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Chapter 065 The Body Healed

Qi Yu fell ill and fell into coma, and was rushed to the hospital by Qi Jing.

After the diagnosis, the doctor came to the conclusion that the intrusion of wind and cold turned the stagnation into fire, which then caused the deficiency fire to rise, thus disturbing the clarity of the heart orifices.

What does this mean?

Can't understand!

Qi Jing scratched his head and ears for a while and said, "Speak humanly!"

After the doctor looked at the silver that fell in his hand, he quickly explained in a concise and concise manner: "His problem is not serious. He should be relieved after taking two pills."

I understand this time and the prognosis is good!

After that, it’s time to grab the medicine, prepare it, decoct it, and feed it.

Sure enough, after taking two doses of the decoction, Qi Yu finally woke up, but his energy was still a little sluggish.

Seeing his haggard look, Qi Jing sighed: "Shaocheng, you have lost your fortune."

"Oh...really?" Qi Yu looked down and saw that his belly had become flatter.

Hey, I actually lost weight.

Does the imperial examination have the effect of losing weight?

But when I think about it carefully, it suddenly dawns on me that I have to take three consecutive exams for this subject, each lasting three days, and I have to stay there for a full nine days. Don’t say I’m sick, even if I’m healthy, I’m bound to lose weight.

, not to mention eating so poorly.

However, my persistence was not in vain, and I passed the provincial examination in one go. As for the quality of my results, I left it to the teachers to judge.

Thinking of this, Qi Yu subconsciously clasped his hands and prayed secretly: I hope I can meet a teacher with the same horoscope as me to grade the exam. If you give me a bad grade, I will not greet your mother. God will prove it.

, never break your promise!


The ancients paid great attention to the connection between heaven and man.

This time, it seems to have come true.

In a room in the Gongyuan a few miles away, several teachers were nervously reviewing the test papers. The chief officer, Yang Gonglin, suddenly felt his nose go numb, and he raised his head and sneezed loudly.

"Ah sneeze!"

The spittle flies everywhere...

Yang Gonglin thought to himself: I suddenly felt a chill in my heart just now. Could it be that someone is cursing me?

Humph! Who else could it be? It must be the one named Wu!

Yang Gonglin used his little finger to pick out his itchy nostrils and said angrily: "Everyone, please help me pay attention when you are marking the papers to see if there are any good essays. If there are, please show them to me quickly."

The deputy examiner next to him heard this and asked curiously: "Sir, why do you have a preference for essays?"

Yang Gonglin sighed lightly and said with a hint of resentment: "It's not that I have this preference, it's just that I feel uncomfortable!"

"Uh...how do you say this?"

"Didn't Wu Wanrong get upset? He relied on himself to write a bullshit essay and got the emperor's praise. You see, he is so proud now that he is about to walk away!" Yang Gonglin said angrily.

The deputy examiner was startled and hurriedly agreed: "What your Excellency said is absolutely true. I have long disliked Wu Wanrong. He relies on his talents and ignores others, as if he is the only talented person in our Hanlin Academy."

"Hmph, he has been coveting to be a bachelor of the imperial examination for a long time. I... hum, I will never fulfill his wish!"

"What do you mean, sir..." The deputy examiner didn't dare to speculate and asked hurriedly.

"I admit that I can't beat him in terms of literary talent, but there may be one among these thousands of students! If I can find a good essay in the test paper, then I will submit it to the Holy Stairs and show him

Compared with that article, what else does he have to show off?" Yang Gonglin chuckled.

After a pause, he added: "But that guy's literary talent is indeed extraordinary. It's difficult to find good articles!"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

The deputy examiner laughed and said, "Sir, there really is such an article!"

Yang Gonglin's eyes lit up and he said happily: "In that case, why don't you quickly get it for me to read?"

"Yes, sir, please wait a moment!"

Not long after, the deputy examiner presented a bulging envelope.

As soon as he saw the name, Yang Gonglin was stunned.

"Qi Yu... I seem to have heard this name somewhere, but I can't remember it at the moment."

The deputy examiner quickly reminded: "Your Excellency, you are such a noble person and forget things. Do you still remember the "Dafeng Territory Map"?"

Territory map?

Oh...it's a colorful painting!

While thinking about it, Yang Gonglin said to himself: "I have some impressions. I remember that during last year's Wanshou Festival, someone presented this picture to the late emperor as a congratulatory gift. The late emperor felt like he had found a treasure and repeatedly praised the colorful paintings.

The painting is the best. In addition, it was said that this painting must be publicly displayed at the Zhengdan Dynasty meeting at the beginning of the new year to show the magnificence of the mountains and rivers of our Dafeng Dynasty. At that time, all the officials were in an uproar. Alas... but it was never

I think, before the New Year, the late emperor suddenly collapsed."

"What the Lord said is true."

Yang Gonglin added: "Later, I heard someone say that the author of the "Dafeng Territory Map" was a scholar. His name was Mr. Xingyan, and his real name was Qi Yu. Could it be that he was this person?"

The deputy examiner nodded and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, do you still remember that there was a locust plague in Yongchuan Prefecture last year? In order to provide relief, the magistrate of Lanshan County held a painting auction. I heard that,

The signature on those paintings is also Mr. Xingyan, so it can be seen that this Qi Yu is from Lanshan County. If the prediction is correct, it should be this person."

Yang Gonglin snorted and asked: "Could it be that this person wrote the good message you mentioned just now?"

The deputy examiner handed over the paper and said with a smile: "Why don't you read it before talking about it?"

Yang Gonglin took the test paper and commented while reading it: "Well, this person's understanding of the meaning of the classics is pretty good... As for the imperial edicts, they are quite satisfactory... Haha, this poem is a bit unsatisfactory... Hmm

?The arithmetic is all right!...This essay is okay...The policy is very well written and insightful! It has depth!...This essay, eh? It's really good! It's really exquisite!"

The deputy examiner tentatively asked: "Sir, how do you think this appeal compares to Wu Wanrong's?"

Yang Gonglin said: "Objectively speaking, this appeal is indeed much better than that guy's!...Okay! Make a copy of this essay quickly and send it to the capital at an eight hundred-mile speed until it reaches the holy case.

.Now is the time when we are denouncing the Emperor Worship Cult. If we submit a proclamation, wouldn’t it be playing into the hands of our emperor? Haha, Wu Wanrong, Wu Wanrong, what else are you proud of? Have you seen it? A scholar’s ​​literary talent can be

Overwhelm you."

When the deputy examiner saw that the recommendation was successful, he was very happy and couldn't help asking: "In your opinion, how should this person's performance be judged?"

Yang Gonglin stroked his beard and smiled, and said to him: "Although this person's poetry is mediocre, he is indeed insightful in policy and theory, and his flaws do not hide his strengths, so why not do this..."

Then, the two masters started whispering to each other.

As for the final judgment result, only they themselves know.

Is this luck?


Qi Yu never dreamed that he had never set foot in the capital, but there were legends about him in the capital.

He would never have thought that he once had a super fan - the late Emperor.

Back to business.

On this day, the autumn air is crisp, the wind is sunny and sunny, the cold wave that hit before has quietly receded, and the weather is gradually getting warmer.

Qi Yu's illness also became cured just like the weather.

Youth is capital, and those who are older cannot recover as quickly.

After the provincial examination, it usually takes half a month to 'release' the results. Of course, releasing the results here does not mean posting the official list, but announcing the results.

Anyone who wins the main list will have a special messenger come to their door to report their success, and there is no need to inquire by yourself, except for the deputy list.

During this period, all candidates can do is wait patiently.

However, they are not bored and have plenty of ways to distract themselves.

The first step is shopping. After a long trip to the provincial capital, how can you go back without bringing some gifts? It’s expensive? It doesn’t matter, just buy less! Haha, people who have this idea are usually old people.


As for young people, they prefer to participate in some so-called literary and poetry gatherings. They may be in groups of three to five people, or in groups of more than ten people, drinking wine and singing about life. Occasionally, when the mood comes, they will write a few erotic poems and enjoy them.

He is charming and suave, and I admire Shao Ai for a long time.

Of course, there are also people who are more enthusiastic than action. Those Qinlou Chu restaurants with red lights on at night have become a gentle place for the sluts. It is said that some rich people who like to try new things even went to experience a handful of Tatar noodles.


Is it a waste of youth to be romantic?

Some people are like this, but some people are exceptions.

Take Qi Yu for example.

At least, that's what Qi Jing thinks.

The two of them did not go out, but stayed at their residence to have a drink and live a so-called world of two.

While drinking, Yin Jun suddenly came over.

As soon as he entered the door, he covered his nose and said with disgust: "What does this smell like? Is this a place for people to stay?"

Qi Yu was unhappy when he heard this and said sarcastically: "You squeamish guy! No matter how strong the smell here is, can it be bigger than the respectful bucket in the examination room?"

It was okay not to mention the bucket, but when it was mentioned, all three of them took a deep breath, and Qi Jing almost dropped the wine cup in his hand.


The smell in the examination shed is the wine that captures the heart.

Qi Yu looked at Yin Jun and asked curiously: "What are you doing here?"

"I want to see if you are dead!"


Yin Jun seemed unwilling to stay here any longer. He put down the gifts in his hands and left directly, ignoring Qi Yu's surprise behind him.

what's the situation?

What's wrong with this guy? He actually comes to give me a gift?

Could it be that the hug at the gate of Gongyuan made him want to make noodles?


I don't like this!

After Yin Jun left, the two continued to have a drink.

After three drinks, Qi Yu took out a colorful painting from his luggage with a smile and gave it to Qi Jing. The signature on the painting was none other than Mr. Xingyan.

I once remembered that Qi Jing not only liked color painting, but was also his fan.

Then give it away!

As for where this painting came from?

Qi Yu claimed that he got it by chance and didn't say much else. Qi Jing was a person who had been very kind to him, so a painting should be regarded as repayment.

If Meng Lanshan hadn't told him not to show off, I would have really wanted to tell him that he was Mr. Xingyan.

Surprisingly, Qi Jing did not ask further questions, maybe because of trust.

However, he was so happy that he went out and bought three fat chickens as a thank you.

Looking at the chicken heads on the plate, Qi Yu couldn't help but think of his daughter and family.

How were they doing while they were away from home?

This chapter has been completed!
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