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Chapter 809

The sentence "Live up to the country and live up to your ministers" not only expresses the emperor's political philosophy, but also expresses his attitude towards doing things.

In particular, the three words "I will not let you down" can be said to be of great weight. Although it is not as solid as the iron certificate of the elixir, it can be regarded as a heartfelt promise.

This level of heart-to-heart communication is definitely not something that can be achieved in an ordinary relationship between monarch and minister.

Not hardcore, but better than hardcore!

In an instant, Qi Yu felt much relieved.

All the misunderstandings and grievances I suffered in the past seem to be nothing in the face of this trusted promise.

As the saying goes, a man will die for a man who knows him well, and a woman will look good for a man who pleases her. In the same way, ministers of the Qing Dynasty will be loyal to a wise king.

"Your Majesty, I have no choice but to support my troops and respect myself."

"Oh? How do you say this?"

"Don't look at the calm situation in Nanyang on the surface, but in fact it is surging with dark waves. Those naturalized stones from other mountains may not be willing to withdraw from the stage of history. It can be said that as long as you are slightly negligent, they will

We may take the opportunity to bite you. Without strong military force as a deterrent, how can we suppress these people? Unless we can completely assimilate them culturally, their hearts will never be loyal to China."

"Also, those ambitious foreigners have always been obsessed with destroying themselves. As long as they have the slightest chance, they will show their claws, and this Tianzhu hijacking incident is a living example. Weichen Daitian

If you are guarding the border, how can you not prepare for a rainy day? If you are prepared, you must build a steel-like army to defend our country's southern waters..."

Qi Yu elaborated on the urgency and necessity of government and military construction from both internal and external levels. If this is not done, internal and external troubles will follow one after another, and the construction results achieved will be in vain.

Of course, his real intention was to tell the emperor that Qiongzhou's support of troops was forced by the situation and did not have any ulterior motives.

After hearing this, the emperor asked him with a half-smile, "So, Ai Qing has no objection?"

Hearing this, Qi Yu's face froze at first, and then he said calmly: "Wei Chen has said more than once that Qiongzhou's sword will only be raised against external enemies, and will never be directed inward. I, Qi Yu, will never do it to my death.

That kind of thing of killing fellow countrymen. It is like this now and it will be like this in the future."

After a pause, he added: "Since His Majesty just made a promise, let me express my position here! I promise that I will be loyal to China throughout my life and will never think of betrayal!"

Loyal to China?

Why not say it is Dafeng?

Forget it, the two are pretty much the same anyway.

The emperor was in a great mood after receiving the promise, and couldn't help but smile up to the sky.

Qi Yu also relaxed his brows and seemed to feel a lot more relaxed.

The emperor's departure was just like his arrival, quietly and without a trace of dust.

At the shore, only Qi Yu, who had come secretly, was there to say goodbye.

It feels very low-key.

However, a low-key posture does not mean that there is no action.

As soon as the emperor set out, Qi Yu immediately sent a group of light frigates to follow him.

If something unexpected happens, this team is capable of protecting the Lord.

The current political situation is treacherous, so it’s better to be cautious about everything. Only by being careful can you sail a long-lasting ship!

After Qi Yu returned to the provincial government office, he immediately summoned Yu Hai and Peng Wenchang to discuss affairs.

Today's request is that Qiongzhou pay the ransom for the kidnapping of Tianzhu on behalf of the central government, and then rescue all the fleet and personnel on the voyage to the West. This is a divine decree and must not be ignored.

This matter is a diplomatic matter, and Duan Zicheng is the best at it.

Therefore, Qi Yu planned to leave this matter to Lao Duan.

"Sir, don't you plan to take action personally?" Yu Hai said curiously.

"Yes, this is the emperor's special order. It should be done by your Excellency. How can we choose someone else?" Peng Wenchang also said.

Qi Yu shook his head and said: "Paying the ransom is not a difficult matter. As long as people are not stupid and are not stupid, it can basically be done. Why should I go there in person for such an easy thing?"

As soon as his voice changed, he added: "Besides, I have more important things to do urgently. Otherwise, I wouldn't have brought you here to give you detailed instructions."

Yu Hai asked: "Master Qi, where are you going?"

"I want to go to Beijing secretly!"

"What...going to Beijing?"

Hearing this, Yu and Peng were both surprised.

As of now, there is still less than half a year before the debriefing day, so there is no need to set off so early.

What's even more incomprehensible is that Mr. Qi actually used the word "secret".

You can go there openly, so why do you have to be secretive?

It's really puzzling.

However, Qi Yu did not explain this, but just used a vague sentence to excuse it, "There seems to be a storm in the court now. I am worried that my family will be implicated, so I am so eager to go to Beijing for protection.


Anyone who is familiar with Mr. Qi knows that he is a good man who cares about his family, so his reason is completely trustworthy.

After deciding on the itinerary, Qi Yu made some specific arrangements to ensure nothing went wrong.

Today's Qiongzhou is no longer the barbarian land it was when it was first developed. Social order has been established. Even if there are no big officials here to take charge, there will be no chaos in a short time.

This is the so-called foundation.

After arranging the business, Qi Yu summoned Fan Yao and asked him to select 500 elite guards to go north with him.

As for the equipment you carry, just get it to the highest level without skimping on anything.

All that's left is how to ventilate the family members.

When I returned home, I saw my mother and wife discussing something.

Listen carefully, it seems to be something about Mu Ziqing.

This little girl has now been given the title of "Princess Linlang" by the royal family. Naturally, her status is very different from others. Anyone who sees her must address her as "Your Highness, Princess".

Liu Quan seemed a little worried that this daughter-in-law would take advantage of her royal status to ride on him in the future.

If that's the case, where is the dignity of my mother-in-law?

Although she has the dazzling aura of a royal lady, compared with the royal princess, she is still one level behind.

When Mrs. Zhou heard this, she was a little panicked.

If the daughter-in-law of the country's wife cannot even be ranked high, then wouldn't she be even less worthy of being the grandmother of Gaoming's wife?

The more the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law thought about it, the more uncomfortable they felt, so they started chattering.

It seems that Mu Ziqing's ban has become a huge nuisance.

This chapter has been completed!
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