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Chapter 1332 Shocking changes in the tower!

 Although these runes seemed familiar, I couldn't remember them for a while.

"Is it my imagination?"

Liang Yan shook his head, and suddenly he glanced out of the corner of his eye and found a line of small words in the corner of the wall.

He walked forward quickly and saw what was written on it:

"Eternal night, the holy star falls, the demons dance wildly, the road ahead passes through this place, and the demons are suppressed here."

There is a signature at the back, which is: Ning Tianxiang!

"Ning Tianxiang? How come I've never heard of this person?" Liang Yan muttered to himself as he looked at the writing on the wall.

"You don't even know Ning Tianxiang?" Hongwu's eyes widened, looking unbelievable.

"What? Is this Ning Tianxiang famous?"

"Humph, I don't know if it has a name. But the Suixu Mountain you are going to now was broken by him in the first place!" Hongwu shrugged and said sarcastically.

"It's him?"

Liang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Ning Xia once said that Suixu Mountain was still Fuyu Mountain eight hundred years ago. It was just that the two young saints of Yongye City fought on Fuyu Mountain for the position of city lord and broke the entire mountain into pieces.

It became today's Suixu Mountain.

Now it seems that Ning Tianxiang, who suppressed the "Nine Colds" and built the Demon Locking Tower, was one of the two sub-sages of Yongye City back then.

I don’t know if this person is the winner or the loser?

Thinking of this, Liang Yan suddenly became curious and asked Hongwu beside him: "Who was Ning Tianxiang's opponent in the battle at Suixu Mountain? Who would win between the two?"

"Does this need to be said? The man who fought against Ning Tianxiang has now become the city lord of Yongye City! As for his name, huh, don't mention it!"

Speaking of this, Hongwu's eyes flashed with a trace of hatred, and he said angrily:

"None of the people in Yongye City are good. They have often come to our "Feiyu Fifteen Continents" to plunder us over the years. Many talented people have been captured by the human monks in Yongye City!"

Liang Yan knew that he had a very deep prejudice against human monks and that he could not change it at all, so he did not bother to discuss it with him. He just looked at the words left by Ning Tianxiang with a thoughtful look on his face.

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the air, and from the northeast, a red stream of light pierced the thick fog, and the light spread out in all directions, which was very dazzling.

"It's a signal from the Kunji tribe!"

Liang Yan squinted his eyes. The entire Wuzhou was covered by the thick fog of "Nine Colds". It was difficult to break through the fog with ordinary means. Only a material specially made by the Kunji tribe could.

When they first discussed the plan, they had agreed that no matter which side completed the repair first, it would send a signal. After the other side also sent a signal to respond, they could instill spiritual power at the same time.

"Go and talk to the Kunji clan members outside the tower and tell them that the repair here has been completed." Liang Yan ordered softly.

"Hmph, I am a great sage from the 'Fuling Clan', but now I have become an errand boy."

Hongwu muttered, and even though he was a little reluctant, he still ran downstairs and went outside the tower to deliver the news to the Kunji tribe.

Soon, outside the Demon Locking Tower, the signal from the Kuntooth tribe also flew into the air. The red light pierced the thick fog and looked very shining.

"Do it!"

Liang Yan did not hesitate and started pouring spiritual power into the Demon Locking Tower as agreed with Lin Fan before.

The nine-turn golden elixir rotates rapidly, and the spiritual power of the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism comes over and over again, continuously instilling it into the Demon Locking Tower.

Looking from a distance, one could see that the entire body of the Demon Locking Tower was bright, and three rays of red light shot out from the tower, piercing the thick cold fog and shooting towards the north.

At the same time, from the cold mist directly north of the Demon Locking Tower, three red rays of light also shot out.

The two sides soon came together and formed three complete pathways.

Liang Yan knew that this was the linking passage between the two Demon Locking Towers in the north and south. As long as the auras of the two Demon Locking Towers were connected to each other, the formation would be activated soon, and then the "Nine Cold Mist" could be sealed again.

It will take a long time to completely open the link channel. According to Lin Fan's prediction in the bamboo slips, it will take at least three days.

Liang Yan sat cross-legged in the Demon Locking Tower, making secrets with his hands, and injecting some spiritual power into the center of the magic circle from time to time to continuously stimulate the connection between the two towers.

Two days flew by.

During the past two days, Liang Yan had been staying in the Demon Locking Tower, while Hongwu sat beside him in boredom.

"The nine colds have weakened."

Looking at the cold air outside the window, Hongwu said to himself somewhat.

Indeed, since the restoration of the "Demon Locking Tower" began, part of the restraining power has been activated, and more than half of the powerful "Nine Colds" have been sealed. At this time, even the fog has become much thinner.

Liang Yan also looked out the window and nodded: "It seems that Lin Fan and Bouchard are right. According to the current situation, as long as we persist for one more day, we can completely repair the Demon Locking Tower and completely seal the "Nine Colds"

, then there will be no danger in the entire Wuzhou."

"After Wuzhou is the sandbank. The sandbank is located at the westernmost edge of the Feiyu Fifteen Continents. As long as you cross the sandbank and leave the Feiyu Fifteen Continents, there is a smooth road behind it. You can go directly to the Suixu Mountains." Red

Wu sat on the ground, looked out the window, and said slowly.

"In that case, I'm almost close to my destination." Liang Yan smiled and said, "You have been my guide along the way, unwillingly, and now it's almost the end. As long as I get out of the sandbank, I'll be there."

How about letting you go free immediately?"

Surprisingly, Hongwu didn't look overjoyed after hearing this, but fell silent.

After a long time, the short old man sighed softly, as if talking to himself: "What is the world outside like?"

"outside world?"

Liang Yan was stunned for a moment, looked at the red-nosed old man in front of him, suddenly understood something, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and was about to speak.

At this moment, the big red nose twitched twice and frowned: "Strange, why is there a fishy smell all around?"

"What did you say? The fishy smell?"

Liang Yan's expression changed slightly.

He understands the supernatural powers of the "Spirit-possessed Tribe". Although this alien race does not have high combat power, its nose is very sensitive and can detect danger in advance.

Feiyu's fifteen continents are extremely dangerous. In the past few months, Liang Yan and Hongwu traveled together and saved themselves from danger several times, all relying on Hongwu's innate magical power.

So when he saw Hongwu's nose twitching, Liang Yan immediately became vigilant.

After thinking about it, Liang Yan temporarily stopped repairing the Demon Locking Tower, stood up, walked to the window, and looked out.

In the vast white wind and snow, there was deathly silence everywhere, without any sound.


Liang Yan frowned and whispered.

"What's missing?" Hongwu still didn't react.

"The Kuntooth tribesmen who escorted us here."

"Impossible, the Demon Locking Tower has not been completely repaired, so it is impossible for them to leave early. Is there something fishy? Are the people from the Kuntooth Clan trying to harm us?" Hongwu became more vigilant.

"It's hard to say." Liang Yan shook his head and said softly: "If the people of the Kun Zha tribe want to take action, the best time is obviously when they were in the capital a few days ago."


Hongwu frowned, with a look of confusion on his face. "Then where did the Kuntooth tribesmen who escorted us go this time?"

Liang Yan turned around and was about to speak, but his expression changed slightly.


Before he finished speaking, a sword energy was already shot.

With a "swipe", the sword energy shot through the air and stabbed Hongwu's head.

Hongwu's reaction was also very fast. Knowing that there must be something fishy on top of his head, he immediately shrunk his neck and rolled on the spot, rolling forward more than ten steps in an instant.


There was a sharp neighing sound behind his ears. Hongwu didn't dare to look back. He used his hands and feet to roll and crawl forward, and continued to run forward for a distance until he rolled to Liang Yan's side, and then he dared to stand up.


Hongwu looked back and saw a Kunzha tribesman appearing out of nowhere, with a fierce face, teeth and claws, and screams.

Upon closer inspection, I found that this Kunji clan was very different from before. Not only was his expression distorted, but there was also a thick black air spreading from his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

Liang Yan's sword energy had already nailed him to the wall of the Demon Locking Tower, but the Kunzha tribesman was not completely dead. He still bared his teeth and claws, ready to pounce on the two of them. He looked like he had some deep hatred, but

They must be eaten alive.

"What happened to him?"

Hongwu was a little shocked and took a step back involuntarily.

However, just as he moved his legs, he felt a burning pain coming from his ankles, as if something was scratching his flesh.

In panic, Hongwu looked down and immediately turned pale with fright.

I saw two pairs of bony claws, respectively grabbing at my ankles. On each side, there was a black-smelling Kuntooth tribesman, emerging from the ground, opening his mouth with sharp fangs, and was about to take a bite.


"Liang Zhidao, save me!"

After hearing about the name "Fang Ya" of the Kun Tooth Clan for a long time, Hongwu's heart and gallbladder were split, and he took the initiative to ask Liang Yan for help for the first time.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a breeze blowing across his legs. When he looked down at the two Kuntooth tribesmen, they had both been chopped to pieces by the sword energy.

"Things have changed! We can no longer repair the Demon Locking Tower, let's go!"

A voice sounded beside him. Before Hongwu could react, he felt his shoulders tighten and his whole body was lifted up from the ground by a big hand and flew away from the Demon Locking Tower.

Liang Yan made a quick decision and left immediately. He took Hongwu and flew to the window of the Demon Locking Tower. Just as he was about to jump, more than a dozen Kuntooth clan members suddenly appeared from diagonally above.

Ferociously, regardless of life or death, he pounced on the two of them.


Facing the besieging Kun Zha tribesmen, Liang Yan sacrificed his Purple Thunder Tianyin Sword without any hesitation.

The sword was bright and thunderous, and with just one sword stroke, the dozen or so Kuntooth tribesmen were cut in half.

However, the vitality of the Kunji tribe is extremely strong. Even if the body is cut in half and the lower body falls, the upper body still rushes forward and is in front of Liang Yan in an instant.

"All dharmas are empty!"

As soon as Liang Yan thought, the golden light of Buddhism burst out, forming a golden shield around him, blocking out the Kunji clan members.

After being blocked, these Kuntooth clansmen were not discouraged. They dragged their half-blooded bodies and pounced on his golden circle of light, biting them with their sharp teeth.

Click to eat, click to eat.

A terrifying sound came, and Liang Yan looked up and found that the golden light shield he had condensed with "Eight Parts of Evolution" had been chewed out with tiny cracks.

"The Kunzha clan members truly deserve their reputation!"

Liang Yan was shocked in his heart. You must know that there were only ten Kunji clan members in front of him. If thousands of Kunji clan members launched a desperate attack on him, I really don't know if Tianlong's immortal body could withstand it?

"Ugua, Ugua!"

Hongwu, who was hiding behind Liang Yan, suddenly shouted, seeming to want to communicate with the other party in the voice of the Kun Tooth Clan, but the ten Kun Tooth Clan members were still lying on the golden light shield, gnawing desperately, and did not answer him at all.


"It's useless, they have all been manipulated and have completely lost their minds!" Liang Yan shouted in a low voice.

Just as he was speaking, more and more black-smelling Kuntooth tribesmen emerged from the ground, walls, and beams. There were hundreds of them. They all bared their teeth and claws, heading desperately towards Liang Yan's direction.


"The people sent by Bouchard are all here!" Hongwu shouted.

Liang Yan ignored him, pinched the magic formula in his hand, and took out the Black Lotus Sword, guarding him on the left and right with the Purple Thunder Tianyin Sword.

"Who are you, Your Excellency? If you want to fight, why do you need to pretend to be someone else? Why don't you show up and see me?" Liang Yan asked loudly.

There was silence in the Demon Locking Tower. Only Liang Yan's echo gradually faded away, without any response.

Although the number of hundreds of Kunji clan members is not huge, they have begun to take shape, and even Liang Yan cannot underestimate them.

Seeing the Kunzhi tribe getting closer and closer, Liang Yan had no choice.

Brush! Brush!

As the sound of breaking through the sky sounded, the purple and black swords were unsheathed at the same time!

In the small Demon Locking Tower, the sword light was dancing wildly, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the two sword pills, one purple and one black, were like tigers entering a flock of sheep, killing more than a dozen Kunya clan members in an instant.

The remaining Kunji clan members were not afraid, as if they did not see the death of their companions around them, and rushed towards him like mad dogs.


Liang Yan raised his hand and punched out, and the power of King Kong's demon-suppressing force surged out, first shocking the ten Kuntooth clansmen attached to the protective golden light to death, and then turned around and turned into a ray of light and retreated


The two swords of Zi Lei and Black Lotus cooperated with him tacitly. Taking advantage of the gap between their masters to pull back, the two swords spun around, drew two semicircles in mid-air, and chopped dozens of Kuntooth clansmen into pieces from behind.

Two halves.

Knowing that the Kunzha tribesmen have extremely strong vitality, Liang Yan did not relax his vigilance after the two swords fell. He changed the sword technique again, and the sword energy swarmed out, forming purple and black in the small Demon Locking Tower.

Sword energy vortex.

The remaining bodies that had been cut in half fell into the whirlpools of these two sword energies and were shattered into pieces in an instant!

This chapter has been completed!
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