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Chapter 125 Fight

As Colonel Flagg opened fire, Deadshot instantly raised his gun and hit the Sun God between the eyebrows with a series of bullets.

All the bullets hit the same point, but even so, the huge kinetic energy of the bullets could not stop the Sun God's footsteps.

All the bullets fired by the two people bounced off the Sun God's body, and stray bullets flew everywhere.

At this moment, the Sun God suddenly raised his hands.

He remembered his sister's instructions and did not intend to directly kill the members of Task Force X. Instead, he aimed his attack at the top of everyone's heads.

Following Colonel Flagg's exclamation of 'be careful', two magic whips suddenly shot out from the Sun God's hands.

The long whip was like a snake, and almost in the blink of an eye it passed over everyone's heads, hitting the top of the steps on the other side and creating two large craters that were melted by the high temperature.

The members of Task Force X also subconsciously bent down to avoid the attack.

Looking at it this way, it seemed as if they were really kneeling before the two gods.

As for Kewen?

He had already eliminated his sense of existence again and walked leisurely to the side of the witch.

He glanced at the witch's body with very little fabric, and then directly looked away.

Because the other person's figure is not that great, just an ordinary person's figure.

So he set his sights on the ritual circle again.

Ke Wen analyzed the entire magic circle almost instantly and found that it was just a magic that controlled weather and thunder.

Although the magic circle can gradually cover the whole world after it is truly activated, the preparation time is too slow and it is also very easy to be destroyed.

Whenever someone uses magic to attack the ritual circle, the magic will be interrupted.


At this time, a startled breath caught Ke Wen's attention.

He turned around and saw that it was the Sun God who had launched a real attack. He simply waved his magic whip and whipped everyone away.

But no one was injured.

A defensive barrier has appeared on Harley Quinn and others, while Captain Boomerang cleverly hid far away, becoming a fish that slipped through the magic whip.

At this time, as everyone fell to the ground, the Sun God's attack suddenly stopped.

He looked at the people who were all unharmed, and then looked down at his hands in confusion. He couldn't figure out why he couldn't kill anyone.

However, Task Force X did not remain in a daze.

After they found themselves intact, they immediately got back up and continued the attack.

Colonel Flagg and Deadshot kept moving and shooting. Harley Quinn was even more bold. She actually rushed up with a baseball bat, stood next to the Sun God's legs and kept waving the baseball bat, banging on his legs.

It kept banging.

The revenge demon had a helpless face. He raised his hands and aimed at the Sun God, but he could not take action because of Harley Quinn.

Although he knew that Harley Quinn was protected, the revenge demon was still worried about hurting her.

As for Captain Boomerang, he was completely stunned.

He hid behind a load-bearing pillar and stared dumbly at the attacking people.

He was as confused as the Sun God, wondering why no one was injured at all.


The Sun God finally came to his senses. He raised his foot and kicked Harley Quinn's body away.

Then he stretched out his hands forward again, and two magic whips sprang out from his palms.

This time, he wrapped more divine power around the long whip, causing the air around the magic whip to be burned and distorted.

The magic whip is very fast.

Even though Deadshot had already made an evasive action in advance, half of his face was still hit by the magic whip.

With a "Peng" sound, the dead shooter suddenly threw his head back and flew out, and hit the steps of the stairs, even breaking a large piece of the steps.

However, he remained uninjured.

Hesitantly getting up again, Deadshot looked back at the shattered stairs, and then raised his hand to touch his pain-free back.

Finally, he raised his hand and touched the face hit by the magic whip.

After making sure that he was not injured at all, he couldn't help but grinned.

He threw away the rifle, looked around, then ran not far away and kicked it.

A black spike 'kacha' created by the magic whip broke with a sound.

Deadshot leaned over and picked up the spike. After weighing it, he quickly rushed towards the Sun God.

At this time, the Sun God had already waved his whip again and sent the others flying away, and Death Shooter rushed up while the others were flying backwards.

He jumped up, roared, and pierced the Sun God's neck with the sharp thorns in his hands.

But his movements were too slow in the eyes of the Sun God.

The Sun God just casually waved his hand and knocked the Death Shooter away with a bang.

However, before the Sun God could pursue him, others rushed up again.

What was originally a high-end battle scene suddenly turned into a low-level brawl.

Everyone roared and rushed towards the Sun God in turn, and was knocked away by the Sun God casually or with his feet, but everyone persevered and attacked frantically as if they wanted to bite off a piece of meat from the Sun God.

Captain Boomerang, who was hiding behind the load-bearing pillar, was completely stunned.

He observed the armor-like magic barrier on everyone's body, and then raised his hand to touch his own body.

He didn't understand how everyone got that energy armor.

Until Harley Quinn was knocked back to him amidst laughter, Captain Boomerang immediately reached out and grabbed Harley Quinn who stood up again and asked: "Crazy girl! Where is this thing on your body?"


Harley Quinn's interest was interrupted, which made her a little unhappy.

After looking back at Captain Boomerang, she suddenly showed a wicked smile on her face.

Tilting her head, Harley Quinn touched the magic armor on her body and said with a smile: "He appeared after being hit by the big guy. He is not as strong as you thought. If you don't believe me, try it?"

"Really?" Captain Boomerang didn't believe it.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you."

Harley Quinn responded, shook off Captain Boomerang's pull, and rushed towards the Sun God while yelling again.


Another figure was knocked away and came near Captain Boomerang.

This time it was Colonel Flagg.

Like Harley Quinn, Colonel Flagg stood up immediately after touching the ground, gritting his teeth and preparing to charge again.

But he was also held back by Captain Boomerang.

"On your body..."

"You hide here!"

Colonel Flagg had no time to pay attention to the other party. He said something loudly and then directly shook off Captain Boomerang's pull, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the Sun God.

This made Captain Boomerang even more confused.

He looked again at his companions who were constantly being knocked away. After a moment, Captain Boomerang gritted his teeth and rushed forward as well.



A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. Why did Captain Boomerang rush forward? How did he fly back?

His back hit the load-bearing pillar. After landing, Captain Boomerang once again covered his chest and spat out blood.

He was stunned. He felt deeply deceived and felt the malice of the world.

However, before he could figure out what was going on, Colonel Flag suddenly complained: "Didn't I tell you to hide?!"

Colonel Flagg circled back to harass the Sun God and shouted in the direction of Captain Boomerang: "If you don't want to die, just stay there and don't move!"

After shouting, Colonel Flag suddenly jumped up and jumped directly onto the back of the Sun God.

While restraining the Sun God's neck with all his strength, Colonel Flagg also shouted loudly: "GQ! I need a bomb!"

"We have an attack here!"

The bearded captain immediately responded through the headset: "Two brothers died in the sneak attack! I am fighting the enemy with Killer Croc!"

"Then be careful!" Flagg said while being thrown away by the Sun God: "First of all, ensure your own safety!"


His back hit the ground, and his body slid along with the inertia for some distance.

After his body came to a stop, Colonel Flagg continued as he stood up: "You are the only one over there who knows how to operate the bomb! So be sure to pay attention to safety! Let Killer Crocodile handle those black monsters! He will die.


"Understood, boss!" the bearded captain responded and ended the communication.

Colonel Flagg took a deep breath. This time he did not rush towards the Sun God, but looked towards the enchantress who was presiding over the ritual circle and watching the show.

Gritting his teeth, he suddenly rushed towards the two rifles that were thrown to the ground.

Picking up the rifle, he rushed towards the dead shooter who flew backwards.

Pulling the opponent up, Colonel Flagg pressed a rifle into Deadshot's arms, and whispered to the confused opponent: "I'll deal with the black monsters guarding the witch! You... fire directly at the witch!"

Remember! Aim for her heart!

That's her weakness!



Deadshot hesitated because the witch was occupying the body of Colonel Flagg's girlfriend.

“Do it!


Seeing Deadshot's hesitation, Colonel Flagg gritted his teeth and roared: "There's no time to waste! Once she completes that magic, the world will have to endure a disaster!


Hearing this, Deadshot immediately hardened his eyes.

He nodded to Colonel Flagg and quickly pulled out a full spare magazine from his waist to replace it.

Seeing this, Colonel Flagg suppressed his grief and squeezed Deadshot's shoulder, then immediately turned back and shouted to Harley Quinn and the revenge demon: "Hold him!"

"Are you joking?"

Harley Quinn kept knocking excitedly and responded with a grin: "How do you want me to hold this big man down?"

"Back off!"

The revenge demon who was holding one of the legs of the Sun God suddenly shouted to Harley Quinn: "Let me deal with him myself!


"Ah? Oh, come on then."

Harley Quinn jumped back and made a polite gesture with a smile as she stepped back.

Seeing this, the revenge demon immediately let go of the Sun God and stepped back quickly.

Then he roared, raised his hand and erupted two pillars of fire from his palm, and instantly hit the Sun God's back...

This chapter has been completed!
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