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Chapter 1732 A glimmer of hope

 "Tianzi Sword Technique" is Liang Yan's most powerful and fastest killing move at present!

In the mid-air, thunder roared, and the sword energy was everywhere! The sword light was like a sudden thunder, and it reached the top of Xiangqin's head in an instant!

Seeing that this sword was about to split it in half, Xiangqin did not move his feet, only a ray of glow appeared behind him, turned into a nine-color divine bird, and flew towards the sword light.


A loud noise came from the Tushen Castle.

The divine bird chirped, its spiritual energy surged, and thousands of feathers flew out, fighting with the purple thunder sword energy around them without losing any of their strength.

Liang Yan had long expected that this sword could not hurt Xiangqin, and there was no trace of disappointment on his face.

The sword technique in his hand changed, and an invisible sword light appeared behind Xiangqin out of thin air. Without any warning, it suddenly stabbed her in the back.

Xiangqin smiled slightly at this time.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, I have a general understanding of your methods. It is impossible to sneak attack on me."

While speaking, a flower basket flew out from his sleeve and blocked it behind him, absorbing all the invisible sword energy!

"Let's capture him without mercy!"

Xiangqin tapped her toes lightly, and her figure flashed in mid-air, arriving in front of Liang Yan in just an instant.

There was a strange starlight in her eyes, which was fascinating and captivating!

Liang Yan just glanced at it subconsciously, and felt that his aura was suppressed by an invisible force, and his consciousness also went blank for a short time, as if he had entered an illusory world.

"not good!"

Liang Yan was shocked and hurriedly ran the "Bodhi Mirror". Buddhist spiritual power circulated throughout his body, and he soon woke up from his dazed state.

Looking at it carefully, he saw that a spiritual palm print the size of a millstone had reached a distance of less than three feet in front of him, and was about to hit his chest the next moment!

At this time, there was no way to dodge, so Liang Yan had no choice but to use the "Empty Phase of All Dharmas", blocking himself in front of him with a body-protecting golden light, and forcefully receiving a palm from the opponent.


There was a muffled sound, and the Buddhist magical power removed most of the power from the palm print, but there was still some remaining power to break through the defense and hit Liang Yan's chest, knocking him backwards.

Liang Yan felt severe pain in his chest. He lowered his head and vomited out a mouthful of blood. He involuntarily flew backwards several dozen feet, barely able to stabilize his body.

But before his footing was stable, another ray of light flew in front of him.

However, Xiangqin gained the upper hand and was unyielding. He stretched out both palms, and a ray of glow flew out from his left and right palms, one yellow and one red, and came to Liang Yan at the same time.

Among them, the glow on the left turned into a ball of yellow mud, exuding a rotten stench, while the glow on the right turned into a red moon, which was eerie and strange!

Facing Xiangqin's killing move, Liang Yan's expression turned serious.

He was still frightened by the power of the palm just now. Even with the protection of the Vajra power, three ribs in his chest were broken.

Now, killing moves were coming one after another, giving him no time to react. He could only control the sword pill to decipher the opponent's moves.

With a thought in his mind, a green sword light emerged from the Taixu Gourd, drawing an arc in mid-air, enveloping the yellow mud and the red moon.

"it's useless!"

Xiangqin sneered and held his right hand in the air.

The red moon suddenly exploded, and the scarlet tide swept in all directions, like a sea of ​​blood, swallowing up all the mayfly sword energy!

At the same time, the ball of yellow mud expanded rapidly and turned into a high mountain. The mountainside was full of twisted and ferocious faces, and the top of the mountain was covered with bones, like a dead mountain!


The mountain fell, mixed with the sea of ​​blood, scattering Liang Yan's mayfly sword light, and suppressed it towards the top of his head.

Before the magical power even got close, there was already a strange force that filled the air, as if it was going to pull Liang Yan into the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and become a part of the numerous bones!

Facing this strange force, Liang Yan's whole body flashed with golden light, and he stepped back again and again.

After fighting until now, he could already deeply understand the power of Xiangqin, but his eyes were not panicked.

That's because the other party is not strong enough to resist!

If Luo Qing's true form is really here, with his cultivation as a "sub-sage" and the blessing of the "black ancient book", he will not be able to resist at all.

But now, the two sides have fought for more than ten moves, and although they are at an absolute disadvantage, they have never been defeated.

This shows that the Xiangqin in front of me may not be "Luo Qing"!

But why does she give herself a very familiar feeling, as if Luo Qing herself is standing here?

Liang Yan thought about it for a long time, but there was only one explanation. This woman should be a clone of Luo Qing!

She also admitted just now that she had another purpose for this trip. Perhaps his original clone was incapable of doing anything, so he let a clone hold her back.

In other words, if you want to survive this disaster, you must escape before Luo Qing himself arrives!

At this moment, Liang Yan's mind raced, and he thought to himself: "Although Luo Qing himself is not here, he should not be far away from here. With the little spiritual power I have left now, there is no way I can escape from his pursuit range, so the only way

The only way out is the entrance to Tianji Pavilion behind me!"

"I have the Tianji Bead in my hand, and I can open and close the entrance at will. As long as I hide in it and close the entrance again, it will be impossible for Luo Qing to get in!"

Liang Yan was very certain about this.

Even Gan Daozi, one of the "Nine Saints", could not open the entrance, and Luo Qing was even less able to open it.

However, opening the seal of the entrance requires some casting time, and at least thirty breaths of effort. Obviously, Xiangqin cannot give him this opportunity, and must find a way to delay his opponent.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan's eyes flashed.

His forehead and eyebrows suddenly split open, and a black pupil was exposed.

The pupils turned slightly and shot out a black light, hitting Xiangqin in the distance, causing the latter's spellcasting to pause for a moment.

Liang Yan seized this flaw and pinched the sword in his hand quickly. The black lotus sword light shot out from the Taixu Gourd and turned into an endless abyss, sucking the "Mountain of White Bones" and the "Sea of ​​Blood" into it.

Between the vertical and horizontal sword light, all Xiangqin's magical powers were reduced to nothing, and his aura completely disappeared!

"The Lightless Sutra?"

Xiangqin had recovered from the interference of the "Celestial Elephant Eye" at this time. When she saw Liang Yan's black sword light, she couldn't help but show a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"No wonder Mirror Star Officer and Medical Star Officer died in your hands! I didn't expect you to understand the law of darkness and integrate it with the way of swordsmanship!" Xiangqin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"There are many things you didn't expect!"

Liang Yan snorted coldly, pinched the sword secret in his hand, and took out four sword pills at the same time, launching a counterattack against his opponent.

The four-color sword light of green, black, purple, and silver moved across the air, sometimes with thunder roaring, and sometimes with darkness filling the air. The four different sword energies locked onto Xiangqin. No matter how she dodged, she would always be enveloped by the sword energy.


But even in such a dangerous environment, Xiangqin seemed to be at ease.

I saw her smiling brightly, her figure flashing, and her spiritual power flowing out like waves, turning into strange flowers in mid-air, sucking Liang Yan's sword energy into the flowers, and quickly neutralizing his


"Haha, I have a general understanding of your experience."

Xiangqin smiled and said slowly while resisting Liang Yan's attack: "Actually, I don't want to kill you. As long as you obediently hand over the key to the secret realm, I can let you live. After all, the two of us have different positions.

If there is too much conflict, there may be the possibility of cooperation in the future."

After Liang Yan heard this, his eyes changed slightly, but he did not respond.

It is impossible for him to hand over the Tianji Pearl. Once the other party knows about this thing, he will definitely kill himself and silence him!

The only way out now is Tianji Pavilion!

Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, pinched the sword secret in his hand, and the four sword pills burst out with bright sword light at the same time, and launched a fierce attack around Xiangqin.

In terms of Xiangqin's strength, although he has not reached the sub-sage realm, he is still above Master Fuhu and Li Yile. With Liang Yan's current realm and his fighting skills, he was almost completely suppressed.

However, in order to achieve his goal of conquering the east and attacking the west, Liang Yan took the initiative to launch a violent attack on Xiangqin, relying on his "immortal dragon".

He used all his moves with a desperate fighting style, only attacking but not defending. In just a short moment, blood was already visible on his body, and the most serious wound was only half an inch away from his heart.

Xiangqin did not expect that he would risk his life so much, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

She had her own considerations, and there was no need to decide the winner right now. She just used tricks and defused Liang Yan's attacks one after another, but did not take the initiative to attack, as if she was waiting for something.

Both sides had their own considerations and fought like this for dozens of rounds.

In the mid-air, sword energy was flying, thunder roared, and the fragrance of flowers filled the air, but no one noticed some inconspicuous dust.

However, it is said that before Liang Yan arrived, Lian Xin had used the "no-self, no-buddha form", turning her body into dust and hiding in the void.

He saw all this and was extremely surprised.

"I didn't expect it. It turns out that the goal of my junior brother's trip is the same as mine, which is also the place where the treasure is hidden!"

Before that, in order to achieve a certain goal, Lian Xin consulted countless classical books and traded countless pieces of information in Tiangong City before confirming the existence of the treasure.

In order to find this treasure, he also tried his best to find the "Psychic Buddha Monkey". It took him an unknown amount of time to finally determine the entrance.

Unexpectedly, this junior fellow apprentice ended up in the same destination as me through different paths!

"Could it be that he also wants to find the 'Lamp of Reincarnation'?"

Lian Xin's thoughts are a little complicated now.

Judging from Liang Yan's performance just now, he definitely has the key to enter the secret realm. The seal of the secret realm is extremely weird and cannot be entered by his own strength, so he must get the key from Liang Yan.

If there is no one else here, Lian Xin will show up without hesitation and snatch the "key" from Liang Yan's body.

But now there is an additional Xiangqin, adding variables to the matter.

"Is Xiangqin the Luo Qing? I don't think so. This matter is a bit strange. I don't have to rush to show up. Let these two fight to the death first. After they both lose, I will come and reap the benefits!"

Thinking of this, Lian Xin suppressed her excitement and continued to lurk nearby, waiting for opportunities to move!

In just this moment, Liang Yan and Xiang Qin had exchanged dozens of moves.

The battle between the two has reached a fever pitch, with sword energy flowing freely, spiritual power surging, and all kinds of weird killing moves emerging one after another.

Suddenly, Liang Yan's right eye turned gray.

Xiangqin was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he found a ray of deathly energy appearing in his chest, spreading rapidly to the surrounding areas.

"It's this trick again!"

Xiangqin frowned and reached out to touch his chest.

The flesh and blood there had withered, exposing the dense white bones, and the death energy was still eroding inwards, trying to swallow up her essence.

But the moment her fingertips fell, the death aura stopped spreading.


Xiangqin shouted low, invisible waves spread around, as if there was an invisible big hand, erasing all the death energy from her chest!

"Palace Master Liang, you know quite a lot, but it's a pity that you don't have much."

Just when Xiangqin was about to taunt, he suddenly found a sword light behind him. It was the last move of Liang Yan's "Star and Moon Invisible Sword". The invisible sword light turned into an aurora slash, and it came in an instant!


The woman snorted coldly and slapped her right hand back.

A huge palm print appeared in mid-air, and violently collided with the Aurora Slash, causing a loud roar.


A brilliant halo swept across the entire space, and the surrounding ground shook. The already dilapidated Tushen Castle was now even more fragmented and completely turned into ruins.

Before the halo dissipated, three more sword lights came rushing towards me.

Xiangqin's face didn't change color, and he drew a circle in front of him with both hands while retreating.

Weird fluctuations spread forward, provoking the sword light, disrupting the sword energy, and gradually neutralizing the opponent's offensive.

But when the halo dissipated, Xiangqin took a closer look and found that Liang Yan was no longer at his original position.


Xiangqin's face changed, and she scanned it with her consciousness and found that Liang Yan had arrived near the stone tablet. At this time, his hands were pressed on the seal and he was still mumbling something.

At this moment, she already understood Liang Yan's intention.

"Want to break the seal? Take the treasure to yourself? That's not possible. The treasure inside is already my private property!"

Xiangqin sneered and pinched the spell in his hand, trying to attack Liang Yan who was casting the spell.

But at this moment, yellow sand suddenly rolled up around her and tightly entangled her hands! At the same time, countless wind blades appeared out of thin air and swept in from all directions!

Xiangqin raised his eyebrows and swept away his consciousness, only to see a yellow-robed Taoist slowly appearing not far from him.

This person is making secrets with one hand, his eyes are slightly closed, and he is mumbling something.

The spiritual power of wind and earth surged out of his body and turned into yellow dragon scrolls and countless wind blades, with the purpose of dragging down Xiangqin!

"court death!"

There was no smile on Xiangqin's face, and the spiritual power in his body surged out. He broke free from the shackles of the yellow sand in an instant. At the same time, he clapped his hands continuously, and the spiritual palm prints whizzed away, shattering all the wind blades around him.


The yellow-robed Taoist was struck by one of the spiritual palm prints. He vomited blood and stepped back dozens of steps.

But he still didn't give up casting spells. The spiritual power in his body came out, activating the surrounding yellow sand and wind blades, and attacked Xiangqin crazily, just to stop her for a moment!

Looking at the other side, Liang Yan pressed his hands on the seal, and the Tianji Pearl in his body rotated rapidly, breaking the seal as quickly as possible!

This chapter has been completed!
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