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Chapter 199 Passage

Constantine's actions were very hurtful.

No, the little girl named Rachel was stunned. She looked at Constantine in disbelief. At the same time, the whites of her eyes gradually disappeared and were replaced by deep black color.


Ke Wen suddenly made a sound.

This caused the darkness that was about to spread out of the little girl's eyes to instantly retreat and disappear.

At the same time, this also made Rachel suddenly look at him in shock.


Rachel raised her hand and pointed at Covin, her eyes wild as she wanted to say something.

However, before she could speak, Constantine suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He clutched his chest and confirmed to Ke Wen: "The suppression is back?"

Ke Wen nodded slightly.

"That's good……"

Constantine breathed a sigh of relief again, and then apologized to the little girl who stared at him because she was dissatisfied with being interrupted and said, "Sorry Rachel, you heard it just now."

Pointing to the little girl's eyes: "I don't know who is hiding in your body, but all the high-level demons want my life."

"That's why I reacted so radically when I heard that the thing inside you was still conscious."

Constantine made an apology gesture: "I apologize to you Rachel."

Hearing this, the little girl looked at Constantine quietly, and then nodded slightly to clear up the matter.

Then she looked at Kewen again.

She was about to speak but stopped, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Sir, how did you do it? Every time she comes out, she destroys something or hurts something, but just now she shrank in fear

go back."


Ke Wen did not answer, but asked curiously: "Your relationship seems to be very good?"

"I...I don't know."

Rachel shook her head: "Although she has been tempting me to do bad things, she has never hurt me, or in other words, she has always protected me in her own way."


Constantine was also stunned. He couldn't help but interjected with a wry smile: "Did I do something unnecessary?"

"John." Coven asked, "How did you discover Rachel?"

"Do you remember that psychic map?"

Constantine sighed as if he had gone through many vicissitudes of life and said: "In the past ten years, I have been following the reminders of that map and traveling around the world."

"And she..." Looking at Rachel, Constantine said with complicated eyes: "Rachel is the last blood stain on the map, which means something bad is going to happen to her."

"And when I felt the breath in Rachel's body at close range, I had a guess."

Having said this, Constantine couldn't help but take out his windproof lighter, which was almost becoming an antique, from his pocket.

Gently playing with the lighter, memories of ten years ago emerged in his mind.

Constantine, who sounded sentimental and stared at the lighter, smiled and said, "Kevin, Angela, do you still remember how we met?"

"Of course, I will never forget it for the rest of my life!"

Angela's expression also softened. She brushed the hair beside her ears and said softly to Constantine: "The son of Satan wanted to come to the world through me. It was you and Kewen who stopped it and saved the world."

My life."

"Yeah, just like yesterday."

Constantine raised his gaze and smiled, and then said seriously: "So, I guess it will be the same this time. I guess some bastard below wants to come to the world through Rachel as a medium!"

After he finished speaking, he pouted and spread his hands: "But I seem to have made a mistake, because that power was too kind to Rachel."

"Can I continue talking?"

The mentioned Rachel asked politely, and then she reminded Coven: "Sir, you haven't answered my question yet."

"It's very simple." Ke Wen smiled gently: "As long as it is stronger than the guy inside you."

Rachel's expression instantly changed from surprise to surprise.

She couldn't help but stood up and asked loudly and expectantly: "Sir! Can I...I mean! Can I stay by your side all the time?!"

"It doesn't have to be like this."

Ke Wen made a hand-pressing motion to signal Rachel to relax and at the same time signal her to sit down.

However, Rachel could not control her emotions as quickly as an adult. She was still staring at Covin with excitement and anticipation.

Seeing this, Ke Wen had no choice but to say: "I know you want to get rid of the past life that was different from ordinary people, so don't worry, let us solve your problems."

"Please help me, sir!" Rachel hurriedly asked for help: "Please! I just want to live a normal life!"

"Okay." Kewen nodded: "Since you are so anxious, let's start dealing with it now, but before we start, we need to meet and talk with the person in your body first."

"Do you need me to call her out?"

Rachel was immediately eager to give it a try and reminded seriously: "But please be careful, sir, she will cause some damage every time she comes out!"

"No, just let me come, kid, relax."

Kewen raised his right hand while speaking.

His fingers formed into claws and he grabbed Rachel's chest from afar.


A soul body wrapped in black mist suddenly emerged from Rachel's body with its body arched upside down.

However, before the soul body could completely detach, Kewen hurriedly stopped in surprise.

In an instant, the soul body retracted into Rachel's body.


Rachel screamed, covering her chest in agony and gasping for breath as if suffocated.

Just after taking two breaths, her body suddenly stiffened.

The pupils were instantly covered with pure black, and the black color continued to flow out of the eye sockets, infecting all the blood vessels on the cheeks into black branches.

A high-accented scream sounded, and at this time, Rachel's body was already controlled by another will.

She yelled at Kewen: "We are one!! I will not hurt myself!! Don't let you meddle in other people's business!!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Oh?"

Ke Wen tilted his head slightly and looked at Rachel at this time.

A faint golden light flashed in his eyes.

Then he stood up with a faint smile, walked around the coffee table and came to Rachel.

Rachel immediately made a move to release her ability, but after raising her hands, she seemed to be imprisoned by something for an instant.

He shook his body and tried to free himself from something, but he couldn't move at all.

The black mist that poured out from her shoulders and back also quickly retracted into her body.

"what did you do to me?!"

She could only scream at Ke Wen with a ghostly scream: "Let me go!!"


Ke Wen gave an order, and Rachel's mouth suddenly disappeared and turned into a piece of skin without any gaps.

Next, in the nasal sound that Rachel could only make, "Uh-huh", Ke Wen slowly raised his hand and pressed it on the other person's chest.

His palm sank directly into Rachel's body.

After touching her heart, Coven withdrew his hand and pulled out a ball of black mist from Rachel's body.

As the black mist was drawn out, Rachel's cheeks and eyes quickly returned to normal, and her consciousness finally returned.

Coven waved his hand to make Rachel's mouth reappear, and then he raised his hand and threw the black mist into the air.

The black mist surged rapidly and soon turned into a human form, and another Rachel appeared.

The soul body of Rachel No. 2 was covered in darkness, and a black mist with an evil aura penetrated in and out of her spirit body.

After fully revealing herself, Black Mist Rachel raised her hands and looked at herself in shock, and then looked at Ke Wen with widened eyes that looked like black holes.

"How did you do it?!" Her voice sounded like a ghost: "You actually separated us as one body?!"

Without waiting for Kewen to answer, Constantine couldn't help but whisper and asked: "What is she?!"

“Very high-end stuff.”

Ke Wen looked at the black Rachel and replied: "It is similar to the activation body of the rules, so John, you guessed in the wrong direction. Although the taste of evil is the same, there is no mark of hell on her body."

"Then what exactly is she..."

"You are the other me?!"

Before Constantine finished speaking, human Rachel suddenly asked Black Rachel in shock.

"Why do you look the same as me?"

She asked: "Are you really me? Are you my double personality or my double soul?"

Rachel sent out a series of questions.

This made Coven and Constantine silent, and they also wanted to hear the answer.

The black Rachel looked at the main body quietly.

Then she said with a bit of hatred: "Of course I am you! In other words, I am your real power! It is the combination of your soul consciousness and strength that created me!"

"And you!!"

Black Rachel suddenly turned to Ke Wen, and she growled hatefully: "You have made the biggest mistake!!"

"How do you say that?" Ke Wen asked curiously.

"That's too late!!"

Black Rachel said reluctantly: "You should never separate me! Because this power can still be controlled by others!"


As soon as he finished speaking, violent fluctuations suddenly appeared in the air.

White mist-like light suddenly appeared from behind the black Rachel, and rotated into the shape of a passage.

A huge suction force was generated from the passage, dragging the black Rachel to fly into it.

Black Rachel seemed to have accepted her fate. She didn't make a fuss, but looked at Rachel's body reluctantly.

Just when Black Rachel was about to be swallowed up by the passage, Coven suddenly took action.

Blue light shone in his pupils, and at the same time, the light blue space domain enveloped the entire hall.

The rotation of the transmission channel was stagnated by Ke Wen.

He raised the corners of his mouth contemptuously and raised his hand to grab the black Rachel from the air.

The next moment, the space around black Rachel shifted instantly, and she suddenly appeared next to Ke Wen.

"who is it--"

Angry roars came from the transmission channel, causing the floor and all furnishings in the hall to buzz and tremble.

Kewen waved his hand to eliminate all effects, and then asked curiously into the passage: "Who are you?"

There was no answer from the other side, but a commanding voice came out: "Give me my daughter's power! You will receive my reward!"


Before Ke Wen could continue to speak, Constantine suddenly trembled and exclaimed.

His face turned pale and he tried his best to widen his trembling pupils: "I... have a very bad guess..."

"Who is he?" Ke Wen asked nonchalantly.

"Three! Palace! Demon!!" Constantine said a name through his teeth.

This made Ke Wen stunned, and he quickly looked at Rachel who seemed to have lost consciousness!

Without enough time to confirm anything, Ke Wen immediately waved his hand to completely isolate the breath coming from the transmission channel.

The next moment, two gasping sounds sounded at the same time, and Rachel and Angela were finally able to continue breathing.

Ke Wen applied another holy light to the two girls, one big and one small. After they fully recovered, he confirmed to Constantine: "You said there is a Three Palace Demon on the other side of the teleportation channel?! You didn't follow me.


Constantine's lips were still trembling. He nodded and stuttered in response: "If, if, the prophecy in my memory is correct!"

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to concentrate and finished speaking in one breath: "The Lord of Demons, 'Three Palaces'! He left heirs in all worlds! And through his heirs, he destroyed worlds one after another!!"

Turning to look at Rachel, Constantine continued with difficulty: "The current situation is consistent with that prophecy!! Rachel should be the medium through which the 'Three Palaces Demon' comes to the world!!"

“That’s really great!!”

Ke Wen's excited words suddenly stunned everyone.

The 'Three Palace Demon' on the opposite side of the transmission channel also heard Ke Wen's words, so he made a proud voice in a satisfied and condescending tone: "Very good! Enshrine that power to me! When I come, I will give you

Your generous reward!"

"Kevin!!!" Constantine yelled.

"Kevin?" Angela's tone was full of confusion.

Kewen knew that they had misunderstood, so he smiled and waved his hand, and smiled into the transmission channel: "But that's not possible, that power belongs to Rachel, and I can't just give it to you casually."

"Ant!!" The Third Palace Demon shouted in a low voice: "Do you know what you are talking about?!"

"Do not misunderstand."

Ke Wen continued to smile and said: "I will not prevent you from coming, or in other words, I am very much looking forward to your arrival, so I want to ask, are there any other ways to make you come?"

The Three Palace Demon seemed to be frightened by Ke Wen's attitude.

After a moment of silence, he answered inexplicably: "Let my daughter recite my name and make a sincere welcome invitation! At that time, I will descend from anything with dimensional concepts!"

"Very good!" Ke Wen laughed happily: "Then, Your Majesty the Demon of the Three Palaces, please give me some time to prepare. I will prepare everything as soon as possible to welcome you."

"Huh huh huh..." The Three Palace Demon smiled with satisfaction: "Very good! You will get a reward that is simply unimaginable!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a force suddenly acted on the transmission channel.

Ke Wen was shocked, and he quickly put away the space rules.

Looking at the transmission channel that was re-rotating and shrinking rapidly, Ke Wen couldn't help but pat his chest.

"Fortunately..." He breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I didn't scare the person on the other side."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and faced several jaw-dropping statues...

This chapter has been completed!
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