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Chapter 476 Private Capital

In fact, before Yu Hai arrived in Qiong, he had already previewed some lessons in advance.

The first thing is to learn as much as possible about Qiongzhou’s past history and recent development history. Although we can only get a glimpse, we can also get a general idea of ​​it.

In his impression, there had been a large-scale old house renovation movement in Qiongzhou earlier. Specifically, the government funded the construction and used the necessary materials, and the people contributed their work and efforts. Through the cooperation between the government and the people,

, and ultimately work together to achieve success.

Therefore, Yu Hai used this past history as a reference and conducted an in-depth analysis.

"Sir Qi, the expansion of private housing we are facing now is completely different in nature from the previous housing renovation in Qiongzhou. The two cannot be generalized, nor can they be treated in the same way."

Qi Yu took a sip of tea and asked: "Master Yu, please tell me, what is the difference between the two?"

Yu Hai shook his head for a moment and said, "Let me make a comparison from a political perspective first. In the past, Qiongzhou was plagued by rampant banditry, poverty and backwardness, and the people were complaining and almost lost confidence in the government. It is precisely because of this

That’s why we created heroes like Na Yan.”

"My lord, under such circumstances, you launched the so-called housing renovation in a timely manner, which won the hearts of the people in one fell swoop. At the same time, it also greatly improved the image of the government. However, the situation is different now. All these people who are in urgent need of housing are

The migrant population has no sense of belonging to Qiongzhou. Even if they are provided with corresponding housing, they will only regard it as their second hometown. It can be seen that free housing allocation has no political benefits.


Qi Yu acknowledged this and asked: "Besides this, is there anything else?"

"Yes!" Yu Hai cleared his throat and continued: "In Qiongzhou before, the local population was only about 300,000. If converted into households, it was more than 50,000. For a construction of this scale, the Yamen

The finances can still barely sustain it. Looking at the current situation, according to statistics from Hufang, the total number of outsiders in this wave exceeds 700,000, which is almost as much as the population of a large state capital.

To put it bluntly, if each of their households is given a free house, our provincial government's finances will definitely be stretched."


Yu Hai maintained an objective attitude, analyzed it from both political and financial perspectives, and explained the pros and cons in detail.

At the same time, he also hinted at his own point of view: housing expansion is absolutely undesirable.

However, if this housing is not built, it will be detrimental to the long-term stability of Qiongzhou, which is something no governor wants to see. But if the government insists on taking the lead, it may face a financial crisis.

It's really a bit of a contradiction.

Thinking of this, the three commanders all sighed and showed helpless expressions.

Qi Yu still insists that a large population is not a so-called burden, but a huge social resource. Only incompetent people who do not know how to govern will use a large population as an excuse for poverty.

Besides, the current total population of Qiongzhou Island, both inside and outside, is a large number of one million. Can this small number of people be called a large number?

You know, in the previous life, the population of any first-tier city in the previous life exceeded 10 million. Could it be said that a province under one's own rule cannot compare to a city in the previous life?

This is not logical.

Let’s talk about now.

How to properly solve this housing problem?

Qi Yu scratched his head and sighed: "It seems that it is time to consider introducing private capital."

"What? Private...capital?"

"What does this mean?"


Seeing that the three of them were all confused, Qi Yu could only explain in detail, "The Dafeng Dynasty we are currently in is in the prosperous stage of development, and in the prosperous age, there are two more prominent ones.

Characteristics: In addition to the country's strong economy and military, there is also an important symbol that is often overlooked, which is 'wealth is hidden among the people'."


Guan Zhongyou said: When the people are not captured, the people will be rich. If sacrifices are not neglected, the cattle and sheep will be rich.

On the other hand, only by making the people rich can we truly strive for governance.

Only when the two major items of national wealth and people's prosperity are achieved can a truly prosperous dynasty be achieved.

The current Dafeng Dynasty, after several generations of kings' efforts to govern and recuperate, has become truly powerful. Don't look at the emperor crying and complaining about poverty every day, but the capital savings of the people are not ambiguous at all.

Of course, the private capital mentioned here mainly refers to various elites in the industrial, agricultural, and business circles.

Qi Yu felt that he should actively attract these wealth elements and let these private capital continue to contribute to the construction of Qiongzhou.

We Chinese people have had amazing creativity since ancient times. As long as you give them suitable living soil, they can reward you with a lush forest.

It is not difficult to introduce private capital, it mainly depends on how you approach it step by step.

What people seek is the benefits they earn, not some great free sacrifice.

As for real estate~~

Why not learn from the experience of previous lives?


"Sir Qi, what kind of commercial house are you talking about, and what kind of thing is it?" Yu Hai frowned and asked in confusion.

"The so-called commercial housing means that it is approved by our government office for a fee, and then financed and constructed by wealthy businessmen. After completion, it is legally sold to the public. In this link, our government office can obtain income from the sale of land.

, while businessmen make profits by selling real estate. In other words, both government and business parties are profitable and cooperate with each other. This idea of ​​mine not only solves the problem of financial shortage, but also solves the urgent need for housing.

, it can be said that it kills two birds with one stone." Qi Yu introduced it in an easy-to-understand way.

Yu Hai thought for a while and said worriedly: "There is something wrong with this."

"Oh? Please say it!"

"Suppose there are profiteers who deliberately raise housing prices to make huge profits, wouldn't that be equivalent to beating the bones of the people and sucking out the marrow?"

Hmm! That’s a really good question!

Very forward-looking!

Qi Yu gave a thumbs up and said, "Master Yu hit the key point in this matter with just one word. His acumen is really admirable! To tell you the truth, I have already discussed the issue of how to price housing prices.

There is an effective plan.”

Yu Hai was startled and asked for advice: "I would like to hear the details!"

This chapter has been completed!
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