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Chapter 159 Siege

The battle started suddenly and seemed a bit inexplicable.

But Kewen understood what was going on as soon as he thought about it.

The most likely possibility is that he touched Darkseid's sore spot.

According to the information that Coven knows, Darkseid is very afraid of his father, Yuga Khan.

But Kewen didn't expect that the other party would be so frightened that even the slightest mention of it would cause Darkseid to have an overreaction.

Obviously, peaceful negotiations are completely impossible.

Then, Kewen could only choose to defeat the opponent first.

Boom! Boom——

The deep pit under Darkseid has expanded to a diameter of one hundred meters.

The previous temple-like building had been affected and began to collapse. Disad and Kindness Grandma had already walked out of the building to watch the battle, and the sky was filled with demonoids.

No one dares to interfere in Darkseid's battle. Intervening in the battle before Darkseid gives orders is tantamount to disobedience and insult to Darkseid.


Even bigger cracks spread away from the ground.

The temple completely collapsed into ruins.

In the deep pit, Darkseid remained silent after being struck.

He gritted his teeth hard and his expression was so angry and ferocious.

He thought about various ways to get rid of Kewen's attack, but none of them worked.

Because the frequency of Corwin's attacks was too fast, Darkseid had no time to make any moves.


Another earthquake roared.

Corwin continued to land his fist on Darkseid's back.

At this time, the power rules wrapped around his arm had reached 27%.

Seeing that Darkseid's physical defense ability was still strong, Ke Wen couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly, and instantly increased the level of the power rules to 30%.

For a moment, he worried about whether he would beat the opponent to death directly, but Coven immediately put aside this blind worry. After all, Darkseid had not even screamed in pain.

So Kewen cleared his mind and continued to punch.

When Darkseid wanted to straighten his back, Coven quickly knocked down his fist that glowed with lavender light.

Rumble, rumble——

An unprecedented earthquake occurred.

In a roar mixed with a scream of pain, the ground area with a diameter of more than a kilometer suddenly collapsed.

The rubble flew away, knocking down many demonoids in the sky.

The edges of the giant crater surged and spread like huge waves, destroying various buildings and raised terrain along the way.

In the center of the pit, Coven did not punch continuously this time, but looked at Darkseid who finally screamed in pain.

Seeing that the other party didn't even spit out a mouthful of blood, Ke Wen raised his arm again.

At this moment, Darkseid, who got some breathing space, suddenly roared and turned over.

But will Kewen let the other party succeed easily? Of course not!

With a cold snort, Kewen added the rules of strength to his body, making his weight become like a planet.

Easily suppressing Darkseid again, Coven increased the strength rule on his arm by 1% again.


Facing the omega rays that kept hitting his body, Coven punched Darkseid on the back again.

There was another cry of pain.

Ke Wen continued to punch regardless.




Until the power rule on his fist reached 39%, Darkseid's scream of pain suddenly turned into a scream.

Looking through the flying smoke, Coven finally found some blood under Darkseid's face.

Secretly surprised by Darkseid's defense strength, Coven then maintained the strength rule on his arm at 39% and continued to punch downwards.



As the blood spattered, Darkseid screamed again. The scream shook the smoke and spread rapidly in the pit like a shock wave.


"Tell me! Where is the 'Wall of Origin'!"

Corwin passed a dull voice into Daxel's ears, and at the same time he continued to punch.

All he got was another scream, and Ke Wen continued to punch him.

Amid the thundering roar of the earthquake, Kewen ordered again: "Answer me!"


"speak out!"



"so I!"


"Kill you to death!"

Boom boom boom boom——

One word was followed by a punch, and in front of Darkseid's mouth, which was screaming in agony, the blood had already turned the compacted ground a little muddy.

After another punch landed, Coven looked at the cracked skin on Darkseid's back, and then he changed the direction of the blow.

Without saying a word, he punched again, and amid the roar, he once again spread his words into Darkseid's ears.

"This punch is the final torture! With the next punch, I will no longer care about your life or death!"

Giving Darkseid a short period of time to recover, Coven suddenly increased the strength rules on his arms to 45%.

Pretending to punch, he said coldly: "Tell me now, where is the Wall of Origin!"

"I swear cough cough cough..."

Darkseid's extremely hateful voice sounded: "I want to find everyone around you...all the same kind in every world!"

Under Corwen's disappointed and ruthless look, Darkseid said ferociously: "Earth! I will destroy the Earth of all worlds!"

"Is it……"

Ke Wen took a deep breath, then punched again without any emotion in his eyes, and said softly: "Then go to hell."

Boom! Boom, boom, boom——

The roar of the earthquake completely overwhelmed Darkseid's screams.

A huge wave of earth suddenly rose up from the deep pit that spanned an unknown number of kilometers.

Corwin, who was stepping on Darkseid, raised his fist again, but his body suddenly shook.

The attack failed to continue because he finally pushed the planet's crust into tectonic plates.

A world-destroying earthquake occurred, the ground cracked and turned, and groundwater burst out from the ground like a fountain.

Darkseid, who has the luck of the world, was helped by God. A crack in the earth suddenly appeared beside him, and the shock wave caused by the compression of the earth's crust erupted from the crack, and happened to hit Darkseid's body.

Darkseid also seized the opportunity, and with the help of the collision of air waves, he finally managed to stand up and suddenly threw Coven off his back.

By the time Kewen hovered off the ground and stabilized his body, Darkseid had already jumped into the flying waves of earth as if he was running away.

But this cannot escape Ke Wen's perception, nor can it escape Ke Wen's sight.

Ke Wen looked at Darkseid who was fleeing in the smoke waterfall, and then he moved and flew directly to catch up.

After taking off, Kewen passed through the smoke and dust dozens of meters above the horizon. He saw demonoids covering the sky and many spaceships parked in the sky.

At this moment, Darkseid, who crashed into the demon-like ocean, suddenly roared: "Kill him——"

All demonoids were stunned at the same time, and Desaad and Kind Grandma were equally shocked by Darkseid's embarrassed request for help.

Although it was the first time they received such an unbelievable order, all Darkseid's men immediately came to their senses.

Hissing shouts seemed to fill the entire world, and countless demon-like armies opened fire on Kewen almost at the same time.

The dark red energy bombs formed a cone shape, and the tip of the cone came rapidly toward Kewen.

Ke Wen frowned slightly and quickly moved his body several tens of meters.

This caused all the energy bombs to miss, suppressed the smoke and dust below, and hit the ground one after another to create a sinkhole.

"Idiot——" Desaad, standing on an aircraft in the demonic ocean, roared and commanded: "Covering shot——"

All demonoids immediately obeyed the order and changed their shooting angles.

This time, countless energy bombs formed a cylindrical shape and covered a space of hundreds of meters centered on Kewen.

Just when Ke Wen was about to evade again, Desaad's command voice sounded again: "All spaceships! Fire! The main ship launches a space distortion stance! Lock him within a range!"

Buzz - boom boom boom -

The battleship group high in the sky responded instantly.

An even larger energy cluster fell towards Kewen like a meteor. At the same time, many spacecraft also launched stationary energy in the direction around Kewen, forming an energy barrier with a honeycomb structure.

In an instant, Kewen was surrounded by a full circle of energy barriers in a radius of several hundred meters, and the attacks from demons and spaceships were all concentrated within the area within the stance, covering no blind spots.

to attack.

Kewen stopped evading.

He hovered in mid-air, letting the overwhelming energy bombs engulf him.

A blue circular shield surrounded him, and the shield blocked all attacks without any ripples.

At the same time, Desaad's command continued, and he transmitted orders to all spacecraft in the form of quantum signals.

The next moment, each spacecraft fired and launched other types of attacks at the same time.

Various stance energies are launched towards Kewen.

Distorting space, distorting quantum, distorting the four basic forces, and even distorting the position of divine power, many attacks fell on the protective shield around Kewen.

The protective shield withstands too many types of attacks, physical types, elemental types, mysterious types, and psychic types. In addition to conceptual attacks, almost all types of attacks exploded on the protective shield.

Kewen's eyes were completely filled with colors, and even his perception was affected.

But this didn't bother Ke Wen. He just changed the way of perception to the rules of the soul and easily regained control of all the information.

Then he had a thought.

The next moment, the temperature outside the energy cover suddenly rose to another level.

Kewen used the rules of reality to rewrite the temperature outside the protective cover, and he created the temperature on the surface of the sun.

In just an instant, countless demonoids were turned into ashes.

"Neutralizing temperature——"

The protective cover device he carried opened automatically, and Disad, who was inside, screamed in fear with his dry throat: "Open the channel!"

Several spacecraft that were not affected by temperature immediately launched unknown energy, which quickly neutralized the temperature created by Kewen to the normal range.

At the same time, a series of 'sonic boom channels' fell from the sky and opened. Countless demons poured out of the channels and fired directly at Kewen...

This chapter has been completed!
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