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Chapter 046: Difficulty in Business

As he settled down in Fucheng, Qi Yu also began to integrate into the new environment.

I should go around and see more places like bookstores and literary workshops. In the future, this will be a place where I often come and go.

To Qi Yu's disappointment, after shopping around Fucheng, he still couldn't find a shop that bought and sold calligraphy and paintings.

Why not?

An elderly scholar told him that there was still one in the past, but later it closed because of loss of money.

Is it difficult to do business in painting?

According to the original idea, while studying in a private school, one could make some colorful paintings in exchange for some money on weekdays. But now, it seems that there is no market!

Is it possible to set up a street stall?

That would really make him a down-and-out scholar.

Forget it, let’s put this matter aside for now and talk about it later.

Yes, the school term is about to start, and there are still a lot of things to be done!

First, do some research to find out what the school spirit is like at this alma mater.

Since the Fu School has cultivated many good students in recent years, it has the reputation of being the No. 1 library in Yongchuan Fu.

In terms of location, Shuyuan is located in the south of Fucheng, about three miles away from Qi Yu's new home, so it is very convenient to get there.

Most of those who come to study in Fufu are the children of officials and students from wealthy families, and most of them are not locals. If we use the county as a definition, they all belong to people who study abroad.

When it comes to studying in other places, Qi Yu can definitely be regarded as an experienced old wanderer. In his previous life, except for the nine-year compulsory education, he studied in high schools and universities in other places.

Is life going to repeat itself again?

There are still several procedures to be completed before admission.

The first step is to report to the office of the government office. After verifying your identity, you can get the certification document, and then use this document to go to the government school to create your student status.

Qi Yu was a registered student of the new department, and he was still taken seriously, so he was not embarrassed when going through the process.

This is not to say that the consciousness of the officials is high, but because the future of the people is related to their vital interests.

How should I put it? As far as the political performance of local officials is concerned, there are three main focuses: taxation, public security, and culture and education.

Among them, culture and education depends on how many candidates have been elected within the official's jurisdiction. Don't underestimate this item, as it is directly related to the official's own civil service examination.

However, among the army of scholars who advanced to the next level, Lin Sheng was the absolute main force and naturally became the most popular one.

The management of the academy is quite open-minded and flexible. After completing all the procedures, a wooden 'nameplate' was issued to prove the student's identity.

Oh? Is this the prototype of a student ID card?

What surprised Qi Yu even more was that he actually received two 'school uniforms'!


Not really!

The government requires that students are not allowed to wear their own personal clothes in the library and must dress uniformly. In addition, students are not allowed to bring anyone with them or accompany students.

The main purpose of this is to eliminate the sense of superiority of some rich children.

Think about it, everyone is wearing gold and silver, and they are slaves and push. Does this still look like a scholar?

In short, everyone is treated equally by the government, and there are no big or bad names.

Qi Yu felt that this rule was really "neither". It is already difficult for children from poor families to study. If they are still inferior here, wouldn't it make all the scholars in the world feel cold?

This is a place where learning is more important.

Not to mention, the style of the school uniform is quite good and trendy! In terms of fabric, it seems to be a higher level than my most expensive one.

Nice clothes.

The key is, it costs nothing!

Everything is done, and all that's left is to wait for school to start. Calculating the time, there are still five days.

After casually wandering around for a couple of times, Qi Yu hurried home.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw my mother and my wife, heads next to each other, discussing something. When I heard it up close, I couldn't help but be startled.

The two of them were discussing a 'big thing', or planning.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law agreed that the family currently lacked income and was sitting on nothing, so they had to try to find a way to make money.


Qi Yu is in trouble. He can't carry it with his shoulders or lift it with his hands. What else can he do besides writing and painting?

Besides, I still have to study at a government school! Even if I can do something, I don’t have the time.

Liu Quan is very tired now and can't do much except taking care of some daily chores.

Once eliminated, only the mother is left alone.

The almighty Mrs. Zhou smiled: "I know a lot of things, and I can make money in everything, such as making steamed buns, steamed buns..."

Steamed buns?

Liu Quan nodded: "How about we give it a try, maybe we can really make some money."

This is a small business. Even if you don't make any money, you won't lose much. Just give it a try.


Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Only after I tried it did I realize that making steamed buns is not as easy as imagined.

The first step is kneading the dough, then fermentation, and finally there is the hard work of kneading the dough!

My wife is pregnant, so I can’t do it with my hands; I’m old, and I feel like I can’t move anymore after just two times of rubbing.

"I come!"

... Qi Dalang had to roll up his sleeves and go into battle himself.

Facing the giant dough the size of a bull's head, Qi Yu felt a little frightened. However, he gritted his teeth and persevered in the end.

Not to mention, there are some tricks. If you think of this dough as Yin Jun's, and grind it hard, it won't be as tiring as you think...

Make a fire, add water, and let it burn.

There was a blazing fire under the stove and steam rising from the cauldron.


As soon as the buns came out of the pan, Qi Yu couldn't help but move his index finger.

This is not to say how delicious the buns are, but that the previous wave of physical exertion was too great. How can I make up for it without seven or eight big buns?

Only when you are full can you have the strength to sell steamed buns...

"The big meat buns are just out of the cage. They don't cost any money if they are not sweet!"

"Mr., we are not selling candied haws, so how can it be sweet?"


It's winter now, and the buns are getting cold very quickly, and no one wants them once they're cold.

After doing the math, Qi Dalang didn't eat as many buns as he sold.

Business is hard, even selling steamed buns is so difficult...

It seems that I am really not a piece of material for business, so I’d better study with peace of mind later.

Just as I was about to close the stall, I suddenly heard a man shouting: "Waiter, bring me twenty big buns."

Hiss! Big customer!

Qi Yu raised his smile, but was stunned again: "Qi Jing?"

"Eh? Brother Shaocheng? Why are you selling steamed buns?" Qi Jing jumped out of the carriage with a look of surprise on his face.

"I have no choice because of the pressure of life. Let's not talk about this for now. Please come to the house to have tea." Qi Yu pointed and said.

"Is this your home?"

"It's just a humble house."

Qi Jing was stunned. This humble house was not cold at all!

If you own such a mansion, why do you still need to sell buns?

Even if you sell steamed buns, you have to go to a crowded place to sell them. Why are you squatting in front of your own house?

Qi Yu closed the stall and the two of them walked in.

Liu Quan learned that her husband's classmate was here and quickly made tea to greet him.

"Shaocheng, please get me some steamed buns to eat first. I'm really hungry."


The steamed buns were served with tea. Qi Jing took one bite at a time and swallowed it smoothly. He had the energy to swallow the whole world.

It wasn't until the buns in the basket bottomed out that Qi Jing burped with satisfaction.

After we had eaten and drank enough, we got down to business.

Before Qi Yu could ask questions, Qi Jing said first, "I escaped from home."

Qi Yu was startled and asked, "What happened?"

Unexpectedly, Qi Jing actually showed an embarrassed expression.

Okay, Liu Quan smiled and went to do other things very wisely.

After another pause, Qi Jingcai said: "To be honest with Shaocheng, I escaped from my marriage!"

"Haha." Qi Yu was happy when he heard this, "Escape from marriage? Could it be that your girl is not good-looking?"

Qi Jing said: "I have never seen that woman, and I don't know if she is good-looking or not." After a pause, he added: "The main reason is that the woman wants to recruit me as a wife. You think, how can I, Qi, be so handsome and handsome?"

How about inserting the door upside down?"

Qi Yu also nodded in recognition and said, "If it were me, I wouldn't be happy either. However, it's fine if you don't agree with this. Why hide here and there?"

Qi Jing said with a bitter face: "It doesn't work if I don't agree. My father can make the decision for me! Alas, he is interested in the power of the woman's side, so he thought of putting me up. I have many brothers in my family.

, it doesn’t matter if one of them is thrown out, but as for me, I will be the one whose appearance is sacrificed.”

Are you the only one who has any color to speak of?

What a horny woman that is?

It’s scary just thinking about it!

"Since you want to run, why don't you run farther?" Qi Yu asked again.

"Brother Shaocheng, listen to what I have to say first. I want to enter a government school to study and use this as an excuse to delay this marriage. Haha, if I win the imperial examination in the future, my father will not have to covet the woman.

Is it the power over there? Or, his old man has adopted a tacit attitude towards this matter." Qi Jing told the plan.

This makes sense, but it is a bit unreliable. How can it be so easy to pass the exam?

Although Qi Jing was not a local student and was inevitably forced to study hard, his family was well-off and he graduated from school, so there was no pressure on his family.

How could he be running away from marriage? He was clearly hiding from marriage.

But in this case, wouldn’t the two of them become classmates?

After chatting for a few more words, Qi Jing stood up and left.

He also had to report to the reception room, so he didn't have time to stay long.

Before leaving, he specially took out a hundred coins in change, saying it was money for steamed buns.

However, Qi Yu waved his hand generously and said with a smile: "Brother Qi, you're welcome! I remember when you invited me to dinner, it was a table full of hard food. I was embarrassed to eat it. I was just looking for an opportunity to reciprocate. Let's choose another day.

Why don't you go ahead and consider today's buns as my return invitation?"

The corner of Qi Jing's mouth twitched and he took back another hundred coins: "I said you should put more meat in your buns..."

Are you stupid? How can you save money if you have too much meat?

Qi Yu looked at Qi Jing's leaving back and smiled softly. It seemed that he was going to renew his relationship with him again.

In the evening, Liu Quan did the math and found out that not only did he not make any money selling buns, he also lost more than 300 yuan.

As a family, you look at me and I look at you, and finally we have a consensus: stop doing it.

So, the matter of Baozi was over, and no one mentioned it again.

The next day was a sunny day with gentle wind and sunshine.

Just after breakfast, I heard the door being knocked.

Someone is visiting.

Qi Yu opened the door and sighed: I don't know this person!

However, he saw a tall, burly man standing outside the door. He had sharp eyebrows and a stern look on his temples. At first glance, he was no ordinary person.

"Your Excellency, Qi Yu, I wonder what brings you here?"

"My surname is Huang. I am here to send you an invitation in the name of my master."

I took a look at the post and saw that it was written by a person named Li Liangji. The content was to make an appointment with me at Linjiang Restaurant tomorrow morning.

Who is this person?

I was about to ask, but when I looked, I saw that the man named Huang was nowhere to be seen.


What a weirdo!

This chapter has been completed!
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