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Chapter 1151

The falling flowers follow the flowing water intentionally, but the flowing water has no intention of following the falling flowers.

Such emotional anecdotes are not uncommon in reality.

Xiaotong sighed quietly and began to feel depressed and depressed.

Naturally, Hong Tao didn't know that someone was spying on him, and he was still thinking about the next countermeasures.

Currently, there are two methods available.

The first is to show your identity and use your military exploits to suppress the opponent and force him to make concessions.

The second is to remain anonymous, use special means to solve the problem, and then move on.

In comparison, the second one seems to be more flexible and can be listed as the first choice.

With the proposed rules and regulations, the handling becomes much clearer.

Hong Tao's face straightened and he said solemnly: "As the saying goes, a loyal minister will not serve two masters, and a good girl will not serve two husbands. As a scholar, it is impossible for the magistrate to not understand this, so please respect yourself!"

Seeing his statement, Nie Qinglian also echoed: "Although women of the common people are despicable, they insist on staying the same and never change."

This husband-wife-following attitude has clearly expressed the proper attitude. Logically speaking, the magistrate should stop entangled.

Yes, as a local chief minister and an official of the imperial court, how could he take away someone's wife?

People want face and trees want bark. Most people would not do this. If this matter spreads, the reputation will be completely ruined.

However, driven by the temptation, the magistrate did not intend to give up. He felt that how could he let the duck fly away when it reached his mouth?

We should work hard to capture this woman.

So, he cleared his throat and said: "Ahem, what happens after you are betrothed? Before the bridal chamber, you are innocent. How can there be any saying that it will last forever?"

"So, you are still mine!"

The tone of these words was firm and non-negotiable. The implication was also very obvious, that he was going to take it hard.

Faced with threats, several people had different reactions.

Naturally, the Nie family's father and daughter looked panic-stricken, as nervous as suffocation. They had no confidence at all to fight against the officials.

Hong Tao was so angry that he felt weak all over. He really couldn't believe that in today's prosperous Dafeng Dynasty, there was such a dog official.

Qi Xiaotong, on the other hand, was stirred up by this scene. She began to put aside her jealousy and instead shared the same hatred.

Compared with their nervousness, the county magistrate and his party seemed much more relaxed. In their eyes, the common people were obviously lambs to be slaughtered who could not resist.

Say no?

Do they dare?

Seeing the officials laughing so disgustingly, Hong Tao immediately shouted: "You people know the law and break the law and act recklessly. Aren't you afraid of the punishment of the law?"

"Law? Within my jurisdiction, I am the law!" After saying that, the magistrate opened the sedan curtain and walked out slowly.

But they saw that he was a thin, middle-aged man with pale cheeks and no color. He really looked like the rumored tuberculosis ghost.

With his virtue, he still wants to covet swan meat?

After sighing secretly, Hong Tao stepped forward and blocked the door with his arms.

Tuberculosis can be passed from person to person, so naturally he would not allow it to get close to the Nie family and his daughter.

Turning people away is the best option.

Seeing Hong Tao being so disrespectful, the county magistrate couldn't help but feel angry. He pressed his big hand and said, "Come here, beat me to death!"

All the officials were gearing up and responded in unison: "Yes, sir!"

As soon as this order came out, they immediately took action.

Hong Tao no longer tolerated it anymore, he shouted loudly and struck decisively.

How did the county magistrate know that the man in front of him was a tiger in sheep's clothing? Once he loosened his restraints and let go of his scruples, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

Bang bang bang!

Faintly, I could only see his figure swaying, bowing from left to right, and punching to the flesh. Wherever he passed, it was like entering a deserted land, and anyone who stood in his way became a thrown sack.

In just a few blinks of an eye, there was a large area lying on the ground, and there was a lot of wailing in the ears. You can imagine how miserable it was.

Only then did the county magistrate realize that he had stung a hornet's nest.

The guy in front of you is a real martial artist, and you will definitely not get any advantage in fighting with him.

But, it's too late.

If you provoke the anger of someone you shouldn't provoke, you will definitely pay a corresponding price.

I saw Hong Tao suddenly taking a step and moving in front of the magistrate in a flash. Then, he stretched out his hand and pressed it down.

After gaining power, he raised his big foot, stepped on the chest of the county magistrate and said: "Boy, I traveled all over the country and met with countless officials. Even a master like General Qi Jing did not dare to joke about the law. You, a small county magistrate, are not as good as a pig or a dog."

Is it worthy of representing the law? Say, are you going to give in today or not?”

Before he could speak, Hong Tao hit him on the nose with a fist tenth of the strength.

The magistrate was bleeding from the sudden punch, his nose was crooked to one side, and his mouth was so painful that he could not speak.

Since all his subordinates were watching, he really didn't want to surrender in front of them and beg for mercy, so he snorted to cover up his humiliation.

However, to Hong Tao's ears, this sounded not only unconvincing, but also somewhat provocative.

I'll tell you to be tough!

After being provoked like this, Hong Tao became more stubborn and cursed loudly: "You are such a bitch, how dare you still snort at me?"

After that, he gave another two-tenth of a punch, hitting the magistrate squarely on the eye socket.

In an instant, a stream of blood spurted out.

The magistrate no longer dared to insist and quickly begged for mercy. However, he bit his tongue and could not express himself, so he could only whimper and beg in a low voice.

If he was tough to the end and refused to beg for mercy, Hong Tao would still respect him as a man of integrity. Seeing how unbearable he was, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of contempt in his heart.

After snorting heavily, he said: "One more punch from me will make you remember better, so that you won't continue to live in the fish and meat village in the future! After this punch, our grudges will be wiped out."


Although he only used three-tenths of the force, he accidentally hit his temple.

This was great. The magistrate suddenly felt a buzzing sound in his head, as if a whole-hall water and land dojo had been opened, with cymbals and cymbals all ringing in unison.

It kept ringing and then stopped suddenly.

When Hong Tao calmed down and looked again, he saw the magistrate standing motionless on the ground, with only air coming out of his mouth but no air coming in.


Something bad happened!

I thought I'd teach him a lesson, but I never thought that he would be so inexperienced that he couldn't even withstand three light punches from me.

Now that there is a life-threatening lawsuit, and the court official has been killed, it is really difficult to end it.

He could just slap his butt and let the wind go, but the Nie family and his daughter would suffer!

How can they afford such a serious crime?

No, we need to be more decisive next, we must make a decision.

Either surrender and take the blame, or run away. In short, there can be no delay.


This chapter has been completed!
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