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Chapter 79 Verification

The atmosphere suddenly became a little silent. Ke Wen was stunned when he saw this and couldn't help but stop talking.

The professors weighed the pros and cons, communicated with each other through their eyes, and tacitly agreed on their ideas.

"Albus!" Flitwick is worthy of being the headmaster of Ravenclaw. He has the most rigorous attitude toward knowledge and is also the most enthusiastic. Therefore, he couldn't help but speak first: "Write to the Ministry of Magic and ask them to adjust it."

Just come here, 'Dementors'!"

"Don't worry Filius yet." Dumbledore smiled and nodded slowly: "I will take care of this matter. Let us listen to what Xiao Kewen has to say first."

"Ah? Oh! Sorry." Flitwick reacted, then looked at Cowen and waved his hand: "Little Cowen, please continue, I am a little too excited."

Of course Corwin wouldn't care, so he smiled and waved his hand to Professor Flitwick to indicate it was okay, and then continued: "After we have the dementors, we can experiment with them using emotional spells.

Feed negative emotions and positive emotions to the dementors respectively, so that I can easily verify my conjecture."

After hearing this, Professor Sprout nodded happily: "It's a very clear idea. We can indeed try this method."

"Okay then..." Dumbledore saw this and said jokingly: "Then it seems that we will all go to bed late today.

I will go to the Ministry of Magic in person right now, and I will be back around dinner time."

Dumbledore acted resolutely. After making his decision, he invited everyone to gather in the office after dinner, and then left the college through the fireplace in the dean's room.

Obviously, in order to avoid accidents, Dumbledore planned to personally escort a 'dementor' to the school.

After Dumbledore left, the remaining professors in the room praised Covin with admiration. Only Professor Snape, who still looked arrogant, took his leave first...

After dinner, everyone gathered in the principal's office again.

Now there is a very tall black wardrobe in the office, and there are one or two slight collision sounds from inside.

Everyone knows what's in the closet.

Snape didn't know what he was busy with before, but he was the last one to arrive.

As soon as he entered the office, Snape continued to look malicious, looked at Coven sideways and said: "The Dementors have arrived, isn't it time to ask our talented Mr. Quinn to personally verify his greatness?"

What’s your guess?”

Dumbledore looked at Snape who was speaking in surprise. Then he thought of something and couldn't help but chuckled, but did not express his opinion.

Professor Sprout may have guessed something, so he also remained silent, only smiling and shaking his head speechlessly.

Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall were different. Almost as soon as Snape finished speaking, they both opened their mouths to refute anxiously.

"No!" Professor Flitwick almost jumped up: "Little Covin hasn't learned the 'Guardian Charm' yet!"

"No!" Professor McGonagall acted like a hen protecting her young, and blocked Kewen behind with her hands: "How can you let a student face such a dangerous creature!"

"Humph!" Snape did not refute, but looked at Cowen sideways again, expressing disdain.

"Mr. Principal." Kewen, who was protected by Professor McGonagall, said, "I want to try."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and focused their attention on Ke Wen in surprise.

"Kewen!" Professor McGonagall turned around and was about to persuade.

Shaking his head, Kewen looked up and smiled at Professor McGonagall: "Don't worry, Professor, even if I don't know the 'Guardian Spell', I should be able to guarantee my own safety."

Turning to look at Principal Dumbledore, Coven said: "Besides, there are still principals and professors here. Even if something goes wrong in my experiment, the professors can guarantee my safety in time, right?"

"Hmph!" Snape snorted again: "You Gryffindor, are you brave or reckless?"

"Okay, okay, Severus." Professor Sprout smoothed things over with a smile: "Just say a few words less, don't let little Kewen misunderstand."

Hearing this, Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall, who were most protective of Coven, calmed down at the same time and swallowed back what they wanted to refute.

Obviously, the misunderstanding that Professor Sprout mentioned was also addressed to both of them.

It was a reminder to them not to be too worried about Covin and thus ignore Snape's unforgiving character.

"Okay..." Dumbledore watched clearly and saw that Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall had regained their composure. Then he smiled and said in response to Coven: "I agree, but you still need to be careful."

"I will!" Ke Wen nodded heavily and made a promise.

Next, all the professors, including Dumbledore, took out their wands and pointed them at the closed wardrobe.

Kewen slowly stepped forward at the same time, and finally stood about three meters away from the closet.

Taking a deep breath, Ke Wen concentrated and calmed down, and said at the same time: "Next, I will use the 'emotional spell' to extract my negative memories and see how the dementors react first."

"Are you ready, little Coven?" Professor Sprout asked.

Ke Wen did not respond, but stared at the closet and nodded.

Seeing this, Professor Sprout waved his wand towards the closet door, and the next moment, the door slowly opened.

A cold, cold feeling that seemed to freeze people's hearts suddenly came out from the closet, making the lights in the office become a little gloomy.

As the white mist dispersed from the cabinet, a very tall figure slowly floated out from the cabinet.

The image of the Dementor is very similar to the God of Death in ancient Greek mythology. The tall, thin body is covered by black and shabby robes, but there is no huge scythe used to harvest souls.

At this time, Kewen didn't have time to observe carefully. Just when the dementor was about to float out of the closet, he used the 'Memory Charm'.

Putting the wand against his temple, he slowly pulled out a ball of slightly black magic thread.

Next, Kewen controlled the magic threads to start to condense, and finally condensed into a ball as big as an adult's fist at the tip of the wand.

Then, Ke Wen stretched his arm forward and brought the memory condensed by negative emotions closer to the dementor.

Although dementors are classified as magical creatures, they are also intelligent.

This Dementor had been arranged in advance, and there were five magic masters at the scene. Therefore, after the Dementor floated out of the closet, it did not lose control and go crazy, but seemed to stay in front of the closet door.


It wasn't until Ke Wen handed over the ball of negative emotions that the Dementor showed some control. He couldn't help but float forward a certain distance, bent down and lowered his head, and put his mouth hidden in the hood close to the ball of negative emotions.

The next moment, under everyone's concentrated gaze, the negative emotions were quickly sucked away by the dementors.

This sight made all the professors couldn't help but be shocked for a moment.

Obviously, Ke Wen's conjecture is already half correct. Dementors are indeed able to absorb negative emotions...

This chapter has been completed!
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