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Chapter 824

Now that the risk has subsided and people have rested, the tense nerves in their hearts have finally relaxed.

What comforted Qi Yu the most was that his family members were all fine.

Personal peace is stronger than anything else!

He was in a good mood and his appetite was really whetted.

Such a big bowl of egg noodles was finished in just a few strokes by him.

After taking away the bowls and chopsticks, the couple began an in-depth reminiscing about the past.

Qi Yu first gave a brief summary of the development of Qiongzhou, and then gave a detailed explanation of the education policy that Yin Tao was most concerned about. After fully explaining the above issues, he made a statement on the emperor's southern tour.

In addition, he also mentioned that he decided to come here at the last minute because he received a secret letter report from Huang Fei.

Unexpectedly, something really happened in the capital.

If he hadn't arrived in time, the consequences might have been disastrous.

Then, we talked about Yongchuan and his party.

Yin Tao was as envious of the Qi family's return to their hometown in beautiful clothes as if they were scratched by a cat. Especially, she had a strong desire to admire Liu Quan's plan to build a memorial hall for Mrs. Guo in her hometown.

"Tao'er, don't get entangled. When we detour to Yongchuan on the way back to Qiong, how about I take this opportunity to build you an identical archway?"

"Ah! My husband treats me so well..."

After expressing his fair attitude over a bowl of water, Qi Yu continued his statement.

When he left Yongchuan Mansion, he specially left fifty guards to protect his family. For a remote place like his hometown, these people should be enough.

After the arrangements were made, we were ready to set off again.

Unfortunately, his mentor Meng Lanshan suddenly fell ill at this time and seemed to be quite serious. To be on the safe side, everyone suggested that he stay in Yongchuan for some recuperation and wait until he recovered before heading north.

The old gentleman seemed to have guessed that he had something important going on, so he accepted everyone's suggestions in a good-natured manner.

In addition, he also encouraged himself to take the first step and not worry about it.

Forget it, let’s do this first!

Just like that, I said goodbye to my husband for the time being.

However, when we sailed to Shandong waters, something unexpected happened.

I heard that Dagu Port in Shuntian Prefecture was temporarily closed.

As a last resort, the group had no choice but to advance by land again.

Later, after several inquiries, I learned that the reason why Hong Kong was closed was to capture a fugitive prisoner named Yao Hongyun. As for the exact reason, it was unknown.

He and his party were forced to take the overland route, and the emperor and his party must have been the same.

However, he was much faster than me because he kept stopping along the way. He must have entered the capital long ago.

That's why!

That's why Qi Yu categorically believed that the Holy Emperor must be lurking somewhere in the capital, watching from the sidelines, weighing and judging the current political situation.

"Oh...it turns out that the emperor has arrived a long time ago!"

"It should be! As for why he doesn't want to show up, I can't guess the specific motive at the moment. But one thing is for sure, he must be planning something, otherwise, he would never remain silent like this."

After Qi Yu finished recounting everything, Yin Tao made a statement about the recent events in the capital.

The focus is naturally on the circumstances surrounding Qi Xiao's case and Queen Su's attitude towards the Qi family.

Especially the latter, which has almost reached an irreconcilable level of tension.

"I never thought that Su Liu would be so bad and not even think about the past friendship at all." Yin Tao said angrily with lingering anger.

Qi Yu smiled bitterly and said: "Her badness is different from Liang Yingzhong and others. It is not caused by personal grudges. Her motivation and starting point are all to remove obstacles for the second prince. To achieve this goal

, not only does she not miss her old relationship, she may even disown her relatives."

To put it bluntly, it is an unabashed act of benefiting oneself at the expense of others.

In Qi Yu's opinion, Su Liu really interprets the hidden meaning of the sentence "If you don't do it for yourself, heaven and earth will destroy you".

When she needs you, she will try her best to pull you in; when she doesn't need you, she will just kick you away. She can pull you in and out freely without hesitation.

In her world, there are neither true friends nor permanent enemies. Everything is based on gains and losses of interests.

Whoever has breasts is a mother, no matter what is good or bad. After judging Su Liu, Yin Tao said sternly: "Husband, this capital is really in chaos. In my opinion, we should leave as soon as possible."

Qi Yu, however, shook his hand and replied calmly and indifferently: "Tao'er, don't be too worried. With the emperor here, there is absolutely no chance of anything earth-shattering happening. So, we don't need to leave right away."

"Then...what should we do next?"

"Stay dormant and remain unchanged to cope with all changes!"

What? Randomly?

Hearing this, Yin Tao couldn't help but feel confused.

Although this strategy is sound, it is a bit too passive.

In this regard, Qi Yu explained: "The five hundred elite soldiers I brought are all equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment in Qiongzhou. Such powerful strength is enough to deal with any form of small emergencies. Therefore, you can completely put down your worries.


"In addition, the emperor once promised me face to face, saying, 'I will live my life to serve the country, and I will live up to my country and my country.' Since he promised to never let me down, let me see if he can really do it!

If he says one thing and keeps another, why should I keep working for his lies? This is the fundamental reason why I came to Beijing secretly. The purpose is that I want to see in the dark

, how will the emperor handle Xiaoer's case if I don't put pressure on him?"

I mean, I want to find out the truth.

Although this matter is small, it is of great reference significance for the future career trend of the Qi family.

After Yin Tao suddenly realized, she smiled and said: "Whether to go or not is all decided by you alone, and I will never participate. Haha, with you by my side, I feel more at ease than ever, even if

Even if the sky falls, I won't be afraid at all."

"Don't worry, Tao'er, I know your husband well."


As he talked, the sky became brighter.

Look, the white fish belly in the east has now turned reddish, just a stone's throw away from the dawn.

Qi Yu blew out the chandelier on the table with a 'pop' sound, and then looked at the sky outside the window and said solemnly: "Today is definitely not an ordinary day! The nine admirals who lost their lives in the night battle will probably

Come to pick a fight. Why not, take this opportunity to hurt him!"

This chapter has been completed!
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