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Chapter 224 After the War

The source of the sound comes from collision.

The giant seahorse and the mosasaurus collided head-on. Of course, the seahorse collapsed at the first touch.

Arthur Curry's figure also bounced away.

However, he seemed to have expected it. After flying dozens of meters, he quickly stabilized his body.

Showing a mocking and provocative look at Orm, Arthur Curry stepped on the sea water hard, and instantly rose into the sky, rushing towards the sea like a cannonball.

Orm didn't even think about whether there was any conspiracy involved.

He had already been overwhelmed by anger, so he immediately pulled the reins in his hands, controlled the mosasaurus under him and immediately chased away.

The two figures quickly approached the sea one after the other.

At the same time, Princess Mela's actions have begun to bear fruit.

Under her persuasion, King Nereus has stopped the war and gathered the remaining troops of the 'Kingdom of Zebel'.

After discovering the actions of Arthur Curry and King Orm, he persuaded the Atlantis family to also stop the war on the grounds that "the tradition of dueling for the throne cannot be interfered with."

As for the Fisherman Kingdom, which had to participate in this war due to coercion, they had already gathered their own troops and no longer worked for King Orm.

As a result, the coalition survivors who had reached a consensus swam to the sea one after another, preparing to watch the next traditional duel that could truly determine their fate!

Kewen and Farah came to the sea first.

Farah waved his hand and placed a layer of barrier above his head to protect against the violent storm on the sea.

Then she looked worriedly at the large shipwreck dozens of meters away.

Looking at Arthur Curry and King Orm who were talking harsh words to each other on the wreckage, she couldn't help but ask: "Boss, do you think Arthur can win?"

Ke Wen turned his head and glanced at Farah, joking: "You have so little confidence in your little brother?"

"I'm afraid he won't be able to think about it."

Farah sighed a little: "There were many hardships along the way, and I finally got the trident. If I lose, I'm afraid Arthur will not be able to bear the blow."

Shaking her head, she continued: "Of course I believe Arthur, but nothing is absolute, and no one can say what accidents may happen."

"Then let the accident not happen."

Ke Wen chuckled and said, "Don't be too rigid. I know you don't want to get involved in this fight out of respect and trust. But as long as no one knows about it, this fight will still remain traditional and fair."


Farah was slightly startled.

She quickly realized something.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she instantly erased all the worries in her heart.

Her lips moved silently, and Farah quietly raised her fingers.

An invisible emotional spell was cast onto King Aum by her.

On the wreckage of the battleship, Orm was instantly completely dominated by the sudden surge of negative emotions in his heart.

He abandoned his calmness, lost the patience to continue communicating with Arthur Curry, and then roared and immediately launched a charge.

The decisive battle begins immediately.

In just a few rounds, Orm was easily defeated by Arthur Curry.

This made the negative emotions in Orm's heart even more serious. All kinds of chaotic negative thoughts were tumbling in his mind. Frustration, fear and other emotions further weakened Orm's strength.

After fighting for a few more rounds, Orm was knocked away by Arthur Curry, who wielded his trident and used clever skills.

He landed on the wreckage and rolled nearly ten meters away.

By the time he stood up from his knees, Arthur Curry had already leapt and slashed the trident towards him.

Orm only had time to raise the silver trident above his head.

next moment!

Dang! Click——

The silver trident instantly shattered and turned into large and small pieces scattered on the ground.

Orm was stunned.

He sat limply on his knees, looking at the remains of the weapon in his hand in disbelief.

At this moment, he was completely despairing...

In the distance, Farah finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She put away the finger that was secretly pointed at Om, turned her head to Ke Wen and winked proudly with her left eye.

Ke Wen laughed softly.

Looking at Queen Atlanna who finally showed up to take charge of the overall situation, he whispered: "It's over. The war between Atlantis and humans has been completely eliminated. Please call the old bats and let them know. Save

I won’t let them cause any trouble again.”

"Yeah." Farah responded and took out his cell phone from the space.

However, the call could not be made.

After a quick look, I realized that my phone had no signal.

But this couldn't stop her, she immediately summoned a small portal, making the cell phone's signal instantly full.

He made the call again, and this time he was answered quickly by Bruce Wayne.

Farah briefly described the process and results here, and then said no more, leaving Bruce Wayne and the others to ask Arthur Curry in person later.

Putting away her phone, Farah asked: "Boss, what are you going to do next? Shall we go back?"

"Don't you have any important work?"

Coven raised his chin towards Arthur Curry, who was enjoying the thundering cheers.

He said: "Let's follow him to Atlantis to celebrate his ascension to the throne and then travel to various underwater kingdoms."


Farah's tone was hesitant, but his face was full of eagerness to try: "Is this good? As the Supreme Mage, I take the initiative to be lazy..."

"Then why don't you go back?" Ke Wen was very amused.

"No need!" Farah waved his hand in a serious manner: "It's time for the magicians of Kama Taj to get some exercise. I can't help them with the truth all the time. Let's exercise their autonomy!"

Kewen raised his eyebrows and raised his hand, pinching the flesh of Farah's neck.

Farah bared her teeth and smiled.

There were many trivial matters after the war, and many problems required Arthur Curry to deal with.

After all, he got the Trident of the Sea King, and according to the ancestral precepts in the traditional code, he has become the orthodox heir to the Lord of the Sea.

The justifiable confidence goes beyond that.

He also mastered the legendary beast Karasen, as well as the numerous fish monsters of the Trench Clan.

This allows him to still have the capital to unify the oceans by force even if he is not recognized by other kingdoms.

In fact, Arthur Curry has really been recognized by all kingdoms.

The Saltwater King was grateful to Arthur Curry for saving his life, so he became Arthur Curry's unconditional support.

The Fisherman Kingdom is also very simple to implement.

Because Arthur Curry defeated and imprisoned Orm, he avenged the murdered king of the Fisherman Kingdom.

The Atlantis clan is slightly troubled, because many people still worship and recognize King Om.

But that's not a problem.

It is never the people who can determine the fate and direction of a country, but those in power.

Who is the current leader of the Atlantean clan?

It is the returned Queen Atlanna and the prime minister of the kingdom, Vico.

The former is Arthur Curry's biological mother and has always supported Arthur Curry.

The latter has been Arthur Curry's mentor since childhood.

Arthur Curry's fighting skills were taught by Vico since he was a child.

Vico also taught some ideas, which were also inherited from Queen Atlanna.

Therefore, Vico stood on Arthur Curry's side from beginning to end. His allegiance was never to King Omna, and his duty was only for the sake of the country and his identity as King Omna.

Therefore, now Vico will naturally fully assist Arthur Curry.

With the help of Queen Atlanna and Prime Minister Vico, the Atlantis family naturally surrendered to Arthur Curry.

In the end, only the Kingdom of Zebel remained.

But it's just as easy to handle.

It’s all because of Princess Mela as a bridge.

The flirting between Mela and Arthur Curry can be easily understood by anyone who is not blind.

Therefore, the surrender of the Zebel Kingdom is very simple.

Let's get married.

It not only makes a couple happy, but also unites the entire sea, so why not?

Therefore, Arthur Curry successfully ascended the throne with the support of many parties.

I have a bad brain and don’t know how to manage it?

It doesn't matter!

Queen Atlanna, King Nereus, Princess Mela, Prime Minister Vico, King Saltwater, and even the little princess of the Fisherman Kingdom!

Everyone will do their best to assist Arthur Curry.

And Arthur Curry only needs to be a symbolic mascot, and all matters will be handled in an orderly manner by others.

In this way, just two days later, Arthur Curry sat on the throne of the Lord of the Ocean with the support of all races and peoples.

Then, he finally got free time to express his gratitude to Coven and Farah.

Arthur Curry and Princess Mela left the kingdom's political affairs behind and personally acted as tour guides for Coven and Farah.

The two led Kewen and Farah to travel through various kingdoms and appreciate the different scenery and humanities in each kingdom.

Wherever they passed, the four people enjoyed a grand welcome and reception.

And Farah also went crazy the whole time.

She fully experienced the blood and physique of Arthur Curry, swimming happily in various underwater wonders and dangerous places.

Anyway, not many people knew her identity as the 'Supreme Mage', so Farah completely let go of her usual reserve and regained her girlish, sunny and free mentality.

She drove a fish boat to experience the novelty of Atlantis technology; she rode various marine creatures and transformed into a knight; she wore armor to participate in military training, and she also wore simple protective gear to participate in the "Underwater Trident Competition" in the arena.


She didn't show off in any kind of experience.

But that didn't matter at all, she was having fun anyway.

However, this unbridled enjoyment did not last long.

Two weeks later, a mage sent a magic communication through the 'Weishan Emperor Barrier'.

"Global Magical Conference?"

Farah, who was about to go on stage to compete with others in the 'Trident Competition', was very confused.

She took off her metal helmet, thought for a while and nodded to the magic communication screen in front of her: "Okay, I understand, I will go back soon."

The mage on the other side of the magic screen responded and ended the communication.

Farah looked at the arena reluctantly, then turned around and swam towards the top of the auditorium...

This chapter has been completed!
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