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Chapter 310 Medical Innovation

After a while, Qi Yu gave his mentor some tea and asked, "What are your plans for the future, sir?"

Yes, this is a big decision that we are about to face.

Strictly speaking, Meng Lanshan has not yet taken up his official position and is still an official in the opposition. According to the regulations of the imperial court, after his return, he must report to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

The next step is the issue of habitat. Currently, his term of Dingyou has expired. Should he return to the Taiyuan Hospital and continue serving, or should he choose another option?


Yes, counting his age, he is almost at the age of retirement. This is what the other things mentioned here refer to.

It seems that when talking about the future, everyone can't help but feel emotional, even the wise Meng Lanshan is no exception.

Faced with this question, he took a sip of tea, then stroking the white beard under his chin and sighed: "Time flies by like a white horse, and things in the world are like white clouds and gray dogs. It seems that before I know it, I have grown old, and everything has changed."

When the sun sets, what plans do we have left?"


Qi Yu's heart suddenly trembled when he heard this, and he couldn't help but feel sad for a while.

In my memory, my mentor is an image of a wise man. Even if he is in a whirlpool, he can deal with it calmly and even pull away. Where have I seen such a short-tempered hero like him?

Could it be that, sir, he is getting old?

Meng Lanshan guessed what he was thinking with just a glance. He shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm decadent, but that my inner thoughts have changed."

"Idea? What idea?"

"This serious illness left me hanging by a thread. If Xiaotong hadn't taken the risk to rescue me, I would have turned into a handful of clay. After experiencing this life and death test, I have become much less interested in fame and wealth...

..." Meng Lanshan said seemingly without any worries.

Qi Yu's heart felt sour again: "Sir, if you survive the disaster, you will have good fortune in the future. There is really no need to be so pessimistic."

"You understand wrong, I am not pessimistic!" Meng Lanshan first smiled warmly at him, and then said: "When I was young, because my career was frustrated, I changed my career to study medicine in anger. After that, I often said, 'If you don't want to be a good prime minister, you will be a good person.

I kept saying "good doctor" as my ambition in life. But I didn't expect that due to the influence of court battles, my path to becoming a doctor would also be stumbling. In the end, I became a quack doctor.


"Sir, you are being too modest. Anyone who can be an imperial doctor is a Xinglin master whose skills are unparalleled in the world. Now that you have reached that high position, how can you be considered a quack doctor?" Qi Yu shook his head and said.

"I'm not being modest, but I'm telling the truth. As the saying goes, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. This is not an empty talk. Although my medical skills can be said to be somewhat shrewd, they are still far from being a great success." Meng Lan

Shan said it neither condescendingly nor arrogantly, and very sincerely.

He smiled faintly and added: "To be honest, Shaocheng, this trip to the West not only allowed me to appreciate overseas scenery, but also allowed me to see the medical skills of foreign countries. It can be said that I have benefited a lot."

"Foreign medical skills?" Qi Yu asked curiously but not surprised.

"Yes! When the fleet sailed near the Kingdom of Valois, I met a local named Vesalius. He wrote a book called "The Structure of the Human Body", and the content in it was very strange! However,

, this book is valuable because it uses actual anatomy as an example to elaborate on the specific structure of the human body..."


Tsk tsk!

If this is true, this book can indeed be called an epoch-making medical masterpiece.

However, what aroused Meng Lanshan's interest was not the unusual anatomy, but a rather incredible operation he witnessed with his own eyes.

The reason why it is called incredible is that Vesalius successfully cured a patient suffering from back gangrene through excision with a sharp knife.

Back gangrene, that is, sores on the back, in modern terms, this disease can easily lead to sepsis.

Don't underestimate this disease, it is a super difficult problem in the history of ancient medicine!

According to historical records, countless people died from this disease. Among them, there are some historical celebrities, such as: Fan Zeng, the counselor of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, Cao Xiu, the famous general in the Three Kingdoms era, Liu Yan, the royal family, and the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

The great poet Meng Haoran, the Emperor Li Keyong of the Later Tang Dynasty, the general Xu Da of the Ming Dynasty, etc.

It can be said that there is almost no cure for this disease, and it is basically like waiting to die.

Unexpectedly, this incurable disease was cut off by the foreigner with a knife, and then he was completely cured by external application of medicine.

This unique move really shocked Meng Lanshan.

Can back gangrene be cured?

Also, it is possible to cure diseases without using decoctions or needles and stones?

This is so amazing!

You must study the method of surgery carefully!

Therefore, for a long time after that, Meng Lanshan devoted himself wholeheartedly to the research of surgical techniques.

From time to time, he also took various small animals for simulation experiments, only to find that after removing part of the bones, flesh and even organs, those small animals could still survive as long as drugs were used to prevent the accumulation of pus.

This amazing discovery directly overturned his inherent understanding of medicine, and at the same time, it also opened up a new path for him in medicine.

After telling the story, Meng Lanshan smiled and said: "I plan to give His Majesty a chance to beg for bones, retire and return home, and then concentrate on studying this type of medicine."

Qi Yu agreed with this.

He thought for a while and then suggested: "Sir, Qiongzhou is a place with warm weather all year round, which is very suitable for leisure and retirement. Why don't you live here to take care of your old age. Taking care of the students morning and night is enough.

A humble filial piety."

"Take care of me sooner or later? Haha, I can still take care of myself now, I'm not that old yet!"

However, Meng Lanshan readily accepted the proposal.

He said that he was willing to stay permanently not because he was greedy for the pleasant climate here, but because of the medical research institute established by Qi Yu.

The environment there is quite clean and the equipment is perfect. It is tailor-made for him. How can he abandon it with such good conditions?

As for the family members in the capital, there is nothing to worry about. They can just send a letter to inform them. If they want to come and visit, it will not be difficult, it will just take some trouble.

Well, that’s it!

Meng Lanshan was so happy that he gradually began to talk more and more. As he talked, he started talking about his recent outing.

In fact, he did not go out for a leisurely trip, but wanted to investigate some medicinal herbs in southern Guangdong.


Meng Lanshan said that although the operation was a wonderful move, it had a fatal flaw, which was the lack of pain-relieving anesthesia.

I still remember that the patient with back gangrene who was operated on by Vesalius almost died from the pain.

This shows how important anesthesia before surgery is!

When the word anesthesia was mentioned, Qi Yu couldn't help but shudder. In his previous life, he died of anesthesia allergy and then traveled to this world.

However, he always felt that his death was some kind of medical accident and was unlikely to be caused by allergies.

As for what exactly happened, perhaps only God knows.

Qi Yu calmed down, brought his thoughts back to reality, and began to analyze his husband's words.

In this day and age, where can I get anesthesia?

This thing is impossible to achieve.

However, Meng Lanshan does not think so: "During the Three Kingdoms period, there was a miracle doctor named Hua Tuo. He once created his own Ma Fei Powder for cutting meat to relieve pain. It is said that the effect was very good. Unfortunately, this ancient prescription has been lost for a long time.

It’s impossible to peek at it now!”

"However, I am confident that I can restore this ancient recipe. This trip is just to investigate the required medicinal materials."


Sir is indeed a master of the world!

If you really do it, it will be a blessing for the people!

Then, Qi Yu asked Meng Lanshan about his experiences in foreign lands, and the latter also answered them one by one.

"Sir, what is the military development of overseas countries?"



Very extraordinary?

Hearing this, Qi Yu felt a chill in his heart. It seemed that the world situation he was worried about had finally happened.

This chapter has been completed!
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