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Chapter 335 The road to sell the stolen goods

Yes, someone is coming.

Qi Yu followed the sound and saw Leng Qing coming in a small boat. At this moment, she landed there with a slight jump.

She still had that cold and annoying look. If it hadn't been for that faint smile just now, who would have thought she was an emotional woman?

Although the scene is beautiful, I feel disgusted with each other.

"Hmph!" Qi Yu glanced at her and said, neither salty nor cool: "I said, I am far away in the north to commemorate the pioneers. What's so funny?"

Leng Qing said indifferently: "What am I laughing at? It's just that I saw you are darker and thinner than before, so I couldn't help laughing."

Is this a compliment or a criticism?


I don't mind, I pretend not to hear!

At this time, Qi Yu waved his hand to the government servants beside him, indicating that they could remove the food. Then, he invited Leng Qing, saying that he wanted her to come to the government office to talk and reminisce about the past.

On the way home, Leng Qing was not reserved at all. She got into the carriage and rode with Qi Dalang without any thought.

"I said that men and women should not be intimate with each other and should not sleep in the same place. Here..." Qi Yu felt awkward and said in a weird voice.

"What is this? What about 'sleeping together' in the same place? Don't use random words!" Leng Qing glared at him fiercely and said: "You can't do it. You sit in the car and let me walk underneath.

?Okay, if you think it’s not suitable for men and women to live together, you can get off the car and walk. In that case, you don’t have to ride with me.”

What? Let me walk?

Beautiful thought!

"Okay, okay, what about that, let's just make do with each other..."


Cough, spit!

The two of them continued to look at each other and dislike each other.

The wheels of the carriage were creaking, and the interior of the carriage was so quiet and comfortable that the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

Finally, Qi Yu couldn't bear it anymore and said with a smile: "Let me tell you, what did you find out during this trip?"

Leng Qing glanced at him and hummed: "Originally, I planned to tell you something, but when I saw you being so rude to me, I regretted it."

What? Am I rude to you?

Ahem, I am simply more unjust than Dou E. I am a civil servant, do I have that ability?

Qi Yu smiled awkwardly and said: "It's so wrong to say this. How could I be 'rude' to you? Even if I have the leisure, I don't have the time to spare. It's a misjudgment! It's an absolutely serious misjudgment!"

"Humph, you are so eloquent."

"Uh..." Qi Yupai nodded with a smile, thought for a while, and then threw out a bait to lure her and said, "Huh? That's really weird!"


"Look, how come your delicate, pink and white face has been blown so dry by the sea breeze. Fortunately, there is a remedy now!"

Leng Qing said in a trembling voice: "You said..."

Qi Yu said confidently: "Haha, it just so happens that I have learned a special secret method since I was a child, which can rejuvenate dry skin and make it pink and tender, and can be broken by blowing. Let's use this as a tool.

In exchange, you tell me what you learned during this trip, and I tell you my beauty secrets, how about that?"

Leng Qing's eyes were blurred after hearing this, and she subconsciously touched her pretty face and nodded in agreement.

"Is your secret technique real?"

"Of course! I, Qi Dalang, never lie to others. If you don't believe me, you can ask Harry!"


There had been rumors before that Zuo Zhengyi was the official he recommended to the imperial court. The two of them often drank and talked together. Their relationship was not generally good. Indeed, there was no bad rumor about who was cheating the other.

This is news from within the officialdom, and it is not false.

This time, it was Leng Qing's turn to take the initiative.

"I have your wish! Who can say it first?"

"Of course it's you..."

In the end, Leng Qing gave in and was the first to talk about the findings of her trip.

Listen carefully below:

First of all, it was about King Yong, which was also the mission of her trip south. Because it involved some secrets, it was not convenient for her to tell them all, so she could only pick out some things she could talk about. Even so, she still adopted the method of Chunqiu.

The writing style is relatively obscure.

According to Leng Qing's explanation, and then coupled with Qi Yu's own brainstorming, he finally came to the following conclusion.

When the King of Yan planned to rebel, he could be said to have exhausted all the mechanisms, and the overall layout was almost perfect. He allied with the Eastern captives in the north to seek assistance from the war horses; then he allied with the King of Zhao in the south to seek mutual support during the war; in addition, he also won over

He visited King Yong of Guangdong in order to purchase so-called firearms, and came to fight against the imperial army this time.

Unexpectedly, his alliance would have unexpected consequences.

The wishful thinking of the Donglu side was shattered by Qi Yu's alienation plan. The imperial edict of "Tiancong Khan" aroused the anger of the Tatars and Oaras as expected, prompting them to fight.

There was a big fight on the pong ground, and even the Korean stick was mixed in to make matters worse.

Although King Zhao was ambitious, his temper was too indecisive. He neither dared to act rashly nor to be radical. In the end, he was suppressed by the emperor's hard and soft tactics. And when the emperor personally led the expedition, he continued to hibernate on his own

In his fiefdom, he was as honest as that cat, not even daring to say a word of support to King Yan.

As for the mediocre king in Guangdong, he is a bit special. He neither participated in King Yan's rebellion nor submitted to the emperor for compromise. He has been committed to improving his overall strength in order to dominate.

According to Leng Qing, the transaction between King Yong and King Yan was purely monetary, and there was not much complexity involved. It is said that at that time, King Yong did not sell firearms to him because King Yan's bid was too low.

Having said that, the problem arises.

How come King Yong is connected with firearms?

Speaking of which, it was thanks to Xiao Yunyan's confession. If we hadn't followed the information he provided, it would have been difficult to figure out the connection.

It is currently known that in a small place called Tuen Mun in Dongguan County, a group of businessmen from the Franco Kingdom are gathered there. In fact, it is they who are privately manufacturing and trading thermal firearms. Leng Qing

Following this trace of origin, we slowly traced it to King Yong.

In short, this royal vassal is the real boss behind the scenes. He and these foreigners are responsible for providing protection and manufacturing firearms, and jointly share the profits.

This may be the legendary eating inside and outside!

In recent times, due to King Yong's efforts to expand his numbers, there has been a shortage of food rations. Therefore, he proposed a trading method that requires merchants to exchange food for firearms.

This also indirectly explains Xiao Yunyan’s fundamental motive for searching for food in the first place.

But why is this guy so keen on firearms?

Even if a low-level official of his level rebels, he cannot achieve the reputation value that can be answered by a hundred people. If this is the case, then why does he spend money and resources to collect firearms?

This is another category.

Leng Qing did not hide this. She said that most of the forces trying to collect firearms are related to fake Japanese pirates...

I understand, this is a business without capital.

In addition, there is another important question, that is, how were the stolen goods stolen by the fake Japanese pirates sold?

No buying and selling, no harm.

After seeing clearly the surface of something, you need to analyze its essence.

Leng Qing was not interested in any of this. She just answered with two simple words: "Finang."

However, for the sake of beauty, she added: "As far as I know, King Yong secretly opened a trading market somewhere in Fenport as a way to sell the stolen goods."

Fenggang is an isolated island in Dongguan County. It was named after the fragrant spices that were traded in history. At present, that place is remote and backward, with little education. It is an administrative vacuum zone, so smuggling


The main reason why fake Japanese pirates are so popular is that they are supported by sales and driven by huge profits, so they are difficult to suppress.

Qi Yu sighed in his heart: He never expected that the real boss standing behind this was actually King Yong.

The king of mediocrity is not mediocre at all!

Now I finally understand why Governor Lu did not send government troops to carry out a large-scale killing operation.

Thinking about it, it is not convenient to attack this powerful Prince Yong before obtaining real evidence and the approval of Lord Long Live.

If you really want to kill him, you must be decisive and must not be sloppy, otherwise, it will be out of control.

Qi Yu squinted his eyes and fell into deep thought, thinking: It seems that if he wants to completely suppress this fake Japanese trend, he must find a way to kill the mediocre king!

This chapter has been completed!
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