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Chapter 701 Undecided

Holy Chrysostom!

Who dares to disobey?

With this order from the Lord, all the noise stopped abruptly, and suddenly everything was silent.

Only then did someone hold torches and light lanterns to drive away the darkness of the night.

By the light of the fire, Qi Xiao and Li Hongyu finally saw these people clearly.

Ah...what's going on?

How come there is such a big battle?

Could it be that some political change occurred?

Both boys were stunned by the scene in front of them!

After coming to their senses, they suddenly discovered that the person everyone was targeting was actually them.


I said, Your Majesty the Emperor, you just came here to watch the test firing, why did you bring the nine admirals here?

This will delay people's sleep.

Admiral of the Nine Gates:......

However, the next second, the admiral realized that something was wrong.

He felt more and more that the person standing on the small boat was the rumored prince, and the other one seemed to be Qi Yu's only son Qi Xiao.


After confirming the identity of the 'criminal', Admiral Jiumen was frightened to the point of splitting his liver and gallbladder, and broke out in a cold sweat.

Just now, luckily I didn't give the order to shoot quickly, otherwise, my own death would not be enough to save him.

Yes, if you take care of the emperor's son, why don't you have your house confiscated and your family exterminated?

Little did he know that there was His Majesty's other half son on that boat, and he could not shoot either.

Putting aside whether the eldest princess is a widow or not, if you really hurt her, it would be strange if Nanyang Qiyu didn't rise up!

In fact, the emperor was also frightened.

After wiping off the cold sweat on his forehead, he forced himself to calm down and said, "Why are you two wandering around the moat in the middle of the night instead of going to bed?"

The tone of these words was full of sternness, which made people's scalp numb.

At this moment, the unique domineering power of the superior person leaked out.

Even the prince Li Hongyu couldn't help but shudder when he heard this, and a sense of fear arose spontaneously.

Looking at Qi Xiao again, he was still as calm as before, and he replied politely: "Your Majesty, the night is long and I have no intention of sleeping, so I invited His Highness to go boating in the rivers and lakes. Once you come, you can appreciate me.

The Dafeng Palace is magnificent at night; secondly, it can cultivate your elegant sentiments."

Cough, spit!

Why are you better at bullshitting than your father?

Do you believe this yourself?

Could it be that you feel that I can’t bear to deal with you?

Suppressing the anger in his heart, the emperor asked his son again: "Hongyu, come and tell me, why are you setting off cannons to disturb the people this late at night?"

Li Hongyu's mind was running at high speed at the moment, and he soon came up with a magnificent reason: "Father, this is what happened. Ever since my Donghai Navy was defeated by the Fusang traitor, I have been restless.

, I am not satisfied with my taste, I am always concerned about the coastal defense construction of our navy, and I am always thinking about how to do my little bit for this."

With a faint sigh, he continued: "As the prince of Dafeng, I naturally have to start from myself and become a role model for the world. So I invited Brother Qi, oh no, it's my classmate Qi and me.

We jointly developed a practical warship to protect the country. We worked day and night and worked tirelessly, and finally achieved perfect completion today. Later, because I couldn't bear the expectations in my heart, I thought about the current test launch."

Cough, spit!

Are you still my biological son?

It’s only been a few days and I’ve learned to be glib!

You obviously made a big mistake, but you still find a grand reason to excuse yourself. Don't you blush at all?

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Li Hongyu really has a glorious image of caring about the country and the people and working hard.

Now, the only way is to deceive those people with foreign surnames who are watching.

The diaphragm should return to the diaphragm, and things still have to be dealt with.

The emperor said nothing, but he made plans in his heart.

If this matter is such a big deal, it will definitely cause uproar in the whole city. If a relatively suitable explanation is not provided, there is a high possibility that vicious rumors similar to 'son kills father' will spread.

People's words are terrible and must be dealt with properly.

However, in such a short period of time, the emperor could not think of any good solution.

In the end, he had no choice but to order that the prince and Qi Xiao be temporarily grounded, and other matters would be postponed until tomorrow to discuss as appropriate.

Well, that's settled for now.

After the judgment, everyone followed the orders.

Just as they passed each other, Qi Xiao suddenly turned around and said, "Your Majesty, my sister is better at controlling gunboats than I am. If she enters the capital, she will definitely become even more famous..."

"Really? I'll wait and see!"

Eh~~that’s not right!

There is something in the words!

If you interpret it carefully, it is not difficult to get a sense of intimidation from it. Haha, I bet this guy doesn’t want his sister to marry into the capital!

Even so, you don't need to play "Knocking the Mountain and Zhenhu", oh no, it should be said "Knocking the Mountain and Zhenlong".

Shocking and shaking, in the end, isn’t it a lie?


The emperor glared at him angrily, then angrily threw up his sleeves and left.

Half an hour later, inside the Wenhua Hall.

The emperor sat upright on the throne, frowning and sighing quietly.

The Wenhua Hall is where cabinet members vote on proposed policies. On weekdays, few outsiders come, let alone the emperor himself.

But today is different, the Holy Emperor came here without thinking.

There is no other reason than that I just want to be alone and quiet.

If it was moved to the harem, the queen would definitely rush over to plead for her son as soon as possible. In that case, she might lose the rhythm of doing things.

Is this difficult to handle?

Not difficult!

He just wanted to seize this opportunity to suppress the "resistance" of those who had ideas.

The prince doesn't need to think too much. He will definitely be acquitted later. A tiger's poison cannot eat its own child. How can he be serious with his own son?

As for the rumors about the son killing his father, they must be crushed as soon as possible to protect the son's face.

Qi Xiao couldn't let it go so easily.

It is not difficult to see from his recent statement that he was very dissatisfied with his marriage, so he made such a big noise to intimidate her.

Huh, if you don't fix him, how will he be able to do it when he grows up?

More importantly, he can also take this opportunity to beat his father's reputation. Even if he is loosely pardoned, he must be sincerely grateful to him.

However, there is a difficulty in this.

as follows:

If Qi Xiao is to be repaired, he will have to be punished in name. If he is to be punished, the aura of the Qi family will have to be erased. If the aura is erased, Qi Xiaotong's benevolent marriage will become somewhat untenable.

Yes, how can a family with a bad family tradition be worthy of the emperor's gift of marriage?

There is a logical contradiction!

The emperor thought hard for a long time, but couldn't figure out anything.

In desperation, another faint sigh came out.

This chapter has been completed!
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