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Chapter 1,368 The End

 Just when Liang Yanhe Wuxin decided to return to the Yunhua Layman's Cave, he was far away at the other end of the "Mountain Palace", in the dense forest.

A strong man with gnarled muscles and tiger stripes on his chest was carrying a middle-aged monk on his back and advancing unsteadily.

This person is the half-demon Xuan Gui, one of the top ten geniuses. As for the monk he is carrying on his back, he is naturally the "Martial Chi" Fang Ruhui, who is also one of the geniuses.

"Damn Liang Yan, damn Hu Chenyu, and that damn Lin Fan, everyone deserves to die!"

A low curse came from Xuan Hui's mouth, but it sounded weak.

After walking for a while, he seemed a little tired, so he put Fang Ruhui down and let him lean against a big tree, while he sat in the open space beside him to rest.

At this time, Fang Ruhui's body was covered in flesh and blood, some of his skin had completely rotted, and broken bones were piercing out of his flesh and blood. He looked miserable.

The once high-spirited and proud man of heaven has now become a dying man.

Xuan Hui looked at Fang Ruhui and suddenly felt a little irritable.

"Who wants you to mind your own business? I have already said that you are not my senior brother, and I have nothing to do with Luo Tianshan!"


Fang Ruhui's eyes were already stuck with blood clots. He coughed a few times and reluctantly opened his eyes. He sighed and said, "Although you don't recognize me as your senior brother, you are my master's descendant after all. He is willing to judge his guilt."

When Gu is punished, the only person who won't worry is your son."

Speaking of this, Fang Ruhui suddenly laughed again: "I have been lonely and helpless since I was a child. If I had not been saved by Master, I would have died in the world. This time I came to Qianji Magic Tower, but I didn't find any chance treasures.

It’s a repayment of the master’s kindness in raising me...ahem...ahem!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his injury affected his heart and he coughed more violently.

But Xuan Hui didn't appreciate it and shouted: "I haven't had a father since I was a child. Don't mention that old guy in front of me! I don't like to owe favors. You did save my life. I will also send you out of the Thousand Magic Tower."

, but from now on, we have nothing to do with each other!"

"Do you hate him so much..."

A wry smile appeared on Fang Ruhui's face. He looked at Xuan Hui and knew that he could not convince this paranoid half-demon, and he was not qualified to preach.

After sighing, Fang Ruhui closed his eyes and his face gradually calmed down.

The injury he suffered this time was too serious, and the foundation of the Dao had been destroyed. Even if he went back to recover from the injury, he would not be able to make any progress in his cultivation realm in this life. He could only wait quietly for his end to come.

At this moment, the "Reincarnation Fruit" and the Rebirth Pond are no longer important. For Fang Ruhui, his trip to the Thousand Magic Tower has ended early...

To say the least, this person is also a rare genius.

He was born as a mortal. He was begging on the street and was almost beaten to death by bullies. Fortunately, Xuan Hui's father was passing by and saved him.

Seeing his intelligence, the eminent monk wanted to take him into his disciples. Unfortunately, after checking, he found that he had no spiritual roots.

Without spiritual roots, one cannot practice superior Buddhism, and one is destined to miss Luotian Mountain.

But Fang Ruhui had great perseverance and learned from the eminent monk that there was another way to enter the Tao through martial arts. From then on, he practiced diligently and practiced martial arts.

Seeing that he had a strong mind and a very miserable life experience, the eminent monk couldn't help but feel compassion for him and placed him in a gang of gangsters, and agreed to come back and check on him twenty years later.

If Fang Ruhui really becomes a great master and enters Taoism through martial arts, then introduce him to Luotian Sect.

But if Fang Ruhui is not qualified enough to reach the pinnacle of secular martial arts, that eminent monk will not show up and will never see him again.

This was originally just an excuse from the eminent monk. He didn't want Fang Ruhui to lose hope, so he found an almost impossible goal for him. You must know how difficult it is to learn martial arts. Among tens of millions of people, not one martial artist can succeed.

Grandmaster, let alone entering Taoism with martial arts and knocking open the door of immortality.

But the eminent monk never expected that although Fang Ruhui had no spiritual roots, he was a rare talent in martial arts that could only be seen in a thousand years!

In just five years, he had understood all the secrets in the gang, and his understanding of martial arts had surpassed that of his predecessors. In another three years, he finally understood the true meaning from the ordinary, and broke through the secular martial arts in one fell swoop.

He reached his limit, entered Taoism through martial arts, and touched that threshold.

When the eminent monk saw Fang Ruhui again, he was already an out-and-out foundation-building monk, and his realm was stable, which even the eminent monk was amazed by.

Therefore, Fang Ruhui was introduced to the Luotian Sect and became a disciple of that eminent monk, learning the superior methods of the Luotian Sect.

Later, during an exploration of a secret realm, Fang Ruhui experienced life and death, and finally obtained an ancient secret scroll deep in a mysterious cave. By studying this ancient secret scroll, he combined Buddhist skills with martial arts supernatural powers, and finally

Forged his own path.

It can be said that Fang Ruhui's life is a life full of legends!

It's a pity that the road to cultivation is treacherous and dangerous.

A slight carelessness, even a seemingly insignificant decision, may ruin this life's practice!

Looking back, from the moment Fang Ruhui decided to stand up for Xuan Hui, his fate may have been sealed...

"That's it, that's it! This life was given to me by my master. He has shown me the kindness to rebuild me. Today I met his descendant and tried my best to protect him. I have a clear conscience."

Fang Ruhui closed his eyes and sighed secretly, looking surprisingly calm about the fact that his path to the great road was cut off.

Xuan Hui felt guilty and did not dare to look directly at his senior brother, so he had to turn his head to the other side.

The two of them were silent, and the forest was silent.

At this moment, a breeze blew from nowhere, passing through the branches and treetops, and slowly touched the faces of the two people, with a slight coolness in it.


Xuan Hui suddenly felt something was wrong. He turned around and was surprised to find a thin woman wearing blue clothes standing on a big tree more than ten feet beside him!

This surprise is not trivial. You must know that when one has reached Xuan Hui's level of cultivation, as long as one's spiritual consciousness is still there, it is almost impossible for someone to come to such a close distance without noticing.

The female cultivator in front of her was able to approach the two of them silently. Although they were seriously injured and had not recovered, it was shocking enough.

"It's you! Fengdu City Ghost Princess!"

After being surprised, Xuan Hui quickly recognized the identity of the person.

Although I don’t know what the other party is planning, as they are both among the top ten geniuses, they are in a competitive relationship in this Thousand Machine Demon Tower. There is no way the other party is kind enough to save them, right?

The biggest possibility is to add insult to injury and kill people to seize the treasure!

Because he was seriously injured, Xuan Hui's first reaction was to distance himself backwards, and then wait for an opportunity to escape.

However, as soon as his footsteps moved, he remembered that there was Fang Ruhui beside him who was seriously injured and unable to move.

A look of struggle flashed in his eyes, and after a moment, Xuan Hui stopped abruptly.

"What a coincidence! It seems that Taoist Fellow Daoist is also the second batch of geniuses to enter the 'Mountain Palace'. I'm sorry, I came two days early. If you have anything you want to ask, Fellow Daoist, just ask."

Xuan Hui laughed, forced a smile on his face, and greeted Gui Ji in what he thought was a kind tone.

Although he is cruel, he also knows the principle of being able to bend and stretch. At this time, he cannot offend the evil star in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Gui Ji did not respond to his plan. She just looked at Fang Ruhui, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, her face still expressionless.

"What do fellow Taoists really want?"

Seeing that Gui Ji didn't speak, Xuan Hui's tone became serious.

He didn't expect that this time, Gui Ji would speak, but only six words:

"I'll lend you my head!"


Xuan Hui's childish eyes shrank suddenly, and before he could react, he saw the sleeves of Gui Ji on the opposite side dancing, and countless ghost figures flew out from the sleeves, all of them opened their teeth and claws, rushing towards him.

With so many ghosts, even Xuanhui in its heyday had to be treated with great caution.

But now that he was seriously injured, the power of his magical powers was greatly reduced, and ordinary methods could not resist him. In desperation, he could only reveal his true form as a half-demon.

Although this half-demon true body is powerful, the burden on the physical body is extremely heavy. If it was the time when Xuan Hui was at its peak, it would be okay, but now he has injured his meridians. Forcibly activating the half-demon true body will only worsen the situation.

Spread of injury.

But with the powerful enemy now, he couldn't control that much.

With a roar, the white tiger head poked out from Xuan Hui's chest, and the left and right arms, as well as the spiritual power of the Buddha and Tao families, all converged into the tiger head.

Ghosts fell all over the sky, and were eaten one by one by the white tiger head, and most of them were swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

Gui Ji frowned slightly, obviously she didn't expect that Xuan Hui could burst out with such strength despite being seriously injured, just like a ferocious tiger. When it was forced into a desperate situation, its ferocity was stimulated.

But this surprise only lasted for a moment, and the next moment, Gui Ji's face had returned to normal.

She turned her palm over, and there was an oil paper lantern in her palm. It was gray in color and had a faint blue light. She looked into the sky and threw it.

The lantern moved automatically without wind, fluttering in the air. It didn't look like it was going fast, but it was actually very fast.

Xuan Fei thought that this magical power was coming towards him, so he made preparations and stood ready to see what the mystery of the oil paper lantern was, and then think of a countermeasure.

Who would have thought that the lantern did not float towards Xuan Hui, but came directly in front of Fang Ruhui.

Almost instantly, Xuan Hui understood Gui Ji's thoughts.

"Bitch despicable!"

Without thinking, Xuan Hui kicked off his feet and rushed forward, trying to stop the ghost lantern before it fell on Fang Ruhui.

But as soon as he moved, there were ghosts following behind him, and they rushed on his back and began to gnaw at the flesh and blood.

While Xuan Hui was running, he felt as if he had been cut into pieces by a thousand knives, and was in unspeakable pain.

But he endured the pain, used Buddhist spiritual power to protect his physical body, and used Taoist magical powers to stabilize his soul. He rushed in front of Fang Ruhui in one breath, and used both palms to stop the strange oil-paper lantern for him.

The oil-paper lantern was blocked by Xuan Hui's palm. Although it did not move forward, a faint blue light emitted from the inside of the lantern, which shone on Xuan Hui's face, causing him to lose consciousness for a moment.

"A ghost lamp attracts souls?"

Xuan Hui's mind went blank. When he woke up with horror, he found that Gui Ji had a bronze bell on her hand.

Jingle bells, jingle bells...

The bell shook, and the sound was simple and unpretentious, and it didn't sound like some magical power.

Xuan Hui was feeling a little strange when he suddenly felt a sharp killing intent coming from behind him.

He was startled and turned around quickly, only to see a woman in white sitting on the top of the ancient tree behind him.

This woman is elegant and refined, but as cold as ice. She holds a guqin on her knees, and her hands are gently clasped together to play it slowly. A series of invisible piano sounds that are murderous and life-threatening burst out from her fingertips.

The nearest piano sound had reached near his neck, less than three inches away.

"It's you!"

At the last moment of his life, Xuan Hui recognized the identity of the attacker.

It is one of the top ten geniuses, Yu Linglong from Yuzhu Mountain!

However, Yu Linglong was a little different from ordinary people at this time. Her eyes were dull, she looked like a dull puppet, and her figure was a little illusory, as if it was just a reflection in the water, not a real thing. .

The scene in front of me is strange and inexplicable. Why does Yu Linglong become so strange? Why do people from Yuzhu Mountain join forces with people from Fengdu City...

Xuan Hui no longer had the chance to think about all of this.

Because the next moment, the murderous and life-threatening invisible piano sound had already passed through his throat and cut off Xuan Hai's head from the top of his neck.

At the same time, a large number of ghosts swarmed in from the neck, and instantly ate up all the internal organs of Xuan Hao. Even the tiger head on the chest was eaten clean from the inside out by these ghosts.

In almost just a moment, the famous casual cultivator Xuan Hui was reduced to a mere shell.

There was a trace of residual soul left in the body, and Gui Ji opened her mouth and sucked it in, swallowing it directly into her belly.

The whole process was watched by Fang Ruhui, but at this moment, he couldn't even move, let alone stop Gui Ji.

Seeing his fellow disciple, the descendant of his master's blood, being swallowed by Gui Jisheng, Fang Ruhui couldn't help but reveal a trace of despair in his eyes.


Fang Ruhui sighed, his voice weak and intermittent: "Master, I am useless as an apprentice. I can't protect your descendants. I have no shame to see you again..."

Having said that, I want to explode my soul.

However, Gui Ji had already expected it. At this moment, with a gentle tap of her right hand, the light of the ghost lamp shone on Fang Ruhui's face, immediately shattering his thoughts.

"There is no enmity between you and me. It's just your bad luck. After entering the Thousand Machine Demonic Tower, life or death is not up to you."

Gui Ji sighed, opened her mouth and sucked out Fang Ruhui's soul. Like Yu Linglong and Xuan Hui's soul, she swallowed them all into her belly.

After a while, Gui Ji took out a blue bamboo slip from her sleeve and crossed out two more names on it.

Now, three of the ten geniuses who have entered the Thousand Machine Demonic Tower have been extinguished, and only seven of their names are still shining...

This chapter has been completed!
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