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Chapter 56

"A few months ago, I went to a yacht party and I..."



Farah originally wanted to hear a bloody story. She thought the other party would talk about a romance with a vampire, or a life-or-death love story.

As soon as the girl opened her mouth, Farah was immediately stunned.

She interrupted the girl's narration with only one sentence and asked in shock: "A few months ago? Yacht party? Was it a month and a half ago, on May 3rd?!"

The girl was surprised, but nodded blankly.

"Wait here for a moment!"

As Farah said this, he stood up quickly and ran upstairs with a bang.

Not long after, Coven and Farah came down the stairs together.


The first time Ke Wen saw the girl, he noticed the smell of the zombie virus in her body, but the smell was a little different.

Without checking in more detail, Ke Wen sat down amidst the nervous look on the girl's face.

"You were at that yacht party?"

Kewen asked the girl: "So, do you know what happened up there?"

"Crazy!" The girl nodded in fear: "Many people are crazy! They attack everyone!"

Ke Wen and Farah next to him looked at each other.

This is right. The girl in front of me was obviously a member of that tragedy.

But what makes Ke Wen strange is how did this girl come back to life?

So he continued to ask: "Let's not talk about your current state. Can I ask what you have experienced? I mean, how did you survive that attack."

"I fell into the sea..."

The girl subconsciously raised her hand and touched her right arm, and said at the same time: "I was scratched during the attack, and then I tripped over the side of the ship while escaping. After falling into the sea, I didn't know anything."

With a look of memory in her eyes, she continued: "Until I felt a warm light, which briefly restored my consciousness, I seemed to have floated near the shore."

"When I woke up again, I was already in a body bag."

"Warm light..."

Ke Wen pondered for a moment and then immediately guessed the truth.

It can only be said to be a coincidence.

This girl must have drifted to the coast that night, but before she could be resurrected into a zombie, she was purified by his large-scale holy light.

And due to some reason such as luck or being separated by sea water, the hell virus in the girl's body was not completely purified, which allowed her to come back to life.

However, the baptism of holy light was not completely useless. At least it allowed the girl to regain her will and not become a complete zombie with only instincts left.

Thinking of this, Ke Wen continued to ask: "Weren't you taken away by the police?"


The girl shook her head: "After I sat up from the body bag, I scared away several nearby police officers. I was also very scared, so I also ran away from the beach."

"You are so lucky..."

Farah had almost guessed the cause and effect at this time, so she couldn't help but sigh: "Obviously, Angela had already left the scene to investigate elsewhere at that time, otherwise, you might have to meet her bullet with your forehead."

"You guys, have you been there?"

The girl said in surprise: "I mean that beach, do you know that tragedy?"

"of course I know."

Farah took out the ID of the police consultant from his pocket, showed it to the girl and then said: "When you felt the warm light, I was fighting the resurrected zombies on the shore. If you get up at that time, say

Maybe it will fall directly into my hands."

"So what now?" Ke Wen interrupted and asked the girl: "What is your state now? I mean your consciousness, can you stay awake all the time?"

"Barely enough."

The girl nodded somewhat helplessly: "But I have become a non-human being. I have no blood and my heart no longer beats."


The girl was confused. After biting her lip, she continued: "Also, I have a strong appetite for human brains! If I don't eat brains for a long time, I will become dull and irritable!"

“You eat brains?!


Farah raised her voice and raised her left arm.

Ke Wen suddenly stretched out his hand.

He pressed Farah's arm down, and then asked the girl: "Then how did you solve this problem?"

"I, I'm very lucky..."

The girl said with a complex expression: "I am an emergency doctor. Since becoming non-human, I have secretly eaten the brains of the deceased several times in the hospital."


Farah felt a little nauseous and retched. She quickly waved her hands and stood up, and quickly ran to the bathroom.

"Sorry..." The girl apologized to Kewen for this.

Ke Wen shook his head indifferently, and then he asked: "Then how did you find yourself here? What do you need help with? Oh, by the way, Ke Wen Quinn, the owner of this exorcism firm."

"Liv Moore."

The girl introduced herself dejectedly, and then said: "I originally wanted to go to the Hollywood Police Station to apply to be a coroner, but I ended up here without knowing it."

"That's it, coroner." Ke Wen suddenly nodded and said with a chuckle: "It seems that you have found a suitable restaurant for yourself."

"I'm sorry..." The girl showed pain in her eyes.

"No need to apologize." Ke Wen said gently: "This is your survival instinct, and there is nothing wrong with you."


The girl bit her lip, took a deep breath and said calmly: "You are exorcists, will...will you destroy me?"

"I need to check it out before I can decide."

As Kewen spoke, he stretched out his right hand, pointed his palm at the other person's head and asked, "Is that okay?"

Liv Moore looked at Ke Wen's palm, and then looked at Ke Wen's eyes.

Then she closed her eyes and nodded vigorously.

Ke Wen raised his eyebrows and immediately began to read the other party's memories of the recent period.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It didn’t take long to finish reading, and the girl did not lie. Her experience over the past month was indeed consistent with her confession.

At the same time, the girl has no evil intentions. Even if her zombie instinct is triggered by hunger, she can control herself with her remaining will.

This made Ke Wen have a good impression of him.

However, Ke Wen did not stop. He continued to immerse his magic power into the girl's body and began to examine her carefully.

After the examination, he found that most of the hell virus in the girl's body had been purified.

The power of the ghoul has completely disappeared, and the power of the plague demon has also been purified. Now, only the power of the brain-eating monster is left in the girl's body, and that demonic power has been completely integrated with the girl's body.

In other words, the girl is now quite a hell creature with human consciousness.

In response, Ke Wen sighed slightly.

The girl who heard the sigh also opened her eyes.

She suppressed her anxiety and asked Coven: "Mr. Quinn, what is the result?"

"It's a little difficult."

Ke Wen had some guesses in his mind, so he gave up the idea of ​​resurrecting the opponent directly.

He looked at the girl in front of him, thought for a moment, then sighed and said, "I have to ask another person about your question."

While speaking, Kewen raised his hand and opened a portal.

Opposite is Lucifer's bedroom, but Lucifer is not in the bedroom.

In less than a minute, the door opened in the bedroom, and Lucifer's figure appeared on the other side of the portal.

He tilted his head and looked around the office hall. After discovering Liv Moore, Lucifer couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise.

Immediately stepping through the portal, Lucifer asked in surprise: "What's going on with her?!"

"I still want to ask you."

Coven closed the portal and said: "What should she be considered in this situation? Is she a human being or a hell creature?"


Lucifer frowned slightly: "She is equivalent to a brain-eating monster now, but she is led by human consciousness?!"

Before Ke Wen could say anything else, Lucifer's eyes instantly lost focus.

He surrendered his will to hell and used the power of Satan to seek the truth.

After a moment, Lucifer returned to his will in shock.

He stared at Liv Moore and opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

"What's going on?" Ke Wen asked aloud.

Lucifer opened his mouth again, with a look of confusion on his face as if things were out of control.

Seeing this, Ke Wen frowned and asked, "Is the matter serious?"

"No, yes, and no..."

Lucifer's words were a bit confusing.

He raised his hand to cover his forehead, then shook his head at Coven and said, "This is what God did! You know, the function of hell is to judge, and I will judge and punish those sinful souls!"

"But God made a joke recently. He wants to see if hell can be converted one day..."

Ke Wen felt a little ridiculous.

She glanced at Liv Moore, who looked blank, and then asked Lucifer: "You mean, she became God's experimental product? God wants to see how a demon with human consciousness like her will end up in hell.

How much change will it cause inside?”

"Is such that."

Lucifer nodded, but then shook his head and said: "But things went off track. Because she came into contact with you, her fate changed. She did not go to hell, but returned to the human world."


Liv Moore didn't understand other aspects, but she did understand one thing.

With a look of shock and disbelief, she almost exclaimed: "You mean, I will go to hell after I die?"

Seeing that both Coven and Lucifer had very obvious expressions, Liv Moore couldn't help but collapsed and shouted: "Why?! I consider myself to be very responsible as an emergency doctor! And I have not done any evil in the past!

Why am I going to hell?!"

"Have you ever failed in first aid?"

Lucifer shrugged, and said to the speechless Liv Moore: "I can only blame you for your poor academic skills. The lives that could have been saved failed because of your mistakes in judgment or forgetting knowledge points.

There are many more examples…”

Although Lucifer was giving a gentleman's answer, he was also suppressing his irritability.

He raised his hand to summon a glass of wine out of thin air, and after taking a sip, he continued: "For example, refusing to save a patient because he has no money, giving someone an abortion, prescribing unnecessary drugs in accordance with hospital regulations, or because of department regulations

It’s different. You can obviously save the patient’s life but you don’t do anything.”

"Too many." Lucifer shrugged his shoulders again: "As long as you don't pray and repent to the old man God, and as long as you don't get her salvation, then there are very few people in this world who are qualified not to go to hell."

"This, such a God..." Liv Moore felt her faith collapsed.

"So..." Lucifer said with some disdain: "I hate that old man God."

"Stop talking about those irrelevant things."

Ke Wen shook his head and changed the topic back. He asked Lucifer: "So how should she deal with her current situation? Can I treat her, or resurrect her directly as a human?"

"Obviously, you can't."

Lucifer smiled and said: "In other words, you want to fight with the old man God? You are directly destroying her experimental plan."

Glancing at Liv Moore, Lucifer said: "Although she has returned to the human world now, there will still be a day when she returns to hell. Therefore, your interference and influence on her now are just turning a blind eye to the old man.

It’s a matter of closing one eye.”

"But once you are ready to change her from the root, then you have to be prepared to face that willful old man head-on."

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguoyuedu! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.yeguoyuedu]

These words made Ke Wen frown and let out a slight 'tsk'.

In this DC multiverse, Kewen is confident that he can compete with other powerful beings.

But facing God, a creation god of the same level as "Marvel oaa", he is not arrogant to that extent.

He has only mastered six kinds of rules, and has not turned himself into rules yet, but God has already controlled all the rules in the world and can incarnate into all rules.

How can he fight with others? Does he need to be strong-willed?

Therefore, he does not have any capital to interfere with God's little game now.

At this time, the sound of a toilet flushing was heard, interrupting the silence in the hall.

The door handle was turned, and Farah walked out of the bathroom wiping the corners of her mouth.

The little girl was stunned for a moment after seeing Lucifer, and then her cheeks quickly turned red.

"Road, Luci."

Farah shyly said hello: "Long time no see, how are you doing..."

Lucifer showed his iconic charming smile and said with a charming smile: "Hello, Farah, I haven't been to my bar for almost half a year. I'm still doing well recently. How about you? How is your work going?"

"I, I went well!" Farah nodded shyly: "It's just that the boss didn't let me go."

This made Lucifer turn his head and look at Kewen.

Ke Wen said angrily: "Please restrain yourself! Don't try to trick my employees!"

"You are interfering with Farah's freedom." Lucifer said dissatisfied: "And I won't have any bad thoughts towards the little Farah."

"Don't you have any clue in your own mind?" Ke Wen said with disdain: "What level are you? What level are you as a human being? Is your poisonous charm something that humans can resist?"

Shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands, Lucifer had nothing to say. Anyway, he had never deliberately seduced anyone. It was the women who jumped at him on their own initiative.

Of course, Coven also knew this, but he was just angry at Farah's little fanboy look.

So Kewen raised his hand and quickly condensed a piece of paper from the air.

Because the magical language of this world is ancient Latin, he marked the incantation of the 'Calmdown Curse' on the note in Latin.

Wiggling his fingers to send the note to Farah, Coven drove him away: "Go back upstairs, and you are not allowed to leave the bedroom until you learn the spell!"

His words were still very intimidating to Farah.

So Farah had no choice but to take the note, say an aggrieved "Oh", then turn back step by step, and reluctantly walked up the stairs.

Lucifer shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Ke Wen rolled his eyes slightly, and then looked at Liv Moore, who had not yet recovered from the blow.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Ms. Moore, since you have entered my office, it means that your fate is like this, so although I cannot resurrect you, I can still provide some help."


Liv Moore came back to her senses and said blankly: "What are you going to do?"

"I will create a 'calm' spell for you."

Ke Wen raised his index finger and pointed it at the girl's eyebrows: "Once you show signs of losing control, the magic will be automatically activated, making you completely calm."

"Calm down..." Liv Moore groaned, and then she couldn't help but get excited: "Can you, sir?! Can you really get me out of the danger of losing control?!"

"Of course." Ke Wen smiled and nodded: "You have to believe in the reputation of our firm. Since its opening, we have not had any cases of failed commissions."

Hearing this, Liv Moore nodded excitedly, looking expectant and eager.

Ke Wen didn't hesitate, he stood up and crossed the coffee table, and then pointed his finger on the girl's eyebrows.

A little glow lit up from the fingertips and gradually disappeared under Liv Moore's eyebrows.

Soon, Ke Wen retracted his finger: "That's it."

"Is this good?" Liv Moore raised her hand and touched the center of her eyebrows. She couldn't believe it was so easy.

In response, Ke Wen smiled and said, "You might as well give it a try."

He pointed to the street outside: "Look at the pedestrians and imagine your desire for their brains."

Liv Moore turned her head and looked outside involuntarily.

He tentatively relaxed his self-control, and the next moment, a deep feeling of hunger and thirst suddenly arose.

Looking at the pedestrians outside, Liv Moore swallowed subconsciously.

Her vagina gradually turned red, and the teeth in her mouth gradually became sharper.

Just when her will was about to be overwhelmed by that instinctive desire, a cool feeling instantly penetrated her entire mind.

This made Liv Moore sober up.

The instinctive craving for brains disappeared and she entered a state of absolute calm.

After a while, this calm state gradually dissipated, and the brain-eating instinct was suppressed again.

After discovering this, Liv Moore couldn't help but be stunned.

Soon her expression turned into excitement.

"It's really possible! It's really..."

She turned to look at Ke Wen: "Thank you! Thank you, sir!


"This is a normal transaction."

Ke Wen waved his hand and said in a somewhat disruptive tone: "The consulting fee is five thousand, the processing fee is five thousand, a total of ten thousand dollars."

"It's okay! Thank you! Thank you!"

Liv Moore doesn't care about such high fees. After all, she used to be an emergency doctor, which is a very high-paying profession.

So she quickly opened her handbag, took out the check and started filling in the numbers.

After a while, Ke Wen took the check, put it aside casually, and then said to Liv Moore: "I'll give you an after-sales service. Aren't you going to apply to be a coroner?"

"That's right." Liv Moore nodded in response: "Because it will bring me into contact with a lot of corpses, and it will be easier for me to steal the brains to eat."

Kewen nodded: "Let me help you."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and called Angela.

The call was quickly connected, and Angela's voice rang: "Kevin? Have you investigated anything?"

"That's right."

Corwin responded: "I have a client here."

Immediately, he told Angela about Liv Moore's situation.

Finally, he said: "Ms. Moore is going to apply for a job as a coroner. If it is convenient for you, please help her make arrangements."

"This..." Angela hesitated, after all, Liv Moore wanted to eat brains.

In response to this, Ke Wen smiled and said: "By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention. According to my examination results, Miss Moore now also has an ability."

"Ability?" Angela asked smoothly: "What ability?"

"She can receive fragments of memories in her brain."

Coven said: "After she eats the brain, she will receive the memory fragments of that brain. This is an auxiliary ability that is very suitable for breaking the eucalyptus."


Angela was surprised. After hesitating for a short moment, she confirmed and asked: "Then she... is really not in danger?"

"Believe me, there is absolutely no danger." Kewen responded: "I have taken precautions."


Angela was also decisive, and she immediately agreed: "Then let her come directly to the Hollywood branch to find me, and I will arrange the work for her today."

"Thank you." Ke Wen said with a smile: "By the way, you can also ask her to help you investigate the yacht tragedy, because there are some causes and effects on her, which will make it easier to lead to the mastermind behind the yacht tragedy.


"No problem!" Angela said happily.

"Then let's do this for now."

"Okay, let's have dinner together when we have time."

call ended.

Kewen showed the phone screen to Liv Moore in front of him.

The girl quickly took out her mobile phone from her bag and recorded Angela's phone number.

"Then the commission ends here." Ke Wen said to the girl: "If you need help in the future, you are welcome to come again."


Liv Moore was very discerning, and she immediately stood up and said goodbye: "Thank you, sir! I will!"

After nodding hesitantly to Lucifer, Liv Moore walked out of the office door.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Lucifer joked: "How dare you help her, and you are not afraid that the old man will trouble you?"

"Why should I be afraid?"

Ke Wen shrugged and said: "Since your old man didn't stop her from coming to my place, it means that this is her fate. Although I helped her, it was a normal transaction."

Lucifer looked at Ke Wen, and then said: "In the future, you should stay away from things related to that old man. I don't want you to offend him one day and let him do something to you."

"Without you, this world would probably lose too much fun."

Lucifer waved his hand and threw the wine glass into the void, glanced at Ke Wen again, and disappeared as soon as he turned around...

This chapter has been completed!
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