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Chapter 497

After having supper with Wei Zeng, Qi Yu temporarily left the prison in Qiongzhou Prefecture.

However, he did not go far away, but stayed in the government office, hunkered down at his desk, and waited for the dawn of the next day.

Then, why doesn't he go home and sleep?

Its purpose is to solve a confusion.

He wanted to know whether the rumors about the steamed goose were true.

Because this rumor was very much a conspiracy theory, it gradually became a gossip in the streets and was often talked about in private.

For specific situations, please listen to the following table.

There were rumors that after the establishment of the Dafeng Kingdom, Emperor Taizu, who had conquered the world, was very suspicious, and then he became wary of a general named Xu. Over time, he came up with the idea of ​​​​eliminating the hidden danger.

It is said that at that time, General Xu was suffering from the serious disease of back gangrene, and his health was deteriorating, and he seemed to be dying soon.

Under normal circumstances, the emperor should show his caring heart and let the imperial doctors treat him. However, what is unexpected is that Taizu deliberately pretended not to know and even gave him a steamed goose to show his favor.

It is said that goose meat is a hairy substance that can induce poisoning and suppuration.

It was so accurate that General Xu died violently after eating the goose.

This is the rumored "steamed goose brings death".

Objectively speaking, it is difficult to tell whether this is true or false. At best, it is just a joke. However, one thing is certain, that is, steamed goose is indeed a hairy substance and has a certain pus-inducing effect on wounds.

As for Wei Zeng, he not only ate goose meat, but also drank strong wine, so it was impossible that he would not react.

In view of this, Qi Yu plans to wait and see what happens to verify the authenticity of this statement.

As for whether it is accurate or not, we will know after daybreak.

Sure enough, just as the morning light in the east fell on the earth, a jailer rushed over to report, saying: Wei Zeng's back injury suddenly worsened and pus collected, and there was also severe ulceration. If he was not treated, he would be in danger!

Ha ha……

Qi Yu looked up to the sky and sighed, Changran said with emotion: "Taizu sincerely does not deceive me, as expected!"

After laughing, he happily walked towards the torture chamber.

Seeing Wei Zeng again, Qi Yu didn't waste any words. After a few words of greeting, he immediately put forward his conditions.

as follows:

If you cooperate with me, I will help you heal your wounds. Otherwise, just work here and waste your time. If you die, just blame yourself for your unlucky life.

"That's weird! If I die, you will have nothing to do with it!" Wei Zeng said with a grin while scratching the unbearable wound.

"Really?" Qi Yu smiled disdainfully and said: "With so many people watching, what am I afraid of? Everyone's eyes are sharp. I didn't torture you, how could you find it on my head! It's hard to say. One point, if you die, you will die, what does it have to do with me? Even if this matter goes to Dali Temple, I will not bear the blame. Haha, I have been among thousands of flowers, and not a single leaf has touched me."


"Calm down, don't get angry. There is a saying in Yanzi: Those who understand the current affairs are heroes, and those who adapt to changes are heroes. As for the subsequent decision, you should think about it carefully..."


"My patience is limited. I'll give you a stick of incense to think about it."

Finally, under the double torture of body and soul, Wei Zeng chose to compromise.

Alas, I can't do it without recruiting, the feeling is really unbearable.

Seeing him spitting, Qi Yu immediately made his own statement: As long as he could answer his questions truthfully, his life would be safe. In exchange, he would let the gentleman from the hospital come over for treatment immediately without delay.

make a deal!

Next, both parties entered into a question and answer session.

Qi Yu was the first to speak: "Let me ask you, how did you find my father-in-law Liu Shouye's home?"

Wei Zeng replied without hesitation: "To tell you the truth, I got information about your connections through the people in your Taohua Village. All of them have criticized you, and they are very happy to help me to demolish you."

Oh? Is it them?

No wonder!

Although he was a little angry, Qi Yu still calmed himself down.

Now that I am a high official in the border area, there is really no need to disregard my status and argue with people like them.

Forget it!

Thinking of this, Qi Yu sighed lightly, already feeling concerned.

Then, he continued to ask: "Tell me, why did you imitate my painting "Tasting Tea"? What is your motive?"

"Sigh... To tell you the truth, that is the most boring thing I have ever done."

Wei Zeng shook his head regretfully, and then said in detail: "Earlier, I wanted to use that work to lie about being your southern friend, and then go to the Qiongzhou Prefecture School where you taught.

Everyone, try to get some of the teachings you left behind."

Qi Yu asked curiously: "What do you mean by asking for teachings?"

"My purpose is not complicated. I want to borrow your handwriting and use it to forge customs clearance documents for Qiongzhou ships. But who would have thought that all your teachings are actually written with a fountain pen, which is really difficult to imitate.

.In the end, all the hard work was in vain. I had no choice but to find a way to win over Hai Dalong."

Oh, that’s what happened!

However, thanks to his painting, otherwise, I might not have been able to find an entry point.

Qi Yu calmed down and continued to ask: "I say, since you are the eldest princess's consort, you must not be the kind of person who is short of money. If that is the case, why come to Qiongzhou to smuggle traitorous goods?"

Hearing this, Wei Zeng couldn't help but feel entangled.

After a while, he finally came to his senses, gritted his teeth and continued: "This matter is a long story..."

"No need to rush, let's talk slowly..."

Under Qi Yu's guidance, Wei Zeng finally let go of his grudge and made a candid confession.

According to him, these things were arranged by Yue Sixian. As for the cause of the incident, we have to start with the death of the Empress Dowager.

However, what Qi Yu didn't expect was that people in their circle knew exactly the cause of the death of the Empress Dowager.

Not only did they know that she died at the hands of the Su family, they also learned that the incident was caused by the defection of the former Queen Hu. If not, the Su family would never have obtained the relevant evidence.

However, now that the deal is done, it's too late to say anything.

With the death of the Empress Dowager, these so-called wealthy families also fell into decline.

All of this can be attributed to the predecessor, Empress Hu. If she had not defected in battle, how could the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager have ended up like this?

Therefore, revenge must be taken.

Moreover, we need to plan for future survival strategies.

So, this group of people, led by Yue Sixian, gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

At this time, Wei Zeng put forward his own suggestion: Don't you think Shen Sheng will die inside and Chong'er will be safe outside?

He felt that if he did not leave the capital in time, he would die at the hands of the Su family sooner or later. Instead of waiting for death, it would be better to cultivate some forces outside to establish a long-term foothold.

This high-level argument immediately received unanimous responses from others and reached a consensus.

The general direction is in place, but some details still need to be finalized.

At this time, Gao Ming, the well-informed governor of Fujian, offered them an olive branch. He said that he was willing to provide them with appropriate shelter, but in exchange, the power group headed by Yue Sixian had to pay him a high sum of money.

make a return.

This condition is reasonable and completely acceptable. But where will the money come from?

After thinking about it over and over again, it seems that smuggling is the most reliable option, as the money comes quickly.

So the question is, where is the best place to smuggle?

you still need to ask?

Naturally, I chose Qiongzhou, which had relaxed its maritime ban.


After settling the matter, Yue Si immediately sent Wei Zeng to sneak into Qiongzhou to make a head start there.

The specific plan was to have him open a brothel as a cover, and then conduct the transaction secretly. After that, Wei Zeng roped in Hai Dalong as an internal agent to seek common interests.

There is a reason why I chose a brothel.

Yue Sixian had heard that Qi Yu didn't take concubines, and he didn't like prostitutes, and he looked very unsexy. Using a brothel as a cover, he should be able to avoid his attention to the greatest extent.

In addition to these, we also need to look for opportunities to take revenge on Queen Hu's lineage. She was executed, but her daughter is still alive in the world!

If I don't get rid of this woman, it's really hard to get rid of the evil spirit in my heart.

This is the real motive for killing Mu Ziqing.

As for the previous rail damage case, it was purely a whim. Wei Zeng's idea was very simple. He just wanted to deliberately create chaos, and then assess the situation in order to take advantage of the chaos to ship goods.

But what he didn't expect was that the train actually stopped without any danger, causing no chaos or casualties. It was really a miscalculation.

After listening to this, Qi Yu couldn't help sighing and thought to himself: I remember that Yin Jun had specially told himself before that he must not let the turmoil of Kunji's change of ownership in the capital spread to Qiongzhou. And he was also paying attention and being careful.

, but I never thought that I still couldn’t avoid it after all.

This chapter has been completed!
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