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Chapter 704 Balance Disposal

After chatting for a while, the emperor directly waved Huang Fei away.

Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to ask for information about Mu Ziqing, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that the family scandal should not be made public as much as possible, so he reluctantly gave up.

Now that everything is done, what's the difference between asking and not asking?

In comparison, it is better not to ask.

However, before leaving, Huang Fei suddenly fell to the ground and begged: his amnesia has become more and more serious recently, and I am afraid that I will not be able to worry about you anymore. Therefore, I beg your majesty to allow him to serve in Qiongzhou and live his life.

The more forgetful you become~~

Oh well!

Since you claim to have forgotten it, what else do I have to worry about?

Yes, you are!

Moreover, the mountains in Nanyang are high and the emperors are far away, and it is almost the same as the frontier. If you die there, it can be regarded as a good death in a timely manner.

The monarch and his ministers had a tacit understanding of each other, and with one approval and one thank you, the favor transaction was quickly concluded.

After Huang Fei left, the emperor began to think about it alone.

Qi Aiqing, is he really as vindictive as he says?

If that's the case, Qi Xiao shouldn't be too harsh on this matter. If the relationship between them worsens, wouldn't it become a cold match later?

Alas, what should we do?

For a moment, the emperor seemed a little undecided.

After less than half an hour, he made up his mind.

Because, he just got a piece of evidence, which can basically make a conclusion for Qi Yu's theory of holding a grudge.

Oh? What kind of evidence is it?

Without him, it is just a memorial from Qi Yu.

He said in the book that the lost jade seal of the country has been recovered, which can be regarded as a successful completion of the three-year agreement promised during the debriefing. However, it is a pity that during the snatching process, the old monk holding the treasure was

Got away...

This was a good thing, but the emperor was not happy about it.

There are two reasons.

First of all, although Qi Yu happily expressed his joy of finding the jade seal, he did not mention handing it over at all.

This shows what?

This shows that he deliberately wanted to seize this treasure as a threat. The purpose was naturally to use it to exchange for his wife and children who stayed in Beijing. From this point of view, he did remember this grudge, otherwise, he would not act like this.

Secondly, he also clearly hinted in the article that Emperor Jianwu and others are still alive in the world. This is a bit embarrassing.

You know, he is the legitimate successor to the throne. If he does not die, his status will be threatened!

With the above two things in mind, it's strange to feel better.

Forget it, these all need to be considered in the long term, so let’s focus on the present first.

Since Qi Yu used the jade seal as a threat, he had to make appropriate adjustments. If he really pissed him off, the consequences would be disastrous.

If nothing else, he only needs to reveal this secret, which will be enough for him to drink a pot.

Therefore, harmony is more valuable.

Invisibly, the relationship between the two has undergone subtle changes.

The emperor held Qi Yu's seven inches, while Qi Yu also held the emperor's shortcomings, and the two tended to be balanced.

The result of balance is peace and harmony, and breaking the balance means both sides suffer.

Anyone who is not a fool knows what to do.

Taking this as a lesson, Qi Xiao's handling of this matter has principles to follow.

The next day, the weather was fine.

The morning light from the east shines on the earth, and the years are perfect.

The emperor, who had not slept a wink all night, dressed in fine attire and summoned his ministers in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Where? Hall of Supreme Harmony?

When the ministers heard this, they were all stunned.

According to the ancestral system, the Hall of Supreme Harmony is a place used for grand ceremonies. For example, the emperor ascends the throne, the emperor's wedding, the appointment of a queen, the general's expedition, etc. In addition, there are annual Wanshou Festival, Winter Solstice, and Zhengdan.

During three major festivals, this hall is completely closed on weekdays.

Today is not a festive day, why would Your Majesty choose to attend court here?

But the emperor deliberately kept it a secret and waited until the ministers were all itchy before he explained with a smile.

"Today is indeed a rare and happy day, so I chose to solemnly announce it in the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

"Oh? I wonder where the joy comes from?"

"Do you know, gentlemen, that our naval construction in Dafeng Dynasty has achieved a major breakthrough in a practical sense?"


The emperor satisfactorily suppressed the curiosity of the ministers and began to introduce it slowly.

According to his explanation, Da Fengguo has made leaps and bounds in the manufacturing of warships.

Oh, it turns out to be the military industry!


The emperor emphasized that the person who created this feat was none other than Prince Bucai Li Hongyu. Oh, Qi Yu's son Qi Xiao also helped out and contributed a little bit.

After saying this, the ministers suddenly realized.

I had heard someone say before that the prince and Qi Yu's son Qi Xiao were recently jointly building a small model of a warship. The military industry His Majesty mentioned must be referring to this.

What a guess!

However, is that small boat really as impressive as His Majesty praised it?


Before that, the emperor specially found a master craftsman to inspect it and asked him to point out its shortcomings. But he gave feedback that despite the small size of the ship, the manufacturing level was amazing, especially the thing called a steam engine.

It directly replaces the traditional sail!

In addition, he also suggested that if it is used as a template for grading, a truly practical imperial warship can be built.

This boat is worth tens of millions of gold!

Upon hearing this, the emperor immediately became happy.

He never dreamed that this seemingly inconspicuous boat could be of such value.

Hongyu, you have really made a great contribution.

Well, Xiao Qi Xiao also did a good job!

Thinking of this, the emperor suddenly came up with a plan: Why not use this excuse to excuse the two of them? If done this way, it would be a way for Qi Yu to get off the ground.


In this way, the emperor turned hostility into friendship and resolved the storm very skillfully.

In order to show the emperor's great kindness, he also specially made rewards based on merit.

Everyone knows that among many achievements, military merit is the greatest.

However, the prince Li Hongyu won this honor before even leaving the palace. What does this mean?

It shows that his civil, political and military abilities are quite powerful.

How could such a handsome man not be the future heir apparent?

It seems that in a matter of seconds, his reputation has risen, and in the eyes of some discerning people, he has even approached the throne of the prince.

Li Hongyu himself never expected that this prank would actually be a blessing in disguise.

Sure enough, only by following the big brother can you get a bright future. From now on, you must hold on to this thigh even tighter...

Li Hongyu unexpectedly gained reputation points, and Qi Xiao was also unambiguous.

After a period of hype without paying taxes, his military achievements were spread to be astonishing, as if he was a rare national master in the world.

Everything looks great, but there is a little flaw.

what is it then?

Because the mini-battleship was called the Great Emperor, it quickly gained the favor of the Holy Emperor.

However, because it is too small and lacks momentum when riding on it, it seems to be a fly in the ointment.

Alas, this emperor's number is not big at all!

This chapter has been completed!
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