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Chapter 212 Analysis

Farah did not hear the content of the phone call just now. She still believed that the global tsunami was an extraordinary event and somehow escaped Kamal Taj's monitoring.

So after returning to the restaurant, she immediately asked: "Boss, how did the tsunami escape our monitoring?"

"The power of technology."

Corwin replied: "Remember the Atlanteans to whom Arthur Curry belonged?"

"People from the bottom of the sea?" Farah obviously still remembered it very clearly. She frowned and said, "Did the people from the bottom of the sea cause this global tsunami? Why? A war? What's the reason?"

Four questions in one sentence, Farah really couldn't figure out what the Atlanteans were thinking.

Just as Kewen was about to answer, Farah's cell phone rang again.

Bruce Wayne sent a text message to inform Farah that others had arrived, which also meant urging Farah.

Ke Wen also saw the text message and said, "Let's go and have a look together."

"Boss, are you planning to attend the rally?" Farah was slightly surprised.

"Yes." Kewen nodded: "I promised Kent, Dr. Fate, that I would pay attention to this incident."

Farah nodded clearly and raised his hand to draw a circle to open the portal.

She opened the portal next to Bruce Wayne, and after passing through the portal with Covin, the two came to a high-ceiling high-tech hall.

There was a huge round table in the center of the hall. At this time, Clark and others were already sitting on their chairs.


After seeing Covin, Diana stood up happily and came over to hug and kiss him deeply, leaving everyone else stunned.

When the two separated, Bruce Wayne smiled and said hello: "Kevin, thank you for coming, and so does Farah."

Farah waved his hand casually and nodded to the others.

Ke Wen hugged Diana and walked to the round table. After they sat down respectively, he said to everyone: "A friend saw a bad future, so please ask me to pay attention to this incident."

"We already know roughly what happened this time."

After Bruce Wayne took his seat, he said: "Clark used his power to see the real culprit behind the scenes, who was a man from the bottom of the sea."

As he spoke, he operated a few times on the touch screen keyboard on the table, causing a projection screen to rise in the center of the round table.

The pictures show the coasts of various regions. All coastlines are in a mess, filled with marine debris, and there are also damaged ships stranded in many pictures.

Then, Bruce Wayne called up another piece of data, and he sighed: "This is the real-time data compiled by Victor. So far, the number of casualties has exceeded one million, and the global property losses have already exceeded


"Where's Arthur?" Farah looked around and couldn't find Neptune, so she frowned and asked, "Did he participate this time?"

"probably not."

Diana shook her head and responded: "Arthur has enmity with the Atlanteans, there is no reason to help them harm humans."

"Then where did he go?" Farah then asked.

"Can't find it." Cyborg Victor took over the answer: "He rarely uses electronic products. The last record I can find on the Internet is that he was with a few people in a bar in Amnesty Bay, Maine.

Photo taken by famous drinkers, yesterday afternoon."

"I can't find Arthur either." Clark said warmly: "There is no voice from him on land, and the sounds under the ocean are full of too much interference, and so is the sight."


Bruce Wayne knocked on the edge of the table and brought the topic back: "We should discuss this crisis first. It is obvious that although the specific reasons are not known, the Atlanteans have shown sufficient hostility to humans.

, signs of war have emerged, and we have made response plans."


Flash Barry Allen raised his hand: "I have no ability to fight underwater at all. I can barely do it on the sea. But I recently captured a super criminal in Central City. He has a cryo gun that can be fired.

Ultra-low temperatures cause freezing in a very short period of time.”

After looking at everyone, Barry Allen asked somewhat sarcastically: "Can that gun help? Frozen oceans or something like that..."

"And you?"

Without waiting for anyone to respond, Ke Wen looked at Cyborg Victor: "Atlantis' science and technology should be very advanced. They should also use the Internet. Can't you find their signal?"

"No." Victor looked seriously and shook his head: "I can detect where their signal is, but their network is very strange and I can't enter."

"Because everything about Atlantis is based on magic!"

Diana interjected: "We in the Amazon have records about the Atlanteans. They combined magic and technology thousands of years ago. In other words, all their technologies are similar to magic alchemy.


Seeing that the topic had strayed again, Bruce Wayne couldn't help but tiredly interrupted again: "Everyone, we should think about how to stop the war, or how we should respond after the war starts."

"We can only fight." Diana clenched her fists: "The Atlanteans have always been very unfriendly in diplomacy, and they have been at odds with us Amazons for thousands of years."

Looking around at the crowd, she continued to say with a strong fighting spirit: "Once they make a move, it means that they have made up their mind to start a war, so we can only fight back against them!"

"We can only fight on land."

Diana looked at Kewen: "Kewen, send me back to Paradise Island later, and I will persuade my mother to let the Amazons participate! Because the Atlanteans will regard all earthly forces as enemies!"

"Where are the weaknesses?" Bruce Wayne immediately asked: "Diana, you know the Atlanteans better, so do you know what their weaknesses are?"

"It should be water."

Diana shrugged: "Except for a small number of people with royal blood, all other Atlanteans cannot live without water. Water is equivalent to air to them."

"I saw!"

Clark's pupils dilated and he suddenly interjected: "The North Sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean! That is a high-tech battleship emitting colorful light, and five Atlanteans appeared."

Clark reported in real time: "They rose to the surface and were walking towards a black man sitting on a small 'ray-shaped' submarine. They..."

At this point, Clark was suddenly stunned.

"What happened to them?" Farah urged: "Go on."

"They..." Clark hesitated: "They seem to be trading?"

Bruce Wayne immediately reminded: "Clark! Listen carefully to their deal!"

Clark nodded and tilted his head slightly as if listening.

After a while he shook his head: "They didn't mention the specific content of the transaction. They mentioned a scrapped submarine. The black man said that Sea King... killed his father."

"Arthur killed someone?!" Barry Allen exclaimed.

"look at this!"

Victor immediately called up the record on the round table projection: "A few days ago, Arthur rescued a hijacked submarine at sea! He eliminated some terrorists during that rescue operation."

“We’ll talk about this later!”

Bruce Wayne had a faint headache. He asked Clark: "What else did you find in those Atlanteans? I mean weaknesses and the like..."

"Their bones and skin are very dense!"

Clark immediately replied: "Although it is not as good as Arthur's physical fitness, it should be immune to the power of firearms!"

Bruce Wayne nodded to show understanding: "After all, they are a race that lives under deep water pressure, what else?"

"They wear high-tech armor." Clark continued to describe: "The weapons are energy guns, and by the way, their armor is filled with seawater!"

"Okay." Bruce Wayne took a deep breath: "It is certain that their weakness is that they cannot live without water. We can start from this point, Clark."

Bruce Wayne continued to ask: "Their armor masks shouldn't be closed, right?"

"No." Clark shook his head: "It's something similar to an energy mask, blue and translucent."

"very good!"

Bruce Wayne raised his fingers and tapped on the touch screen keyboard. While writing the files on the Atlanteans, he said: "This is a breaking point! Once the war starts, we can try to destroy their masks first."


After saying that, he looked at Victor: "I need you to collect more technology about energy fields! Human technology! Kryptonian technology! Even...the technology in the mother box!!"

Then he looked around at everyone else: "Once the war starts, I hope everyone can try their best to get back a complete set of Atlantean armor! The most important thing is the mask!"

"Energy field neutralization?" Victor guessed what Bruce Wayne was thinking.

"Yes!" Bruce Wayne nodded heavily: "After getting the mask, we can study the details of that energy mask and reversely research a targeted energy neutralization stance!"

"Although that would cause great killing..."

Bruce Wayne lowered his head and looked at his hands. After a pause, he continued to say in a serious tone: "But that will be our trump card!"

"Once there is no room for war! Then create a large-area energy neutralization position!"

His tone became extremely firm, and Bruce Wayne slowly scanned the crowd: "Use a neutral energy stance! Instantly destroy the breathing masks of all Atlanteans!!"

Clark and Barry Allen were surprised. They couldn't say what they wanted to say.

Victor looked gloomy and didn't know what he was thinking about.

Diana, on the other hand, looked indifferent and even nodded approvingly.

Only Coven and Farah looked very calm.

Bruce Wayne discovered this and immediately asked: "Kevin, Farah, what do you think?"

Kewen glanced at Farah and motioned for her to speak.

Farah nodded slightly, looked around at everyone and then looked at Bruce Wayne...

This chapter has been completed!
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