Turn off the lights
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Chapter 010 Icebreaker Night

The candlelight flickered, and she smiled faintly there.

Qi Yu was inexplicably a little panicked. He was used to her indifference before, but now he felt a little uncomfortable facing this sudden warmth.

"Uh...I'm sleepy."

After saying that, Qi Yu took off his clothes in panic, pulled the quilt over and hurriedly covered his head, pretending to sleep.

There was still silence in his ears. After a moment, he curiously opened a corner of the quilt and saw that she was still smiling there.

"Madam, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Ms. sir, tell me, are you still you?"

What does this... mean?

Qi Yu's heart suddenly trembled, what he was worried about still happened. Although he tried his best to imitate the original owner, it was not him after all. This kind of thing could be hidden from others, but not from the person beside his pillow.

Obviously, Liu Quan had noticed something was wrong.

How to explain this?

The lamp is still the same lamp, but it has a different wick.

"I... of course it's still me."

"No, you have changed."

Unknowingly, his body was covered in cold sweat, and Qi Yu tried to calm down.

"It would be right to say that I have changed. I jumped into the river and came back to life. I have indeed changed a lot in my concepts." Qi Yu said vaguely.

Liu Quan's eyes were a little complicated: "Are you... a human or a ghost?"

Qi Yu replied decisively: "Of course I am a human being! Look, I still have a shadow!"

"Compared with what I said before, you seem to be a different person. Tell the truth. What happened to you? Don't use Zhuang Zhou Mengdie's words to fool me."

Literate people are hard to fool. They even know this allusion...

How to explain it?

Liu Quan stared at him closely without blinking.

Qi Yu felt dizzy and confused when another allusion suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Madam, have you ever heard of the story of the founding emperor of our Dafeng Kingdom who understood the Five Classics in one dream?"

"Hmm... I've heard of it."

This is a widely circulated story, known to all women and children.

According to legend, Li Chongjiu, the founding emperor of Dafeng, was originally a white man who could not read the Chinese characters. However, one day when he met with the ministers, everyone was surprised to find that Jin Shang suddenly spoke volumes and was full of knowledge.

In response to this, the emperor laughed and said: I understood the Five Classics in a dream. After the saint's guidance in the dream, I already have the ink in mind.

In addition, there is another version of the gossip, which says that the reason why the emperor became literate was not because of the sage's dreams, but because the queen taught him secretly. In order to take into account the emperor's face, he came up with the idea that one dream can read the Five Classics.

Of course, no one knows whether it is true or false.

However, everyone knows that the emperor is a man of words, and whatever he says is what he says. Therefore, the statement that one dream can understand the Five Classics is credible in a sense!

Qi Yu also wants to learn a thing or two...

"I was struggling to death after falling into the water that day. I seemed to have received some kind of wake-up call in my daze, and suddenly I felt like I was enlightened. After that, I found that my mind had become more flexible, as if I had done something in the river.

Just like a dream, it is probably the same for a dream to read the Five Classics."

"Is this true?" Liu Quan was dubious.

"of course!"

Although this statement is somewhat absurd, it is well-documented, and it came from the mouth of the founding emperor of this dynasty, so it seems... somewhat credible.

"Madam, I am still me, no different from before. If I have changed, it should be that I have become mature...I was too bad in the past, so why don't I change my mind and be a new person." Qi Yu said sincerely.

"Become a new person..."

Forget it, that's it.

Even if it is replaced by a water ghost, it will still be better than before...

As long as he can live a good life, what else do you want?

Seeing that his wife seemed to believe him, Qi Yu breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, the clothes on his back were already soaked with cold sweat.

After this communication, the gap between the two was truly eliminated, and Liu Quan's eyes gained a gentle glow.

"I don't ask for wealth, as long as you treat me a little better, I'll be satisfied." Liu Quan said quietly.

"I will definitely do it!" Qi Yu said decisively.

"Before, I was completely in despair, but you unexpectedly changed your mind and gave me hope again."

Qi Yu felt sad when he heard this, and said with emotion: "Madam, I cherish our family very much, especially you! Don't worry, I will make it!"

Liu Quan trembled when he heard the words, tears of happiness filled his eyes, and his body leaned closer.

No more hesitation, reach out and hug me.

"Relying on you like this makes me feel very at ease and at ease."


"do not speak……"

The cold ice will not stop the water flowing, nor will the dead trees bloom again.

The lights went out and the moon wisely hid behind the clouds.

For Qi Yu, this was a wonderful night.

Thunder, rain, and dew are all sweet rain, and finally there is no need to recite the multiplication table anymore.

The next day, Liu Quan was in high spirits as if bathed in the spring breeze. She got up early in the morning with joy and got busy. Qi Yu, on the other hand, yawned nonstop, rubbed the dark circles under his eyes, and stretched his big waist.

Busy with business.

The top priority now is to renovate the old house. The longer it is delayed, the colder the weather will be, so it is better to do it sooner rather than later.

Liu Quan was clever, and after shopping around the neighbors, she contacted someone who was willing to help. It was winter now, and she just avoided the busy farming season, so it was easier to hire someone.

If you have money, you will have confidence.

Zhou showed a rare act of generosity and asked Liu Quan to prepare some large meat dishes to avoid being accused of being petty behind his back.

Naturally, Liu Quan couldn't be bothered by these things. She went to the market and prepared all the dishes she needed, and also bought some water and wine for the reception.

The progress of repairing the house went very smoothly, and in just a few days, the basic repair work was completed.

Not only did they renovate the old tiles, they also laid large bluestones in the yard, giving it a completely new look.

The Qi Yu family was originally a very poor family, but this generous move has indeed attracted the attention of many people, including members of the Qi family.

Most of the neighbors were relieved that Qi Yu's family had turned around. However, a few people thought that Qi Yu was just lucky enough to be where he is today just because he got the silver reward.

However, no one dared to say it openly.

The calligraphy treasure of the magistrate is hanging there, a rising star! The appreciation in this is self-evident.

Qi Yu's goal was achieved, but he still wanted to use the influence of this calligraphy to change other people's negative views of him.

A word from an official is worth ten thousand words from a common man.

After Qian, the shopkeeper of the coffin shop, heard about this incident, he was confused for a while, and then he took the initiative to ask someone to come to Liu Quan to make peace, saying that he wanted to resolve the previous conflict.

Liu Quan said generously that those unpleasant experiences were like yesterday's old almanac, they have been turned over.

Generally speaking, everything in the family is developing for the better.

On this day, a strange guest suddenly came to the house, Mrs. Qin, the widow of the late Master Yan.

Liu Quan showed great enthusiasm and took the old woman's hand and led her into the main room.

"I came here specially to express my gratitude today. Fortunately, I got Madam Qi's advice before, so I was able to avoid being exterminated. The elegiac couplet sent by the young master was very respectful. I can see that you are all kind-hearted and good people, old lady.

Thank you very much." Qin said sincerely.

Qi Yu smiled and said: "Auntie, you are serious. Master Yan is a sincere man. As a junior, I should respect him."

Mrs. Qin smiled and said, "I heard that because of my family's affairs, shopkeeper Qian caused trouble for your family. I feel really bad when I think about it."

Qi Yu sighed and said: "There is a temporary disagreement between neighbors. There is no need to take it to heart. Besides, shopkeeper Qian has already taken the initiative to express his goodwill. In my opinion, let's just let it go."

Mrs. Qin nodded in approval.

Then, she took out a few old books from the basket she carried with her: "These were compiled by my husband when he was still alive, and they are called "Little Notes". They contain the questions and notes of previous scientific examinations. I heard that my husband will take the examination in the next year."

, why not just give it to you."

Qi Yu was overjoyed and thanked him profusely after taking it.

Although the original owner had attended a private school, he studied by himself when he grew up and never received any guidance from anyone. The significance of this "Small Notes" can be regarded as a timely help.

Mrs. Qin didn't stay too long. After explaining everything clearly, she stood up and left.

As soon as Qi Yu and his wife sent her outside the gate, they met Sun Dacai who was coming. Seeing that there was a guest coming, Qin said there was no need to see her off anymore and left alone.

"Ama, what have you been busy with lately?"

"I'm not busy. Brother-in-law, is there something wrong?"

Why did my brother-in-law suddenly become so kind? His body was still bent like that little quail, so humble?

Sun Dacai chuckled and said warmly: "I heard that you were appreciated by the county magistrate, so I ran over to say congratulations to you and also took a look at Mr. Yu's calligraphy."

"...Okay, brother-in-law, please come in."

Although Ms. Zhou was in the house, she could hear clearly outside the window. As soon as her son-in-law entered the door, she said coldly: "Humph! You are so clever. Why weren't you so kind when I asked you to borrow money?


Sun Dacai was not angry and said with a smile: "Mother-in-law, we are just kidding. We are relatives. It is normal for us to grind our teeth occasionally. Don't mind it."

Liu Quan took a few steps forward as if inadvertently, took Zhou's hand, and reminded him: "Mother, my brother-in-law came in a hurry today, do you mind?"

Why does it sound like there is something in the words?

After thinking about it for a while, Mrs. Zhou came to her senses. These words were originally said by her son when he asked his son-in-law to borrow money last time. The original intention was that he came in a hurry and forgot to bring a gift...

Damn it! Are you deliberately bullying yourself for your bad eyesight? Fortunately, my wife warned him in time, otherwise, he would have been fooled again.

"I said, you came here empty-handed?"

Sun Dacai's expression immediately turned cloudy, but when he saw Mr. Yu's calligraphy, it turned cloudy again.

The rumors are true, my brother-in-law is really lucky!

"Mom, I did rush a bit today. I will make up for it next time. I will do what I say!"

"Next time? Fortunately, you didn't say anything about the next life." Mrs. Zhou snorted and muttered: "It seems that my daughter is living in vain. Both of them are sweet-mouthed, but in fact no one has filial piety.


Sun Dacai wasn't angry either, he just smiled.

"Brother-in-law, you have also seen Mr. Yu's calligraphy. Are you okay now?" Qi Yu felt abnormal and deliberately made a gesture of seeing off guests.

"Something happened, but it's nothing important." Sun Dacai laughed dryly and his eyes flickered.

My brother-in-law is a philistine. His eyes only light up when he sees money. Could it be that he has seen money?

Speaking of money, ahem!

Qi Yu said cautiously: "As promised in advance, I don't have money to lend you..."

"You said you have no money?"

Who believes it! Can you repair a house without money?

"I'm not asking you to borrow money."

That’s good, talking about money hurts feelings!

"What's that?"

"I heard that you have recently learned a painting skill. As for me, I want to take advantage of you and want you to help me paint." Sun Dacai laughed and said.

Actually asking for a painting!

This chapter has been completed!
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