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Chapter 814

The prison in Dali Temple is much higher-level than the Penal Department.

After all, the prisoners living here are rich and noble, and are not comparable to ordinary people.

It is also conceivable that Yao Hongyun, who came from a commoner background, stood out from the crowd.

However, these are no longer important.

Whether it is a phoenix or a rooster, after the feathers are plucked, are they still the same bare-butted beast?

No one should laugh at anyone.

Speaking of Yin Jun, while greeting the prisoners he knew, he walked to the cell where Yao Hongyun was imprisoned.

When I got closer, I saw Meng Jiming, the young minister of Dali Temple, interrogating something.

Gee, I really didn’t expect that!

He actually realized something was wrong just like him, and hurriedly ran over to confirm it.

In this way, I saved my precious saliva.

"Mr. Meng, what did you ask?"

"Lord Yin, you might as well move a little bit and let's have a confidential discussion in private."

"That's fine!"


Shaoqing and the two of them came to Meng Jiming's office together.

After a certain yamen servant served two cups of tea, he closed the door and windows with lowered eyebrows and retreated.

"Master Yin, do you still remember the favoritism and fraud case in Qiongzhou?"

"Fraud case..."

Yin Jun just thought about it briefly, and the past events resurfaced again.

I still remember that the imperial examination fraud case in Qiongzhou was finally dismissed due to insufficient evidence and illogical logic.

However, it is not difficult to see from this incident that someone must have deliberately wanted to frame him.

Yin Jun didn't hold anything back and explained everything he knew about the situation.

Meng Jiming smiled and said, "Master Yin, do you know that the so-called 'Mr. Shou Shan' is the one Yao Hongyun deliberately pretended to be?"

"Is it him?" Yin Jun was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but open his mouth.

"According to Yao Hongyun's confession, when he just returned from overseas, because he was penniless, he often did some sneaky and dirty things. Unexpectedly, he fell into the hands of the housekeeper of the Shouxing Mansion. Surprisingly, the housekeeper not only

Instead of being angry, I admired other people's methods of stealing and stealing. So I bribed them with some kindness..."

"Later, the housekeeper secretly gave him a provincial examination paper and asked him to pretend to be a mysterious evangelist who claimed to be 'Mr. Shou Shan', specifically to deceive the foreign businessmen who came from Qiongzhou. The purpose was natural.

Yes, the contents of the test papers were spread to various places in Qiongzhou. But who knew that Yao Hongyun's ability to do things was very insufficient. He deceived him for several days before only throwing out two test papers. Of course, this and his greedy sales

There is some relationship..."



No wonder this fraud case is so weird. There are only two identical answer sheets. It turns out that the problem lies here.

This connection makes sense.

However, it makes sense, but a new problem arises.

The imperial examination papers were all personally controlled by the Minister of Rites. If this was the case, how did the steward of the Shouxu Mansion obtain it?

The answer is almost obvious.

It must have been Liang Shoufu who obtained the volume from the Minister of Rites through his own power.

The purpose was naturally to bring some discredit to Qi Yu's official position, so that he would not be promoted.

"I didn't expect that Qi Xiao's case would be implicated to this extent! You see, the chief minister of the cabinet, the nine admirals, Zongzheng of the imperial family, and the minister of the Ministry of War were all involved. Now, there is another one.

A senior member of the Ministry of Rites." Meng Jiming couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh, with a worried look on his face.

Yin Jun also frowned and sighed: "Such a major case requires extraordinary courage to decide. Dali Temple seems a bit far-fetched. Even if His Majesty is the judge, it is estimated that it will be difficult to make a decision!"

Different from the tone he used to motivate Fu Renyi before, Lord Yin at this time was quite candid.

This is not exaggerated alarmism.

If we were to pull down all the guys on the list, then half of Dafeng Dynasty would have collapsed.

If the pillars are damaged, how can the temple remain intact?

According to preliminary estimates, this case will most likely be shelved until His Majesty returns to the palace before making a decision.

That is to say, the Holy Judge is the judge.

Think about it, except for the current Emperor Sheng, who would dare to openly accept this kind of job?

Yin Jun calmed down and explained: "No matter what, let's enter this matter into the case first. As the saying goes, if there are too many lice, don't be afraid of being bitten. Since you have already torn your skin, you don't care about having another Minister of Rites."

However, as soon as his words changed, he said solemnly: "Tomorrow, I will announce the details of this case to the world and let it be spread as widely as possible. In addition, I will also impeach him properly, otherwise, it will be in vain.

This is all stuck in the procuratorate!"

Meng Ji said clearly: "No matter what you say, Mr. Yin, Brother Yu will definitely admonish you and follow your lead."

The results of the Dali Temple trial spread like wildfire.

Soon, word spread to the ears of relevant people represented by Liang Yingzhong, the chief minister of the cabinet.

This time, it exploded.

Except for those neutrals who were pretending to be dumbfounded, everyone took action.

In an instant, the solemn atmosphere suddenly increased dramatically, adding to the turmoil in this strange situation.

They all want to resolve this matter completely before the emperor returns.

Yes, once it is delayed to the stage of Holy Judgment, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Nipping it in the bud is the best solution.

So, how can we nip it in the bud?

The officials discussed and discussed, and finally turned their attention to the presiding judge of the case, Mr. Fu Renyi.

As long as he can put some water on the table in a dignified manner, then this matter can be concluded ambiguously.

Even if the Holy Emperor conducts a review in the future, it is impossible to completely disregard the original judgment.

Back to business.

If you want the minister of Dali Temple to indulge in favoritism, you must first try to pull him into trouble.

Only people wearing the same pants are likely to pee in the same pot.

When it comes to public relations, the old-fashioned approach comes first.

As a result, all the sugar-coated bullets in the form of rich and beautiful women were directed at the chief judge, Fu Renyi.

Then Lao Fu is also a person in a high position. What kind of big scene has he not seen?

He just thought casually with his toes and understood the intention of the visitor.

However, he also knew very well that he was on the cusp of the spotlight, and if he was not careful, he would be knocked over by the oncoming stormy waves.

To be cautious, he also pretended to be dumbfounded.

Haha, no matter what kind of sugar-coated shells you have, no matter how charming the money-laden beauty is, my old master will not accept it.

Not only that, I even avoid your people.

Therefore, Lord Si Qing became so ill.

The officials who saw through it but did not speak out had no choice but to leave angrily after seeing what had happened.

However, there is one exception.

He directly 'broke through' Fu Renyi's psychological defense, and even made him excitedly step forward to meet him.

This person is no one else.

It was none other than Lord Zhong Yi Zhong, the former chief minister who had not been seen for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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