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Chapter 870 The song ends and everyone disperses

 Liang Yan himself knows how powerful a sword is. Even if the "fixed light sword" just slashed casually and has not yet exerted 30% of its strength, with the cultivation level of this monster, it should not be possible.

Any magical power can defend against this sword.

In fact, the "Buddhist Dharma Seal" and the Golden Bowl Spirit Weapon were indeed chopped to pieces by his sword, but at this moment, there was still a golden light remaining in the air, and it seemed that no damage was done to them.

"what is that?"

Liang Yan's eyes showed doubt for the first time. The next moment, he raised his hand and saw the breeze blowing by, and the golden light in the air began to gradually dissipate.

When the golden light completely receded, the thing inside was revealed. It was a golden long sword!


Liang Yan showed a surprised expression, and then raised his hand to catch the golden sword in mid-air.

As soon as I took possession of this long sword, a solemn Buddhist aura hit my face. Looking at the edge of the sword, there were blunt mouths on both sides. There was no killing aura of ordinary flying swords, but there was an aura of supreme strength.

Incomparable momentum.

Liang Yan turned over the flying sword and found a few small words engraved on the back of the sword's hilt, which were: "King Kong Conquers Demons".

"What a diamond sword to subdue demons!"

Liang Yan secretly praised it in his heart, and compared it with several of his own flying swords. He felt that although it was not as good as the Mayfly and Black Lotus flying swords, it was almost the same as Zi Lei and Dingguang.

He pondered for a while, then looked at the golden toad in his palm and asked, "Where did you get this Buddhist sword?"

The golden toad didn't hesitate at all, and immediately kowtowed: "Back then, the wandering monk knew that his end was coming, so he wandered around the world. Unexpectedly, he finally passed away in Nanhang. I got his advice, gained spiritual enlightenment, and later stood guard in front of his body.

Seventy-seven and forty-nine days later, all the monk's relics were reduced to nothing, except for this long sword."

Liang Yan nodded slightly after hearing this. He had a feeling that this Buddhist flying sword was incomplete. It seemed that something was missing, but he couldn't tell exactly what was missing now.

But one thing is certain, the power of this flying sword in the hands of the wandering monk was definitely not what it is now.

Liang Yan pondered for a while, then threw the Buddhist flying sword into his storage bag. Although his "Phaseless Sword Sutra" can refine hundreds of flying swords, with his current strength, at most

Only four flying swords can be controlled at the same time, no matter how many more, they are useless.

So he doesn't need this flying sword for the time being, he just keeps it in his pocket as an ordinary magic weapon.

"No wonder you were able to cover up your demonic aura and sneak into the capital by hiding your cultivation. It turned out that you relied on this Buddhist magic weapon!" Liang Yan looked at the golden toad in his hand and said with a half-smile.

When the golden toad saw him pocketing the flying sword, his eyes twitched slightly, and the next moment he hurriedly apologized and said with a smile:

"Senior is joking, how can the little demon control the Buddhist magic weapon with this little Taoism? I just rely on a little bit of Buddhist energy that the wandering monk left in me, so I can barely control it. As for refining this treasure, that's more

Don’t even think about it, there is no trace of the little demon on the flying sword. If you like it, senior, just take it!"

Seeing that he was so understanding, Liang Yan couldn't help but laugh and said: "Don't worry, I haven't planned to take your life yet."

Before he finished speaking, the golden toad was overjoyed and immediately kowtowed to thank him and kept shouting:

"Thank you, senior! Thank you, senior!"

Liang Yan shook his head and said: "Although I won't kill you, you can be exempted from death penalty, but you cannot escape from living crime."

He said the one-handed seal and drove a seal into the golden toad's body. The golden toad's heart tightened inexplicably, and he felt that his life seemed to be connected to a certain bloodline.

"I will punish you to use the body of a spiritual beast to protect the descendants of our Liu family royal family from now on."

Liang Yan turned around as he spoke, waved to Liu Qing who was not far away, and said with a smile: "Girl, this is my gift to you. From now on, it will be your guardian spirit beast."


Liu Qing's face was overjoyed. After seeing what Liang Yan did just now, she already respected the man in gray in front of her as a god. Now that she heard that he was going to give her the golden toad as a gift, she was even more happy to say no.

Speak up.

The girl took three steps and one step at a time, and ran directly in front of Liang Yan. She stretched out her hands to carefully take the golden toad, and then put it in her hands and played with it repeatedly.

The golden toad seemed to have accepted his fate at this moment. No matter how Liu Qing fiddled with him, he just lay obediently in the palm of his hand without any resistance at all.

"I have planted a dharma seal in his body. He must serve the blood of the Liu family for the rest of his life. I will teach you another formula. In an emergency, you can directly command this golden toad."

As Liang Yan spoke, he lightly tapped Liu Qing's forehead, and a mantra immediately poured into her consciousness.

Liu Qing nodded happily and couldn't help but hold Liang Yan's hand and said:

"Thank you, big brother! Big brother, you are so kind!"

Liang Yan was slightly startled when he heard this, and then his expression turned strange.

If calculated by generation, the little girl in front of me is already my grandniece. It is really awkward to hear the words "big brother" from her mouth now.

At this time, everyone present also reacted and fell to the ground one after another, calling them "immortals". The young man in yellow robe on the dragon chair hurried over and kowtowed respectfully in front of Liang Yan:

"Immortal! I have wasted twenty-three percent of my life. I just got a glimpse of the immortal's grace today. I didn't expect that the imperial master is a monster. I was deceived by him before and wanted to learn the path to immortality from him. Now I know that I have boarded a pirate ship. I have been on a pirate ship before.

I am blind, so I ask the immortal to teach me the path to immortality regardless of past grievances. I am willing to use the power of the whole country to build a temple for the immortal."

He said so many words in one breath, but Liang Yan just glanced at him and asked lightly: "What's your name?"

The young man in yellow robe was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he answered truthfully: "Liu Sihan."

Liang Yan nodded, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes. After a while, he slowly said:

"You are far worse than your grandfather."


Before Liu Sihan could react, he heard Liang Yan continue to say: "You have no spiritual roots, and you are destined to miss the great road in this life. National affairs are not a piece of cake. How can I use the power of the whole country to help you ask alone?"


Liu Sihan was reprimanded by him, but he couldn't bring up any intention to refute, so he could only lower his head and remain silent.

Liang Yan was even more disappointed when he saw how cowardly he was. Looking back on the nine sons who fought for the throne, although each had its own advantages and disadvantages, which one was not the overlord who had the world in mind and dominated one side?

Now this Liu Sihan doesn't have any imperial aura at all, but looks like a child.

Liang Yan shook his head secretly, sighed in his heart and said, "It doesn't matter, future generations will have their own blessings, but it's me who has to worry about this too much."

Thinking of this, he turned around again and handed a jade pendant to Liu Qing.

"You possess pseudo-spiritual roots. Logically speaking, it will be difficult to build a foundation in this life. But there is always a chance of improvement. If you can really break through this bottleneck, break this jade pendant."

What he left in the jade pendant was the address of the Yungang Sect and his token. If Liu Qing could really build the foundation of the spiritual platform, he could find the Yungang Sect based on this address. Even if he was no longer in the sect, he would still be able to find the Yungang Sect.

Someone will accept her as an inner disciple.

After hearing what he said, Liu Qing reached out to take the jade pendant, then looked at the man in front of her, suddenly in a daze.

She knew only a little about the path of cultivation, and there was not much joy in her heart at this moment, but instead she felt a little disappointed.

Because she had a vague hunch that the man in gray in front of her seemed to be saying goodbye to her.

"Brother, are you leaving?" Liu Qing couldn't help but ask.

After hearing this, Liang Yan smiled and said: "There is no banquet in the world, and Yu Yu walked alone on the road. If you can successfully build the foundation in the future, you will also understand what it feels like."

Liu Qing nodded somewhat understandingly, and when he looked at Liang Yan again, his eyes were full of reluctance.

Although she had only met him a few times, she was full of curiosity about the man in front of her, and even felt a little attached to him. She didn't know how this attachment came about, as if it was engraved in the bone marrow and blood.

Liang Yan took in all her expressions and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"After all, she is still a child at heart. I have forcibly raised her cultivation level to the seventh level of Qi refining. I don't know if it is good or bad for her."

Forcibly improving the cultivation level of others is against the Dao. The person being promoted has an unstable foundation and a vain Taoist heart, and it is easy for him to go astray in the subsequent cultivation path.

Of course, there are also people who are determined and will not be disturbed by external forces and eventually find their own way.

All of this depends on Liu Qing's own luck, and Liang Yan can only help her so far.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Liu Qing and Liu Sihan one last time, and suddenly laughed loudly:

"In the dream, hundreds of years of flowers bloomed and fell, and the light of the world was cold. I stepped on the earth with a cane and sandals. Only when I look back do I know that the song has an end. Oh! Wake up, wake up, and go!"

After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and walked away from the crowd. Everyone present was at a loss. Only Liu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the sky in a daze.

A firm belief has taken root in her heart

After this day, the entire Yue Kingdom's imperial power underwent earth-shaking changes.

A rumor spread like wildfire that the current imperial advisor, who was favored by the emperor and was worth more than ten thousand people, was actually transformed by an evil spirit.

This person attempted to slowly control the royal family through marriage, and finally realized his ambition to usurp the throne. However, before the plan could be implemented, he was surrendered by a passing master, thus preserving the thousand-year legacy of the Dai Viet royal family.

After his fall, all the civil and military officials who had taken refuge with the Imperial Guard were also purged.

In particular, officials who joined the "Guangming Cult", no matter how big or small their official positions were, were implicated and imprisoned, at least demoted to civilians, at worst, their homes were confiscated and exiled, which for a time made everyone in the government panic.

In Kyoto, the original "Tai Sui Gang", the number one gang in the country of Yue, was suppressed by the emperor because of getting too close to the imperial master. Many gang leaders had to leave the capital. As for the current gang leader, even more

Liu Sihan was directly placed under house arrest.

At this point, the "Tai Sui Gang", which was single-handedly supported by the former emperor Liu Wanrou, has officially stepped down from the stage of history. It can only be said that the world is unpredictable, the situation is changing, and no one can predict what will happen in the future.

It's just that these disturbances have nothing to do with Liang Yan. When he left Beijing this time, he no longer had any worries in his heart, and he no longer had the slightest interest in these things.

Five days later, we were on the shore of a large lake three hundred miles outside Kyoto.

Liang Yan sat cross-legged under a peach tree, his eyes slightly closed, and his whole body was like an inconspicuous stone, completely integrated into the surrounding lakes and mountains.

This place is called Tanxi Lake, and is famous for the faint scent of sandalwood beside the lake. At this time of spring, in March, it is the time when peach blossoms are in full bloom. The banks of the lake are filled with red flowers, willows, and fallen flowers. It really feels like a paradise.

In normal times, there will definitely be talented people from the capital, dignitaries and wealthy ladies coming here to visit the lake and enjoy the flowers. Of course, the romantic affairs in front of the flowers and under the moon are indispensable.

But at this moment, there was not a single person on the entire Tanxi Lake.

As for why such a strange thing happened, it was because a thick layer of white mist had arisen outside the peach grove dozens of miles around Tanxi Lake.

Many curious people tried to get through this layer of white mist, but in the end they all got lost inside and wandered around randomly for a long time. When they finally escaped, they were so hungry that their chests were touching their backs.

From then on, no one dared to come near this place.

However, this mere ecstasy formation naturally could not trap Liang Yan. With just a thought, he appeared under a willow tree by the Tanxi Lake and sat down cross-legged to meditate in advance.

This sitting lasted for two hours. Two hours later, the white mist that originally surrounded the peach forest suddenly rolled, and then a slovenly old beggar flew out of it.

He was standing on a huge banana fan, holding a snuff bottle in his left hand, puffing smoke in his mouth, and holding the collar of a young man in blue robe with his right hand.

Although the young man was sitting cross-legged on the banana fan behind him, he looked reluctant. It was obvious that he was not here of his own will, but was forcibly "invited" by this sloppy beggar.

"You brat! How many people are crying and begging to become Wan's teacher. They don't have this opportunity. It's better for you. I've been urging you four times, but you haven't moved at all. Aren't you worthy of learning Wan's magical powers?


The old beggar took a breath of smoke, puffed out smoke, and after a long time he continued: "Did you see the hundred-mile 'smoke formation' outside the peach blossom forest? Those are all the work of the old beggar. If you

Once you learn this skill, you will have thousands of troops in the future, but what can I do to you?"

After hearing this, the young man in blue robe did not appreciate it at all. Instead, he said with a hint of disdain:

"Hmph! When using military force, righteousness is the first priority, and strangeness is the supplement. Although Qimen Dunjia is helpful, it is just a heretic in the end and cannot be promoted! We who are studying should cultivate our own awe-inspiring righteousness. If we march and fight, we should be upright and upright.

, to attack it head on."


The old beggar was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, raising one palm above his head, as if he couldn't help but slap the young man in the face.

At this moment, a generous voice suddenly sounded from the forest:

"Hahaha, I'm so anxious. Fellow Taoist Wan is so anxious!"

Thanks to: Baili No Name, book friend 20200313200534280 for the reward!

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