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Chapter 115 Raid

Deadshot seemed very positive after receiving the guarantee, and showed a posture of being ready to take action.

He didn't care about any tactical positioning at all, but walked directly into the building in front with a gun in hand, as if he was going to be a lone hero.

Colonel Flagg was very helpless. He could only call on everyone to follow him immediately.

Everyone entered the building and found that the interior seemed very quiet. Under the pale fluorescent lights, it gave people the feeling of being in a ghost.

Everyone checked the surveillance screen at the front desk and found no such black monster yet.

This made Colonel Flagg breathe a sigh of relief. He felt very lucky. Now he only needed to go upstairs to the secret command room to pick up the people. This mission was completely over.

Therefore, he made several tactical gestures to signal the soldiers to continue advancing upstairs.

However, as soon as the team stepped onto the first floor, the crisp sound of the elevator doorbell suddenly appeared not far away.

Everyone froze and turned around to see that it was Harley Quinn who had gotten into the observation elevator at some point and was smiling and waving to everyone through the glass.

"Damn it!"

Colonel Flagg swore in shock. Harley Quinn's actions were simply telling the enemy that we were coming.

With anger in his heart, Colonel Flag couldn't help but turned to Coven and complained: "Aren't you been hooking up with her?! Why don't you take a fancy to that crazy woman?!"

"She belongs to the clown now." Ke Wen shrugged and spread his hands, saying indifferently: "What reason do I have to restrict her freedom?"

"Damn it!" Colonel Flagg cursed again, and was forced to give an order to everyone: "Everyone! Move!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was the first to speed up and rush up the stairs.

Deadshot was also speechless at this time.

He raised his hand and pointed helplessly at Harley Quinn in the elevator, and then took steps to follow the team.

Ke Wen stayed at the end without moving.

He looked up at Harley Quinn who was blowing a kiss to him in the elevator and chuckled "haha". When the elevator rose and he could no longer see the people inside, he walked towards the team in a leisurely manner.

A minute later, the two waves of people met at the top.

Harley Quinn stepped over the two monster corpses in the elevator and walked out of the elevator lightly. It was obvious that she had been attacked, which also meant that the building was not safe inside.

And others suffered.

Everyone ran almost all the way up ten floors, and everyone was panting violently at this time.

Everyone was out of breath, and there was no extra air in their lungs to reprimand Harley Quinn, so everyone could only stare at Harley Quinn angrily and give her a killing look.

Harley Quinn acted as if nothing was wrong. After walking a few steps with her hips twisted, she turned back and greeted everyone in surprise: "What are you doing? Let's go?"

"Hehehe..." Kewen chuckled again, which also attracted a lot of unhappy eyes.

Harley Quinn felt very baffled.

She waved her hands in disgust, then ignored everyone and continued walking towards an office in front of her.

The others had no choice but to quickly calm down their breathing and followed in with guns in hand.

The office is very large and has many partitions, which also creates a lot of obstruction to everyone's view.

Everyone must be alert, and their guns must be used to guard not only the surroundings, but also the desk partitions, in case enemies may jump out of them.

This made everyone move very slowly.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Colonel Flagg's headset.

Amanda Waller's very solemn voice sounded: "Fleg! They are around you! You are surrounded!"


Colonel Flagg immediately raised his arms and clenched his fists, and told the people around him: "Get ready to fire! The enemy is nearby!"

Everyone hurriedly found cover and set up their rifles.

Deadshot frowned, thinking that Flagg was making a fuss.

He was about to get close to the mission target, and he was about to complete the mission, but Colonel Flagg once again made such a scene where everyone was surrounded by soldiers.

This made Deadshot impatient.

So he said in a deep voice: "Is it necessary? Flagg? I'm not in the mood to play drills with you. How about we find the target and leave as soon as possible?"

"You'd better be ready to fight!" Flagg said without looking back, then quickly pointed to his ear hole and said, "Offsite support told me that the enemy is nearby!"

Deadshot was stunned for a moment. He tilted his head and looked at Colonel Flagg's ear holes, and then he discovered the headset inside.

Realizing that he had made an own mistake, Deadshot shook his head and said nothing. Instead, he took out a leather mask from his waist and quickly put it on.

He hung up the auxiliary sight again, and Deadshot also picked up his rifle and began to be on alert.

His actions caused Harley Quinn to laugh.

The crazy girl carried a baseball bat and mocked: "Coward."


Deadshot turned his head, glanced at Harley Quinn and whispered: "Be careful if I kick you, I don't care if you are a woman!"

Harley Quinn didn't take it seriously. She smiled and leaned to the side, leaning directly on Ke Wen, and said provocatively: "If you kick me, I will let Quinn kick you back in revenge~"

Deadshot shook his head incomprehensibly, and then he stopped talking.

At this moment, a heavy sniffing sound sounded.

Killer Croc snorted and raised his head to remind: "Enemies! Above!"

Everyone raised their guns and looked at the ceiling at the same time.

However, before everyone could take aim, many ceilings suddenly shattered and fell, and more than twenty black shadows fell from the sky, some even landing in the middle of the tactical formation.

Everyone was suddenly frightened, but they also reflexively opened fire instantly.

But this time the monsters are different. Unlike the monsters on the streets before, which were mostly unarmed, this time the monsters actually have weapons.

Some were armed with guns, and some were holding daggers in their hands. These monsters attacked everyone as soon as they landed.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! There was a soldier who was very unlucky. He was shot directly in the head by a monster.

This shocked everyone, and many people subconsciously crouched down and hid behind the compartment to avoid the bullets.

Ke Wen did not hide, which made him the target of the monster, which fired a series of bullets in front of Ke Wen.

Ding ding ding——

Ke Wen raised his right hand to block it in front of him, and moved his index finger repeatedly to deflect all the bullets.

At the same time, he also bounced three bullets back, hitting the heads of the three monsters that fired at him.

When the last two bullets came, Ke Wen opened his palm again and instantly caught the two bullets between his fingers.

He raised his hand back, and the two bullets were quickly ejected, hitting the two monsters that were attacking him and Harley Quinn from behind.

Ke Wen moved too quickly, and the office was very dark, so his movements were not noticed.

Harley Quinn only discovered the situation behind her when the sound of the monster falling to the ground was heard.

At this time, the monster's firepower point had been completely removed by Ke Wen.

Colonel Flagg and others noticed that the gunfire had stopped, and they mistakenly thought that the monsters had emptied their magazines.

So everyone immediately seized the opportunity and started to counterattack.

Deadshot quickly stood up and raised his gun. He slowly moved forward and opened fire.

Killer Crocodile roared and rushed out, directly knocking down a monster in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

The island woman, Captain Boomerang, and Harley Quinn also took action to clean up the monsters around them.

But there were more monsters than that. When the number of monsters in the room was less than five, more than twenty monsters broke through the ceiling and jumped down.

Two monsters landed directly in front of Ke Wen.

In response, Kewen frowned slightly and immediately lowered his presence.

This caused the two monsters who were about to take action to suddenly freeze. They were stunned for a moment, and then they turned around and pounced on the others.

At this moment, Colonel Flagg cursed again.

However, a monster landed next to him and knocked him to the ground, causing him to drop his rifle.

Fortunately, the monster, like the monsters on the street, still had no intention of directly killing Colonel Flagg. It also grabbed Colonel Flagg's leg and began to drag him away.

Captain Boomerang, who was wrestling with a monster, discovered this scene. He couldn't help shouting a reminder: "Hey! The monster has captured Flagg again!!"


Deadshot quickly looked back and then shot the monster in front of him.

He no longer continued to push forward to eliminate the monsters, but while loudly greeting others, he rushed towards Colonel Flagg who was about to be dragged to the door.

The same was true for Captain Boomerang and Harley Quinn. They quickly eliminated the enemies in front of them and also rushed towards Colonel Flagg.

Killer Croc arrived a step too late, and they quickly eliminated the three monsters holding Colonel Flagg, and under the command of Deadshot, they tightly surrounded Colonel Flagg.

"Let me go out to fight! What are you doing?!"

Colonel Flagg kept struggling to break out of the encirclement to support his comrades, but his shoulders were directly held down by Killer Croc, and the huge force made it difficult for him to move.

Others turned their backs to him and were on guard outside. Deadshot fired while saying: "If you die, we will die too! So be obedient and don't cause trouble for us!"

Colonel Flagg was still struggling to speak, but Killer Croc suddenly became smarter.

He let go of Colonel Flagg's right shoulder, reached out his hand, and directly covered Colonel Flagg's mouth.

This made Colonel Flagg moan and groan, unable to speak anymore.

Fierce gunfire was still ringing out.

The third wave of monsters fell from the ceiling.

However, the soldiers have adapted to the rhythm of this kind of battle. As elites of special forces, the soldiers immediately found a suitable battle rhythm.

They formed a crossfire that could cover each other, and began to eliminate the monsters very efficiently and safely.

Coupled with the fact that there was a dead shooter in the distance to help, more than a minute passed, and as the last monster fell to the ground, this sudden battle was finally over...

This chapter has been completed!
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