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Chapter 405: Secret Words in the Mirror

In Qi Yu's opinion, this imperial-given mirror is very ordinary and has no attraction to him at all.

Of course, this statement only applies to Qiongzhou today. In other places, glass products are still rare treasures. Most people will be ecstatic when they see them, especially this novel mirror.

"I didn't expect that the treasure that was being fought over was actually this crappy thing..."

"Oh, it's better to give some money as a reward!"

Qi Yu shook his head in disappointment, and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly saw a row of small 'foreign characters' vaguely displayed on the edge of the frame.

It’s really strange. How come things made in Qiongzhou are engraved with foreign characters?

Upon closer inspection, I discovered that they were actually a row of sentences drawn out from Chinese Pinyin.


No need to guess, this must be the masterpiece of that person.

Qi Yu suppressed his slight surprise and read it intently. He saw the letter saying: Your Majesty wants to take advantage of your coming to Beijing to report on your duties and stay in the capital. If you don't want to give up your place in Qiongzhou, you should make arrangements early.

Not many characters, just such a simple sentence.

Obviously, the word "Shang" in these words refers specifically to the Emperor, and her purpose in delivering this letter was to deliberately reveal the Holy Will in advance so that she could think of corresponding countermeasures.

Yu Jing remains in office...

This is not a good sign!

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time before I return to Beijing to report on my duties. I can allow myself to think slowly in order to prepare a way to deal with it. If the tense situation is not enough to move your heart, then you will have to find ways to increase the sense of crisis.

to a certain extent.

Fortunately, Tong Yanhuo fought hard to regain the mirror and then passed on the information on the mirror. Otherwise, he would still be kept in the dark until now.

The result of not knowing why is likely to be that the boat capsizes in the gutter and ends up with the plan being in vain.

Let’s continue talking about the mirror in front of you.

It is not difficult to see from this incident that Queen Su is a very wise person.

You see, she took advantage of the gift of the treasure and successfully secretly conveyed important information to herself, and she did it so unnoticed that even if others discovered the clues, they could not get a glimpse of the true meaning.

In addition, she also used this opportunity to express her position to herself again, and expressed her secret help in a straightforward manner.

However, in her 'secret letter', she did not mention anything about the lost pearl, which indirectly proved that the person who secretly attacked the child was definitely not her, Queen Su.

Just imagine, if it was really her who did it, how could she not tell herself? In this remote place in Southeast Asia, apart from herself and Yin Tao, she really had no confidants to trust.

Okay, okay, let's put this matter aside for now. The most important thing now is to consider how to regain Dawan.

In short, if you can't get the jurisdiction over that place, you can't start a war.

Suppressed by this incident, Qi Dalang couldn't sleep well, couldn't eat well, and even drank a mouthful of cold water and felt he couldn't swallow it smoothly.

So, early the next morning, he couldn't wait to board the special ship bound for Yangcheng.

Before leaving, he specifically told Liu Quan and Liu Shicheng that this year's Mazu event must be held as scheduled and there is no need to wait for his return.

A few days later, Yangcheng Mansion arrived.

Before visiting Lu Boxuan, Qi Yu specially took some time to revisit his old place and take a good stroll around the streets and markets here.

old haunt?

Well, it can indeed be called that.

I remember that when I and Peng Wenchang first arrived in Yangcheng, they wandered around for a long time. It was also on that trip that I bought the two pocket watches at a special price.

The past events are vivid in my mind, as if they were yesterday.

Looking at this bustling street market now, the scale is much larger than before, and the types of goods have also changed from the original Western products to the current ones made in Qiongzhou.

Looking around, you can see a dazzling array of spices, glass products, and ironware for civilian use; there is even "tiger oil" smuggled from somewhere in Nanyang.

It is not difficult to see from this that due to its proximity to Qiongzhou, Guangdong Prefecture has been the first to enjoy the convenience of life brought by industrial development.

After inquiring, Qi Yu learned that the people of Yangcheng's impression of Qiongzhou had undergone tremendous changes. It was no longer a barren land that had been barren since ancient times.

No wonder, as soon as they met, Lu Boxuan said with profound meaning: "In terms of the ability to work hard to govern, Mr. Qi is quite outstanding! Look, it has only been two or three years, and Qiongzhou Mansion has been managed carefully by you.

From the original hairless chicken to the current golden phoenix."

Golden Phoenix?

How dare you do this...?

Qi Yu quickly smiled modestly, cupped his hands and said, "Qiongzhou's achievements are largely due to your secret care and care, Mr. Lu. Otherwise, how could it be as prosperous as it is today?"


The words are better spoken than sung!

Although it is said that it is a common behavior in officialdom for a superior to take advantage of his subordinates, Lu Boxuan is still unwilling to do so.

It's enough to just 'govern by doing nothing'. If you try to covet the merits any more, you'd be really shameless.

Therefore, Lu Boxuan smiled sincerely and said: "Master Qi, there is no need to be humble. The contribution to the construction of Qiongzhou is indeed yours." After saying that, he felt that his words were not comprehensive enough, so he opened his mouth again and added: "Haha,

Of course, this is also inseparable from the wisdom and foresight of our Long Live Lord, otherwise, where would the current prosperous world come from?"

Upon hearing this, Qi Yu also hurriedly cupped his hands towards the north and said: "What Mr. Lu said is absolutely true. Although your Majesty lives in a temple, he always cares about the people. Take me, Qiongzhou, for example. Not only has he been exempted from taxes for three years,

, and also allowed me to reopen the sea ban and develop commerce. If I lose these policy supports, how can this old salted fish in Qiongzhou be able to turn around?"

Unexpectedly, this blow fell, and the other blew again.

Lu Boxuan chuckled, and then added: "That's that, that's it. My emperor Yao, Shun, and Yu Tang knew how to use people well. Even if the emperors of Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty were resurrected, their civil affairs and governance would only be like this."

After the photo was taken, he suddenly changed his voice and said meaningfully: "Although your Majesty is a wise man, he would never have guessed that you not only developed Qiongzhou, but also expanded the territory!"

These words...

Is it possible that Mr. Lu has already learned about the results of Luzon's battle?

It seems I can't hide it anymore.

Qi Yu could only smile apologetically, and then explained: "Actually, regarding Luzon..."

"Haha, don't say it, don't say it! I don't want to understand, nor do I want to get involved." Lu Boxuan pressed his hand and said with a smile: "I guess you have also heard that in a few months, I will be

I took up a post in Beijing and participated in the central committee's political discussions. Therefore, during this period, I neither wanted to see a chaotic situation nor a sudden increase in outstanding political achievements. I pursued stability in everything. In layman's terms, I don't seek no merit, but seek no mistakes.


The first half of this sentence is quite sincere, but the second half is a bit contrary to my will.

Is there any official in this world who is not greedy for political achievements?

The reason why he said this was mainly because he was worried that the political situation in Luzon, which had just surrendered, would be unstable, which would in turn affect his bright future.

This is the meaning of the word "stable" in this sentence.

Although he understood in his heart, Qi Yu still chose to see through it without saying anything. After decisively closing his mouth, he squinted his eyes and drank tea.

Lu Boxuan seemed to have no intention of discussing Lu Song, and began to ask other questions: "Master Qi suddenly came to the provincial government office. I wonder what your purpose is? If so, I hope you can tell me clearly!"

It means that we are both foxes for thousands of years, so there is really no need to talk about idle chatter.

It's better to get straight to the point.


"To be honest, Mr. Lu, I intend to recover the land of Dawan and then transfer it to the provincial government to take over. What do you think?"

Give me credit for your efforts?

When Lu Boxuan heard this, he was overjoyed at first, and then changed to the same state as before, and said calmly: "If this great achievement were placed in the past, I would definitely be ecstatic, but now, I just want to win in stability, not

I am not interested at all in whether Dawan returns or not."

However, Qi Yu chuckled and continued following the words: "Oh? Since your Excellency has no interest in the land of Dawan, what do you think of Qiongzhou accepting it?"

oh, I get it.

This sentence is the real purpose of your coming here.

Listening means understanding, but not thinking about it.

You, Qiongzhou, are far apart from Dawan, and the wells and rivers have never interfered with each other. If this is the case, why do you covet other people's land?

Regarding Lu Boxuan's question, Qi Yu didn't hide anything and told all the grudges before and after.

However, he deliberately kept the matter about the Lost Pearl out of the water. It was a top secret, and the fewer people who knew about it, the better.

"Oh, so that's it..."

"Master Lu, do you think this Dawan should be invaded?"

This chapter has been completed!
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