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Chapter 062 The Township Exam Begins

The rural examination, also known as Qiuwei, is an imperial examination for students to advance to Xiaolian.

Being filial and honest means promoting people.

According to the current legal regulations, in addition to scholars, candidates for the provincial examination also include supervisors from the Imperial College and tribute students recommended by various places.

There are also those people who passed the secondary examination in the past exams. Their ambitions have not been lost, their pride is still there, and they still want to do something better again.

very intense competition!

From the perspective of assessment rules, the rural examination is a major node on the road to the imperial examination. It is completely different from the children's examination and the college examination, and uses another assessment system.

What's the difference?

Both the Xiucai and Tongsheng subjects are set by local officials or Shuyuan, and the quality of the results is also reviewed and judged by local officials themselves.

The rural examination is completely different. The questions in the examination are secretly set by bachelors from the Ministry of Rites or the Hanlin Academy. The teachers are also appointed by the imperial court. Local officials have no right to participate or interfere.

The title of "seat teacher" refers to the people's examination and above, and is the honorific title given by students to the chief examiner and deputy examiner.

In the entire process of the rural examination, the teachers were fully involved in the whole process. They personally supervised the opening, distribution and sealing of the examination papers.

In addition, all the exam instructors are temporarily appointed, and no one knows where they will go to invigilate the exam before the Ministry of Rites officially announces it.

This has two purposes. One is to prevent local officials from bribing examiners to add value to their own cultural and educational achievements. The other is to prevent someone from learning about the examiner's judging preferences in advance and then engaging in small tricks.

After hearing these words, Qi Yu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth and secretly sweat.

I have benefited from this before, but it seems that it will never happen again in the future.

In short, if you want to cross the threshold of the provincial examination, you must show your true skills, whether it is a mule or a horse out for a walk!

In addition to changes in the system, the various names of the rural examination are also different from the previous names.

For example, the seat teacher mentioned just now is a change in the name of the examiner. Also, the examination room is no longer called the examination room, but is called the Provincial Gongyuan.

The origin of the name Gongyuan also has some connotations. It is interpreted as a place that contributes talents to the emperor. This is just like something given to the emperor, it should be called a tribute.

Well, people and things are all a type of tribute.

The provincial examination is divided into three sessions. Each session lasts for three days, and you have to eat, drink, and sleep inside. After each session, there will be a day of rest in between.

The Provincial Examination is not a elimination system, and the assessment is based on the comprehensive results of the three tests. In addition, you do not need to look at the main list of the Provincial Examination, only the deputy list is shown.

On the day when the results come out, for those who are successful, a messenger will come to announce the good news in person, so just wait.

As for those candidates who have not received the good news, they can check the secondary list that will be released later. If the secondary list is still unknown, they can prepare for the next subject in advance.

In addition, candidates are required to prepare their own food for the provincial examination.

This is not to say that the government is stingy and reluctant to spend money, but there is another reason.

It is said that in the first few subjects, there were strange poisoning incidents, and many good students were poisoned to death, causing huge losses in talents. Later, after consideration by the imperial court, it was decided to change the provincial examination to one that candidates bring with themselves.


Yes, you can’t poison yourself, right?

So Qi Yu and Qi Jing went to Fangshi to buy food.

All the major vendors have made preparations in advance, and the food is also varied.

According to Qi Jing's idea, he really wanted to bring a few fat chickens into the examination room, so that there would be meat to eat inside.

Qi Yu secretly thought: Why don't you bring up a bottle of wine again?

It's impossible to be a fat chicken. If you offend the inspector, it's no joke.

Pancakes, pancakes and the like were more suitable and would last for a long time, so the two of them bought some.

After returning to the club, the two of them plunged into the sprint stage.

Qi Yu even strengthened his memory and recited it vigorously, wishing he could find another me.

Just like this day after day, I sharpened my gun for a few days before the battle.

During this period, Qi Yu did not find Yin Jun in the club, so he probably went to an inn.

That's right, if people don't have money, how can they squeeze into a place like this?

Calculating the time, tomorrow is the start day of the provincial examination.

Qi Jing said regretfully: "Since I haven't returned to my hometown recently, I don't have that kind of medicine on hand. I have to bear the filthy atmosphere of this exam by myself."

The corners of Qi Yu's mouth twitched, as if he had something in mind...

Early the next morning, everyone got up early.

Different from the past, no one greeted or greeted anyone today. They each packed their own test baskets and checked their own tickets.

Time's up, let's go!

The candidates all looked solemn, showing a great spirit of looking forward to death.

Tragic and awe-inspiring.


In the blue sky, a line of Zhengyan geese formed a herringbone formation and flew leisurely towards the south.

Look again!

On the ground, a line of scholars lined up, all staring at the dragon gate of Gongyuan.


A gong sounded and the entrance began!

The routine process operation is to check the floating ticket first and verify the identity.

Every time this step comes, there will always be a few unlucky ones who will be forked out.

No, there was a candidate who was accidentally robbed by a robber and beaten into a pig's head. Because he could not recognize his true face, he was "declined".

There was another one who was even more outrageous. He had diarrhea and dehydration due to a bad meal last night, and his face was skinny. He was also forked out on the grounds that he was difficult to identify.

A wailing sound of lovelessness passed through the ears, and everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and they couldn't help but touch their faces.

It's Qi Yu's turn.

Facing the inspector's gaze that looked like he was deliberately looking for trouble, Qi Yu looked nervous.

The clerk looked at him for a while and then said calmly: "Well, remember to change the shapely figure to plump next time. Okay, you can go."

Call me fat?

Ahem, can we call this a strong physique?

Alas, it seems that I will have to eat less meat in the future.

It was a near miss, passed.

Next is the inspection phase.

Since the candidates brought their own food, the test baskets became the focus of inspection.

At this time, suddenly a person burst into tears.

Yes, another person was forked out.

"That sesame seed cake really doesn't belong to me. I'm stupid. There's no way I could hide a little book in it..."

However, no one listened to his explanation.

It's obvious that this dear friend has been plotted against.

Since this case came out, all candidates have checked their test baskets again.

In addition, the distance between people has also been silently widened. Who is not afraid of encountering unknown plots?

Qi Yu even hugged the test basket directly in his arms, not to let anyone touch it or even let them look at it.

The reason why it is so strict is because I have criminal record.

It is said that in the previous provincial examination of a certain subject, someone actually came up with an incredible method of cheating.

Specifically, first find a bunch of large eggs, and then find a skilled craftsman to process them. First, use a bamboo-tip pen dipped in strong vinegar to write a little script on the eggshell, and then boil the eggs until they are half-cooked.

It will turn into an article egg containing the universe. The egg looks nothing special on the surface, but once you peel off the eggshell, you can vaguely see the text on the shell.

It's just hearsay, I don't know if it's true or not.

Anyway, strict investigation is required.

Therefore, no matter what food it is, it must be crushed and inspected.

Qi Yu started staring from afar.

However, they saw that the clerk reached out with his dark dirty hands, crushed the candidates' food one by one, and then rubbed it into powder with both hands. Only after seeing that there was nothing left, did he put the people in.

Qi Yu was very conscious this time and took the initiative to crush the food in the test basket without waiting for the clerk to do anything.

The clerk was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Thank you for understanding our hard work. Come on over."

"You're welcome……"

The next step is to take off your clothes, take off your hat, until you are naked, and do a full body physical examination.

The scholars, who looked like white chickens, were all arranged in the shape of the word "大", no, it should be said to be the shape of "太", accepting the inspection unconditionally.

It's Qi Yu's turn.

But he saw the little official who was responsible for the inspection squatting down, looking up at Qi Yu's family heirloom, examining it for a while before saying: "Well, there is nothing to pack, let's go over there."

Damn, can there be a cheat sheet hidden here?

Fortunately, fortunately, I didn’t meet anyone with the same interests. Otherwise, wouldn’t I have been teased?

Qi Yu tied up his hair and walked into the gate of Gongyuan.

At this time, another clerk came over.

"Get it, two candles for each person, keep them for lighting at night. Remember, be careful with the candles!"

“Thank you so much!”

This candle is free and is probably the only free gift in the provincial examination.

There is no guarantee or guarantee required for the rural examination, so there is no guarantee link.

Those who have made it this far have already proven their ability, and they cannot be the kind of people who try to cheat without learning any more. Besides, there are also prefects in various places to verify and check, so there is no need to guarantee anymore.

The next step is to draw lots to determine the number of the examination room. After getting the corresponding number, candidates can enter the corresponding examination room.

This is a temporary lottery, and there is no possibility of favoritism.

Qi Yu found an examination booth at the far side. It was in tatters and not well sheltered from the wind, and it felt freezing cold.

In the shed, there was a table, a chair, a shabby bed, and the bucket that I didn't hate until it was used.


Qi Yu's nose felt numb at the thought of thousands of barrels fermenting together.

After all the procedures were completed, it was already Chen time.

The exam is about to begin.

Suddenly, there was a bang!

The gate of Gongyuan was closed, and then there was the sound of chains covering the door and being locked.

Immediately, the small doors of each examination booth were also closed and also locked with iron chains.

Yes, people inside can’t get out, and people outside can’t get in. How do you cheat?

At first, Qi Yu thought that eating, drinking, having sex, and sleeping all in there was similar to what he did during the government examination. Looking at it now, it is indeed a big difference. If you don't have time, you won't be able to get out even if you think about it.

Yes, there is no bell ringing in the provincial examination. No matter you do it quickly or slowly, you will not be able to get out until you reach the certain point.


The gong sounds and the exam begins!

This chapter has been completed!
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