Alitham that Thor was finally the first to explode.


The thunder snake was entangled, and the huge thunder body dissipated from Thor's body.

He suddenly opened his eyes wide, raised his hand to make a fisting gesture, and roared while his neck muscles swelled.

It's like turning on a switch.

Others responded similarly.

Everyone was either waving their arms out of thin air, or like a winner in a boxing ring, venting their victory roars around them.

For a moment, the whole hall was filled with demons dancing wildly.

After a while, everyone finally recovered from the immersive experience.

Everyone looked at Ke Wen eagerly.

No one could imagine that Kewen was so powerful.

Natasha couldn't help but rushed over. She jumped up and threw herself on Kewen. She hugged Kewen's neck hard and gave him a long kiss.

This made Princess Shuri of Wakanda show her ready attitude.

Fortunately, Ke Wen didn't see it...

At this time, Strange, who was the first to calm down, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He bowed to Kewen with a calm look, and said while performing the mage salute: "Thank you, Master! You have given the earth a safe escape route! This gives everyone a chance to make mistakes!"

Coven patted Natasha on the back.

After his mouth was saved, he reminded Strange: "The mechanism of the God Group does not allow you to make mistakes at will."

"Of course!"

Strange smiled slightly and said: "But this finally gives everyone enough confidence. When facing a desperate situation, there will be more calm choices!"

"Um, Master Quinn?"

Scott Lang interjected somewhat stupidly and asked: "Did you also use 'Pym Particles' to become such a giant? Does that mean you will also change? Ouch!!"

Before he finished speaking, Sterk suddenly clutched his waist and screamed.

He rubbed the painful area and looked at Hope, the Wasp beside him, with some aggrievedness.

"Shut your mouth!" Wasp said angrily: "What are you guessing!"

Only then did Scott react, and couldn't help but show a guilty smile to Coven.

Coven didn't pay attention, because the "Guardians of the Galaxy" staged a stage drama again.

The members who had been to the "Nowhere" boasted about the head of the Celestial God Group there, and Star-Lord exaggeratedly boasted about his knowledge there.

Likewise, Drax continues his clueless sabotage.

This made Groot, the tree man, look full of disgust, and made Rocket Raccoon cover his forehead in embarrassment.

At this time, Natasha, who had regained her composure, finally noticed something.

She quickly asked Coven in astonishment: "That's right! In the memory! Did I see Pietro?!"


Everyone's attention was drawn, and they focused on Pietro, who was resurrected from the dead.

In response, Ke Wen nodded slightly: "You read that right, I resurrected him."

"What about Tony?!"

Bruce Banner knows that Covin and Hulk have a better relationship, so he is always pretending to be transparent.

Until this moment, he could no longer hold back the emotions in his heart and immediately asked excitedly.

He asked Coven hopefully: "Sir! Since you can resurrect Pietro! What about Tony? Can you also..."


In an instant, Ke Wen used a basin of cold water to extinguish everyone's enthusiasm...

This chapter has been completed!
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