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Chapter 1327 Weird red light

 Long Wu never dreamed before that one day he would be killed by a monk in the Tongxuan Realm.

"What a fast sword!"

The body that was cut in half only had time to mutter to himself, and the next moment, it fell out of mid-air uncontrollably.

Among the remains of the body, a wisp of injured soul escaped.

Liang Yan was well prepared. At this moment, with a flick of his finger, powerful sword energy surged out, instantly blocking all the escape routes of the Five Soul Dragons.

"You can't escape!"

Liang Yan's cold voice came from mid-air: "If you want to survive, tell me everything you know, otherwise I will come and search for the soul myself."

Long Wu's soul was sealed by him in the sword energy cage, and looked very fragile. At this time, he seemed to have accepted his fate, and sighed softly:

"What do you want to know?"

"Besides you, is there anyone else in the organization here?"

After hearing this, Long Wu hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: "No, I am the first to arrive in Kunshan Domain. There is no one else here except me."


Liang Yan sneered, raised his hand and pointed his sword energy into Long Wu's soul. A painful scream immediately came from mid-air.

"Ah! Stop it. Stop it, I say! I say!"

Liang Yan controlled the sword energy just right, not only not destroying Long Wu's sanity, but also torturing him to the maximum extent.

"At present, besides me, there is another person who has arrived here, but the monks in the organization all wear special masks, and no one knows each other. I only know that his code name is Zhu San."

"Zhu San. It seems that this person's strength is even greater than yours?" Liang Yan pondered.

"Yes, you should also know that rankings in the organization are based on strength. Zhu San's cultivation level is far above mine. I advise you not to provoke this person, otherwise the end will be tragic." Long Wu.

He said through gritted teeth.

In fact, there was something in his words, and the purpose was to use the name of "Pig Three" to scare Liang Yan not to do things too badly.

Liang Yan naturally heard what he meant and nodded secretly.

Although Long Wu's cultivation level is in the realm of resolving calamities and overcoming difficulties, his magical powers are extremely strong and he is of the type that can cross levels to fight against enemies. If Liang Yan wants to find someone who is on par with him from his previous opponents, then

It should be Ling Chongxiao, the Confucian god general who has overcome one disaster and three disasters.

As for Wan Fei, the ancestor of the Wan family, although he has survived one disaster and three disasters, his magical power is limited. If there is no other trump card, it is about the same as Yun Suyi of Su Xinzhai, equivalent to half of Ling Chong.


Pig Three is ranked above Dragon Five, and his strength is probably no less than that of Huangshi Ancestor. With his current strength, it is indeed difficult to deal with it without exposing the "Heavenly Dragon's Immortality".

"Where is Zhu San now? What is his level of cultivation and magical skills?" Liang Yan looked at Long Wu and then asked.

"Zhu San. He should be in the Tong family among the four major families now. As for his cultivation realm and magical skills, I don't know. The mask can cover the breath. Everyone's identity and cultivation are secrets, but I

I have seen him take action several times, and I initially judged that he was an individual practitioner."

"Okay, I'll just believe you for now." Liang Yan nodded and said, "What's the purpose of coming to Kunshan Domain?"

"According to the order of the Pavilion Master, I instigated the major forces in Kunshan Region to fight among themselves, and finally achieved the goal of besieging Kunwu City." Long Wu replied without thinking.

"Pavilion Master?"

Liang Yan raised his eyebrows and continued to ask: "Who is this pavilion master? And what is the name of your organization? Who are the members in it?"

After asking three questions in a row, Long Wu's face was very complicated.

"Leaking secrets is a serious crime. Once discovered, my life will be worse than death! I have said everything that needs to be said, and it may not be a good thing if you know the rest. As long as you promise to let me go, I will swear to you, as long as you know

In the future, if someone in the organization is unfavorable to you, I will inform you as soon as possible."

After hearing Long Wu's answer, Liang Yan's face also showed a look of contemplation.

However, he did not hesitate for long. With a pinch of the magic formula in his hand, the sword energy cage immediately closed inward, and the sharp sword energy almost pierced Long Wu's soul.


Amid Long Wu's screams, Liang Yan narrowed his eyes and said coldly:

"I've seen this kind of trick too many times! Don't try to play tricks. Only by telling the truth can you have a chance of survival!"

"Okay, I'll tell you, I'll tell you! If you let go of the sword light, I'll tell you everything."

Long Wu's soul was already very weak after repeated torture, and now he was severely injured by the sword light. He could only feebly beg for mercy.

After hearing this, Liang Yan waved his sleeves and slightly relaxed the pressure of the sword energy cage.

Just listen to Long Wu's voice saying intermittently: "We. Our organization is called Tian, ​​Tian."

Just halfway through speaking, suddenly, without any warning, Long Wu's soul began to tremble violently, and even the light of the soul became strangely distorted.

"not good!"

Liang Yan seemed to understand something, and the light all over his body suddenly lit up, and he flew back crazily.

Almost at the same time, Long Wu's soul exploded, and the powerful power spread around like a tide, not only breaking through Liang Yan's sword energy cage, but also razing the surrounding snow-capped mountains within a hundred miles to the ground!

Liang Yan was the first to bear the brunt of this force. He quickly took out the Black Lotus Sword Pill and the Purple Thunder Sword Pill, and drew two Tai Chi sword circles in front of him to protect himself firmly in the middle.

The ancestor's soul in the Transformation Tribulation Realm self-destructed, and the power was certainly not small, but Liang Yan had the Nine Turns Golden Pill and the Sword Infant in his body, and had used two natal sword pills to protect his whole body in advance, so this level of power could not hurt him at all.


However, at the same time that Long Wu Yuan Shen exploded, a small red light flew out from his Yuan Shen!

This tiny red light was only the size of a fingernail, and was almost undetectable in the aftermath of the explosion that filled the sky.

But its speed is extremely fast!

Moreover, his actions were secretive and his goals were clear. He hid in the chaos of the soul explosion and shot directly at Liang Yan's eyebrows!

Although Liang Yan had the magical power of "Eight Divisions of Evolution", he still did not discover the existence of this red light at the first time.

It only took one thousandth of a breath, and by the time he reacted, the red light was already less than a hundred feet away from him.


Seeing this strange red light, Liang Yan's pupils shrank slightly, and a huge sense of crisis came, making the hairs on his body stand up.

"not good!"

With his vigilance at the extreme, Liang Yan did not hesitate at all. He raised his hand and patted the Taixu gourd on his waist. He saw a white light brush out, rolled it towards him, and disappeared without a trace in an instant!

Although the whole process is a long story, it actually only took the blink of an eye from the moment Long Wu's soul self-destructed to Liang Yan seeing the red light and taking measures.

Just as Liang Yan disappeared from the spot, the red light flashed past, the difference was only a few centimeters. If he hadn't gone in time, the red light might have penetrated into the center of his eyebrows!

The red light missed the target and was spinning around in place, looking like a headless fly. It searched everywhere for Liang Yan's whereabouts, but found nothing.

After a few breaths, Hongmang finally gave up looking for Liang Yan and instead targeted Long Wu's storage ring.


The red light shot through the air at an extremely fast speed. Just as it was about to hit Long Wu's storage ring, a hand suddenly popped out from the void and grabbed the storage ring before the red light could.

When the red light arrived, the palm suddenly shrank back, then disappeared into the void again, disappearing without a trace.

Twice in a row, the locked target disappeared. This made Hongmang lose his way and start spinning around in a rage.


There was a loud noise, but it was the red light that self-destructed, and terrifying power swept around. Although the explosion range was much smaller than Long Wu's soul self-destruction, the power was more than ten times more terrifying.

After a few breaths, the red light gradually dissipated and everything settled.

In the silent wind and snow, a white light cut through the void, and Liang Yan's figure slowly walked out of it.


Liang Yan glanced around and secretly marveled in his heart.

The subtle red light just now was definitely not produced by Long Wu's own cultivation. Someone should have planted a restriction in his soul.

This restriction is so secret that even Long Wu himself doesn’t know it!

Normally, this restriction should be extremely hidden, but once Long Wu wants to tell the secrets about the organization, this restriction will activate itself, killing people, destroying Long Wu's soul, and at the same time releasing red light to attack the enemies around Long Wu.

The person who set this restriction must have an extremely high level of cultivation!

Liang Yan had no doubt that if he had not been interrogating Long Wu just now, but had directly searched for his soul, he would never have been able to avoid the attack of this red light at close range!

In fact, even though they were hundreds of feet apart, Liang Yan was not confident that he could escape. In the end, he relied on the power of space in the Taixu Gourd to escape narrowly and narrowly.

Until now, when the red light dissipated and everything returned to silence, Liang Yan still had a lingering feeling of fear.

"What a powerful method. If I had been hit by that red light at that time, I am afraid that my mind would have been wiped out in an instant and I would have become a walking corpse."

Liang Yan looked around and then at the storage ring in his hand.

"Fortunately, with the help of Taixu Gourd, I not only escaped into the void in time, but also snatched the storage ring from Hongmang's hand."

Seeing that Long Wu was dead and the red light dissipated, Liang Yan no longer cared about it. He put his consciousness into the storage ring and searched carefully.

As an ancestor of the Transformation Tribulation Realm, Long Wu naturally has many treasures in the storage ring. The most powerful magic weapon among them is the "Yin Yang Mirror", which can emit two kinds of divine light, killing people invisible and extremely powerful.

However, Liang Yan didn't think much of this magic weapon with attack attributes. Its power was equivalent to Long Wu's "Finger of Fortune", which was far inferior to his own flying sword. Naturally, there was no need to spend time refining it.

But then, Liang Yan found two intriguing things.

The first is a token made of mahogany, with eighteen prohibitions on it, and three big characters written in the middle: "Tianxie Pavilion"!

"Tianxie Pavilion just before Long Wu's death, he only said the word "Heaven" and was silenced. Is this organization hidden in the dark called 'Tianxie Pavilion'?"

The more Liang Yan thought about it, the more likely it seemed that it was possible. After all, they called their commander "Pavilion Master", and the word Long Wu said before he died was consistent with this.

From this point of view, Tianxie Pavilion is an organization that stirs up disputes in various places in the dark!

However, when he killed Xiong Ba and Hu Shisan, he did not find this token. It was initially deduced that not everyone in the organization had this token, and maybe monks below the level of robbery were not eligible to obtain it.

, only monks above the Tribulation Realm have this kind of token.

In addition to the token, Liang Yan also found a letter.

The content of the letter is as follows:

"Long Wu, hurry to the Kunshan area to join Zhu San, and order Tong, Kong, and Wan to attack Bai. I will be here soon, and I will break through Kunwu City and slaughter all Xiao Kunlun's disciples!"

The signature is: Renyi!

After reading the letter and combining it with the information given by Long Wu before, Liang Yan was certain that the codename of the leader of "Tianxie Pavilion" was "Ren Yi", and this person should have already left for Kunshan Territory.

"'Ren Yi'. Who is this person? He is deliberately trying to stir up disputes in various places, and what is his purpose?"

Liang Yan murmured to himself. There were too many puzzles in his heart, but based on the information he had now, he couldn't deduce anything yet.

After thinking about it, he put the mahogany token and the letter into a jade box, and affixed a talisman seal on the surface of the jade box to ensure that no breath was leaked, and then put the jade box into a storage ring.

After putting away the jade box, Liang Yan raised his hand and took a dragon head mask into his hand.

Looking at the mask carefully, Liang Yan's face showed a look of contemplation.

It's strange to say that I don't know what kind of material this mask is made of. Not only can it block the detection of spiritual consciousness, but it is also very strong. I just split Long Wu in half with a sword, but I didn't even break the mask, but just on it.

A shallow scratch was left.

"This mask may be useful in the future."

Liang Yan pondered for a moment, then put this mask into the storage ring and put it together with Fox Thirteen's mask.

After doing all this, Liang Yan briefly cleaned the battlefield and erased all traces of himself. However, the area affected by Long Wu Yuan Shen's self-destruction was too large, and he had no time to clean it up, so he had to give up.

"A Dragon Five has such strength. I'm afraid Zhu Three is not a fuel-efficient lamp. There is no need to rush to deal with this organization. Even if the Kunshan Territory is turned upside down, it has nothing to do with me. Let's go to the Suixu Mountain appointment first."

Liang Yan made up his mind and refused to stay here. With a pinch of the magic formula in his hand, it turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the horizon.

Shortly after he left, two escaping lights flew side by side and landed on the vast snow-capped mountains at the same time.

The light dispersed, revealing the appearance of the people who were Yang Jianying and Yu Dongyang.

"It's too late, he has already left." Yu Dongyang sighed and said with regret.

"This person is not simple!" Yang Jianying looked around and spoke concisely.

"Isn't this nonsense! You two swordsmen are both perverts!" Yu Dongyang rolled his eyes and subconsciously took another step away from Yang Jianying.

"Let's go, no matter what the process is, we will meet again at Suixu Mountain in the end."

Yang Jianying dropped these words and flew away to the west without looking back.

Thanks to: book friend 20201206012237240 for the 1,500-point reward!

Thanks to: Jin Sancheng for the reward!

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