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Chapter 075 The Brother's Visit

After the relatives left, peace returned to the house.

Liu Quan continued to support her husband and raise her daughter, while Zhou took her grandson for a walk, and Qi Yu also began to calm down and picked up the long-lost book.

The home is very calm and quiet.

But outside there was a storm and an uproar.

Recently, Emperor Worship has once again stood at the forefront and become the focus of heated discussions.

First of all, it is the government. They print leaflets and post notices to publicize various crimes of imperial worship.

The students in the government schools did not dare to lag behind. They were angry, verbal and written, and looked very patriotic.

As for Qi Yu's article "An Message to the Bandits of the Imperial-Worship Cult", it became a classic that was circulated for a while. As for the reason, the students were required to recite the full text by the government school. If they didn't memorize it, they would be criticized by their teachers.

It is said that some talented people also changed the appeal to: the Book of Songs version, the Yuefu version, and even the Wei and Jin Dynasty style version.

The common people were puzzled. These literati were grinding about something every day, with angry expressions on their faces, as if their biological fathers had died. Later they found out the reason, oh, it turned out that the evil cult had insulted Confucius, the literary saint.

The common people were also indignant at the contempt for Confucius.

Yes, saints are almost gods in their minds and must not be blasphemed.

But don't underestimate public opinion. Thousands of rivers can form a river, and even the spitting of stars by one person can form huge waves.

Qi Yu believes that if the Imperial Religion loses its mass base, it will become a rootless tree, and it will only be a matter of time before it burps.

In addition, the government also began to formally collect corvee labor.

Yamen at all levels posted recruitment notices, transferred men, and overhauled the Great Wall.

There was an uproar again...

The people were very scared and resistant at the beginning, but the government office did a good job. They explained the details and questions carefully, which relieved the people's nervousness to a certain extent.

It seems that building the Great Wall this time is not as scary as the rumors said.

Well, there is indeed a big difference.

First of all, the number of people transferred was not as large as previously rumored. Moreover, the overall time of the corvee was relatively long, and the laborers also had appropriate breaks during their service.

Secondly, there is the treatment aspect. The country is paying for the construction of the Great Wall this time, and it is not using manpower for free. It is said that even food and accommodation have been arranged in advance to ensure that there will be no hungry people or sick people without medical treatment.


Of course, if you don't want to do corvee service, you can pay to redeem it. As for how much money you need to pay per person, it depends on whether the local magistrate has a dark heart or not.

All in all, these preferential treatment are all the royal favor!

It's already very good.

We are in a prosperous age now, and the national treasury is rich, so we appear to be so generous and humane.

Qi Yu also believed that Jinshang was a good emperor. He valued people's livelihood and did not overexpend manpower, which was very rare.

In particular, he extended the time of the entire project, was not in a hurry for results, and was very wise. It is a huge project, completed in one year and completed in ten years. They are definitely two different concepts, and the prices paid are also different.


In addition to building the Great Wall, there is also a big news.

Fight against Japan!

Yes, the imperial court has dispatched a large army south to take practical actions to protect the peace of the people along our country's coast.

At the same time, the emperor also ordered the construction of a large shipyard in the south of the Yangtze River in order to build a navy.

The emperor is very confident.

The rest depends on whether the generals can show their momentum!

The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying.

The weather is a bit cold and has cooled down.

It's winter now. It gets dark relatively early and the sun has just set. Every household begins to close its doors to keep out the biting cold wind.

Mrs. Zhou was afraid that her grandson would catch a cold, so she locked her child inside the house early, while Liu Quan prepared dinner.

In the side room, Xiaotong is doing the homework assigned by Master Peng: copying the pavilion style!

Compared to before, she finally looks like a female student now.

Qi Yu gave instructions to his daughter for a while, and then walked around the courtyard with his hands behind his hands, silently reciting classic articles and digesting what he had learned today.

Bang bang...

Suddenly, the door was knocked.

Qi Yu stepped forward and opened the door.

But he found a young scholar standing outside the door. He had handsome features and a well-behaved manner. He seemed to be a very cautious person.

"Your Majesty, Qi Yu, I wonder what the purpose of Your Excellency's visit is?"

The scholar saluted and replied: "Oh, you are Brother Shaocheng? How disrespectful!"


Judging from the meaning of this statement, could it be that our ancestors had some communication with each other?

However, my ancestors were farmers!

Qi Yu suppressed his confusion and asked: "Your Excellency, is...?"

The scholar smiled and said, "I am Meng Jiming, the son of Meng Lanshan!"


It turns out that he is the son of the husband. So, the name "World Brother" is really worthy of the name.



Qi Yu opened the main hall and asked him to sit down.

After sitting down, Liu Quan hurriedly served tea, and then began to talk behind closed doors.

First of all, greetings, etiquette is indispensable.

Although there were only a few words, Qi Yu discovered that this senior brother Meng was elegant and well-organized in his conversation, very much like his father.

And his name is both clear and has an allusion.

It is said in "Book of Songs Daya": Being clear and philosophical, he can protect himself. His name contains the meaning of being clear and philosophical to protect himself.

It is in line with Mr.’s philosophy.

After that, the two told each other their ages. Since Meng was older, Qi Yu called him his brother.

Meng Jiming smiled and said: "Speaking of which, Brother Yu, I still want to thank you."

Qi Yu said: "Uh...where do you start talking about this?"

Meng Jiming took a sip of tea and said slowly: "If it weren't for your "Dafeng Territory Map", maybe I would have been relegated long ago."

"Map? How do you say this?"

"Haha, don't worry, just listen to me slowly explain the whole story..."

"Brother, please tell me."

Qi Yu never expected that there was a little-known story behind that map...

Yes, the story is quite twisty.

It turned out that the "Dafeng Territory Map" was secretly passed to Meng Jiming's hands through Meng Lanshan's hands, and then he secretly donated it to the late emperor as a treasure as a gift for the Longevity Festival.

According to Meng Jiming, his purpose of doing this was entirely to exonerate himself.

Here's the thing.

Last year, Meng Jiming, who was the chief minister of Dali Temple, was ostracized by his superior, the minister, because of his "political disagreements." Therefore, he wrote to his father, Meng Lanshan, for help.

At that time, Meng Lanshan was guarding Ding You in Yongchuan Mansion, so he could not go directly to Beijing. At this time, he happened to encounter Qi Yu's colorful paintings, so he came up with a way to offer strange paintings to offset his crime.


If it were another family's business, Meng Lanshan would naturally disdain it, but if it concerns his son's future, he must deal with it carefully.

What painting does the emperor like to see most?

The first choice is naturally the Splendid River and Mountains I am heading towards!

Therefore, Meng Lanshan asked Qi Yu to try to draw a map of mountains and rivers. To his surprise, Qi Yu actually drew an unprecedented "Dafeng Territory Map".

You can imagine that if such a huge picture is placed in front of the holy table, the viewer will not only have the feeling of pointing out the country, but also have a look at the domineering power of Kyushu. The emperor is also a human being, so how could he not like it?

You guessed it right, the emperor not only liked it very much, but also regarded it as a treasure.

Later, because of his meritorious service in offering treasures, Meng Jiming not only was not demoted, but the emperor also promoted him from the temple to the throne of Shaoqing.

From this perspective, the Meng family has indeed received a great favor from Qi Yu.

"Brother Shaocheng, you are truly my great benefactor!"

"Brother, don't say that. Sir is also my great benefactor!" Qi Yugong cupped his hand and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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