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Chapter 255

These slaps in the dark not only stunned the proud gangsters, but also shocked the young man lying on the ground.

Who did it?

is her!

When he raised his eyes, he saw a lovely girl in her prime standing under the bright moonlight. Her bangs were up to her eyebrows and her black hair was like a waterfall. She was looking at the man who was pinned to the ground with a playful smile.

"It's you?"

"Well, well, it's me! Hehe, let me talk about Hong Tao. Before, you were always bragging to me about how great you were in fighting. Look now, you are being pinned to the ground by a few scoundrels. It's so embarrassing.

Not ashamed?"

"I... was caught off guard by them just because I was careless. Normally, I, I..."

"Tch, you've been beaten to the ground, and you still have the nerve to brag about it?"


The boy on the ground is none other than Xiaotong's former classmate, Hong Tao.

In terms of age, he is two years older than Qi Xiaotong, and has now grown into the physique of a teenager. Compared with before, his face is a little less immature and more resolute.

However, now he looked embarrassed and hesitated when speaking.

It was such a shame to make a fool of myself in front of my former classmates.

The scoundrels saw the two of them asking and answering questions, with a hint of teasing in their words, and felt that they had been seriously underestimated.

What's more, this little girl slaps people in the face as soon as she comes up, and if she doesn't teach them a lesson, there's no way she can express her bad temper.

If that's the case, let's fight!

Facts have proved that the scoundrels miscalculated...

Xiaotong's attack this time was without any scruples, so he didn't hold back any force. He only used a few flying kicks to resolve the battle.

In a moment, a verdict was reached.

In the end, the gangsters paid a heavy price for their ignorance. Not only did they kowtow to my aunt to apologize, but they also made up for Hong Tao's soup and medicine expenses.

After begging for a long time, they were finally pardoned by Xiaotong's magnanimity. Then, each of them staggered away holding on to their injured arms.

Is this the end?

From beginning to end, Hong Tao watched dryly from the side, dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and finally confused.

Is this really Qi Xiaotong?

How did she become so powerful?

Hong Tao had a look of shock on his face, and his mouth was so stunned that he could almost put down a goose egg.

Alas, the world has changed now, and people are different too. I used to protect her from being bullied, but now it's the other way around.

As an upright man, I really feel an inexplicable sense of humiliation~~~

Xiaotong, who was not ashamed, was indifferent and didn't care. She patted Hong Tao's shoulder as if it was nothing, and said with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, shall we find a place to catch up on old times?"

"How about going to my house?"

"Well, I think it works!"

After tea time, the two sat down at Hong Tao's home and began what they called reminiscing about the past.

Xiaotong looked around the house and couldn't help but feel a tremor in her heart. She vaguely felt a familiar aura from here, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Oh, yes!

This place is a bit like the old house that was burned down by fire in my hometown of Taohua Village. It is simple and has a smell of mud.

It feels very friendly.

Hong Tao made two glasses of boiled water, and the two of them drank while chatting about their current well-being.

Xiaotong, on the other hand, used the Spring and Autumn style of writing, concisely summarizing a few sentences and finishing the matter in a hurry, and then asked about the other party.

Hong Tao's experience was a bit sad.

Last year, his mother died of illness. After that, he dropped out of school and lived a boring life of idleness at home.

He originally planned to become an apprentice in a blacksmith shop to earn a living. He had plenty of strength and was neither afraid of hardship nor getting tired, so he would have no problem making ends meet.

Is this... having food?

"If you don't seek to make progress! You are really worthless!" Qi Xiaotong first sarcastically said, and then said: "How can a man who is a dignified man bend his waist just for a fight of rice?"

Hong Tao said with a sad face: "You are an eldest lady from a well-off family, how do you know the difficulties of poor people?"

"No!" Xiaotong interrupted him directly, and said: "Let me tell you, everything my family has now is all obtained by my father's hard work! He rose to the top in the imperial examination and became an official from a humble family. Even if he was occasionally frustrated, he never failed.

Not giving up on yourself is what a man should be motivated to do! As my mother said, my dad is the best and most family-oriented man in the world!"


"As the saying goes, a tiger is as ambitious as a tiger, but a poor person is ambitious. You have lost your ambition in life before you reach the age of weakness. It is really sad and pitiful!"

Alas, are you comparing me to your father?

I'm not qualified!

Hong Tao shook his head with great self-knowledge and said sadly: "Master Peng once said that I have no writing skills and no knowledge, so it will be difficult for me to embark on the road of imperial examination."

"Why do you insist on hanging from a tree? There are so many roads to take in this world, and the imperial examination is not the only one!" Xiaotong pointed to herself and said with a smile: "Take me for example, although I

I can't take the imperial examination, but haven't I learned a good skill? Of course, this is a good condition created by my father for me, but you can also learn from it. Even if you don't take the imperial examination, you can still strengthen yourself.


Learn from it? How to learn from it?

I would like to learn some real skills, but I don’t have the connections!

This argument is too extreme and should not be taken seriously.

"Oh, I have no connections and no place to study."

Hong Tao sighed sadly, feeling that although there were thousands of roads in the world, none of them suited him.

Xiaotong thought about it for a while and said with a smile: "In terms of connections, I can help you think of a way! To tell you the truth, during the day today, I also wrote recommendation letters for some unsuccessful scholars, thinking that they would be the best in life.

Zuo Yin. Since you and I are close friends, I should help you more. How about I also write a letter for you?"

"Really or not?" Hong Tao asked curiously.

"of course it's true!"

Seeing that he didn't believe him, Xiaotong had no choice but to recount what happened during the day. In short, it was about seeking development through building connections and building relationships.

Hong Tao smacked his lips and asked timidly: "Do you want to... introduce me to your father?"

"How is this possible!" Qi Xiaotong was startled when he heard this, and said hurriedly: "I think you'd better go and harm others, for example, my uncle Qi Jing."

Qi Jing?

He was a famous anti-Japanese general in the world, and his deeds were often talked about by storytellers. It can be said that everyone knows and knows about him.

Hong Tao swallowed his saliva and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "General Qi is a general in Lingnan, so how can he give face to your little girl? He probably threw away your letter of recommendation without even reading it."

Xiaotong glared at him fiercely and said fiercely: "Watch your words, who is this little girl?" After a pause, she said proudly: "You don't know that Uncle Qi Jing and my father met in

A humble classmate and close friend, we have a heart-to-heart and life-long friendship! If I write a letter to recommend him, how can he have the nerve to refuse it explicitly?"


"Well! You also know that my uncle Qi is a famous general in the world. His martial arts skills are very strong and he is brave enough to rank among the three armies. If you join his command, even if you are a fire-headed soldier, you will be better than your blacksmith apprentice."

Hmm, that makes sense.

The key is that this personal relationship works.

Children's thinking logic is so simple and direct. They only talk about things on paper but don't think about the feasibility in reality.

For example: age.

Hong Tao's blood boiled, as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and he felt energetic all over his body.

It was as if he had already seen his majestic appearance holding Fang Tian's painted halberd and wearing colorful armor, and even said in a dream: "But by then, my martial arts will be the best in the world!"

Xiaotong made a face and said, "Tch! Dream on!"

Three days later.

Liu Quan and the Zhou family returned to Ning at the same time and chose to stay temporarily at Liu Shouye's home.

The courtyard of Qi Lan's family is relatively small and cannot accommodate many people, and Uncle Zhou's family is not much bigger either. In this plan, the only option left is the Liu family.

In fact, the empty house at my uncle's house on Tuesday was also an option, but because the house needed to be cleaned inside and out, Liu Quan rejected it on the grounds that it was too troublesome.

Anyway, after much comparison, the conclusion is that her natal family is the most suitable.

But don’t all married girls think this way?

Back to business.

Today, Liu Quan is wearing the attire of a married woman, with a emerald gold hairpin in her hair and a mutton-fat white jade bracelet on her hand. She is noble and elegant. Different from usual days, today she has lightly applied rouge and a touch of powder. She is dignified in this way.

It adds a bit more beauty.

Although Mrs. Zhou did not dress up deliberately, she was also dressed in a rich costume, hugging her daughter-in-law from left to right, making her look just like the noble lady in the prince's palace.

As soon as the group entered the village, they attracted a crowd of neighbors.

"Whose noble family is here?"

"Oh, I recognized it. This is Liu Quan, the little girl of the Liu family!"

"What? Is it her?"


Everyone was talking about each other's words, but these words had a common feature, that is, they were all full of undisguised envy.

The Liu family finally arrived.

Tong Yanhuo stopped the car and quickly stepped forward to knock on the door.

Since he had not sent a letter in advance, Liu Shouye was stunned by this sudden surprise. It was not until someone else gave him a hard shake that he finally came to his senses.

Ah! My daughter is back!

And my little grandson! My granddaughter!

"Jincheng, set off the firecrackers quickly! Set off six firecrackers, oh no, set off ten firecrackers!"

What others didn't notice was that Liu Shouye, who deliberately pretended to be a strict father, had secretly wiped away his tears several times.

Mrs. Wang had already burst into tears and was speechless with excitement. She could no longer express herself in words except nodding and laughing.

Several elderly people who were watching looked at the car full of generous gifts and sighed sourly: "Raising a daughter is like Liu Quan, and finding a son-in-law is like honor..."

Someone else said: "Oh, an adopted daughter can support her mother's family and bring glory to her family. It's really enviable to think about it..."

Suddenly, a crackling sound came.

Liu Jincheng lit firecrackers, and in this festive atmosphere, he followed his parents to welcome his sister and his family home.

This chapter has been completed!
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